This is a section on my site where people can tell everyone about one of the best days of their lives - the day they met Chyna. E mail me with your stories! Don't forget to include pictures! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Rons story.....

I have actually met her 3 times, the first time back on September 28th 2000 in WWF NY when she did a Playboy signing, the second time back in February at the NYC Virgin Megastore (I even gave her roses), and the last time back on July 28th at a video game store in Howard Beach. She looked wonderful all 3 times I have met her. I even got to hug her the third time. She asked if I was a member of BodybyJoanie, I said yes, and she gave me a high-five. I have even e-mailed her from time to time and she even responds to them.

A picture of Ron with Chyna can be seen here

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sarahis story.....

My story is when I was at the mall I went in a store called Sam's Goody. I was going to buy a movie of my favorite WWF superStar Chyna. It was the Fitness movie and the lady I was going to give the money to said she was going to be at Universal City walk at Sam's Goody Wed.the 11, I got so happy i told my mom because i am a really big fan of Chyna for three years I wished to see her and it finally came true. It took a while for my mom to say yes. It finally was wed. I told my best friend nancy and she was proud of me. It was 4 per. at School and my teacher said you are going home i was so happy it was time to meet Chyna. so now we maid it at Universal city walK i was wearing Chyna shirt Me and my family waited in line for 8 hours Chyna came 30 min. late I was the 5th person in line then some people took us in side the store for 1 hour then they took us up stairs for 30.min I was very tired. when I was sitting on the steps I heard AAHHH!! so I got up and there she was smiling at evering one she was so beutiful when it was my turn to give her the movie wicth were 9 dollers each my eyes ternd very red she told me how are you then her body gourd said that the likes my shirt and I said thankyou my mom took three pictures of her I didn't really got a chance to talk to her but I will never forget her beutiful smile and the tears that I dropt.


Jeffreys story........

A lot of people have met her when she was "known" .. and a lot .. A LOT earlier! Me.. I met her while I was assisting an independent Pro Wrestling group here in Kentucky. She had written one of the "trade" magazines, in retaliation of some statement some guy had written. The person had downgraded the work and workers of the ring.. she was.. to say it mildly, annoyed! She challenged him to meet her and she would more than prove the worth of the workers and wrestling! I was impressed with the article and decided to try and get in contact with this 17 year old and have her to get to the ring. We connected,.. but after she found out that I was working .. "only for a lowly independent promotion" she sopped writing, but now after giving me a nickname that has haunted me for years since! ...TRAILOR TRASH! I am impressed with her discovery of the harshness of the ring. And getting out when she is, is a blessing for her in disguise! That's my story!


?'s story...

I got a chance to meet chyna in grand rapids michigan she was with hhh.....i just couldnt belive i met her!...she and hhh took like many pics with me and i got to hold onto the real wwf world title!~~~....chyna gave me a lil kiss on the cheek and a hug and ill never forget that......i meet her atleast 1 time a year now that my cousin is one of her fashion desginers and a freind of hers .


Sammys story....

I met Chyna on May 5th 2001, in Earls court London (England). My sister and I had V.I.P's, but that night they weren't letting V.I.P's in so we did the whole it's my sisters birthday thing and got in, we met them all, but the best part for me was getting a hug just before they left from Chyna, I felt the muscle's in her back, and her arms, her cheeck against mine and her breath out and blow my hair on my shoulder. I wanted to scream, I mean this is the woman I had been amazed by for years, I scream every time she comes on the T.V and there she was hugging me. I'll never forget it. She is my idol, my inspiration. CHYNA!!!


K's story.....

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I met Chyna and Triple H (Joanie and Paul) at my theater. They came to see Gladiator. They weren't very nice. She lives right down the street from my work, the theater, along with Triple H ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Christians story.......

I meet Chyna at Rotmans I got to Chat with her for a while and I gave her a puppy dog that meant soo much to me and she was sooo sweet ! She gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek and she said that she would keep in touch! OMG that was my destiny and if i died today i would have died happy !


Nicoles Story..

I met Chyna on February 2, 2001, here in NYC when she was signing copies of her autobiography. I waited for about 2 hours before I finally stood in front of her. To say that I was star struck is an understatement. When I stood in front of her and saw her smiling at me, I almost started to cry. I mean, I had wanted to meet her for so long and there I was finally getting my chance to talk to my idol. Chyna was so nice to me. The first thing she asked me was if I was okay (I guess she could tell that I was close to tears, lol). She and I actually spoke for a few minutes. While I was talking to her, she saw that my mom was trying to get a good picture of her. She asked me if that was someone for me and I told her that it was my mom and she actually leaned over and gave a dazzling smile so that my mom could take the picture! She didn't have to do that but she did. And after I shook her hand, I walked away dazed and with a huge smile on my face. Well, that was my meeting CHYNA experience and I hoped you like it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

'Esszors' story...

I was at the airport waiting for some wrestlers. The plane arrived and people started getting off. 1st we saw Eddy Guerro then J.R. soon after we seen pat patterson then there she was with hhh. She was looking hot and was wearing a black skirt with a white blouse but you could see her hot pink bikini underneath. She told us to go to the luggage claim, so we followed her down there. She was waiting while hhh got the car. I talked to her and got an autograph! It was so cool!


Lesters experience..

Meeting Chyna in person was amazing. We have seats in the NESN Box at Fleet Center, Boston,and get backstage passes for alot of the events. Chyna actually took the time to come up and meet my friends and I and she signed mt Chyna T-shirt as well as talked like we were old friends. Part of that was because I was really intrested in Joanie, (Chyna) not like a normal fan would probably act, but hoping she was well, if she wanted to see boston and wasn't too tired or busy after her night, we offered to show her around. They probably would have worked it into the show if she wasn't scheduled for Worcester Mass. the next day. I promised I wouldn't give out her Email and she actually emails when she has the time letting us know when she's in town next. Maybe she'll take us up on our "on the town" offer.


Saharis experience...

When I saw Chyna it was at Universal city walk in Sams Goody at oct.11 2000 I waited in line for 8 hours when chyna finaly arive I was so happy I wanted to cry she didnt want any peckchers on her face. I was so happy! I I told my frinds but they did not believe me. I am a really big fan of hers she is my ido. I will never forget her beauteful smile.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Alicias story...

I met Chyna on January 6th (2001) at an autograph session in a local mall. She was signing autographs for her fitness video and included a photograph of her. We weren't allowed to take any pictures, so I don't have any pix or a scanner to post the autograph. I could barely talk when it was my turn. She's is probably one of the sweetest people I've ever met. Even though i was so star-struck and could barely talk, she was still very nice to me. I believe she really likes kids cause of how nice she was to all the toddlers there. She even called me sweetie!! aw. lol. But if any ever does meet her like I did, take my word that she is very sweet and nice to all of her fans.
