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Thanks to Mr. Love for having agreed to let me put all the notes from his history class on this web site.
And for those who need to know my name for reference purposes, I am reluctant to put my full name up in order to maintain my privacy, so I am asking everyone to refer to me by my nickname DP.
Click Here for the history of
Click Here for Palatine Hill
Click Here for Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Click Here for the Colosseum
Click Here for Pompeii
Click Here for Cleopatra and Caesar and Mark Antony
Click Here for Julius Caesar.
Click Here for the Appian Way
Click Here for the Roman army.
Click Here for Roman weapons and armor.
Click Here for a list of Roman Emperors
Click Here for information about the gladiators.
Click Here for information about the Circus Maximus.
Click Here for a list of ancient gods and goddesses.
Click Here for other interesting information about the Empire.
Click Here for ancient coins.
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site last updated 12/01/02
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