Survivors of Suicide
We are a group of suicide survivors that meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month from 1:30 to 3:30 at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.  We meet in the Tower of Hope on the second floor.
The meetings are open and it is a place to share your experience with people that will just listen.  People that share your same experience.
American Association of Suicidology
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network (SPAN)
New Hope Yellow Ribbon Fierce Goodbye
Radiant Jewel Interview with God
Art Heals, Art Works Life Keeper
Surviving Children of Loved One's Suicide
Email us at
Contact Us At
Jeri Livingstone
(714) 539-1429
Survivors Bill Of Rights  A Fitting Eulogy  
Pictures of loved ones that are gone  
Unanswered Questions Annual Candle Lighting
Poems and Prayers Kara King's story
Heartbeat web site
Tips for Survivors
Visitors to Survivors of Suicide