Fencing 101
Last Updated: March 22, 1999
The only place on the
web where you can
actually learn how
to fence!
What is this all about?

There is a pile of sites on the net explaining where you can go to learn to fence: This club or that, this university or that. There is a pile of online equipment stores. There are lots of results pages, listing who beat whom and when.

But there is nowhere one can go to learn the basics. To actually learn to fence: the moves, the techniques, the strategy etc. Until now!

This page is devoted to teaching the art and science of sabre fencing. Lesson's will include footwork, bladework, strategy, training drills, excercises and anything else I can think of!

Please understand! I don't intend this to take the place of actual qualified instruction and practice. The best way to learn to fence is to join a club and learn from a master, which I am not.

I simply want to add something to the mix: to give beginner fencers an idea of what it is all about, intermediates a place to review, and advanced fencers, well... something to look at!

Please e-mail me if you can any questions, comments, concerns or requests: I'll do my best!
Lesson One - En Guarde, Basic Footwork
Lesson Two - Holding The Sabre, The Lunge

Lesson Three -Four Targets And Three Parries

Lesson Four - Compound Footwork
Lesson Five - Compound Blade Work
Added March 4
Under Construction!
Fencing Links - A few of my favorite spots.
Coming Soon! All my favorite books on fencing, fitness, the martial arts, and more! (Under Construction)
Cool fencers have visited this site since February 21, 1999. Tell your friends!
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