1998 Inductees:

       Nicholas Cormier                    T.F. Cormier                          Rat Emilia                            Mark Priest

1999 Inductees:

                Mike Connors                                    Joe Morrissey                                         Rob Carter

2000 Inductees:

                                                                        Dennis Connors                                 

2001 Inductees:

                                                                        John Bouffard                                 

2002 Inductees:

                                                                        Mike Stuka                                 

2003 Inductees:

                                             Jim Thompson                                                            Bill White                                   

2004 Inductees:

                                             Danny Thebeau                                                            Bob Alger                                   

2005 Inductees:

                Joe Furnari                                          Jay Creel                                               Scott Jiantonio

Voting for the East Hartford Kings Hall of Fame Ends With Three New Members

The final vote for the Kings Hall of Fame has landed three new enductees, Bringing the final total to 20. Though there were many great and dedicated players in our history there can be little doubt that the players whose jerseys have been "hung from the rafters represent the most talented, dedicated and passionate over our 16 years. Though the games we've played mostly will be forgotten, the players and the stories that go with them will not. We started out in 1983 as a collection of players from the tennis courts and parking lots. By 1989 we were alomst like a family, doing almost everything together. By 1994 we became legendary with our string of championships. When the end came in 1999 we had reached almost cult status. Yes, players have come and gone but who could forget the great stories, the friendships and the bonds formed. we have witnessed our teammates develope from sandlot players to the upper level of dek hockey players in the state. We've seen teammates get married, divorced, have children and move away. The legends showcased on this page represent all that was great about this team. As we grow older and time and family seperate us it is clear that things will never be as they once were. But every once in a while if you return to this page and look at the names listed here the stories will come back, a smile will cross your face and for a brief moment you will remember your youth when dek hockey and the East Hartford Kings and their players were all that was important!