Below are some of my personal pics. They may take a little bit to load but if you are looking here then you obviously have some time to waste so why don't you just chill out and wait. More pictures of Reiko-chan can be found here REIKO. Cat pics can be found here KITTYS and evem more cat pics are here KITTYS 2

This would be me!

This was taken about 10 miles from my house in Balsam.

Chris coming home from work.

Chris Trophy
Chris after winning first place in Kata at a local karate tournament.

Chris again
Chris again.

Chris and Sasami
Chris and Pretty Sami

Reiko with Daddy
Me and Reiko-chan.

Reiko and Me Again
A tired Reiko-chan and daddy.

at the beach
Us at the beach.

Samurai John.

What a view! And from my front steps no less.

WCU Summer
Summertime at Western Carolina University.

Another view of WCU.

me again
Me again back in '99.