
Bo Staff

Twirling Exercise: Spin the staff with one hand. This is done between the index finger and the palm.
Figure Eight Exercise: Bring one end down and up on one side. Then bring the same end down and up on the other side.
Overhead Strike: Bring one end down while keeping the hands shoulder width apart.
Upward Strike: Bring one end of the staff up so the staff is horrizontal touching the shoulder.
Two-Handed Thrust: Keeping the hands shoulder width apart, push with one end forward.
Double-Handed Block: Bring the staff up or down depending on what you are blocking. It can also block to the sides.
Upper Side Block: This blocks the left side of the head with one end. The reverse upper side block deffends the right.
Lower Side Block: This blocks the left leg with one end. The reverse lower side block deffends the right.


Blocking: Hold the Tonfa so the longer end goes along the arm, either on the forearm or inner forearm (aiding your blocks).
Blocking2: The tonfa can be spun out, to give an extra reach while blocking.
Striking: Strike with either end of the tonfa.
Striking2: Strike with the side of the tonfa, by spinning it on the grip.
Striking3: Hold one of the ends to strike the throat with the grip.
Figure-Eight Flip: Spin the tonfa on the grip, bringing one end down and up on one side, and then on the other.
Side Flip: This switches your hand from the grip to the end. Release the hand from the grip, spinning it onto the back of the hand, then continue the spin till the hand is back on the tonfa again.


Cutting Down: With both hands bring the sword from over the head to the front of the body.
Cutting at an Angle: From over the head swing the sword over one shoulder and then down at an angle.
Side Strike: Bring the sword over the head and then down from left to right. The reverse side strike is done with the opposit side.
Thrusting: Extend both hands in front. It is usually done with a step.


Inside Retraction: Pull the prongs up with the thumb. Then grab with the index finger on the handle.
Horizontal Strike: Flip the prongs out with the thumb. Then swing it up with the handle.
Vertical Strike: Swing the prongs down. then continue until the prongs face out with the thumb on the handle.
Augmented Outside Block: The prongs face downward while on the outside of the arm.
Outside Block: This can be done with the blade downward or outward.
Inside Block: Both Downward and Outward kinds are made to block across the body.
Upward Block: This blocks the head with the blade on the arm.
Upward X Block: In this the sai are both crossed above the head.
Downward Block: This can be done blade Downward or Blade Upward.

Throwing Stars

Holding: Place in the palm of the hand, closer to the fingers for short distances.
Throwing: Let it slip out of the hand, and you use strangth from the hip.
Breathing: Take a deep breath when throwing long distances.
Mind: When the mind is clear the waepon will find the right target.
Practice: Soft white pine planks are good to practice with.


Overhead Circle: Hold one end, and swing the other in a circular motion over the head.
Circular Side Swing: Hold one end, and swing the other in a circular motion at your side.
Figure Eight Swing: This is a side swing that changes side. When it crosses in front have your hand at chin height.
Double Nunchchaku Technique: Two Figure Eight Swing at once, double the attack.
Bottom Thrust: Extend one end into the front.
Swinging Bottom Strike: Hold one end, and swing the other to the side.
Pinching: Get the rope around an arm and pull on the handles.
Downward Whip Block: Hold one end, and swing the other down.
Double Down Block: Hold both handles with both hands, bringing them down.
Side Block: Hold a handle in each hand, and block to the side with one of the handles.
Upward Block: Hold both handles, one vertical, one horizontal. Brace the horizontal with the arm holding the vertical.
Top Side Cross Block: Cross the handles to block an attack.

Lightsaber (just kidding)

I wish there was such a thing, but there isn't.
It would be used like a katana except that the blade weighs next to nothing.

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