Skunkape caught on film!!!  Scroll down for latest news.
Pictures of skunkape taken near Sarasota, Florida!!! Scroll down for latest.
Have you seen, heard, smelt, or felt something strange in Florida that may have been a skunkape? Click on the state's flag to send me your report or to just leave a message on my message board. If you wish to keep your report or message confidential, e-mail me.
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(The above artwork is copyrighted by Bill Asmussen and cannot be reproduced in any way without written permission from Bill Asmussen  .  .  .
Deep in the remotest areas of Florida, there may be a creature. A creature so fantastic that most will dismiss as lies. But can the words of hundreds of witnesses all go unheard? Can footprints in the mud all be faked or misidentified? Are the photos actually of a man in an ape suit? A man crazy enough to run around Florida's swamps, at the risk of getting shot by someone, just for a few laughs. These questions we must ask ourselves. And we should never fear believing in the unbelievable. In this site we will learn a little bit about the skunkape, Florida's bigfoot. So put your mosquito repellent on and your swamp slogging boots on and prepare to search for the mysterious creature that has haunted Florida's wilderness areas for years. Good luck!
Click above for the 'nets largest skunkape reports database.
(Work in progress.)
Reports from eyewitnesses are varied. But the creature seems to fall into the category of Large, Scary, Ape-like Creature. The average size seems to be around 8 feet tall. Average weight is about 600 lbs. or so. The skunkape is usually covered in dark stringy hair. Black, brown and red are the most commonly reported hair colors. Long arms are typical as is less hair on the face. Glowing eyes are not uncommon. The creature is an imposing one as can be seen in this illustration. Skunkapes are known for their terrible odor which has been described as that of a skunk, hence the name skunkape. These creatures for the most part have been reported as shy, but some attacks on humans have taken place. Click on "skunkape reports" for detailed encounters.
Danny Dunmoore's Page
Culf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO)
Bill Asmussen's Page
Australian Hominid Research
Florida Skunkape
Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO)
Bigfoot Page by Steve Williams
Bigfoot Encounters
Bigfoot: Fact or Fantasy
Bigfoot: Man or Beast
Ohio Bigfoot Page
WSSSG Washington State Sasquatch Search Gp.
Nick Jacobi's Bigfoot Page
John Bindernagel's Bigfoot Page
Tennessee Bigfoot Lady
Bigfoot: America's Apes?
WTBRG Western Tennessee Bigfoot Research Gp.
Indiana Bigfoot Society
The Florida skunkape is not limited to, but often seen around the swampy areas of the state. Florida has plenty of remote wilderness areas left to sustain skunkapes. Many different theories exist about where the skunkape hides. Some say in caves, under water holes, thickets, abondoned farms and buildings, cypress swamps, etc. One thing is for sure, they've been seen just about everywhere in the state. Other than skunkape, the creature has also been called bigfoot, the grunch, orange eyes, the thing, etc.
WWBRO  Walla Walla Bigfoot Research Org.
Carene's Campsite
The Eyes of the Forest
Joe Beelart's Bigfoot Site
Western Bigfoot Society
Bluenorth Bigfoot Research
Operation Skunkape
Bigfoot Searcher
Logan's Bigfoot Site
Smokey and the Fouke Monster
Florida Bigfoot Page
Indian Territory Sasquatch
Strange Florida
John's Bigfoot Picture Page
In thickets like these we search. What do we find? Biting bugs, snakes, raccoons, bobcats, hooting owls, and mysteriously broken branches. Maybe an unexplained overturned log. Is that a footprint in the mud? What was that noise? Maybe I haven't seen one yet, but with a vivid imagination, these treks can be very exciting!
Bigfoot Around The World
Photos Page
Roads that lead to the unknown. We may hike them, bike them, or if you're lucky, you may have a four wheel drive. The lonelier these roads are the stronger your senses become. Your eyesight sharpens, your hearing acute, even your sense of smell improves dramatically, (especially when there is a skunky odor in the air!). These roads to the unknown are in reality paths to the inner most part of your mind. An exploration of the senses accented by wild running imaginations. Ah, how wonderful are these roads!
Skunkape Stats
The Crossing
(Coming Soon)
Oh yes, of course, and while searching for the beast, watch your step! Your journey may be full of perils. And sometimes success is measured not by whether you see the creature, as much as whether you made it back with both of your legs intact. Alligators, like this giant, are abundant in Florida. Just about anywhere that you go in the state, you are not too far from one.
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Skunkape Caught On Film Again!  07/08/00

Once again David Shealy has caught the skunkape on film. Local news channels in South Florida were showing the latest film on the skunkape. The creature is seen walking through a sawgrass prairie from right to left. A good profile view of the creature is seen for a few seconds. The creature is a reddish brown color and fully covered with hair. The feet cannot be seen. Size is hard to judge but it looks human size or perhaps bigger. The features seem very ape-like. The creature never looks into the camera. The place was near Ochopee, Florida, not too far from David Shealy's tourist center. Here is a direct link so you can judge for yourself:
A grandmother takes pictures of ape like creature that visits her property.  03/05/01

A lady living near Myakka, Florida has taken some incredible pictures of a creature she claims has visited her property on several occassions. She reported that an Orangutan would frequent her yard and she finally walked out one night with camera in hand a snapped a couple of pictures. What is seen in the pictures is definitely Orangutan-like. Could these be the first clear pictures of the creature we call the skunkape? The pictures can be seen in Loren Coleman's page along with the specifics of the story. Also click my comments section to read my personal views on the Myakka Ape pictures.