'K......Well there isn't a whole lot to say.....My name is Pat (aka AzureSky_EdgeGirl  or AzureSky_RickyGirl...depending on what site you are on) 
I work as a veterinary technician.  I currently live in Toronto, ON but call Sault Ste. Marie of Northern ON home.   
My birthday is the same as EDGE's (October 30...but 1972 not 1973)
I am a huge wrestling fan...and Ricky Martin fan ;)
I am very happily married to a great guy (SKY) It is his fault I love wrestling...but I know he thinks it is crazy how much time I spend on it now.....
I am currently on a road to health....so far I have dropped about 60 pounds and have about 20 to go....the pic to the right is from this July....I am down another 3 sizes from it :)  Ok many of you may not care about that but I am very proud of my success :) 
I owe a lot to my friends who have stood by me and encouraged me along the way :) 

These 3 pics are from Feb 5/00

This is SKY :)

GO HOME......

MORE PICS TO COME (me and friends)...