Kings Editorial

This Page is provided for anyone who wishes to write in and tell everyone what being a King has meant to you. It may be as long or as short as you like. It will be reprinted in full and appear on this page for all to see.........

How is it that I could have been that excited about the final season yet still felt this enormous amount of sadness and finality? For more than sixteen years I have pulled that jersey over my head and gone to war with a group of guys who have had a major influence on the person I am today. Excluding my family I have known no one longer than many of my teammates.

To many, I have taken this Kings thing a little over the edge. My obsession with the purple and gold has been hard for some to fathom (especially my wife). I've poured my heart and soul into this team and for my efforts I have
been rewarded with twelve championships, many great friends, and a lifetime of memories.

Who could ever forget the rough and tumble days at Hockey World in Bloomfield? We literally fought and clawed
our way to back to back championships after years of being the league doormats. Can there be a more vivid memory than the brawl with the Blackhawks? It was the moment in history that began to define our team and for the first time, displayed our teams willingness to stick up for one another.

Then came the anti-establishment days in Waterbury. Our constant battles with Tim Fennel and the horrible refs left us with an even nastier reputation then our fighting days in Bloomfield. In sixteen years I've never apologized or made excuses for our teams way of playing the game. It was during the Waterbury days that I grew to relish the idea that other teams hated the very ground we walked on. I found it a rush to think that the sight of our purple uniforms caused other teams blood to boil.

Next we entered Plainville for the "Championship years." It was here that we brought the team to a whole new
level. For years, teams hated us because we were physical, aggressive and dirty. Once in Plainville, we gave teams a new reason to hate us, we were good. No, let me rephrase that;  “we were a machine.” Cranking out great team after great team. No small feat, considering the number of roster changes. Each new season became a challenge to see if I could put together a team to outdo the previous one. In the end, it was this repeat improvement on near perfection that led to the end of the entire upper division. I really feared that with no more mountains to climb our team was dead in the water.

Then came East Hartford and a new lease on life. In an effort to get back to our humble roots I was thrilled to field a team as close as possible to our original one fourteen years earlier. It was one of the most fun seasons I've ever played in spite of my very sub-par play.

So as I prepared for what would be the final season in our teams long and memorable history and I have to tell you I think that calling it quits really sucks! Sure we could continue to field a team whenever possible but I want us to go out as respectable as possible. At almost thirty-six I am getting a little long in the tooth. My body is beat up from the years of abuse and my disposition has mellowed. Like most of you my family and job take up much of my time, leaving precious little time for dek-hockey. It has been a great ride.  And though I will miss putting that jersey on, I am convinced that it's the right time to hang them up. I'm not sure I can ever convey to you why this team is as important to me as it is.  Maybe it's because I had sixteen years of being a part of something I helped create. Mostly, because it allowed me to meet most of you. You have given me many memories and we have shared many laughs. I'm convinced that I will never experience anything like that again.

To the guys from our Bloomfield and Waterbury days: 
You made it fun even when the team was a nightmare. Haley, Spurt, Yatkin, Alger, Fish, Flambo, and the Theabeau's, you have not played in years but to me you will always be Kings.

To the guys in Plainville: 
Furnari, Creel, Freshette, Bugsy, Chad, Stepenis and Bouffard you guys made us a dynasty. You're skills brought this team to a level none of us ever dreamed of when we formed the team. Your contributions alone earned you the right to be called Kings.

To the crew in East Hartford: 
What can I say? Many of you make up the foundation of this organization these last sixteen years.
Doug and Alex;  Your time with us was limited but your contributions and dedication were always greatly appreciated.  Your hard work never went unnoticed and the picture of Doug's ass maybe one of the last team related memories to make me laugh.
Stuka;  Though you have not been a member of this team as long as some, you  have certainly left a mark on this team’s history. The improvement in your game has been enormous and you truly are our all-time goalie.
Carter and Morrissey;   What would I have done without your talent on the dek and your endless comic relief off the dek. You both are without a doubt two of the most important players ever to wear the jersey. Where would I have been all these years with out Phil McCrevous or Buster Hymen.
To Boris (Stouts);  Where would this team be over the past four years without you help? Your ability to take over a lot of the dirty work of phone calls and web page work, not to mention my endless harassment, has not gone unnoticed.  You've helped organize this team and made any hopes of a final season possible. For this I thank you.
To Mike (buddy, Mook, B^3);  as an original, you were one of the team’s first star players. You helped make us
somewhat respectable in the early years when most thought of us as a joke. I think back to the days at Sunset and
Stevens and realize how long it's been. We've been through many wars together and it's been my privilege to play
next to you.
To Priest and Rat, my buds;  Without a doubt the two most dedicated players in team history. Mark, you put up with constant benching and reduced playing time as well as more than your share of verbal abuse without any pouting or bitching. You played almost every season and always put the team first. In my mind, that makes you a great team player.  Rat;  there is no one who better understands my feelings on this team. Just as on the dek, we've always seen things the same. You understand that it's more than just a hockey team. You are – and probably always been – the team’s on-dek leader. No one could ask for better. You are my teammate, my friend, and most times, the left side of my brain.  You are and forever will be Mr. East Hartford King.
Finally to our coach and founding father – Nick;  If it weren't for you none of this would have ever happened. You
began to put together this team when I thought it was the stupidest idea ever. Your front office work helped make
this team a force. You gave endless time and money to make us all look good. I hope it's been as much fun for you
as it has been for me.
Thanks a million.  You guys are the best.

- T.F. Cormier