Weekly Attendance would be appreciated!!!
NO SHOP!! is allowed after the start of the event. Anyone entering the shop Will be booted from the Race and all points for that race are lost. The Admin. for the room will make this call and that is a finale decision. No complaint can be filed against an Admin for being booted for entering the shop.
No Bad or Abusive Language will be allowed. This is also an Admins call.
Lagging or Getting Booted from MPLAYER. If Mplayer is having problems it is the call of the EDRA Admins. to rescheadule the event for another night so the members can get their points for that weeks event.
Members will be allowed to join during the season with the understanding that the later in the season they join the lower on the points race they will start.
Do Not leave the race until all have finished running. If you are booted by Mplayer please wait in the room untill all players have returned..
NO on purpose crashing is allowed. (wrecking another driver, or crashing into the back wall.) mistakes happen and this is understandable. An EDRA Admin will give one warning after that you will be booted and all points for the race will be lost..
Absolutly No Hacked Cars Allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is about it common sence prevails in this Organization. We will start the races on time. Please be on Mplayer and in the Room prior to the start of the events...
Thank You for your interest in the EDRA and all of us look forward to racing you |