The Golden Horseshoes Rider's Tour

Before entering, please read the description and rules carefully. This is very important.

Based on the Real Riders Tour, the GH Riders Tour is a jumping competition held at different locations. A rider is only allowed to enter one horse and that horse is then ridden by them. There is only one class, which is Grand Prix Jumping (European Equivalent: Class S Jumping), however there are individual prizes for each win and an overall prize.

The different Shows
There are:

01.06 - 03.06.04 = German Jumping Derby
07.06 - 09.06.04 = International Derby Wiesbaden
17.06 - 20.06.04 = Riding Show Donaueschingen
30.06 - 01.07.04 = Münster Show of Winners
06.07 - 10.07.04 = CSI Arezzo (Italy)
20.07 - 22.07.04 = German Classics (Mareike's Birthday)
29.07 - 30.07.04 = Munich Indoors

Anyone that enters the Rider's Tour will automatically be entered in all 7 shows.

In each show, Points are given out as follows:

1. Place


20 Points

2. Place


17 Points

3. Place


15 Points

4. Place


13 Points

5. Place


11 Points

6. Place


10 Points

7. Place


9 Points

8. Place


8 Points

9. Place


7 Points

10. Place


6 Points

11. Place


5 Points

12. Place


4 Points

13. Place


3 Points

14. Place


2 Points

15. Place


1 Pointse


The one with the most points at the end of the 7 shows, win's the tour.

At each show the winning rider will receive sponsored gifts from various businesses, as well as money prizes that will be announced at each show.

There is a $100 registration fee for each rider when entering the tour.

After all riders have signed up, teams will be made. I will post about the teams on the Show Announcement board and I will pair the riders up into teams.
Teams will win additional prizes at the end of the tour.

1. Grand Prix Show Jumping (European: Klasse S)

All sent to:

Country you are riding for:
Barn you are riding for:
Horse's Name that you are entering:

(Remember its only one horse per person)