Welcome to Andy's Guestbook. Feel Free to sign

Patrick - 07/28/00 01:53:55
My Email:Pat
Fav Food: Chesse
Fav Song: Night Rider theme

I love you andy! I know you know who i am. Muhahaha

Chelsea :) - 06/28/00 02:15:41
My URL:ChelseaBHS@aol.com
My Email:Chels
Fav Food: King Cake
Fav Song: When a man loves a woman

Hey! We made bunches of memories at WAS. I miss everyone and everything. Even though we live far away, we still have to stay close. Well, I like your page, keep up the good work. CHELSEA

Chris - 06/27/00 23:01:12
My Email:Johnny
Fav Food: i dunno
Fav Song: i dunno

sweet, im the first person to sign the ol guestbook.

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