Slap Outs

Slap Outs allow someone who is thrown or who falls from somewhere to recover without being harmed severely. In some cases a slap out is good enough to save your life. With all slap outs giving a good yell is important, because it gets the air out of your lungs so that it does not get knocked out. If the wind gets knocked out of you, you will find yourself gasping for breath, which makes you vulnerable.

(Please be careful with these moves and all moves on this site, always have a qualified instructor teach you them in person. Be sure to practice these on a matt)

  • Come down with your lower back hitting the floor first, but continue to roll the back up to the shoulders to spread the shock.
  • Slap the arms out to the sides last to absorb the shock.

  • Tuck your head into your chest.
  • Stick your hands out in front of you and place them on the ground.
  • Push off with your feet and use the hands to protect your head.
  • With enough momentum one can come back up to a stand at the end.

  • This is done just like a forward roll but instead of pushing off with your feet you jump forward.
  • When you are in the air you tuck your head in and put out your hands to finish the roll.
  • This roll allows you to get over some thing quickly without getting hurt.

  • Stick one arm up into the air, and start to come down on that side.
  • The side of your leg should hit the floor first, and then continue with your waist and up to spread the shock.
  • The armpit, arm, and then the hand hit the floor last slapping it, you use the arm to cushion the head.
  • The leg on top, you should move up to also help spread the shock.

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