This page was created because I have lots of top ten lists in my head and I needed somewhere to put them all. As time goes by more will be added. These are all just my opinions and random thoughts so take them for what you will.

My Favorite Roller Coasters
1. The Beast -- King's Island -- The Worlds Longest Wooden Coaster
2. Superman Ultimate Flight -- Six Flags Over Georgia -- Flying Coaster
3. Batman The Ride -- Six Flags Over Georgia -- Inverted Coaster
4. Top Gun -- Carowinds -- Inverted Coaster
5. The Hurler -- Carowinds -- Wooden Coaster
6. The Georgia Scorcher -- Six Flags Over Georgia -- Stand Up Coaster
7. The Outer Limits Flight Of Fear -- King's Island -- Indoor Linear Induction Launched Steel Coaster
8. Georgia Cyclone -- Six Flags Over Georgia -- Wooden Coaster
9. Thunder Road -- Carowinds -- Wooden Coaster
10. Face Off -- King's Island -- Inverted Coaster
Rides Not Included are the Drop Zone at King's Island and Carowinds as they are not Coasters. I have yet to ride Son of Beast so it is also not included.

My Favorite Actors
1. Tom Cruise
2. Brad Pitt
3. Jackie Chan
4. Jason Lee
5. Matt Damon
6. Ben Affleck
7. Owen Wilson
8. Ben Stiller
9. Ewan Macgregor
10. Colin Farrell

My Favorite Actresses
1. Kirsten Dunst
2. Nicole Kidman
3. Gwyneth Paltrow
4. Camron Diaz
5. Michelle Yeoh
6. Katie Holmes
7. Kate Blanchet
8. Julia Stiles
9. Shu Qi
10. Teri Hatcher

Ten Best Movies -- All types
1. Fellowship of the Ring/Two Towers
2. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
3. Interview With the Vampire
4. Dogma
5. The Godfather
6. Star Wars Trilogy
7. American Beauty
8. Full Metal Jacket
9. MI 2
10.The Crow

Ten Best Jackie Chan Movies
1. Gorgeous
2. Who Am I?
3. Drunken Master 2
4. Supercop
5. Mr. Nice Guy
6. Drunken Master
7. First Strike
8. Rumble in the Bronx
9. Miricles
10.Operation Condor

Ten Best Martial Arts Movies - excluding Jackie Chan movies
1. Enter The Dragon - Bruce Lee
2. The Legend - Jet Li
3. Wing Chun - Michelle Yeoh
4. Game of Death - Bruce Lee
5. Twin Warriors - Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh
6. Chinese Connection - Bruce Lee
7. Fists of Fury - Bruce Lee
8. Romeo Must Die - Jet Li
9. Fist of Legend - Jet Li
10.Once Upon a Time In China - Jet Li

Ten Best Stephen King Books - in no order.
1. The Stand
2. The Shining
3. 'Salems Lot
4. Wizard and Glass
5. The Waste Lands
6. It
7. Desperation
8. The Tailsman
9. Insomnia
10. On Writing

Ten Best Dean Koontz Books - in no order.
1. Dark Rivers of the Heart
2. Fear Nothing
3. Seize the Night
4. Night Chills
5. Dragon Tears
6. Midnight
7. Intensity
8. Mr. Murder
9. False Memory
10. Strangers

Ten Best Anne Rice Books - in no order.
1. The Witching Hour
2. The Vampire Lestat
3. Queen of the Damned
4. Pandora
5. The Vampire Armand
6. Merrick
7. The Mummy or Ramses the Damned
8. Taltos
9. Blood and Gold
10. Interview with the Vampire

Twenty things most every Southerner has done (at one time or another). This list was not made by me but comes from The Southerner's Book of Lists.
1.Driven with the AC on and the windows down.
2.Picked up a snake.
3.Caught a crawfish with your bare hands.
4.Lied to a Yankee about eating chitlins.
5.Actually eaten a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich.
6.Sat on a porch at night and listened to family stories.
7.Been bored to death by the same old stories.
8.Gone on a snipe hunt.
9.Taken others on a snipe hunt.
10.Gone to church on a Wednesday.
11.Cranked homemade ice cream.
12.Salted a slug.
13.Cussed at fire ants.
14.Square danced.
15.Watched a tobacco-spitting contest.
16.Gotten too close to a tobacco-spitting contest.
17.Learned to fry chicken so it's crispy on the outside and juciy on the inside.
18.Fixed a flat tire.
19.Made sun tea.
20.Say "hey" to a stranger on the street who you made eye contact with.

My Favorite Wrestling Matches - In No Particular Order
1. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat -- 1989
2. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Sting -- Anytime 1988/1989
3. Razor Ramon vs. "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels -- Ladder Match, 1994
4. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk -- I Quit Match, 1989
5. Cactus Jack vs. Terry Funk -- King of the Death Match Finals
6. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels -- Iron Man Match, WM 12
7. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart -- I Quit Match, 1997
8. Mankind vs. "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels -- Mind Games
9. Chris Jericho vs. Ultimo Dragon -- WCW
10. Chris Benoit vs. William Regal -- Pillman Memorial Show, 2000 (I was in the front row for this match and it was the best live match I have ever seen.)
11. Cactus Jack vs. Hunter Hearst Healmsly -- No Holds Barred

12. Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart -- Cage Match, Summerslam '94

Best Match-Ups/Feuds Of My Time(80's, 90's, 00's) - INPO
1. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Sting
2. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Owen Hart
3. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Mr. McMahon
4. Terry Funk vs. Sabu
5. RVD vs. Sabu
6. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes
7. RVD & Sabu vs. The Eliminators
8. The Hardys vs. Edge & Christian
9. The Rock & Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express
10. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
11. HHH vs. Mick Foley
12. Cactus Jack vs. Vader

Best Active Wrestlers - Not based soley on wrestling ability, but by in ring preformance and entertainment. Wrestler must be actively competing, not retired.
1. Kurt Angle
2. Hunter Hearst Healmsly
3. Chris Jericho
4. Lance Storm
5. Matt Hardy
6. Ric Flair
7. Chris Benoit
8. Eddie Guerrero
9. Shawn Michaels
10. The Hurricane Shane Helms

Ten Best Wrestlers Of My Time
1. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair
2. Mick Foley
3. Steve Austin
4. HHH
5. Undertaker
6. Shawn Michaels
7. Bret Hart
8. Ricky Steamboat
9. Sting
10. Owen Hart

Best Tag Teams
1. The Dudleys
2. Harlem Heat
3. The Steiners
4. Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
5. The Hollywood Blondes
6. The Road Warriors
7. The British Bulldogs
8. Owen Hart & Yokozuna
9. Sabu & RVD
10. The Eliminators

Best Gimmick Matches - INPO
1. Cactus Jack vs. Terry Funk -- King of the Death Match Finals
2. Terry Funk vs. Sabu -- Barb Wire Match ECW
3. Mankind vs. Undertaker -- Hell In A Cell
4. Hardys vs. E&C vs. Dudleys -- TLC Match
5. RVD & Sabu vs. The Eliminators -- Tables and Ladders
6. Atsushi Onita & Tarzan Goto vs. The Sheik & Sabu - Fire Match
7. Cactus Jack, Terry Funk & Gladiator vs. Atsushi Onita, W*ING Kanemura & Masato Tanaka - Street Fight

More to come when I have more time.