1. I have found a program where you get paid for the amount of time you spend online.
This is no joke! I have already signed up. You should sign up for yourself and see how cool it is.
2. I now have my mp3 section of themes! Don't worry there is more coming.

Up to the minute sports scores at bottom of page

The Rock

The Rocks Theme Song!

Rest of themes!
<--(if your in frames, it's what's to your left)

In exchange for the themes all I ask is that you sign my Guestbook, Thank You.
When you sign it tell me which theme you downloaded & if there are any themes you wanted that weren't on here.
Also tell me if you will be signing up for the All deal at the top of the page.(You $hould)

Guestbook by GuestWorld

-- My ICQ # is 31632155 --
Right now I'mICQ Status Indicator. Give me a holla some time.

Here are some Links.

Click here to buy the WWF Soundtrack Vol. 4!

WWF Home Page

Randogs WWF Page.(Under Constuction)
My friend Riley's site
Wrestling Headlines Page (Awesome, lots of inside info)

It is and
people have visited my page since Jan. 30 1999.