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The Kliq had its' roots back in the mid-90's in the WWF when Shawn Michaels (HBK), Hunter Hearst Helmsley (Triple H), Kevin Nash (Diesel), Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) and the 1-2-3 Kid (Sean Waltman) were known as The Kliq, a group of wrestlers who hung together and had great clout behind the scenes in the WWF. But in mid-1996, Nash and Hall left for World Championship Wrestling and the New World Order, followed shortly after by Waltman. In late August, 1997, when HHH's longstanding friendship with Michaels was revealed to the general public, it lead to the formation of DeGeneration X. In the months that followed, DX would become the most controversial and influential group in the World Wrestling Federation, if not all of professional wrestling.

Waltman returned to the WWF after Wrestlemania 14, welcomed to the DX fold by HHH. He was joined by the New Age Outlaws. Together with Chyna, they reined over the WWF with their popular antics--including "invading" WCW and their infamous skit mocking the Nation. At the same time, the New World Order was slowly crumbling, with Nash branching off to form the Wolfpac. 

As things stand now, DX has reformed, sans Chyna. The Outlaws consist of X-Pac and The Road Dog. Hall and Nash have reformed the Outsiders, but both are out with injuries. And Triple H is in the midst of his reign as WWF Heavyweight Champion.

All the latest DX/Kliq information can be found by here. Pictures, sounds, and rumors, as well as biographies will be covered. Count on this site for all the latest goings on of the most powerful forces in the WWF/WCW.

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