
Welcome to the official website of Raw Dawg Developers!

Raw Dawg Developers specializes in creating people friendly, realistic amusement parks.  They have only been in business for the last several months but are already making an impact in the amusement park industry.  Their first park, Nubble Light Amusement Park, has been welcomed and praised by not only the southern Maine community that boasts this antique park, but the whole of New England.  Nubble Light Amusement Park has been in existence since the last century and much of what Raw Dawg Developers has done is to restore many of the older rides and attractions to their original, and in some cases better than their original, conditions.  According to Raw Dawg Developers the early attendance figures are better than they expected.

Their second park, opening just a week after Nubble Light, is in a deserted northern California mining town called Galloping Gulch.  They have taken an empty, rundown community and brought much of it back to the way it used to be in the mid- to late 1800's while adding several different amusements to both thrill and entertain.  Many of the old mining caves have been closed to exploration due to safety concerns, but there are several attractions that make good use of some of the old tunnels and mine shafts.  Raw Dawg Developers have floated in a genuine riverboat called the River Queen.  The River Queen plays host to some of the best dixieland bands in the country, and feel free to stay in the on-board casino for some old fashioned riverboat gambling.  Galloping Gulch even produces it's own power through the use of a water wheel, selling extra power to the State of California at a reduced rate  to help aid in the dwindling power supplies on the west coast.

Their third park, opening Memorial Day Weekend, is a former run down pier.  Santa Clarita Pier was once a thriving amusement park featuring a large wooden rollercoaster, a long boardwalk with dozens of shops and restaurants, and a classic hotel built in the late 1800's.  Raw Dawg Developers has taken the pier and updated it with the latest thrills and attractions.  The Santa Clarita Hotel, including it's cabanas, swimming pool, and garden walk, have been fully restored to their glory days.  The rollercaoster built in 1932, the Giant Dipper, has also been restored along with the large roller skating rink, the arcade hall, and the carousel.  A second pier was built to accomodate the updated rides and attractions including Mission to Marz, Go Kartz, Wild Mouse, and several others.  Raw Dawg Developers, remaining diligent in helping the surrounding community, has built dozens of beach cottages to help bring tourists to the area.


visit the Santa Clarita Pier

visit Nubble Light Amusement Park

visit Galloping Gulch

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