Dark Age of Camelot

This site will host various information about Dark Age of Camelot including pictures, stats, and information on the Ice Dragons. I am Witness, Ice Dragon, I play on the Lancelot Server in Albion


Character Builder

Man I love Lut and I love his pics. Is that Stiggy? LOL

This is me as a fresh new recruit the the Ice Dragons.

This is my good ol' brother-in-law and I chillen' in the Barrows.

Even though you can't really see it, these are some dragons Vigil Hunting in the Barrows.

This is a shot of my guild leader and some guildmates.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this picture?

Those are some big guns Brule...

"Here kitty kitty!"

Me and Guildies getting ready to whack some Stungards.

This is my Alt Charater on the Palomides Server. I'm packing some heat for you Xynupin!

Please excuse all typos and incomplete sentences and grammer...very late...and I hate freshmen :P