Q: Do you know Chyna?
A: No, I've never even met her before.
Q: Where do you get your information on Chyna?
A: I get my information mainly from reliable wrestling magazines, and sometimes from the internet, but mostly magazines.
Q: Do you have her address/phone number/personal e mail address?
A: The awnser to all those questions is NO. I would never invade her privacy like that and even if I did have them, I would not give them out to anybody.
Q: Can I use your pictures on my website?
A: Yes, except please credit the person who owns the pictures if mentioned in my photo gallery.
Q: Do you have any other websites?
A: Yes I do! I have my own personal homepage ( Laura's Internet Home ) If you go to my site you will learn a lot more about me!
Q: Do you plan on making any more websites?
A: Not at the moment because I rarely get time to update my own aswell as my Chyna site because I'm usually busy offline with schoolwork etc... but who knows! If I do make another website though, it will be on my alltime favourite singer, Michael Jackson.
Q: Who else do you support in the WWF?
A: I don't really follow wrestling as much as I used to anymore, but Im still keeping my Chyna site up don't worry! My favourite wrestlers would have to be HHH and The Rock. Shawn Michaels is my all-time favourite but since he doesnt wrestle anymore I guess I can't include him!
Q: Where are you from and where can I find out more about you?
A: I'm from Ireland and you can find out more about me in my personal homepage