Soon we will have music files to be downloaded. You can go below and see the entrance music for each person. Also we have our officail Theme CD/Tape for sale in our IWA Online store, check it out.

Wrestler Song Artist Download
Steve Barnhart Gin and Juice Snoop Doggy Dogg R2C4
Dustin Buchanan Hate Me Now NAS R3C4
Eran Collins 20 Dollars to my name Snoop Dogg R4C4
Brian Craun WOOF! Snoop Dogg R5C4
Dan (Fat Wonder of the World) Conway Back in Black Ac/Dc R6C4
Tom Rodman Whats This Life For Creed R7C4
Matt Anderson ? ? R10C4
Bushwick Brett Little Big Man Bushwick Bill R11C4
Josh Dayberry Suburban Life Kotton Mouth Kings R12C4
Grant Allen Tha Block Is Hot Lil' Wayne ?
Joe Hudspeth Bong Token' Alcoholics Kotton Mouth Kings R12C4
Jermey Dayberry Falling Away From Me Korn R12C4
Cory ? ? R12C4
AJ ? ? R12C4

Tag Team Themes

Steve/Dustin Natural Born Killaz Dr. Dre/Ice Cube
Kotton Mouth Committie Misc. Kotton Mouth King Music ?
Eran/Matt ? ?
Aj/Cory?????? ?? ??
Brian/Dan?? ?? ??