Services and Tests

1 - Pulmonary Function Testing :

 a - Diagnosis of pulmonary disability.
 b - Determine the extent & type of pulmonary impairment.
 c - Determine the degree of response to bronchodilators
        & different medications.

2 - Fitness Assessment Of Athletes For Different Levels Of Effort

3 - Nutritional Assessment Via Indirect Calorimetry.

4 - Exercise Stress Testing

        a - Integration of cardiac & pulmonary functions.

 b - Determination of  physiological responses to controlled
       exercise stress.
 c - Diagnostic, functional, & therapeutic objectives
      e.g., can be used to optimize medical therapy
      with certain classes of drugs, such as antianginal agents,
      antihypertensive agents, & antiarrhythmic agents.

5 - Exercise Stress Testing In The Evaluation Of Dyspnea.

 Diagnosis of the cause either cardiac, pulmonary, or other.
6 - Exercise Stress Testing In The Evaluation Of Functional
 a - Disability compensation.
 b - To determine the exercise capacity & cardiopulmonary
       responses in healthy individuals & a variety of patient groups
       who require exercise prescription or occupational activity  guidelines.
 c - Assessing interventions which may be needed.
7 - Prognostic Evaluation By Exercise Testing As In Suspected Or
     Established Cardiovascular Diseases e.g.,
 a - Post myocardial infarction (MI).
 b - Cardiomyopathy.
 c - Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases - restrictive
      pulmonary diseases.
 d - Musculoskeletal affection, etc...
8 - Rehabilitation
    - Post myocardial infarction
    - Pulmonary rehabilitation of chronic obstructive pulmonary
      diseases patients.
    - Fitness programs for chronic pulmonary diseases.