July 2001 - The club has been doing a lot of playing and planning. Work on the East side of Camden was halted until the Village of Milan gives us the thumbs up again. But a lot of the new course has been laid out. The Ironman is going to happen on August 5, 2001. Check out the site for that.
January 2001 - New Year's Day Food Pantry Disc Golf Tournament was held at Richmond Hill Park in Geneseo, IL. Ice Bowl 2001 held in Longview Park in Rock Island, IL.
October 2000 - The Leaves Are Gone From Camden doubles tournament in Milan, IL. Also, voted on 2000-2001 officers: President - Chad Eng; Vice President - Jeff Clark; Secretary - Tom Bergeron; Treasurer - Jeff Johnson. Congrats to all!
August 2000 - Follets Park in Folletts, Iowa is installed. Another 9 holes of fabulous golf for the Quad Cities! Wahooo!
May 2000 - Devils Glen Park Disc Golf Course is in the ground in Bettendorf, IA! 9 holes of glorious disc golf through a beautiful park. Cement tees and Mach3 baskets. Ace fund is over $300!!! Come to league for a shot at winning it all!
Spring 2000 - Shaping up to be a fine year of Disc Golf in the Quad Cities. Our latest addition Camden Park has been successfully installed. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to making this course a reality. Special thanks to the Pepke's and Jeff Clark for overseeing the project. Devil's Glen Park in Bettendorf Iowa will be installed shortly. World's Biggest marked the opening of Camden Park. About 50 people attended and saw an excellent addition to the disc golf community. Membership is about 25 members. Officer elections will be in October, every member is encouraged to participate. Several more courses are in the planning stages as we hope to further encourage the growth of disc golf.
November, December,1999; January, 2000 - Slow time of the year, Sunday League continues indefinitely. The ace fund was voted on. It was decided to not put a limit on it. It will keep rising until someone hits it. Currently it is over $200. The course in Bettendorf has been ordered. 9 baskets should be in soon. A course in Camden Park in Milan has been approved. 18 holes to start with, with an additional 18 in the near future. Congrats to all those who have helped in these efforts. The Second Annual Ice Bowl was held again on Super Bowl Sunday. Lots of non-perishables were donated. Thanks to all those who helped with this event. The club continues to meet on the last Thursday of the month. Can't wait untill spring gets here!
August, September, October, 1999 - Richmond Hill Park was put in the ground. The course has heard nothing but fantastic reviews by all who have stopped to play. The first annual Longview Park fall classic was held on Sept. 12, 1999. Weather wasn't great, but still a great turn out of 40 plus people. League is winding down, but continues on Sunday afternoons for as long as people show up. The club has been busy proposing a course in Devils Glen park in Bettendorf, Iowa. We look forward to this 9 hole course becoming a reality sometime next year. Many fall tournaments these months concluding with Geneseo's first the 23rd of October. Internally, Chad Eng is our new president, and we welcome him as our new leader.
July 1999 - Geneseo Frisbee Golf Challenge was a success with over 100 people in attendance. Looking forward to the grand opening of Richmond Hill Park shortly. One new Member this month, Welcome Mike Wells. Had our second club ace, Congrats Chad Eng! Sunday League and Thursday League continue. Many members took this month to attend tournaments. The Illinois State Championships in Joliet, Turkey Shoot in Iowa City, as well as the Washington Cherry Festival in Washington, Illinois, all had QCDGC members in attendance.
June 1999 - League numbers continue to rise. Have two new members. Welcome Travis and Jason! Now have discs and minis for sale. Planning the Geneseo Frisbee Golf Challenge on July 3rd. Hoping to get a permanent course there in Richmond Hill Park. Also planning the First Annual Longview Park Fall Classic on September 12th.
May 1999 - World's Biggest was a success, 102 people in attendance, fantastic first year attendance. Ralph Frei award went to Tim Miller. Had one ace, Jeff G on hole 6. Elected officers, sold many packages, and had a blast. 1999-2000 officers are:
Tim Miller, President
Chad Eng, Vice-President
Tom Bergeron, Secretary
Jeff Gerstel, Treasurer
Also put up basket number 10, as well as chains for 8 and 9. League is averaging about 12 people.
April 1999 - Current members: Tim M, Tom B, Jeff C, Jeff G, John, Steve, Chad, Kathy, Paul, Dave G. Things are going smoothly heading towards World's Biggest. Constitution and officers will be elected then, League is up and running (good job Tim) A basket for number 10 has been ordered, and should be in place in plenty of time for World's Biggest. Look for the first tournament in many years in september.
March 1999 - We have an e-mail list going to keep people informed as well, if you'd like on it, e-mail
Interim President: Jeff Clark
Interim Vice-President: Tim Miller
Interim Sec. / Webmaster: Jeff Gerstel
Rock Island park liasion / Vendor: Tom Bergeron
Nominations are now being accepted for the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. We will be voting at World's Biggest. All paying club members will have the opportunity to vote.
February 1999 - We have started meeting on a regular basis. We do now have a bank account. Checks can be written to: Quad City Disc Golf Club. There was some discussion regarding the name, and we will officially vote on it after we have elected officers. Jeff Clark is the interim President, and all worlds biggest and club funds will be handled through him. Jeff Gerstel is your webmaster/secretary. Tim Miller is in charge of the league. Tom Bergeron is our vendor as well as the Longview Park liason. Also, we have set club dues at $20. This again is to get us started and will be voted on soon. Thanks to everyone who has braved the weather and played thus far.
January 1999 - The QCDGC is still in the startup phase. A group of disc golfers had talked about starting some sort of club or league last year (1998) Finally, one of us (Tom Bergeron) decided to have an Ice Bowl. He called a friend at the local paper, and got some free publicity. All by himself, he got 30 people out to play disc golf in the freezing rain of Super Bowl Sunday. Actually, we got lucky on the weather, 40 degrees and just a tad bit windy. At the end of the tournament, the people still hanging around said hey! If we can get 30 people to play disc golf in the middle of winter, imagine what would happen if it was nice! We set up a time to get back together, and have come up with some great ideas for 1999! We want your help! Contact me or come to any event listed above to see how you can be of help. In the meanwhile, see you at Longview Park.