Alan & Catherine's Web Page
New explorations in Europe for the Pongratz family, courtesy of the USAF and NATO.
This page last updated on Sunday, 26 August 2007
The BLOG Page
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Welcome to our attempt to describe our life and times over here in Mons, Belgium, as well as to send out little bits of news here and there.
Less than a year left here in Belgie-land! Catherine and I are beginning to line up the final bits of travel that we can in our last months here... one more major trip to Ireland (the northwest specifically, this time), a journey over to western France, to include stops in Andorra and Spain, and the winter break in Helsinki, Finland. If possible, we will visit Venice, Italy, Lichtenstein, and Greece prior to departure... but we aren't holding our breath.
The first row of downloads are still posted in .pps format. These files are large, but they contain multiple photos of varying resolution; I don't recommend you access them if you are using a dial up modem. To access the download of a Power Point Show, simply click on the picture in the table below and follow the directions in the dialog box that appears. (save the file) Otherwise, just left click on one of the second, third, fourth, or fifth row pictures to be redirected to a sub-page. We are continuing to work to create sub-pages that will encapsulate our trips around Belgium and other locales as we visit them... but don't you hold your breath, either.
Some fairly recent pictures with Alan's parents, who had the chance to visit for a few days in March.
A few photos from 'Tanks in Town' here in Mons. Every year, Mons gets 'invaded' by a group of reenacters that are here to celebrate the liberation of Mons back in August of 1944. It is amazing to see these armored vehicles, some over 70 years of age, rolling through town on a Sunday afternoon.
Want to know the weather forecast for our area? Click the link below!
And expect to see the word 'rain' somewhere in there!