Welcome to my little page dedicated to my two favorite WWF Superstars!! EDGE and CHRISTIAN!!!
As this is my first homepage please don't be too critical of the layout until I have finished......THANKS! :) |
Who are these two young superstars??
Adam Copeland and Jason Reso grew up together in Orangeville, Ontario ....They quickly became friends when Adam found out Jason had a ninja throwing star and like him was into ninjas and comics. They grew up wrestling together...both having that schoolboy dream to become a WWF superstar.
Did they know this dream would one day become a reality??
CHRISTIAN (Jason Reso) |
EDGE (Adam Copeland) |
Birthdate: November 30, 1973 Height: 6'0" Weight: 217lbs Marital Satus: Single (I think) Previous Identities: Christian Cage, The Suicide Blonde, The Canadian Rage Training: Sully's Gym, Toronto Current Res: Toronto |
Birthdate: October 30, 1973 Height: 6'4" Weight: 240lbs Marital Status: Engaged (Alannah Morely) Previous Identities: Sexton Hardcastle, Adam Impact Training: Sully's Gym in Toronto Current Res: Moving to the Bahamas Finishing Move: Downward Spiral, The Spear |
no thumbnails...so might be slow for some...sorry...lots more to come! |
ok... so far only a couple...I have lots of pics to add...just need the time to do it :) Soon though! |
Not all links actually go anywhere :) I am still working on it :) Feel free to take your chances though ;) When I am finished I will let everyone know! Thanks PAT |
My SIX PACK Challenge :)
Ok....this page is still under MAJOR construction....but feel free to pop by :) lots of ablicious pics! |
6 PACK II For some reason I am unable to edit my old page so I thought I would start another |
ok there are only a few so far...and if you are a friend who has a site...and I have yet to post it.....be patient....I haven't forgotten! |
I got to spend about 15 minutes chatting with Jay and Adam this July....Hooray! Jay(Christian) really liked my poster/drawing I did of him and asked for a copy of it!!!! |
just started...only a couple of pics...more to come soon enough :) |
Some Inspiring Bodybuilders (Male and Female) |
ok...only male ...so far Mike O'Hearn , Frank Sepe, Greg Dowd... |
will have info on my friends as well...and lots of pics....not yet :) |
DarlingDar (Daniel Goddard-The BeastMaster) |
Trust me....you'll like what you see :) ok maybe only if you are female ;) I know I like it!! I've listed some great sites here as well! |
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