Welcome to my Guestbook!

Diyah - 08/13/99 02:44:06
My Email:luvah1@yahoo.com

This is ya girl Luvah1. Your page is nice, but still waiting for you to put your picture on it. Holla at you later, cutey!

karen (krazykaz) - 08/11/99 19:43:26
My Email:krazykaz123@yahoo.co.uk

Very good well done!

garline - 05/26/99 13:51:33

You aight.

tanya - 05/25/99 13:41:51
My URL:/Pipeline/Reef/2292
My Email:flygrl_531@hotmail.com

i like your page a lot and i think that all of the time that you invested into it really paid off.

Lamont2 - 04/23/99 17:33:10
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/october28/Lamont2.html
My Email:giorgio_2882@yahoo.com

Well this page is looking very nice so keep up the good work. :-)

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