<BGSOUND SRC="/viperonh69er/userfiles:/user/hard_knock_life.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Monday, Jan 19th 2004 - Hey people, the site has been totally revamped, and i've been adding a lot of pics and stuff, so be sure to check back for more soon.  My bday was yesterday, I'm now the big 2-0 (Yeah yeah, I know I'm an old geezer boyer lol).  The little party of friday went pretty good, lots more to come guys.  Anyways, keep it real. 
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About the "Mad Hatter"
Updated by Owen, on Monday, Jan 19th 2004
The Mad Hatter's
Newschool Skiing
A tribute to my favorite musicians
*Coming Soon*
Hey, I hope you enjoyed my page....I havent had time to work on it much latley with it being ski season and all, but i'll try to keep it updated...check back for updates....sign the questbook. Later....~TMH