King of the Ring 1999

Click the Logo for the Results!

The Official N.W.A National Wrestling Alliance
Fantasy Wrestling website

The NWA Fatansy League is part of a fantasy wrestling experience and does not represent the ideas and opinions of the real National Wrestling Alliance, its executives, its officers, or its members.

"NWA Wrestling begins right here!"

NWA Areas of Interests
Member Promotional Tools and Events
NWA Member Promotions and their Bookers
Friends of Tradition

Page last updated on 11/11/99

The News
(scrolls up...)

Welcome to the official National Wrestling Alliance fantasy wrestling league. We share the official sponsorship from the NWA with our sister league the The National eWrestling Alliance and have been sponsored since October 1997

Browse through the various links and check out the official NWA website as well. We have additional information on 'the major league of wrestling' as well within this site.

Should you wish to contact us about joining please keep in mind we are a group of FANTASY wrestling league, not ewrestling. if your a ewrestling league please check out the NeWA for that.

If you would like to link to the NWA Fantasy Wrestling League drop us a line at and we will contact you back within two days.

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Positions open

We are looking for new staff members to help us out with the day to day operations like:
Webmaster, head bookers, etc.
If this sounds like something you want to do please email us

The NWA and NATIONAL WRESTLING ALLIANCE and any variations thereof are the property of PRO WRESTLING ORGANIZATION, LLC. All names and logos are used with permission. All rights reserved.

For more information on the real National Wrestling Alliance, visit their website at

NWA Areas of Interests
Member Promotional Tools and Events
NWA Member Promotions and their Bookers
Friends of Tradition