Tanya Martin - 11/14/00 22:56:21
My Email:tanniesue@juno.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: no
nice photo of you and keith tkachuk . as a valley resident i feel this is the only place i can show my support for my favorite team
sam - 08/19/00 17:42:29
My Email:sampewsey@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: stars
Favorite Dallas Star: yes
Do you play hockey?: yes
Hien - 07/08/00 20:35:05
My URL:http://modano_luva_9
My Email:too_cool6969@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Michael Thomas Modano Jr.
Do you play hockey?: YES
I love the Dallas stars! they are the best, I just love mike modano.
I hate New Jersery cuz they won the cup for the year 2000, Dallas should of won.
cowgirl1996 - 07/03/00 02:12:04
My URL:/cowgirl1996/
My Email:cowgirl1996@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher/Eddie Belfour
Do you play hockey?: Nope
Really awesome page, looks very very nice. Big Daddy is the man! Love your photos section. Keep up the good work!!
Brandon - 05/21/00 23:00:32
My Email:marjanscott@iglobal.net
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: yes
I am six years old and you are my best hockey player in the world. I like you and my brother likes you he is four. Brandon and Carter
Rebecca - 04/16/00 05:15:15
My Email:nursereb@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: DALLAS STARS!!!!!!!!
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: i wish
Awesome page!!! Derian is the man!! Too bad he is taken :)
..... - 02/12/00 18:25:47
My Email:itsallabout69@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: no
Great page.....looking forward to seeing Derian back in the line up soon!
Derian, missed you in January 2000 in Vancouver when you missed the trip!
Robin - 01/26/00 23:16:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ed20marty35
My Email:ed20marty35@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Ed Belfour/Marty Turco
Do you play hockey?: in the summer w/ friends...merely for exercise & fun! we suck
Nice looking page. It's about time Big Daddy had a page...keep up the good work!
Leticia Marquez - 01/10/00 22:28:10
My Email:letimarq@aol.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: DERIAN HATCHER
Do you play hockey?: No
Man I can't tell you how much I miss seeing you out on that ice but here's wishing you a speedy recovery! You're the best and on behalf of all the Latinos in Dallas.....Go Stars!
carrie - 01/07/00 03:30:18
My Email:CiwiangeL02@aol.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars!
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: unfortunatly no
Big daddy is the greatest!!!!!
ray hallock - 01/07/00 01:46:33
My Email:nebftb1@aol.com
Favorite NHL team: stars/north stars
Favorite Dallas Star: the captian
Do you play hockey?: yes
the only real warrior in the league is captian crunch mr. hatcher
Sara - 12/12/99 08:38:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sara_mm9/STARbucks.html
My Email:mike9@starsfan.com
Favorite NHL team: THE DALLAS STARS!!
Favorite Dallas Star: Mike Modano
Do you play hockey?: not everyone would agree with my response :)
Hey there! This site is incredible! Great pictues, and I love your banner. Hatcher is a hockey god, especially for the Stars. Anyone who can log that much ice time, and still fill his role as the mighty protector deserves a prize in my book....oh, no,
wait. He DID get a prize. Keep up the good work, and come visit me if you're ever in the neighborhood! :)
HEATHER - 12/02/99 02:38:01
My Email:heathj_16@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: dallas stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: no
I love Derian. He is the best player out there. To bad he i married. I love his kick butt attitude, and the way he sticks up for his teammates
Hatcherfan - 11/02/99 23:13:45
My Email:hatcherfan@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Hatcher, duh
Do you play hockey?: yes
This is the Derian Hatcher Fan Page not the Brad 'I am gonna burn your Selanne jersey, take it off' Lukowich Page. Although he is pretty sexy when he is angry. Hmmmmmm........
lukowich_is_a_god - 10/28/99 01:47:55
My Email:brads_babe@excite.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Brad Lukowich
Do you play hockey?: sure, why not.
1: K. Hatcher no longer plays for the Pens.
2: Don't you watch the games...get updated!!
3: You really need some pics of the new blood like Lind, Fernandez, and of course Lukowich !!!
Get with it girl!!!
:) :) :)
brendan - 10/27/99 23:55:05
Favorite NHL team: stars
Favorite Dallas Star: hatcher
Do you play hockey?: no
DEVONNE NICHOLS - 10/16/99 04:42:05
My Email:DEVO305028@AOL.COM
Favorite NHL team: STARS
Favorite Dallas Star: HATCHER
Do you play hockey?: NO
Serena - 10/09/99 05:52:25
My URL:http://www.members.xoom.com/toddsimpson/
My Email:titov13@hockeymail.com
Favorite NHL team: Calgary Flames
Favorite Dallas Star: Joe Nieuwendyk
Do you play hockey?: Yep!
You've done a great job on your page! Ever since my favourite Flame Joe Nieuwendyk became a Star in '95, I've followed the team and have come to like all the Stars, Hatch included! I went to Edmonton to support the Stars during the '99 playoffs and almo
t got myself killed when in both games Joey scored the winning goals. Anyway, sorry to ramble on about Nieuwy...Hatcher rocks too! Keep up the great work!
Leticia Marquez - 09/16/99 22:10:27
My Email:letimarq@aol.com
Favorite NHL team: DALLAS STARS !
Favorite Dallas Star: DERIAN HATCHER
Do you play hockey?: no
Jenn - 08/26/99 14:37:45
My Email:hatcherrocks@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: *****Dallas Stars*****
Favorite Dallas Star: The man with the sunflower-colored locks whose as radiant as the misty morning dew....naturally, The Big D, Redwood, Daddy...or shall we say, "Beautiful Babe."
Do you play hockey?: Yes. Steet Hockey!!!
I grew to have this fond appreciation for hockey/Dallas Stars when I first laid eyes on the Big D being pushed into the penalty box for rough checking Roenick. The man is awesome. A big giant with the nicest stick in hockey!!!! Go Stars~
Natasha - 07/03/99 23:40:04
My URL:http://come.to/modano
My Email:oil_girl9@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: Oilers/Avs
Favorite Dallas Star: MODANO! =)
Do you play hockey?: nope, just watch it!
Your site is excellent, looks like you put a lot of effort into it! Please visit my new Mikey Modano site! :)
Marianne - 06/27/99 20:47:59
My Email:emmybld25@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: Red Wings
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: Only Air Hockey
I live in HockeyTown so I am a die hard Red Wings Fan but this past season Derian Hatcher has replaced Sergei Fedorov as my favorite hockey player (I still love you too Sergei!) I think Derian Hatcher is the unsung hero of the Dallas Stars and I think it
is time he is recognized for the amazing defenseman that he is. Oh yeah, and could he be more adorable? He's like a big teddy bear!! Derian keep the goatee, you look hot!!
Shannon - 06/25/99 03:37:27
My Email:shannonj69@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Hatchman
Do you play hockey?: no, but I check my husband and kids into the boards every once in a while!!
Congrats on an AWESOME year!!! I'm a little upset that you guys didn't bring the cup over to the house yet. You were right up the road at the Ballpark last night. oh well...Have a great summer!!!
by the way if you e-mail me, I want to let you know that I will probably frame it!!!
a.k.a. Hatchfan (on the Dallas stars page)
Laurie - 06/25/99 02:50:55
My Email:lzor@gte.net
Favorite NHL team: The Stars of course
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian and Ed, toss up
Do you play hockey?: a looong time ago
My bro's gf Cynthia, who does all the cool Ed art, referred me to your page when I started whining that I couldn't find a page dedicated to Big Daddy. I enjoyed my visit here, and plan on coming back often to check out your updates
SportsGirl - 06/25/99 02:41:08
My Email:wednesday7@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Mike Modano
Do you play hockey?: No
I love your site!! It's great to know that there are fans out there that will put up sites like this for all the rest of us computer illiterate people. I will definately be back.
nicole - 06/23/99 03:04:12
My Email:lock4
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: mike madano
Do you play hockey?: no
nicole lockwood - 06/23/99 03:02:25
My Email:lock4@gateway.net
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Do you play hockey?: nope
Amber - 06/14/99 04:22:00
My Email:jam_2k@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars!!
Great page!! I'm very impressed! See ya around.
hawksfan - 06/14/99 01:52:14
Favorite NHL team: Blackhawks
Favorite Dallas Star: Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: yes
Great site! You should have more personal info about him though.
Michelle - 06/10/99 02:31:26
My Email:Mh60886@aol.com
Favorite NHL team: Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: No
Great Web Page! Thanks for all the other links.
Let's just hope Kevin and Derian's sons will continue the Hatcher hockey legacy and keep hockey fans coming back for more.
Chrissy - 05/09/99 06:07:00
Favorite NHL team: Penguins
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher!
Do you play hockey?: Not where's there's no ice
It's about time somebody recognized Derian for the hard-working, Greek god he is! Great page! I'm so glad to see something postive about him!
Mary - 04/27/99 01:15:40
My Email:don't have 1 of my own
Favorite NHL team: Dallas
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian Hatcher
Do you play hockey?: no
Great site! One thing could be improved though - add more personal info on Derian!
Charlotte - 04/20/99 01:45:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Stands/4799
My Email:charlottesweb01@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL team: The Dallas Stars(who else?!?!)
Favorite Dallas Star: Brent Severyn
Do you play hockey?: I wish, but I skate worth crap!
I love your site. It has every little detail you wanna know about the Dallas Stars' Bad Boy. I also like how there is up-to-date news reports on the front page. You have done quite an excellent job of designing this site. I am sure Hatcher is very proud o
all the hard work you have done for him!
Sissy - 04/08/99 14:33:45
My Email:Sissyan@aol.com
Favorite NHL team: Ducks
Do you play hockey?: No
I just want to let you know...your website is great...it might even make a Hockey Fan out of me!!
Modoman - 03/17/99 02:00:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Dome/5080
My Email:matty24@geocities.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Richard Matvichuk
Do you play hockey?: yes
Derian is one of the most underappreciated players in the league. To me he is the key of the Stars defense and quite possibly their 1998-99 MVP.
Lawson and Big Daddy - 03/16/99 04:51:38
Favorite NHL team: Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Brian Scrudland
Do you play hockey?: In my dreams
Your page looks great. I bet you are married to one hell of a hunk.
No shit, your page looks fuckin great!!!!
Steve Dallas - 03/16/99 03:31:28
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/stvdallas99/
My Email:stvdallas99@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: DALLAS STARS
Favorite Dallas Star: Belfour
Do you play hockey?: Used to
Nice site. I agree with the others in here, it's about time someone dedicated a site to one of the grittiest defensemen in the league. Keep up the good work....SD
PuckPixie - 03/10/99 20:50:04
My Email:lpool@mail.hockaday.org
Favorite NHL team: Stars
Do you play hockey?: i wish
Hey, great page for a player that deserves it! Good pics and great article archive. The Kelly-Hatch fight animation is fantastic!
Lydia - 03/08/99 05:43:03
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/jasbotterill
My Email:GoBotts@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Jason Botterill, Joe Nieuwendyk, and Mel Angelstad
Do you play hockey?: Nope, too low of a pain threshold
Great page! Although I tend to be hard on Derian, it's nice to see someone finally make a page for him. I look forward to coming back and seeing it come along. Go Stars! Go K-Wings!
Trixie - 03/08/99 03:46:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/basement/4165/index.html
My Email:freakodoom@ddc.net
Favorite NHL team: DALLAS STARS
Favorite Dallas Star: Derian
Do you play hockey?: me?? HA
I love the page kelli keep it up okie? its bad ass..
Love yer sis..
gloomy - 03/06/99 23:48:33
My Email:gloomsglow@aol.com
Favorite NHL team: Dallas Stars
Favorite Dallas Star: Pat Verbeek
Do you play hockey?: nope