Here are just a few of my favorite links, not including the obvious such as Yahoo, Excite, Ebay, and Amazon.

Food TV Website Greal place for recipies and ideas. Also has show information.

Lance Storm's Website Great wrestling site, also has book reviews and commentary.

RF Video This is the best place to buy pro-wrestling tapes. They have it all, and I mean everything.

Asia I go here for all my asian cooking needs and also for Japanese snack foods such as Pocky and roasted wasabi green peas.

Dragon Wing Dojo My Sensei, Lorraine Lewis' website. Lots of info on herself and her husband Lawrence, her dojo, her training, her style,Trias Shorei, and some pictures as well. Great site.

Dark Childe's Japanese Culture Page This site has a ton of information on Japan and the Japanese Culture. I recommend it to anyone wanting to learn about Japan.

Martial Arts Today Sensei Duncan's site. Duncan is the karate instructor at WCU and is a Sandan in Sansei Gojo-ryu. Very informitive site about Sansei Goju-Ryu style of karate.

Chris' Shuri-ryu Page My girlfriend Chris' page on Shuri-Ryu style of Karate. Still under constrution, but has some info there now.

Kondo No Shokai Offical site for Shorei-ryu style of karate. Great site.

AWMA Asian World of Martial Arts. This is where I go when I need any type of martial arts supplies. Great prices and fast shipping.

Jackie Chan's Offical Page The world's biggest action hero now has his very own site.

Ultimate Dragon Ball Z A great resource for all Dragon Ball information.

Anime Nation Great site for all things anime.

WCUJAS Western Carolina University Japanese Animation Society.

Offical Anne Rice Site What it says.

Offical Stephen King Site What it says.

Offical Dean Koontz Site What it says.

Offical Laura Joh Rowland Site What it says.

C.L. Hargis' Poetry and Book Corner Great site with original poetry, short stories, book reviews and recommendations.

Post Just a cool place where people post their poems and short stories.

Western Carolina University Home of the WCU Catamounts.

Daily Quotes New quotes every day.