NWA General Guidelines

Thes guidelines are the ruling factors in this alliance. ONLY the owner of this alliance may change these BUT input will be asked for from the President and Vice President of the alliance. These guidelines will be reviewed once every six months or if a official inquirery is filled by both President, and Vice President on behalf of either them selfs or a regional member.
These guidelines take effect as of December 05, 1999.

Duties of the Staff:

Corporate Owner:

President: Communicates with the real NWA member bookers to get official sponsorship from them to give to the members wishing to open a fantasy league in their likeness. Collect new member applications and send a welcome letter to all new members. In general charge of all day to day operations. Acts as a goodwill representative to non-member leagues. Sends out a bi-weekly members newsletter and makes any revisions to the alliance guidelines.

Vice President: (Advacate to regional members) Once a month will email members to see what the alliance can do for them in ways of making thinks more enjoyable for them and perhaps their handlers. Creates opinion polls in member booker area that once answered by all members will help the alliance.

Head Booker: This person gets in contact with the member bookers about sending in bouts for the alliance PPV's. Informs members at least two weeks in advance of event. If a PPV event is not hosted by a member, then Headbooker will then host the event. Will discuss World title switches, angles, etc. with President.
Head Booker may also schedule appearances in regional promotions for NWA Champions to insure activity of said champions.

Shall participate in regular conversations concerning potential title contenders, angles, etc. with the NWA Owner, the NWA President, and the NWA Vice President via e-mail, ICQ and monthly chats.

General Counsel: Shall be responsible for advising the president on legal matters including rights to wrestlers, stable names, show names, etc. that may belong to another promotion in our world. Shall also maintain a list of wrestlers under contract to the NWA and advise the NWA President regarding re-signing talent as well as acquiring available unsigned talent.

Webmaster: Shall be responsible for updating, site development, and general improvements of the official NWA website as necessary. Basically will update the website at the very least twice a month. Any major site changes must be discussed with President, and Vice President and then if changes are oked a notice on the current website must be posted.


Reporter A.:
Records a Real Audio transcript/review of our alliance PPV's and adds their own opinion and then uploads the report to our unlimited space server.

Reporter B.
Helps "Shoeless Joe" on members news. this reporter will report on INternational members news. Also can report on angles spoilers/title switches.


Recruiter A.
This recruiter will post information about our alliance on fantasy wrestling/ewrestling news and information websites.

Recruiter B.
Once a month seek out people to help the alliance and member bookers by posting advertisements on pro wrestling/fantasy wrestling/ewrestling newsgroups like www.deja.com

General Guidelines:

These Guidelines are what this alliance will be operated based on. These guidelines will ONLY be changed by the Owners with some input by the President, and Vice President of the Alliance

Fantasy Wrestling: This alliance is first and foremost a fantasy wrestling league meaning that the booker controls the angles, storylines, and title changes within his regional company. Below are guidelines for which bookers MUST follow to be or contiune to be a member of this alliance:

Handlers: Bookers whom want to find live roleplayers for their wrestlers may do so BUT you must inform the handler(s) of these fact:

. The Booker has the right to pre-determin the angles, pushes, title switches, and feuds the said wrestlers may be in. Mostly what the handler does is add a personality to the wrestler.

. The Booker must tell the handler(s) about the angles, and other storylines that they will be roleplaying for.

Member/Bookers: Individuals whom wish to join the NWA fantasy wrestling league MUST follow these general rules.

Roster: As stated below in the wrestler area you must check the other rosters to see that the wrestler you wish to use is not being used.

Website: Members MUST have a website to promote their events, and to promote the general well being of the alliance as a whole.

ICQ: We highly suggest to all members that they have ICQ for communication purposes.

Regional Championships: The Booker must have their championships defended at least once every 30 days. If one of their regional champions wins a NWA World championship, then the booker then must strip his regional title from the said wrestler.


Championship title defences: All N.W.A. World championship title defences will be requested as the said promoter whom is requesting it will fill out a title request form located here. They MUST request the bout at least (2) two weeks before the actual date of the bout.

Booking NWA Champions

Promoters must schedule NWA Champions appearances via the NeWA Head Booker.

Promoters should notify the NWA Head Booker denoting the Date, Title, Challenger (if known) and promotion in order to prevent "double booking." Promoters shall also inform the Head Booker of the results of such matches so they may be updated on the Champions Calendar. These championship matches must appear on the Calander at least ten days before the scheduled match. Any NWA Title Matches not listed on the Champions Calendar (resulting from the regional promo