Doctors told him that he would never be able to walk again, but on the 9th of January 1999 he defeated more than 1300 mountainbikers in the beach race of Egmond aan Zee.

The story of a fighter.

If you are interested in the cycling career of Gert-Jan Theunisse, or if you are wondering what on earth could make somebody become - and stay - a fan of that man, a visit to the rest of this site (despite its poor artistic features) will be definitely worth a try.
Unfortunately, my simple site hardly comes close to doing the great qualities of this special person justice.


Latest Updates:

Updated 2006:
* Photo Gallery -> the first "special" Theunisse photos are now up; please note that the site is still under construction.
* Climbed to great heights -> check out the youtube video of his stage win on l'Alpe d'Huez 1989.
* Honoured, reviled, forgotten; -> Gert-Jan reacts to the positive test of Floyd Landis.
Updated 2005:
* Climbed to great heights -> new pictures of a very young Theunisse as well as an overview of Gert-Jan's best results (all 1st, 2nd and 3rd places).
* Not quite finished -> the very last race in Scheveningen (sofar in Dutch only).
Updated 2004:
* Not quite finished -> marriage with Nancy (sofar in Dutch only).


Have you, just like me, been waiting for the moment that Gert-Jan Theunisse would be rehabilitated??? Then I have important news for you - something that, in my opinion, should have gotten a bit more attention from the media:
What I had always believed to be true has now been established incontrovertibly!
Gert-Jan was a clean racer indeed and therefore innocent of doping!

Read more about his silent rehabilitation which was made known to the public in an article of the Dutch magazine 'Nieuwe Revu'.


After seven years of trying and several almost-encounters I finally met Gert-Jan! The fact that for this reason I travelled all the way to the United Kingdom, does show pretty well how far I wanted to go. Past 16th of May at the fifth World Cup Mountainbike in Plymouth a dream came true! Here you see a picture of the happiest day - that is, up to now - of my life:

Having a chat with Gert-Jan and his wife Lieske

You will find more photos and a report under this link.


* Climbed to great heights; --> updated October 2006

* Cycled through deep valleys;

* Honoured, reviled, forgotten;

* Fallen a thousand times...

* ...and gotten up again!

Small pictures are courtesy of Cor Vos - see link below.
Disclaimer: this site will be under construction (still trying to make it look properly) for quite a long time! One of the reasons for the complete lack of updates is that I´ve been staying in Iceland for several months and during this period I had hardly any internet access.

Links to other sites on the Web

Photo archive of Cor Vos
Dutch cycling magazine Wieler Revue
The latest cycling news, facts and results

My other interests and occupations


© The Netherlands, 2006 Christina

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