These are books I have. I am adding more as fast as I can read them. I have also rated the novels that I have read so far but these are only my opinions of the books, so take them for what you want. Those with no rating have yet to be read. Manga (comics) can be found HERE.

These are my 10 favorite novels/series/authors and I would recommend them to anyone who enjoys a good book.
1.The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
2.Anything from The Dark Tower series - Stephen King
The Gunslinger
The Drawing of the Three
The Wastelands
Wizard and Glass
The Stand
The Tailsman
Black House
Eyes of the Dragon
3.Anything by David Morrell
4.Shogun - James Clavell
5.Sano Ichiro Series - Laura Joh Rowland
6.The Witching Hour - Anne Rice
7.Anything by Hunter S. Thompson
8.The Vampire Cronicles - Anne Rice
9.Jack Reacher Series - Lee Child
10.Seize the Night/Fear Nothing - Dean Koontz
*11.Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling
*12.The Bourne Trilogy - Robert Ludlam
*13.Repairman Jack Series - F. Paul Wilson
*14.Atticus Kodiak Series - Greg Rucka
*15 Alex Cross Series - James Patterson

Some non-fiction books that I would recommend for a great read are:
Have A Nice Day - Mick Foley
Foley is Good - Mick Foley
It's True, It's True - Kurt Angle
I Am Jackie Chan - Jackie Chan
Napalm and Silly Puddy - George Carlin
The Tao of Pooh/The Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff
Everyday Life in Traditional Japan - Charles J. Dunn
Words of the Dragon - Bruce Lee, edited by John Little
Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi
The Art of War - Sun Tzu

My rating system isn't too orginal because I only read what I am intersted in, but it works for me.
*-Boring read. Don't waste your time, find something else.
**-Read only if you have nothing else to read.
***-Good book that should keep your attention.
****-A great book, also a must read.
*****-Classics, they should be a manditory read for everyone, in my opinion anyway.
FE-First Edition Hardback
CL-Collecters Edition
LP-Large Paperback


Anne Rice

Interview with the Vampire-PB****
The Vampire Lestat-FE & PB*****
The Queen of the Damned-PB****
The Tale of the Body Thief-FE & PB****
Memnoch the Devil-PB****
The Vampire Armand-FE*****
Vittorio the Vampire-FE***
Blood and Gold-FE*****
Blackwood Farm-FE****
Blood Canticle-FE****
The Witching Hour-PB*****
The Mummy or Ramses the Damned-PB*****
The Servent of the Bones-FE***

Dean Koontz

Strange Highways-FE***
Dark Rivers of the Heart-FE*****
From the Corner of His Eye-FE
Sole Survivor-HB***
False Memory-PB****
Mr. Murder-PB****
One Door Away From Heaven-PB
The Eyes of Darkness-PB***
The Door to December-PB***
The Key to Midnight-PB***
Seize the Night-PB*****
Dragon Tears-PB****
Winter Moon-PB***
The Vision-PB***
Twilight Eyes-PB***
Odd Thomas-FE*****
Life Expextancy-FE
The Dean Koontz Companion-HB**

Stephen King

'Salems Lot-CL*****
The Stand-HB******
The Dark Half-HB**
Bachman, The Regulators-HB****
The Tailsman w/ Peter Straub-FE*****
Everythings Eventual-HB****
Night Shift-PB***
Skeleton Crew-PB***
Nightmares and Dreamscapes-PB***
The Shining-PB*****
Bachman, The Running Man-PB***
The Stand, Uncut-PB******
The Eyes of the Dragon-PB*****
The Gunslinger-LP*****
The Drawing of the Three-PB*****
The Wastelands-PB*****
Wizard and Glass-LP*****
The Wolves of Calla-FE*****
The Song of Susanna-FE*****
The Dark Tower-FE*****
Hearts in Atlantis-PB****
On Writing, A Memoir of the Craft-FE*****
Danse Macabe-PB****

F. Paul Wilson

The Tomb-PB*****
All the Rage-PB*****
The Haunted Air-PB*****
Diagnosis Terminal-PB*****
Deep As the Marrow-PB*****
The Touch-PB

Peter Straub

Mr. X-PB****
Floating Dragons-PB***
Houses Without Doors-PB
The Tailsman w/ Stephen King-FE*****

Clive Barker

Books of Blood-CL****
Cabal(Night Breed)-HB****
Theif of Always-HB**

James Patterson

Along Came a Spider-PB*****
Kiss the Girls-PB*****
Jack and Jill-PB****
Cat and Mouse-PB*****
Roses Are Red-PB*****
Violets Are Blue-FE*****
When the Wind Blows-FE****
Cradle and All-PB
The Beach House-PB

Micheal Crichton

Jurassic Park-PB*****
The Lost World-PB*****
Eaters of the Dead-PB****
Rising Sun-PB

David Morrell

First Blood-PB*****
Blood Oath-PB***
Assumed Identity-PB*****
Long Lost-HB****
The Protector-FE******
Brotherhood of the Rose-PB*****
The Fraternity of the Stone-FE&PB*****
The League of Night and Fog-PB*****
Extreme Denial-PB*****
Burnt Sienna-PB****
Desperate Measures-PB****
Double Image-PB****
The Fifth Profession-PB*****(A gift from Lance Storm!!!)

Robert Ludlam

The Bourne Identity-PB*****
The Bourne Supremicy-PB*****
The Bourne Ultimatum-PB****
The Promethius Deception-PB***
The Matrese Countdown-PB***
The Aquitaine Progression-PB***
The Cry of the Halidon-PB***
The Sigma Protocol-PB****
The Road to Gandolfo-PB*****
Apocolypse Watch-PB
The Hades Factor-PB
The Holcroft Covenant-PB

Thomas Harris

Black Sunday-PB
Red Dragon-PB*****
The Silence of the Lambs-PB****

Laura Joh Rowland

The Way of the Traitor-FE*****
The Concubine's Tattoo-PB*****
The Samurai's Wife-PB*****
The Pillow Book of Lady Wistira-FE*****
The Dragon King's Palace-FE****

J.R.R. Tolkien

The Silmarillion-FE******
The Hobbit-PB*****
The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring-PB*****
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers-PB*****
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King-PB*****
The Book of Lost Tales 2-PB***
Unfinished Tales: The Lost Lore of Middle Earth-PB***

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcers Stone-PB*****
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets-PB*****
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-PB*****
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire-HB*****
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix-FE*****

Lee Child

Killing Floor-PB****
Die Trying-PB*****
Echo Burning-PB****
Without Fail-PB****
The Enemy-FE*****

Barry Eisler

Rain Fall-PB*****
Hard Rain-FE*****

Greg Rucka

Critical Space-PB*****
Shooting at Midnight-PB*****
A Fistful of Rain-FE
A Gentalmen's Game-LP(advance reading copy)****

Alex Kava

A Perfect Evil-FE***
Split Second-PB***
The Soul Catcher-PB

Tom Holland

The Lord of the Dead-FE***
Slave of My Thirst-FE***

Misc. Authors

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson-PB*****
Shogun, James Clavell-PB******
Gaijin, James Clavell-HB
Japanese Inn, Oliver Statler-PB
The Guru, Manley Hall-PB***
Siddartha, Herman Hesse-PB***
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, John Brendt-PB*****
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carrol-HB*****
The Complete Book of Lewis Carrol, Lewis Carrol-HB*****
Beowulf New Translation, Seamus Heaney-HB
Storm, Boris Starling-PB***
Every Dead Thing, John Connelly-PB***
The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty-PB***
Worst Fears Realized, Stuart Woods-HB
100 Hair Raising Horror Stories-HB
The Experiment, John Darnton-PB
Deliver Us From Evil, Allen Lee Harris-PB
Creature, John Saul-PB
Star Wars Episode One, Terry Brooks-FE***
Star Wars Rouge Planet, Greg Bear-FE


Martial Arts, Bruce Lee, and other books about Asian Culture

Discover Guide to Tokyo
Lonely Planet Guide to Japan
Japanese: the spoken language Part 1, Eleanor Harz Jorden with Mari Noda-PB w/ CD ROM
Living Language Japanese Dictionary, Ichiro Shirato revised by Hiroko Storm-PB
Fingertip Japanese, Walter Long-PB
Japan Cheap and Easy, J. Robert Magee-PB
Harper Collins Shubun Pocket English-Japanese Dictionary-PB
Fodor's Citypack Tokyo Map and Guide, Martin Gostelow-PB
Eastern Proverbs and Emblems, Rev. J. Long-HB 1881
Japan, Edward Seidensticker & Time Life World Library-HB
Hiroshima, John Hersey-HB
All-Japan: The Catalogue of Everything Japanese, Oliver Statler-LP
Everyday Life in Traditional Japan, Charles J. Dunn-PB
A Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi-HB
The Art of War, Sun Tzu-PB
The Art of War, Sun Tzu edited and foreword by James Clavell-LP
Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu-PB
The Analects, Confucius-PB
What the Buddha Taught, Walpola Rahula-PB
The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff-PB
The Te of Piglet, Benjamin Hoff-PB
Tao of Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee-LP
Tao of Gung Fu, Bruce Lee edited by John Little-PB
Words of the Dragon, Bruce Lee edited by John Little-LP
Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee edited by John Little-LP
The Art of Expressing the Human Body, Bruce Lee edited by John Little-LP
Jeet Kune Do Entering to Trapping to Grappling, Larry Harsell-LP
Bushibi: The Bible of Karate, translated with commentary by Patrick McCarthy-LP
Secrets of the Samurai:The Martial Arts of Feudal Japan, Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook-HB
Teach Yourself Judo, Syd Hoare-PB
Advanced Nunchuaku, Dan Ivan and Fumio Demura-PB
The Empty Hand: A Karate Wordbook, Rui Umezawa-PB
Essential Anatomy For Healing and Martial Arts, Marc Tedeschi-LP


Bourdain, Anthony; A Kitchen Confidential-FE****
Bourdain, Anthony; A Cooks Tour-FE****
Foley, Mick; Mankind Have a Nice Day A Tale of Blood and Sweat Socks-FE*****
Foley, Mick; Foley is Good, and the Real World is Faker Than Wrestling-FE*****
Angle, Kurt; It's True, It's True-PB****
The Rock with Joe Laden; The Rock Says-FE***
Chan, Jackie; I Am Jackie Chan, My Life in Action-FE*****
Witterstaetter, Renee; Dying for Action The Life and Films of Jackie Chan-LP***

Misc. Non-fiction
Carlin, George; Napalm and Silly Puddy-FE****
Harvard Classics; Chaucer to Gray-HB 1969
Harvard Classics; Addison, Steel, Swift, Defoe, Johnson, and others-HB 1969
Harvard Classics; Aesop, Grimm, Andersen-HB 1969
Harvard Classics; Cervantes-HB 1969
Harvard Classics; Dante-HB 1969
Harvard Classics; Homer-HB 1969
Harvard Classics; Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius-HB 1969
Long, J.; Eastern Proverbs and Emblems-HB 1881
Wilkinson, Philip; Illustrated dictionary of Mythology-LPB
Hamilton, Edith; Mythology-PB
Grimal, Pierre; The Penguin dictionary of Classical Mythology-PB
Syme, Ronald; The Roman Revolution-PB
Martin, Thomas; Ancient Greece-HB
Cantor, Norman; Civilization of the Middle Ages-FE
Tudge, Colin; The Time Before History-FE
Diamond, Jared; Guns Germs and Steel-LPB
Crosby, Alfred; The Columbian Exchange-PB
Cassom, Lionel; Ancient Egypt-HB
Seidensticker, Edward; Japan-HB 1962
Cahill, Thomas; Desire of the Everlasting Hills-FE
Wiesner, Ruff, Wheeler; Discovering the Western Past A Look at the Evidence-PB
Musashi, Miyamoto; A book of five rings-HB
Sun Tzu; The Art of War-PB
Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching-PB
Confucius; The Analects-PB
Rahula, Walpola; What the Buddha Taught-PB
Hoff, Benjamin; The Tao of Pooh-PB
Hoff, Benjamin; The Te of Piglet-PB
Brock, Hampton; Dictionary of World History-HB
Reader's Digest; The World's Last Mysteries-HB
Reader's Digest; Mysteries of the Ancient Americas-HB
Reader's Digest; American Folklore and Legend-HB
Reader's Digest; America Land of Beauty and Splendor-HR
Reader's Digest; America's Historical Places-HB
Childs, Henry ; Gardens and Graveyards of the Southeastern Seaboard-HB
Reader's Digest; Facts and Fallacies-HB
Reader's Digest; Reader's Digest Book of Facts-HB
Guiness World Records 2000-FE
Reader's Digest; Magic and Medicine of Plants-HB
Castleman, Michael; The Healing Herbs-HB
Cunningham, Scott; Cunningham's Encylopedia of Healing Herbs-PB
Wingate, Peter; The Penguin Medical Encylopedia-PB
Handal, Cathleen; The American Red Cross First Aid and Safety Handbook-PB
Physicians' Desk Reference; The PDR Pocket Guide to Prescription Drugs-PB
Fry, Allen; Wilderness Survival Handbook-PB
Manning, Harvey; Backpacking One Step at a Time-PB
Curtis, Rick; Backpacker's Field Manual-PB
Jacobson, Cliff; The Basic Essentials of Camping-PB
Camblos, Ruth & Winger, Virginia; North Carolina Round the Mountains Guide Book-PB
Gibson, Walter; Knots and How To Tie Them-HB
Kearney, Jack; Tracking: A Blueprint For Learning How-PB
Flach, Andrew; The Official United States Navy Seals Workout-PB
Betts, Gavin; Teach Yourself Latin-PB
Watson, P. & McAninch, W.; Guide to South Carolina Criminal Law and Proceedure-PB,
Clotter, J. & Kanobitz, J.; Constitutional Law-HB
Purpura, Phillip; Modern Security and Loss Prevention Management-FE
Purpura, Phillip; Secuirty and Loss Prevention an Introduction-HB
Greener, WW; The Gun and its Development-FE
Zacks, Richard; An Underground Education-PB
Hayduke, George; Get Even the Complete Book of Dirty Tricks-HB
Hayduke, George; Get Even 2 More Dirty Tricks-HB
Barrymore, Blaze; Advanced Homemade Fireworks-PB