Something new just washed ashore!


11th of July 1999

**News Flash!** R.J Draper beat the champ, Scott Simpson for the BCW London Territorial Title. In other news, while Sam is gone. Houston Hardy, best womens' wrestler in the world is in charge. So get going. I wanna be able to put out a hell of a card

"Double H" Houston Hardy

24 June 1999

I have redone the main page.

**News Flash!** Scott Simpson beat the NEW NeWA Canadian Champion, John Cole for the BCW London Territorial Title in Canada a mere two days before Cole would go on to beat Adam Feirce for the Canadain strap. It was a match I ordered as both the presidne of the BCW and V.P of the LCW.

The Mega Show card is now finalized and posted!! The card for the 28 is also posted.



Remember: ROLE PLAY!!

18 June 1999

The site IS updated!!!

We have formed a relationship with long time LCW Promoter Adam Wemp. As you may or may not know, he run the NeWA Ontario promotion in Canada. We ahv also teamed up with the GWO! The will be a partner with the BCW / LCW in our effort to bring you, the fans the best possiable action!

What do these two relationships meen? Well, it open up the possibility of seeing some new stars from either the GWO or the LCW come across the ocean to the BCW! More on that at a later date.

10 June 1999

As you may or may not know, Dan Cross has signed the contract to face The Wraith in a match for the BCW/NAeWF Atlantic Coast Title. This match is going to be governed by the following rules: It will be TWO out of THREE falls. There WILL be a winner in this contest, one way or another! This Match will be held at the BCW Mega Show entilted "Night of the Champions". It will be held on June 27th from the Sports Arena in Oxford England!

The NeWA World 6 Man Tag Team Champions, the DWA, will be in Oxford for a title defence againt the remaining members of the "New Tradition". The members are former BCW Champion, Titan and NeWA International Tag Team Champions, Maximum Carnage, together they are known as the Hell Razas!

Because of the possibility of destruction in the preceding match, I have ordered it to be held in the confines of a steel cage. It will be a War Games Match."Submit or Surrender" is the only way to win.

Also I am trying to get the new NeWA World Champion, Apollo and new NeWA World T.V Champion Matt Tulio to defend their titles on the card. Only time will tell if they will be able to make it.

More to come on the "Night of the Champions" so stay tuned and remember: DON'T FORGET TO ROLEPLAY!!!



6 June 1999

I have posted your new calander!!

I have been VERY busy, in reguards to the BCW!

I have signed new talent and released a few wrestlers. The Roster has been updated, and the new rakings will be out in a day or two. This time, there will only be ONE!!!!

- As you may or may not know, the NeWA almost came to and end a few weeks ago following the tragic death of Owen Hart. BUT, the NeWA lives on and the BCW will reamin a full partner in operations with the NeWA

- I am trying to get and NeWA Pay-Per-View to come to England or Western Europe!

- We will be holding a join Pay-Per-View with the NeWA Ontario company in either July or August! This will be a first for the BCW, to be shown on PPV, as our past shows were shown on FREE TV across Europe and in limited release in the U.S.

- We will start holding quallifying matches for the "BCW King of the Hill" tournamet set for August! If the Join PPV is in August, then the Finalls will be on the PPV, if the PPV in in July, then the tournament matches will be shown on the Mega Show.

- The BCW/NAeWF Atlantic Coast Champion Dan Cross (he is champion as of right now) will be in the BCW for a defence on June 27th against the Wraith!

Congrats to the Wraith, the new NeWA Ontario Champion!

Thank you for your time,




20 April 1999

Well, I FINALLy got the Gala posted! I am sorry it is late. :^(

As you may or may not know, the Mid-Atlantic has opendup, yet it has NOTHING to do with the BCW. Me and my partner will still be opening up a "Backyard" promotion. Sort of a feeding fed for the BCW! It will allow us to get new guys into the BCW and the NeWA.

I have cancelled tonights card. It is not fair you you guys. I have posted matched for the rest of the month.

Now, This is a ROLE PLYAING RFED! I see the SAME guys rp'ing. STARTING 1 JUNE, if you DON'T RP for your match, DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, EXPECT TO WIN YOUR MATCH! This is not my rule, but a rule set fourth by the NeWA Governing body! Yes, I am part of that body, so you better believe I WILL enforce the rule!

Thank you for your time.



13 May 1999

Our unit has indeed been activated for action in Kosovo. I am not leaveing (Yet!!). That has been the reason for the latnes latly. And I am TRULY sorry. I hate being late more than you hate me for being late. I will be sending out a mass mailing today about your status in the BCW.

The Gaslaw Gala! card has been posted as have the results from this past week.

I need some match request and such from evryone in the BCW. If I don't get the match requests, then don't blame me if you don't get the matches you want!

The Rankings Page has been fixed, so if you havn't seen it, go here!

I am in negoteations with a fellow NeWA promoter to open our "Sister Promotion", the NeWA Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I once had a hand in the promotion, but alas, there were people who cryed about it, yet NEVER rp'ed! So, as the acting President, I closed it down. Who will this affect the BCW? I will oversee the operation and my partner will run the fed. MACW will hold an undetermened number of cards a week, and we will interchange our talent. I.E: Stars from the MA will come here and stars from the BCW will go there. Title will be defended in each promotion, yet the will remain BCW titles as will the Mid-Atlantic titles remain Mid-Atlantic, with the exception of the Atlantic Coast Championship Belt. That belt is getting larger. It is currently the BCW/NAeWF ACC Title. It may become a QUADRUPAL Promotion Title!! (BCW/NAeWF/MACW/NECH)! But this is still under discussion between the fed heads.

29April 1999

Well, as you know, the President has called 2100 reservist to Active Duty, but I am not one of them! (For now!!)


The BCW has been updated. I made changes to the roster, a new calender, The ACC Tourny entrants will be decided on the 3rd. If you are not in the tournament, don't worry, you will get your shot at the belt. I am introducing the BCW JuniorWeight Title. The weight limit is 225 pounds. The champion will be crowned at the next BCW Mega Show, "Gaslaw Gala!".

Right now John Cole is the number one contender to the BCW Title, but with the BCW Tag Team Titles, he is going to be REAL busy in the coming weeks! And for his ranking, he will recive a London Territorial Title shot this coming week! I will release the ranking on Saturday! I will release TWO diffent rankings. One will be by win/loss records ONLY. The second will be the one that counts, it will include Titles and such.




22 April 1999

I have been trying to get an answer from the U.S Air Force as to wether I will be called back to Active Duty, due to the Kosovo Crisis. That is the reason for the latness of the last few cards.

I have updated the web page. I will post the next few card this wekend!

8 April 1999

Well. I have made a few schedual changes. The first change is that there will be an NeWA World Hard-Core Title Match on the 12th of April. NeWA Hard-Core Champion, Neurosis will defend aginst HICAL! It will be a 20 foot tall Hell-in-a-Cell with a Singapore cane hung from the top. To get the cane, you must get the ladder that is beneth the ring! The winner will get a spot in the upcoming "Triple Threat" match with Titan and NeWA World Champion, Stephen Greer on the 21st!

Also, on the 19th will be Stephen Greer's first visit to the BCW! He will defend the NeWA World Title in a "Triple Threat Match" against Hypnosis and the BCW Champion, Chris Mann!

Also, the 8 time NeWA/NWA World Champion "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, has signed a BCW contract! Look out, Tradion is RUNNING WILD IN THE BCW!

May 16th, has been set for the next BCW Supercard. It will originate from Glasgow, Scotland. It is entitled "Glasgow Galla!" One of the Main Events will be announced at the "London Live" show this weekend!

7 April 1999

Well, I have updated the Home Page again. This time the Roster, and cards leading up to the "London Live" show are posted. I have been in contact with the NeWA World Champion, Stephen Greer, and we are working out a deal for him to visit the BCW for an undetermined amount of time.

The BCW Tag Team Title picture is set, sort of. I have decited to have that set of men who keep attacking BCW wrestlers entered into the tournament, and the team of The Phanton and Bobby Blaze. I have two more spots open. The team that wins the finals at the "London Live" show, will face the NeWA International Tag Team Champions, Maximum Carnage, for the NeWA Int. Straps!


4 April 1999 - Part II


The BCW Tournamnet is OVER! The champion has been crowned! Want to see what happened? Go HERE to see the night that WILL go down in history! The Main Event for the first "London Live" is set. It will be BCW National Champion, Titan taking on HICAL in a two out of three falls match.



4 April 1999 - Part I


Well the BCW has been updated. There were some tragedies already in the tournamnet. the four finalist were all ELIMINATED! SO, I have decided to hold a "Final Four" Match. The winner is the man who is last standing when HICAL, the Wraith, Titan and Chris Mann meet in a Battle Royal! I will post the schedule for upto the 14th tomorrow afternoon, AFTER there is a BCW Champion! London Live matches signed so far; BCW National Champion, Titan, vs HICAL. London Territorial Battle Royal. Finals of the Commonwealth Tag Team Tournament. Matches pending: Hard Core Rules Match: Myst vs Jimmy Extreme. NeWA International Tag Team Championship Match - Champs vs TBA. Do you want a match on the "London Live" Show? Let me know!



28 Mar 99

I am sorry for not having the page updated last night as I said I would. But if you go look at the final spots, there have been some changes in the brackets. I have also decided to cut the tournament down by one day. I am going to try and get a few NeWA Title matches on the last day or two. Maybe, Maybe not. I will try. Well tune in, on 1 April for the beginning of the BCW!!!!   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

24 March 99

I'M BACK!!!!

And so is the BCW! I would like to thank all of you how have signed up for the NeWA Euro/BCW Title Tournament!! Now, I will be contacting all of the entrants to see if you are A) Just in for the Title Tournament or B) In the BCW (Which will AUTOMATICALLY get you into the tournament!!) If you are in for just the Tournament, I will get you your 10 match schedule and when you are done with that, I will let you go. If you stay with the BCW, I will get with you and we shall set the trend in the NeWA and go to the TOP!!!!! How can I say I can get a little promotion to the top of the NeWA? Well, I myself wrestle in 3 different NeWA Promotions and have been in 3 others, so I know what it takes to be a top wrestler, yet I have helped a few out of some slumps with some booking and angel directions, so I feel confident, that I can get the BCW to new heights! If you are willing to stick with me, then I am willing to help YOU, the fan and the wrestler achieve career highlights! The first London Live Show is entitled "BCW The Royal Rumble". It is a fitting name as it comes from the park outside Buckingham Palace! The Queen of England will be the special guest of honor as will be the Queen Mother! On the card will be the BCW London Territorial Royal Rumble! More to come!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` the BCW President is MOVING!! The page has undergone it last change until the 1 April NeWA European / BCW Heavyweight Title Tournament! Was this foreseen? Yes. Why did I do it? to generate an interest in the BCW. You see, I had done an NeWA promotion before, and it didn't work out, so now I am working the BCW a bit different. I WILL be back, there is no fear of me not showing up on 1 April. I MAY even be back sooner! Do the the fact I may have to change ISP's, I am updating my E-Mail with one from Hotmail. Thank you, now keep on reading!! Sam I just got this from the NeWA President, Mr. Owens. "The National eWrestling Alliance has not sanctioned a NeWA European Title.  While you are certainly welcome to have a Euro Title, it is not controlled by the NeWA Championship Committee.  It will be considered a regional title controlled by the BCW. Perhaps when the NeWA has more European promotions, we will look at doing so. Thanks and best of luck.  If there is anything I can do to help, feel free to call on me. NeWA President == Don Owens" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So, what does this mean? Well it means, that there IS still going to be an NeWA European Title Tournament, BUT the Title will not be an "Active" title, until more European based promotions open up. The European Title and the British Commonwealth Title will be one in the same. Once there are enough European promotion, another tournament will be run, with the ORIGINAL winner and the CURRENT NeWA Euro/BCW Champion both being seeded number 1 and 2, respectively

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There seems to some misunderstanding when it come to the NeWA European Title. This title is the same as the International, the United States and the World Title. It is governed by the board of directors of the National eWrestling Alliance. All I am doing is putting on a tournament to crown the champion. Yes the title does "Belong" in Europe, but since I am the only promoter, chances are, that the belt will be defend in the states as well as in England and the other countries we decide to tour! So, I have three (3) belts for my promotion, and should one of my members pull the win and the belt, then, yes, it will belong to my promotion, until it is either lost to another wrestler form another region or it is retired, which I hope not to see for some time.


The biggest news right now is that the British Championship Wrestling promotion is now OPEN to new wrestlers!! What are we looking for? Well, we are looking for a little of everything! A few (actually 3-4) Giants, a few Heavyweights (10-20), some Middle Weights (10-12), and some Cruiser and Light Weights (5-10 each). We also need some Tag Teams (6-10). This is just a rounded off number, picked out of the sky as I wrote this page up, but I AM really looking for some ACTIVE wrestlers! Not just some that will join, to join! So if you think you can make the grade and want to get away from the "States" for a while,then come on over to England, where "The grass IS greener!"