Name: Roger William Stickler Aliases: Rog-"O", Big Rog, Cauiguqi, Gates, And R.W. Profile: 6'4" Black Hair, Brown Eyes. Race: Half White/Half Native American (Kiowa, Cheyenne And Arapaho) Hobbies: Basketball, Videogames, Messing Around On The Computer, Jammin and Chillin' to Music, Chatting, Fixing Things, Talking To People, Reading Books, Surfing The Web, Learning About Other People, and Just Chillin' Wit Tha'Boyz'. Personality: Open Minded, Intelligent, Firm, Laid Back, Funny, Speak My Mind, Crazy, Goofy, Good Listener, Knowledgeable, And Plain Just Me. E-mail: Cauiguqi@hotmail.com