You have come to the site of a budding author of fine entertainment and amusement. Oh, but I can almost hear you say "big deal, what else is new". If you are of a mind, I can assure you that spending the time to look at the wealth Of pleasure and information found here in a neatly wrapped package will not be wasted. So, let's be on our way and see what lies in store for the lucky web surfer, young or old, who by fate has happenstanced here to reap a fortune.

My main interest is computer games, both on and offline. By now I guess I have found just about as many different kinds of games that are out there on the web. The following links will provide endless hours and fun and sometimes intense competetion as you pit your skills against all comers in word puzzle, board, card, and war games, along with numerous games to download for your desktop, competing against the computer.

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If there is one game that can be singled out as my favorite, it would have to be bridge. There is nothing more satisfying than to take a break from my everyday routine for several hands of bridge. It gives me the satisfaction of being at one with myself while playing with three other beings that may be from the far corners of the earth, yet looking at the same bridge table as me on their monitors. I find this one of the most fascinating experiences in my lifetime. So, for those who come here that share this fascination or those who wish to experience this pastime as a beginner, the remainder of this page will be devoted to providing the many links that will provide a means to learn this fantastic game or select those sites that will hone the skills of the intermediate or expert player.


I am going back to the drawing board to plan more exciting, nerve-tingling experiences, as I don't want to put you in a total state of euphoria just yet. Keep checking in for the latest updates.

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