What is Disc Golf?

Disc Golf is Golf with frisbees. Instead of hitting a ball into a hole, we throw discs into a basket. Instead of tall grass and bunkers, we have trees and bushes. Golf is traditionally measured in yards, disc golf holes traditionally measured in feet. Scoring is the same, one stroke per throw. Par is similar, holes between 100 and 250 feet are generally par threes, 250 - 350, generally fours, and over 350 feet, par fives. Occasionaly disc golf holes can be over 1000 feet! Locally, one of our longest holes (495 feet) is Mt. Mother, #4 at Longview Park in Rock Island, Illinois.

Disc Golf courses traditionally are in city parks and are free to play at any time. Disc prices average around $10. Discs are specialized with three broad categories, drivers, mid-range and putters. There is no limit to the number of discs one can carry, only one is necessary, many pros carry 20 or more!

Disc golf is a growing sport. We encourage you to get out there and try it!

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