

October 10, 1999

Well I am sure if any of you have been visiting our page you noticed it was looking and acting strange...the reason....folks we had a hacker who decided to add thier input. I have tried to restore it the best I can somethings are just gone. I am sure this person will be back to check thier handy work, so here is a breif note to our friend:

To our hacking guest,
Thank you for stopping by and saying hello. I would like to inform you of the following information. Hacking is a crime and both geocities and the proper authorites have been informed of your visit. Remember you do not need to sign our  guest book for us to know who you are and when you were here.

Other News - Important:
The EDRA has merged with the TTC and all new members will need to sign up with the TTC. All current members will be automatic TTC. Everyone needs to add "-TTC" to the end of thier EDRA Mplayer name.


Last Upated: 10-10-99

Updated By: Emeral-EDRA