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Kevin Boston Profile
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Kevin has been involved in minor baseball and softball for his entire life.  He is a graduate of York University and Humber College's Recreation Leadership Program.  Kevin was recently added to Humber College's Hospitality Recreation and Tourism (HRT) Alliance Advisory Committee.  Professionally, Kevin has worked for the Township of King Recreation Department, City of Vaughan Recreation and Culture Department, Region of York Planning Department, and the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club.  He is currently working for the Ontario Minor Hockey Association as the Marketing & Communications Manager.  Sports marketing, sports management and special events planning have been the focus of his professional experience.  For the past five (6) years, Kevin has been involved with the Tottenham Ladies Softball League as Coach of Fandrich Motors (now Alliston Volkswagen Beetles).  He also plays an active role in Tottenham Men's Slo-Pitch and Tottenham Mixed Slo-Pitch.

You can e-mail Kevin at kevin.boston@sympatico.ca


Questions or comments?
Send an email to kevin.boston@sympatico.ca