Robert Misra


Please email me for a trade at:


Hi, my name is Robert Misra. I live near Philadelphia. I hope to hear from you. I am interested in any type of rock music. I’ll always trade for any Rolling Stones, The Who, U2, and Van Halen that I don’t have.  My other favorite groups are Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam, and a bunch of other great bands.  Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any good material to trade.  Here are a few rules for trades with me.


1.       Nothing is for sale.  Trades only.  Nor will I trade copyrighted material – that is cheating the artists.  The only official releases I will trade are the Pearl Jam 2000 shows because the band has sanctioned those shows for trade.

2.       I use a Harmon Kardon stand alone CD burner, and I burn onto Fuji, or TDK CDR's. I don't demand that you spend a lot of money on CDR's, just use something reasonable. Nothing Ultra-cheap is all that I ask.

3.       All discs sent to me must be burned DAO. Assuming my copy of a bootleg is 100% flawless, I am able to produce a flawless copy with perfect track transitions. 

4.       I expect discs with perfect track transitions - no gaps, no clicks, no track transition errors, and no static/pops.  I am reasonable – I realize that many bootlegs have known errors, known sound fluctuations, known static, etc.  All I ask is let’s try our best to exchange high quality copies. 

5.       I will not accept MP3 sourced material. You will not receive discs from me if you send me MP3 discs.

6.       As of 2/28/05, I now use BitTornado to download from sites that support lossless compression such as The Traders Den, easytree, and jamtothis.  I can send these downloaded shows as FLAC/SHN files which I copy using Roxio Easy CD Creator.    

7.       I DO NOT PROVIDE ARTWORK.  I collect music, not art.   For shows that I’ve downloaded with BitTornado, artwork is often included as a file. 

8.       I'm always happy to give recommendations.   I know the Rolling Stones bootleg discography really well, and can guide you towards what is the best for each era/tour. 

9.       For my notation on source: SBD= soundboard, AUD = Audience, STUDIO =studio.   If you do not see a sound source, that means I have not listened to that item - select at your own risk.



   Here is my trading list. Please write to me for a trade at:


Robert Misra's Trading List: Last updated March 23, 2005


The Rolling Stones


1.       4 Flicks licks – 1 CD – to be reviewed

2.       4 Flicks audio – 7 CD - to be reviewed [kis productions]

3.       13 Nervous Breakdowns – 1 CD – to be reviewed

4.       1975 BBC Radio Special – 2 CD – to be reviewed

5.       The ABCKO Masters - 1 CD – track transitions are not smooth

6.       1968 Surrey Rehearsals - 1 CD - Very Good

7.       Acetates - 1 CD – STUDIO (A+)

8.       Acoustic Motherfuckers - 1 CD - Excellent

9.       Allen Klein Collection - 1 CD - Excellent

10.    All Mixed Up - 2 CD - Excellent

11.    Alt.Stones - 5 CD - 5 CD - Excellent - 5 CD compilation of studio outtakes.

12.    Around and Around - 1 CD - Excellent

13.    As Tears Go By - 1 CD (TAO)- Excellent

14.    Beast of Eden - 1 CD - Excellent

15.    Beat, Beat, Beat at the Beeb -2 CD - Excellent-STUDIO and SBD-compiles early soundboards and BBC broadcasts

16.    Beggar's Breakfast - 1 CD - Excellent

17.    Better Results - 1 CD - Excellent

18.    Black Box – Yellow Dog Records – 4 CD – Millenium Edition- STUDIO-boxset of studio outtakes from 1963-1972 compiled by Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones. This is a fantastic boxset that collects some of the best Rolling Stones outtakes from the first ten years of their existence. Disc 1 has excerpts from the 6/11/64 Chess Studio sessions. My favorite stuff is on disc 2 which features some great outtakes from Begger's Banquet, Let It Bleed, and Sticky Fingers. A must have!!!  This is an excellent starting point for outtakes., and it is a very comprehensive boxset.    SILVER CD

19.    Blessed Poison – 2 CD – to be reviewed

20.    Bones and Jones – 1 CD – to be reviewed

21.    Brian Jones Memorial Album – 1 CD – Excellent

22.    Brian Jones Still I’m Gonna Miss You – 1 CD – SBD (A+) – 4 tracks from 4/18/65 Paris, 3 tracks from 3/29/66 Paris, and 5 tracks from 4/11/67 Paris – sourced from French rebroadcast.  Also has complete ABC Hollywood A Go Go show from 5/20/65

23.    Bright Lights, Big City-1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-Swingin' Pig Records-consists of 10 tracks and is only 23 minutes long.  The first 5 songs are from 3/11/63 IBC studios. The next 5 songs are from the Got Live If You Want It EP.  This copy includes a few crackles (during Bright Lights, Big City and I'm Moving In) that were present on the master tapes. 

24.    Bright Lights, Big City – 2 CD – to be reviewed –[Dandelion 099/100]  - SILVER CD

25.    Can You hear the mobile- 2 CD – track transitions have miliclicks – new copy to be reviewed

26.    A celebration to the Blues – 1 CD – to be reviewed

27.    Censored - 1 CD – Excellent SILVER CD

28.    Chasing Mad Shadows - 1 CD – Excellent

29.    The Chess Sessions (Sister Morphine) - 1 CD – STUDIO (A+)

30.    Collector's Only - 1 CD - Excellent

31.    The Compass Point Works (Volume 1 and Volume 2 ) – 2 CD - Excellent

32.    Complete Ed Sullivan Appearances 1964-1969 (same as Conquer America with 1969 appearance added)- 1 CD - Excellent

33.    Could you walk on water (Sister Morphine release) -2 CD – STUDIO (A+)

34.    Dancing So Free - 1 CD – STUDIO (A+) – Mickboy’s remaster of Goat’s Head Soup. 

35.    Dartford Renegades – 1 CD - Excellent

36.    Delights from the Freezer (Freezer's Choice #1) - 1 CD – Excellent – received directly from Mr. Freezer

37.    Delights somebody wants – 1 CD – to be reviewed – received directly from Mr. Freezer. 

38.    Dirty Work Demos - 1 CD - Excellent

39.    Diverse Harmonics - 1 CD - Excellent

40.    Du Fond du Coeur - 1 CD - Excellent-2nd copy to be reviewed

41.    Electric Mother Fuckers - 1 CD –STUDIO and SBD (A+). – a random collection of live and studio “electric” tracks. 

42.    Exile Outtakes-1 CD- (A) -STUDIO-a collection of demos/outtakes from 1970-1972 which give excellent insight into the formation of Exile on Mainstreet, which is my favorite Rolling Stones album. This is essential stuff to get if you are a fan of Exile on Mainstreet. The last track, "Ventilator Blues", is from the 1972 Dallas, TX rehearsals.

43.    The First Decade 4CD - (A+) 4 Disc compilation of Bootleg material (2 Studio + 2 Concert). Please email me for the details on this boxset.- unable to copy.

44.    Flashpoint Collectibles: Unreleased tracks and B-sides- 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO and SBD-originally a bonus disc offered with the Flashpoint release, this is now out of print.  Includes B-sides (alternate mixes) and a few live tracks.  Awesome live track of “Beast of Burden” from the 1981 Chicago show.

45.    From Now to Then - 1 CD - Excellent

46.    From Rags to Excess - 2 CD - STUDIO – (A+) useless Mickboy's remaster of Black and Blue.  Out of sequence, and questionable bonus tracks.  I also hear a few background pops on my copy. 

47.    Freezer’s Choice #4:  Delights somebody wants -  1 CD - Excellent

48.    Get  Satisfaction if you want....the best of the BBC radio recordings 1963-1965 - 1 CD - Excellent-STUDIO-you will hear a few tiny crackles.  Comes from source. 

49.    Get the Fuck outta here - 1 CD – Excellent

50.    Get Licked from the Mixing Desk –1 CD - to be reviewed [pignose]

51.    Get What You Need - 1 CD – STUDIO (A+) – Mickboy’s remaster of Let it Bleed.  

52.    Girls, Pills, and Powder – 5 CD – to be reviewed [pignose]

53.    Growing Old Disgracefully – 1 CD [ 10/13/02 BBC broadcast] – to be reviewed

54.    Have you Heard the outtakes, Baby, recorded in the shadow - 1 CD – Excellent

55.    He is not Dead – Brian Jones – 1 CD – to be reviewed

56.    Hillside Blues-2 CD-Excellent-STUDIO- great collection of outtakes from 1968-1972. Disc 2 has some of the best outtakes from Exile on Main Street that I've heard

57.    Hot Stuff (Volume 1 Live) - 4 CD –SBD (A+)

58.    Hot Stuff (Volume 2-(In Studio) - 4 CD – Excellent

59.    How Britain Got the Blues – 1 CD – silver CD – STUDIO (A+) SILVER CD

60.    IBC Demos - 1 CD – Excellent

61.    In the Eighties –1 CD – to be reviewed

62.    I.O.R.R. Sessions 1974 1CD - Excellent

63.    Itchy Fingers - -1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-excellent collection of outtakes/demos from 1968-1972.

64.    It’s only Goat’s Head soup…but we like it – 1 CD – to be reviewed – SILVER CD

65.    Jamming with the Stones -  1 CD – to be reviewed

66.    Jamming with Jef Beck – 1 CD – to be reviewed

67.    Jewel Box 3 - 1 CD – Excellent

68.    Laid in the Shade -2 CD - to be reviewed

69.    Laid in the Shade Vol. 2 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

70.    Let It  Bleed – 1 CD – from German MFSL Master set.-Excellent

71.    Let it Bleed – 1 CD – STUDIO (A+) - remastered by Cool Cool Hand

72.    Lonely at the Top - 1 CD - Excellent

73.    The Lost Treasure - 1 CD - Excellent

74.    Made in the Shade - 1 CD - 1977-1979 Studio outtakes - Excellent

75.    Main Street Revisted (Mickboy release) - Exile on Mainstreet remastered - 2 CD – STUDIO A+) -some crackles from Vinyl Source used on bonus tracks. 

76.    Masons Yard to Primrose Hill –1 CD – to be reviewed

77.     Memorial Outtakes -1 CD – Excellent-AUD-compilation of rare tracks from Japan 1995 tour. 

78.    Metamorphasis - 1 CD – Excellent

79.    More Stripped – 1 CD – to be reviewed

80.    The Official Black Album – 2 CD – Excellent- SILVER CD

81.    Olympic Recording Sessions June 1968 – 1 CD – STUDIO (A+)  - also called Olympic Gold. 

82.    Only When It's Frozen  -2  CD - Mickboy Remaster of Aftermath. – Excellent.  New copy to be reviewed

83.    On Television - 1 CD - Excellent

84.    The Pain of Love - 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-outtakes from 1979-1982-nice 10 minute outtake of “She was Hot”

85.    Paris Outtakes Volume I [Vigotone Release]- 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-9 outtakes from 1rst generation of Some Girls outtakes.  Excellent Stereo

86.    Paris Outtakes Volume II [Vigatone Release] - 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-9 outtakes from 1rst generation of Some Girls Outtakes.  Excellent Stereo.  Different from above item.

87.    Pearls at Swine – 2 Cd -Excellent

88.    Performances - 4 CD - Excellent

89.    Place Pighalle Vol 4 - 1 CD - Excellent

90.    Place Pigalle 5/6 (1977) 2CD - Excellent -Some Girls studio Sessions.  SILVER CD

91.    Radio and TV Sessions Anthology – 4 CD - Excellent

92.    Record Mirror (Vol 1) -4 CD - Excellent

93.    Record Mirror (Vol 2) - 4 CD - Excellent

94.    Red Light Women - 1 CD – Excellent

95.    Reelin and Rockin – 2 CD – VGP #274- Excellent

96.    Request and Requiries -1 CD - Very Good/Excellent-The Citadel Sessions

97.    R.S.V.P Vol 1 and Vol 2 - 2 CD - Excellent

98.    RSVP (new version) - 1 CD - Excellent

99.    Satanic Majesty Remastered - Mickboy remaster - 1 CD - Excellent-to be reviewed

100.                        Short and Curlies -2  CD - Mickboy remaster of IORR-looking for clean copy.  New copy to be reviewed

101.                        A shot of salvation - 1 CD - Excellent

102.                        Shouting in a Bucket -1 CD - Excellent

103.                        Some Girls Sessions 1978 1CD – Excellent

104.                        Some Trax I – 1 CD – STUDIO (A) – 10 outtakes from 1rst generation tape. 

105.                        Some Trax II – 1 CD – STUDIO – (A) – 8 outtakes from 1rst generation tape.

106.                        Songbook - 1 CD - Excellent

107.                        Static in the Attic 1974-1979 - 1 CD - Excellent

108.                        Stereophonic Stones - 2 CD - Excellent

109.                        Stones Dreams - 1 CD - Excellent-STUDIO

110.                        Stones Covers – 1 CD – to be reviewed – from Mr.Freezer

111.                        Straight from the Heart - 1 CD - Excellent

112.                        Sympathy for the Devil - 1 CD – requested

113.                        Tastes So Good – 1 CD - to be reviewed – [mickboy]

114.                        Tattoo Out 1981 2CD - Excellent

115.                        Tattoo You Sessions 1981-1CD-(A)-STUDIO-nice collection of outtakes from the Tattoo You sessions. I prefer demos because you get a feeling for the development of a song, but these are pretty nice.

116.                        Tattooed [Cool Cool Hand] -  1 CD – to be reviewed

117.                        Taxile on Mainstreet – 1 CD – STUDIO (A) – outtakes for Exile on Mainstreet plus bonus tracks from 6/24/72 soundcheck and Montreux 1972 rehearsals.  All bonus tracks can be found in more complete form on other bootlegs (just ask me). 

118.                        Temperature Rising - 1 CD - to be reviewed

119.                        The Satanic Sessions(Volumes I ) - 4 CD - Excellent

120.                        The Satanic Sessions (Volume II) 4 CD - Excellent

121.                        Thee Satanic Sessions: Olympic Years 1967-1970 - 1 CD - Excellent

122.                        There's no angel born in hell - 1 CD – Excellent-2nd copy to be reviewed

123.                        Time is on our side - 1 CD - Excellent

124.                        Time Trip (Volumes 1-4) - 4 CD – Excellent

125.                        TOTPZ (Saturday 10/12/02) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

126.                        Tricky Fingers & Slicky Ringers - 1 CD - Excellent

127.                        Trident Mixes - 1 CD - Excellent - a bit of static - probably was on original master

128.                        Tropical Disease – 1 CD – Excellent

129.                        Twilight Zone – 1 CD - Excellent

130.                        Ultra Rare Trax (Vol 1-10) - 10 CD – Excellent

131.                        Unplugged 1 CD - Excellent -Acoustic Studio outtakes 1968-1973

132.                        Very Ancient, Thank you kindly - 2 CD - Excellent

133.                        Very Ancient (Mickboy Remaster) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

134.                        Voodoo Brew [Vigotone] - 4 CD – STUDIO (A+)  SILVER CD

135.                        Voodoo Brew [Sister Morphine] – 4 CD – to be reviewed

136.                        Voodoo Stew-4 CD-STUDIO (A+)   SILVER CD

137.                        Voodoo Residue - 2 CD - 93/94 Studio – STUDIO (A+)  - some background scratches during d1t1 at 6:35, and d2t1 at 4:17.  d2t11 has skips at 4:50

138.                        Wingless Angels – 1 Cd – Excellent

139.                        Who the Hate is Brian Jones – 1 CD -Excellent

140.                        Raw Power (4 tracks from 3/19/64 at Camden Theatre, 3 tracks from Metamorphosis, 11 tracks from 4/18/65 Paris) – 1 CD – STUDIO and SBD– (A+)  “Beat Beat Beat at the Beeb” has a more complete collection of BBC sessions.

141.                        Paris Match (4/18/65 plus bonus tracks)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-(A+) track 1 of disc one has a glitch at 1:45. One of the bonus tracks from Honolulu '66, "Last Time", is missing. Last track has skips during first few seconds. The sound is really good.  Looking for a clean copy

142.                        Andrew’s Blues (4/18/65 Paris) – 1 CD – Excellent-small miliclicks between tracks-looking for clean copy

143.                        A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss (4/18/65 Paris, 3/29/66 Paris, 4/11/67 Paris) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

144.                        Do you like the Rolling Stones? (2/24/66 Melbourne) – 1 CD – VGP 301 – SBD (A+)-a newly surfaced Brian Jones era soundboard.  Only about 20 minutes long, but still an essential. 

145.                        In Action (Honolulu 7/28/66)-1 CD-[Insect Records]-(A/A+) SBD and STUDIO- There are still crackles present in the recording-please keep in mind if selecting. Bonus tracks are studio outtakes - all can be found in Black Box. 

146.                        In Action (Honolulu 7/28/66 plus 3/29/66 Paris plus 4/11/67 Paris) [HI FI 74307 STEREO/DIAMOND] -  to be reviewed SILVER CD

147.                        The Rolling Stones Un giorno a Milano 67 – (4/8/67) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

148.                        Hyde Park 1969 (7/5/69) [TSP release] – 2 CD –SBD (A/A+) – don’t need to talk about this one too much.  It’s one of the most famous Rolling Stones shows, and an essential for all collections.  This was the free show a few days after Brian Jones death. 

149.                        Stones in the Park (7/5/69 Hyde Park) -1 CD [World Productions]- SBD-(B+) – SILVER CD

150.                        Catch your dreams before the slip away (11/7/69 Fort Collins, CO) - 1 CD – AUD (B-/B) – I hear two dropouts that on tracks 5 and 6 that most likely come from the original source.  This is the complete show from Fort Collins

151.                        L.A Queenie (11/8/69 1rst show) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

152.                        Street Hassle in LA (11/8/69) - 1 CD – AUD- (A-)-for 1969, this is a fabulous recording.   Issuer released this recording in incomplete form (no “Midnight Rambler” and no “Jumping Jack Flash”)

153.                        Cocaine on a dentist Chair (11/8/69 LA) - 2 CD – to be reviewed

154.                        Born in the Crossfire of a Hurricane (11/8/69 2nd show at  LA ) - 1 CD – AUD (A+) – three dropouts during Jumping Jack Flash.  10-11 has faded track transition. 

155.                        Bring it Back aliver (11/9/69 First show) –1 CD – AUD (A-)

156.                        Liver than you'll ever be ( 11/9/69 Oakland, California) - 1 CD – AUD (A+)-everyone knows about this.  This is the first bootleg that ever surfaced in rock history.  Even by modern standards, the recording is amazing, and it still serves as a an inspiration for tapers .  I don’t hear any sound problems on JJF or “Under my thumb”, so I most likely have the TSP version.  JJF is the soundboard from 11/27/69 MSG, and UMT is from 11/10/69 San Diego. 

157.                        Liver than You’ll Ever Be [Sister Morphine] (11/9/69 2nd show) – 1 CD – AUD (A)

158.                        Hangout (11/9/69 2nd show) - 1 CD – to be reviewed – SILVER CD

159.                        Stoneaged/San Diego 69 (11/10/69) - 1 CD – AUD-(A+)-amazing recording, even by modern standards.  I believe that I have the TSP version. Which is 20-bit remastered.  Some sources say the quality of “Street Fighting Man” is not as good as the rest of the tape source, but it sounds fine to me.  From 1969, this is an essential. 

160.                        Stoneage (11/10/69) 1 CD – (World Productions of Music release) – AUD (A+)  SILVER CD

161.                        It’s no Hanging Matter VGP 96 (11/10/69) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

162.                        The Sky Pilots (11/11/69 + 10/9/70) - 2 CD – miliclicks between tracks.  Looking for clean copy.

163.                        Dallas '69 (11/13/69) - 1 CD - to be reviewed.

164.                        Live from Detroit 1969 (11/24/69) - 1 CD – AUD (B/B+)-very good by 1969 standards.  Check if tracks 12-13 have clicks.

165.                        Philadelphia 69 (11/25/69) 1 CD – to be reviewed

166.                        11/25/69 Philadelphia upgrade  - 1 CD – to be reviewed – Gene B

167.                        Last Incarnation (11/25/69 Philadelphia and 11/10/69) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

168.                        11-26-69 Baltimore –1 CD - Cassette (1) > Pioneer CD recorder > CD-R > EAC > WAV > FLAC – to be reviewed

169.                        Baltimore 1969 (1126/69)- 1 CD –AUD (B-/B)

170.                        Devil's Disciple (11/26/69) - 1 CD –AUD(B+)

171.                        Madison Square Garden 11/27/69 [Penetration Records] – 1 CD - – SILVER CD

172.                        11-27-69 MSG – 1 CD – Master > Cassette (1) > CD-R > EAC > WAV – to be reviewed

173.                        Apple Acetate (New York and Baltimore) - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – crackles as to be expected from an acetate.  Excellent sound, and has the tracks that Get Yer Ya-Ya’s was based on.  This is the same recording as Fuck Yer Ya’Ya’s Out, but much cleaner with less crackles.

174.                        Fuck Yer Ya-Ya's Out - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent- has crackles from original source – to be reviewed

175.                        Live in New York 1969 (11/27/69 and 11/28/69) - 2 CD - Very Good.  Both copies have some miliclicks.

176.                        M.S.G. 69 (Madison Square Garden) 11/27/69 1CD - Fair/Good

177.                        MSG NYC (Mickboy release) 11/27/69 remastered - 1 CD – AUD (B+)

178.                        11-28-69 MSG 2nd show – 1 CD  - Master > CD-R (2) > EAC > WAV – to be reviewed

179.                        That's no way to get along (11/29/69 Boston) - 1 CD – to be reviewed

180.                        Miami Pop Festival (11/30/69) - 1 CD – AUD- (B+)

181.                        Phoenix 69 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

182.                        The Killer Festival:  Altamont 1969 (12/6/69)-2 CD – AUD-(C+/B-) this is the infamous concert in which an individual was stabbed to death by the Hell’s Angel.  It is a below-average audience recording in my opinion – I have definitely heard much better from 1969.   

183.                        1969 American Tour Compilation – 1 CD - SBD (A+)

184.                        Gimme Shelter – 1 CD-SBD (A+) – this is the live tracks from the Gimme Shelter movie taken from a video tape.  There’s No Angel Born in Hell has slightly better quality.   

185.                        Gather no Moss – 1 CD – SBD (A) includes 12/14/69 at Saville Theatre/Montreaux 1972 rehearsal tracks/Brussels 10/17/73 2nd show tracks  SILVER CD

186.                        Made in Sweden (8/30, 9/4, and 9/6 Sweden) – 3 CD - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

187.                        Stuttgart 1970 (9/9/70)–1 CD - Good-loud clicks between tracks-looking to upgrade

188.                        Let it Rock (9/14/70 Hamburg) - 1 CD - to be reviewed – incomplete show – “Live with Me” is left off. 

189.                        Cocksuckers roll over Berlin 9/16/70 - 1 CD – to be reviewed

190.                        Live in Berlin 1970 – 1 CD – (9/16/70) AUD (C+)

191.                        Cologne 1970 (9/18/70 Cologne + parts of NME '64) - 1 CD - Very Good – 12 tracks from 9/18/70 plus 4/26/64 Pollwinners concert in excellent mono

192.                        Paris 1970 (9/23/70) - 1 CD - Very Good – 11 tracks from 9/23/70 in mono without HTW and SFM – my copy has miliclicks between some tracks

193.                        Some Like it Hot (9/23/70 Paris) - 1 CD – SBD (B)

194.                        Stoneskugein (9/27/70 Vienna) – 1 CD – – 2 CD – to be reviewed

195.                        Arrivederci Roma (9/29/70) - – 1 CD – to be reviewed

196.                        Frankfurt 1970 (10/5/70) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

197.                        The Legend of 1970 (10/6/70 Frankfurt) - – 1 CD – to be reviewed

198.                        Midnight Ramblers (10/7/70 at Essen, Germany)-1 CD-Good/Very Good-AUD-a fair audience recording. "Brown Sugar" cuts off at the end - I think that was on the master, but I'm not sure.

199.                        From Vienna to Amsterdam [VGP] – 2 CD – to be reviewed – miliclicks – new copy to be reviewed

200.                        Shake Your Hips – 2 CD - to be reviewed

201.                        Farewell Tour (Coventry 3/6/71) - 1 CD – AUD (C)

202.                        Get your Leeds Lungs Out 1 CD- (A) SBD - Excellent - 3/13/71 Leeds University - This is my favorite Rolling Stones bootleg and probably one of the best Rolling Stones bootlegs that you can get. The performance is strong, and the sound is excellent. I always get the feeling that I am in a small, intimate club when listening to this concert. Every song is a highlight, but especially a long version of "Satisfaction" and an excellent "Stray Cat Blues". If you love the Rolling Stones, this is one of the first bootlegs that you will want to get!   SILVER CD

203.                        Leed Guitars...T.V. Stars (3/13/71 at Leeds)-1CD-(A)-SBD-this is the remastered version of Get Your Leeds Lungs Out. It is even better than the original classic! More of the betweeen song dialogue has been preserved. Includes bonus tracks from 3/26/71 at the Marquee Club.

204.                        Live at Leeds [Sister Morphine] (3/13/71) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

205.                        At the Marquee Club 3/26/71 London - 1 CD - Marquee Club - Excellent

206.                        The Lost Marquee Tapes (3/26/71)- 2 CD – SBD (A-)

207.                         Unreleased Decca Live Album 1CD- Very Good/Excellent - AUD and SBD - A/A+ Various sites such as Boston, Fort Worth,  and Philadelphia (1972).   A good compilation from 1972.  SILVER CD

208.                        Vancouver –First Night [Offbeat Records] 72 (6/3/72)-2 CD- Good/Very Good-AUD- C+/B- recording.  Sounds like a vinyl transfer since you can hear the familiar crackles and background noise associated with Vinyl (but actually is from a tape source).  This was the opening night of the Exile tour.  One of the bonus tracks ("Midnight Rambler") has a pop.   New copy to be reviewed

209.                        Vancouver 72 [Idol Mind] – 2 CD - miliclicks

210.                        A fair to remember (6/4/72 at Seattle) - 4 CD – AUD (B/B+) – contains the early and late shows in Seattle.  Most people think this is a below average tape, but I like it.  Just play it at maximum volume, and you’ll like it. 

211.                        6/6/72 First show – 1 CD – to be reviewed – from disc 1 of VGP 338 “Winterland Stars”

212.                        Midnight Magic (6/8/72 at San Francisco) -2 CD - Very Good-AUD (B/B+) - fairly nice audience recording and energetic show.  A nice show to have in which the Stones do "Honky Tonk Woman" as the encore".

213.                        Juiced Up & Sloppy (6/8/72 San Francisco ) - 1 CD -AUD- Good/Very Good (C/C+)- Energetic performance, average sound even by 1972 standards.  Several minor pops throughout the recording which are not too annoying, but I'm hoping I can get a clearer tape source. 

214.                        Hollywood 72 (6/9/72) - 1 CD - Very Good-AUD (B-/B) sourced from the LP Burning at the Hollywood Palladium, thus this is the reason for some crackles.  Nice, loud performance with decent sound.

215.                        Long Beach 72 (6/10/72) 1 CD – miliclicks between tracks

216.                        Long Beach 72 ugrade (6/10/72) – 1 CD - to be reviewed

217.                        Get Your Rocks Off (6/11/72 at the LA Forum) –1 CD – Very Good-AUD-B/B+ recording, and nice performance with great Taylor solos.  "Bye Bye Johnny" is a highlight as Richards/Taylor work their magic.  Please note that the crackles are due to this originally being transferred from Vinyl.  My copy is good. 

218.                        Los Angeles 72 (6/11/72 early show) – 1 CD – to be reviewed – upgrade

219.                        Kickin the Forum (6/11/72) – 1 CD - to be reviewed [pignose]

220.                        Welcome to the Breakfast show (6/11/72)  – 2 CD – to be reviewed

221.                        Ain’t touched a Drink all night (6/14/72 Tucson) – 1 CD - Very Good-AUD-a (C+/B-) recording with some very good parts.  This recording was released with "Brown Sugar" missing and parts of "Bye Bye Johnny" are cut out at the beginning.  I hear some very minor surface noise during “Midnight Rambleer” most likely originating from the original source.  A decent tape. 

222.                        6/15/72 Albequerque -  1 CD – AUD (B-)- faded transition between 7-8, and tiny miliclick between 8-9. 

223.                        Tucson 72 upgrade – 1 CD – to be reviewed

224.                        She Liked the way I held the Microphone (Chicago 6/20/72 2nd show) - 1 CD –  AUD (B/B+)

225.                        Sweet Home Chicago (disc 1:  6/20/72 Chicago 2nd show;  disc2: 6/15/72 Albequerque) -2 CD – AUD (B+)

226.                         Kansas City, Here we Come (6/22/72) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

227.                        Stones Touring Party (6/23/72  rehearsals before Dallas shows)- Excellent-SBD-(A+)

228.                        Sweet Black Angel - 4 CD – (Fort Worth, TX 6/24/72 early and late show)- AUD and SBD.  A/A+ recording.  Legendary concerts, and a rare performance of "Sweet Black Angel during the early show.    According to a couple of Rolling Stones FAQ's I have seen, this is sourced from a first generation audience tape. 

229.                        Ain’t No Angel on Main Street (6/24/72 early and late show) – 4 CD – (SBD and AUD).  A+ audience and soundboard.  One bootleg site says that this is a better version of the 6/24/72 shows compared to the above, but it is tough for me to tell.  Both are excellent. 

230.                        Plug in, Flush out - 4 CD -(soundboard compilation from 6/24/72 Fort Worth, TX, 6/25/72 Dallas, and the 7/21/72 Philadelphia shows)-Excellent- SBD. A+ recording.  "Midnight Rambler" from Philadelphia show was previously unavailable.

231.                        Ahmet Ertegun, Thank you kindly (6/24/72 2nd show at Ft. Worth, TX0 1 CD – SBD (A+)

232.                        Fort Worth Express (6/24/72 Fort Worth, TX 2nd show)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-A/A+great show from '72 tour. "You Can’t Always get what you want' sounds even better when done completely electric!

233.                        Dragon Slayers (6/25/72 at Houston, TX and other various) - 1 CD – SBD (A/A+) the soundtrack from the 1972 movie.  It is an excellent choice. 

234.                        Ladies and Gentleman:  The Rolling Stones! –2  CD – SBD (A+) this is big upgrade of previous Dragon Slayers soundtrack.  This is the original version treed on RollingStonesboots (I received directly from the seeder).  This was later bootlegged.  Please note – a few track transitions have miliclicks (I counted three).  Some minor, almost imperceptible surface noise on track 1 of disc 1.  Finally, at times – a few track transitions have long silences between tracks.  All of these conditions are the same as the original source – my copy is a 100% clone of the original seed.  First surfaced in the summer of 2002, this may be the strongest soundboard from 1972.

235.                        Ladies and Gentleman – 1 CD [Mighty Diamonds] – SBD (A+)  SILVER CD

236.                        You can’t do that Baby [VGP 314] – 2 CD – SBD (A+) – disc 2 – t1-t2 and t5-t6 have miliclicks between tracks

237.                        You Can’t Do that Baby [Kis edit of VGP 314) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

238.                        Ladies and Gentleman – 1 CD – Mickboy remaster of Mighty Diamond CD

239.                        Ladies and Gentleman [Sister Morphine] – 2 CD – SBD (A+)

240.                        Mobile 1972 (6/27/72) - 1 CD – (C/C+) AUD-on my copy, the last song is cut off.  Also, I hear a few pops on tracks 14 and 15. 

241.                        Mr. Freezer's Mobile 6/27/72 - 1 CD – AUD (A/A+) –this is the best audience recording from 1972.  It was given to me directly by Mr. Freezer.  This is a different tape source than what was used for the Morganfield release. 

242.                        Mr. Freezer's Mobile 6/27/72 - 2nd tape source (low generation tape source – a weaker version of this was used as the basis for the Morganfield Mobile 1972 release) - 1 CD-AUD (B/B+)

243.                        Mr. Freezer’s Mobile 6/27/72 – 2 CD – his remaster of his original tape source – AUD () – mc between t6-t7 and t8-t9 on d1. 

244.                        Alabama Jubilee (6/27/72) –2 CD – AUD (B+) – disc 2 is 7/15/72 Akron, Ohio

245.                        Kangaroo Mobile (6/27/72) – 2 CD – AUD (A)

246.                        Nashville 6/29/72 - – 1 CD – to be reviewed

247.                        Jack Daniels on Tour (7/4/72 Washington DC) -1 CD – AUD (A-) – another excellent audience recording from 1972. 

248.                        Drive Me Crackers (7/5/72 Norfolk, VA) - 1 CD - Very Good-AUD-C/C+ recording.  I've listened to the first 8 tracks.  A few of the track transitions have miliclicks.  Sound is average at best. 

249.                        Going back to the Roots (7/5/72 Norfolk, VA and 7/12/72 Indianapolis) – 2 CD – AUD (C+/B-) – neither recording is bad, but there are other audience recordings from 1972 that are better.  But these are lesser circulated shows from 1972. 

250.                        Bring it Back Alive (7/6/72 Charlotte) -1 CD AUD-A-/A recording.  Maybe the best audience recording from the 1972 tour.

251.                        Drippin Honey (7/6/72 Charlotte and 7/7/72 Knoxville ) – 2 CD – AUD (A/A+) – disc 1 is the 7/6/72 Charlotte which is an excellent recording – very comparable to Mr. Freezer’s Mobile 1972 in terms of quality.  Disc 2 is 7/7/72 Knoxville which is only a fair recording.  The Charlotte show makes this selection very worthwhile. 

252.                        Knoxville 72 (7/7/72) - 1 CD – AUD (C+/B-) – 3 dropouts during “Bitch”.  YCAGWYYW cuts off.  9-10 on disc one has a faded transition.  All seem to come from the master source. 

253.                        1972 US Tour (7/17/72 Montreal and 6/15/72 Albequerque) - 2 CD – to be reviewed – SILVER CD

254.                        Akron Rubber Bowl 72 (7/11/72) –1 CD - Very Good-my copy has clicks between tracks.  New copy to be reviewed.

255.                        Street Fighting Men in Toronto (7/15/72) -1 CD - Good/Very Good-tiny microclicks between tracks.  2nd copy to be reviewed

256.                        Standing at Your Kitchen Door (7/15/72 Toronto – both shows) – 2 CD – AUD – (C/C+)

257.                        They're really rocking in Boston (7/18/72 Boston) - 1 CD - Very Good-AUD- B-/B.  Famous show in which the Stones started a few hours late due to being arrested that day.

258.                        Ginsoaked Barroom Queen In Boston (7/19/72) - 1 CD - Very Good-AUD-B/B+ recording.  Please note that a couple of track transitions are fade in/fade out. 

259.                        Can You Hear the encore (7/20/72) –2  CD – to be reviewed

260.                        Philadelphia Special I - (2 CD) - Very Good/Excellent. July 20 and July 21, 1972 in Philadelphia. + some of 6/24/72 – 2nd copy has bad track transitions – check first copy.   3rd copy to be reviewed.  - new copy to be reviewed

261.                        Philadelphia Special II - 2 CD – SBD (A+)  SILVER CD

262.                        Plane Sex on the Way to Pittsburgh 7/22/72 - 1 CD - Very Good - clicks between tracks

263.                        American Affair (7/22/72) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

264.                        Royal Dragon (7/22/72 Pittsburgh) – 1 CD – SBD (B+)

265.                        A Slice of Rock and Roll (7/24/72) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

266.                        MSG 72 – (7/24/72) – 2 CD – AUD (B-)

267.                        Welcome to New York (July 26, 1972 at MSG)-1CD-(A)-SBD- 8 songs that were stolen (not by me!) from the mixing desk.  Best version of "Bye Bye Johnny" that you'll ever hear.

268.                        Welcome to New York (VGP 312) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – new copy to be reviewed

269.                        Welcome to New York (TMOQ 02/003) – 1 CD – complete show – SILVER CD

270.                        Touring Party 1972 (Vol 1,2, 3)-7 CD-Excellent-SBD and AUD-[Rattlesnake Records] awesome compilation from the 1972 tour.  Includes major chunks of the Fort Worth shows, the Philadelphia shows, and the New York City shows.  In addition, there are excerpts from the Vancouver, Montreux, and San Francisco shows!!!  This is a must- have boxset! 

271.                        Work Sucks, Let's Go Tour - 8 CD - Remastered version of 1972 Touring Party Boxset

272.                        Stars in the sky never lie (Europe 1973) 1CD - Very Good/Excellent - SBD-A/A+ soundboard recordings from '73 which won't be found on other soundboard recordings.  SILVER CD

273.                        Definitely Vintage/All Meat Music (1/18/73) - 2 CD - Mickboy remaster - Excellent-AUD- B+/A- recording.

274.                        Definitely Vintage – 2 CD – (1/18/73) AUD (B-) w/ vinyl crackles

275.                        We all benefit (1/18/73 LA) - 1 CD -my copy has small clicks between tracks

276.                        Tropical Wind Songs (1/21/73 at Honolulu) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

277.                        In Exotic Honolulu (1/21/73) - 2 CD - to be reviewed (1rst and 2nd shows) - AUD- B+ sound.  Disc one is complete show from 1/22/73.  Disc 2 is complete show from 1/21/73.

278.                        Hawaii 73 (1/22/73) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

279.                        Mick Taylor's Last US Performance (1/22/73 Honolulu) - 1 CD – Very Good-AUD-B+ sound.  A small tape flutter during "Tumbling Dice" which lasts about 3 seconds.   I believe it comes from the master source.  This is an excellent recording to get.  This was the Monday, January 22 show at 10 PM.

280.                        Blue Hawaii (1/22/73) –1 CD - Very Good

281.                        There's not a friend to help me through (2/11/73 at Aucklund, NZ) - 1 CD – AUD (B/B+)

282.                         Valentine's Day (2/14/73) - 1 CD –  -  AUD (B) My copy has “Brown Sugar” spliced in, but this boot is supposed to not have Brown Sugar.  New copy to be reviewed

283.                        Sweet Victoria 2/17/73 - 1 CD – to be reviewed – track transitions are perfect.

284.                        Melbourne All You Can Eat (2/17/73) – 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent – miliclicks between some tracks.

285.                         Advantage Melbourne (2/18/73 2nd show)-1 CD- Very Good-AUD-(B/B+)

286.                        Adelaide 73 (2/21/73) –1 CD – to be reviewed

287.                        Lost at Sea (2/24/73) - 1 CD - Complete 2/24/73 concert? 

288.                        Exiles Afternoon Revisited (2/24/73 Perth, Australia) 1CD - (A+) SBD - Another essential Rolling Stones bootleg to get. If you like the 6 bonus tracks, they are from the 1972 Dallas, TX rehearsals which I have also.  SILVER CD

289.                        Happy Birthday Nicky (2/24/73 and parts of 2/26/73) – 2 CD – SBD (A+)

290.                        Rolling Stones records welcomes the Rolling Stones:  Australian Tour 1973 (2/26/73) – 1 CD – to be reviewed [Shaved Disc]  SILVER CD

291.                        Welcome to Australia (2/27/73)- 1 CD – SBD (A+)

292.                        Wizards of Oz (2/27/73) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

293.                        Goodnight Vienna (9/1/73) -2 CD – AUD (A+) – an excellent audience recording with stereo-like sound.

294.                        Mannheim on Ice (9/3/73) - 2 CD –AUD (B-/B)

295.                        Middlesex 73 (9/7/73) - 1 CD – track transitions are not smooth

296.                        Empire Pool (9/8/73 London) –1 CD – AUD (A-) “Gimme Shelter” cuts off before end of song.  1 second dropout during MR and HTW.  SILVER CD

297.                        Come Back London (9/8/73 2nd show and 9/9/73 partial)- 1 CD – miliclicks between tracks – 2nd copy to be reviewed.  3rd copy to be reviewed

298.                        Come back to England – 1 CD – to be reviewed

299.                        Trashed in the ‘70s (9/8/73 1rst show) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

300.                        Manchester 73 (9/12/73) – 1 CD - Very Good

301.                        One Night in New Castle (2 tracks from 9/13 second show plus last 4 tracks missing from 7/28/78 Detroit)

302.                        European Tour 1973 (Manchester 1973) (9/12/73) – 1 CD – to be reviewed-VGP

303.                        Birmingham Odeon 1973 (Birmingham 9/19/73) 1 CD – AUD (A-/A)

304.                        Rainy Days in Birmingham 9/9/73 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

305.                        Swiss Made (9/26/73) –2 CD – track transitions are not smooth – good sound – new copy to be reviewed

306.                        Midnight Ramblers (9/26/73) –1 CD – to be reviewed

307.                        Olympia Hall 1973 (9/28/73 2nd show at Munich, Germany) - 1 CD – AUD (B+)

308.                        Guten Abend Frankfurt (9/30/73 both shows) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

309.                        Frankfurt '73 (2nd show remastered by Thierry) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

310.                        Are you ready, Copenhagen? (10/7/73) - 1 CD - Excellent-AUD-A/A+ sound.  Please note there is a 3 second glitch during track 5.  Other than that, perfect condition.  Great concert, and must-have.  New copy to be reviewed.

311.                        Grateful, Grateful Copenhagen – 2 CD – to be reviewed - miliclicks

312.                        Essen 1973 (10/11/73) - 1 CD – AUD (B+) – show released in incomplete form (last 2 songs are missing from the bootleg.  My copy does not have the 2 bonus tracks from 10/10/73 which were spliced in to give the appearance of a “full show”.  . 

313.                        Keep Your Pussies Clean (10/13/73 and 10/14/73 parts) - 2 CD -  Very Good – serious skipping on this one due to bad original pressing.  Avoid!!! 

314.                        Rotterdam Tapes (10/14/1973) - 2 CD – my copy has static on disc 2 towards the end, and miliclicks on disc 2. 

315.                        How Come you taste so good (10/15/73) - 1 CD – miliclicks between some tracks

316.                        Back to the Graveyard – 1 CD – SBD (A+)

317.                        Jean Clarke Memorial Barbecue VGP 246 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

318.                        Brussels Affair 1973(Brussels, Belgium 10/17/73)1CD - Excellent SBD

319.                        Europe '73 (Gold Remaster) - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – “Happy”, “Gimme Shelter”, and “Tumbling Dice” have very minor background crackles  due to vinyl source. 

320.                        Brussels Affair - Definitive Edition (Rattlesnake) - 10/17/73 - 2 CD -SBD (A+).  Contains the first show from 10/17/73 plus excellent bonus tracks from the 1973 winter tour.  SILVER CD

321.                        Timeless (10/17/73) - Sister Morphine release - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – sister Morphine’s release of the famous 1973 radio broadcasts.  Excellent sound.

322.                        Tour over Europe (10/19/73 Berlin) - 1 CD –AUD (B-)

323.                        Missing Links 1973 – 1 CD – SBD (A+) – more soundboard cuts from 1973 Fall Tour.   All of this can be found on the Rattlesnake Bruessels Affair release.  New copy to be reviewed

324.                        Heading For An Overload 1974 2CD-SBD-Disc 1 contains the KBFH broadcast from Sept. 11, 1974 (same as European tour 1973). Disc 2 contains the KBFH broadcast from Nov. 24, 1974 (same as Bedspring Symphony LP ). Original LP had some crackles. There is a remastered version of this bootleg available.

325.                        Nasty Music (Europe 73 Radio broadcasts) - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – 20 bit remastering

326.                        Europe 73 – The Ultimate Live Document – 1 CD – to be reviewed

327.                        Lost Rotterdam Tapes – 2 CD - to be reviewed [pignose]  New copy to be reviewed

328.                        Hope you like Dis One – 1 CD – to be reviewed

329.                        Tour of the Americas – 8 CD - Very Good/Excellent

330.                        Baton Rouge 75 (6/1/75 Early Show) -2 CD - AUD-(A-/A)

331.                         Whores in the Night (6/1/75 2nd show) 2 CD - AUD-A/A+ audience recording.  Excellent recording of the opening night from the Tour of Americas.

332.                        Sure the One you need (6/6/75 Kansas City) - 2 CD – AUD (C) rare performance of Sure the One You Need

333.                        Luxury in Boston ( Boston Garden, MA 6/11/75) - 2 CD -SBD.  (A- monosoundboard).    As documented in various bootleg guides, there are cuts in the Preston tracks.

334.                        6/11/75 at Boston – 2 CD –– MAC > DAT > CDR:  Sony ecm 99’s > Sony TCD-152-AUD (B/B+)

335.                        6/12/75 at Boston – 2 CD – MAC > DAT > CDR:  Sony ecm 99’s > Sony TCD-152 (B/B+) d2t8-t9 has a faded track transition.  AUD (A-)

336.                        Tour of the Americas ‘75:  Boston 6/12/75 [from 8 CD boxset] – 2 CD – IYCRM has a small blip at 1:00 & Angie has a small blip on d2. 

337.                        Cleveland 75 (6/14/75) - 2 CD - clicks between tracks-looking for upgrade

338.                        Hot as Hell (6/15/75) - 1 CD - SBD- A/A+ - monosoundboard with fade in/fade out transitions.  Bonus tracks are from a 1976 Earl's Court show. 

339.                        Heartbreakers in Buffalo (6/15/75) - 1 CD – miliclicks between tracks. 

340.                        Toronto (6/17/75) – 2 CD [OBR 93] – AUD (B-) – mc between t1-t2, t4-t5 on d1.   mc between t3-t4 on d2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

341.                        Toronto 75 (6/17/75) IMP version – 2 CD – to be reviewed.  New copy to be reviewed

342.                        6/22/75 New York City with Eric Clapton - 2 CD - AUD (A-)-excellent sound - much better than the version that is on the Tour of Americas Boxset.  I hear a 1/2  second flutter during "Tumbling Dice" but it most likely comes from the original tape source.  This is another high quality show from the 1975 tour, and the sound is much better than the bootleg version.

343.                        Tour of the Americas ‘75:  New York City 6/22/75 [from 8 CD boxset] – 2 CD – AUD (A-)

344.                        6/23/75 NYC – 2 CD – to be reviewed.  Same tape source as VGP bootleg

345.                        6/24/75 NYC – 2 CD – to be reviewed.  Same tape source as VGP bootleg

346.                        Tour of the Americas ‘75:  New York City 6/25/75 [from 8 CD boxset] – 2 CD – d1t9 has static at 9:10 on YCAGWYW.  Gimme shelter has static also.  New copy to be reviewed

347.                        I can sing Lady Jane (6/24/75 NYC) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

348.                        6 Nights at the Garden (6/25/75 and 6/27/75 Compilation ) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

349.                        Welcome Back to New York [Golden Stars 1036 release] (6/27/75 NYC) - 1 CD – AUD (A/A+) –great sound.  This is only part of the concert (see below for other versions of this show).   Some faded track transitions. 

350.                        Welcome Back to New York 1975 Part One [Preserve for the Future] (6/27/75) - 1 CD – AUD (A-/A)

351.                        Welcome Back to New York 1975 Part Two [Discover NY (6/27/75)] - 1 CD – AUD (A-/A) – t11 has a ski p at 5:40. 

352.                        Hold on Tight (6/27/75) - 3 CD – AUD (B+) – d1 has mc between t8-t9.  I think I hear some small pops at various points on d1 – but I’m not sure if it is from source or a burning error.  D3 has mc between t4-t5

353.                        Welcome to Philadelphia 6/29/75 - 2 CD - Good - choppy transitions

354.                        Philadelphia 1975 – 2 CD – 6/29/75 – to be reviewed

355.                        Philly 75 (6/30/75) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

356.                        L.A. Fog (7/9/75) - 2 CD - AUD- (A+)

357.                        1975 Nervous Breakdown (7/10/75) –2 CD – to be reviewed – new copy to be reviewed

358.                        Rockin' at the Forum (7/11/75) - 2 CD - SBD (A+)-all of these Los Angeles '75 shows are essentials for all collections.  If you can get a clean copy of LA Connection, that is the best version of this show because it includes the Fanfare intro.  Regardless, Rockin at the Forum has excellent sound, and is a live performance peak for the Stones!!!  Originated from a Pro-Shot Video

359.                        LA Connection (7/11/75) -2 CD – SBD (A+)

360.                        Mr. Freezer’s copy of 7/11/75 – 2 CD – to be reviewed – an audience source

361.                        LA Friday (7/13/75)- 2 CD - AUD-(A+) The most famous Rolling Stones bootleg. Better than a soundboard!

362.                        The Complete LA Friday Tapes - 4 CD -  (7/13/75) -AUD (A+) - most famous bootleg from two different tape sources.  This is something everyone should have.  SILVER CD

363.                        Whores, Cocaine, and a Bottle of Jack - 8 CD - [Empress Valley] - two copies to be reviewed

364.                        7-13-75 Los Angeles– 2 CD – given to me as Millard Master > VHS > DAT > CDR(x) > EAC/Flac frontend > flac8 – 2 CD – to be reviewed. 

365.                        It's only Rock and Roll (7/15/75 San Francisco) - 2 CD - AUD (A/ A+-)-As documented in various bootleg guides, there are various cuts on these tapes.  I noticed between track 2 and 3 on disc two, there is faded track transition.  I heard a dropout during "Wild Horses", and a faded track transition when going to the Billy Preston tracks.  Rest of track transitions are smooth and continuous.  This is another great choice from the 1975 tour.  Incredible version of "Midnight Rambler". 

366.                        The Rock and Roll Show Never Ends (7/15/75 and 7/16/75 San Francisco) - 4 CD – AUD (A/A+) – same tape source as the above.  Again, various cuts as found on original source.  Great choice.   This is the exact same thing as THE COMPLETE COW PALACE TAPES.  Have 7/16/75 as SILVER CD

367.                        Tour of the Americas ‘75:  Seattle 7/18/75 [from 8 CD boxset] – 2 CD – AUD (B+))

368.                        More Rock from Elton (7/19/75)- miliclicks between tracks.  New copy to be reviewed

369.                        I'm working so hard (7/19/75) - 2 CD- AUD (A-)

370.                        Cut the Crap (7/19/75) – 2 CD- to be reviewed

371.                        American Compendium (7/23/75) –1 CD – (TAO) Very Good-upgrade to be reviewed

372.                        Sad Songs is all I know (7/24/75) –2 CD – Very Good- miliclicks between tracks (both copies)

373.                        Too Busy Working (7/24/75)  - 2 CD – to be reviewed

374.                        Bloomington 75 (7/26/75) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

375.                        Missing Jewels (7/28/75 Detroit, 6/15/75 Buffalo, and various) - 4 CD - Excellent - SBD and AUD - A/A+ recording.  One of the best bootlegs to trade for.   You get the 7/28/75 Detroit mono-soundboard, the 6/15/75 Buffalo mono-soundboard, and excellent bonus cuts on disc 4.   Disc 2 also has excellent audience cuts from 6/26/75 New York.  Disc 4 contains the famous Stones performance of "Brown Sugar" from a flatbed truck on 5fth Avenue, NYC to announce the 1975 tour.  SILVER CD

376.                        Georgia on My Mind (7/30/75)  - 2 CD - to be reviewed

377.                        A tour de Force (8/2/75 Jacksonville) –2 CD – AUD (B/B+) – YCAGWYW, Happy, and Midnight Rambler cut off before the end.   Plus, Billy Preston tracks are cut out.  All of these cuts seem to come from the original source. 

378.                        Mr. Freezer’s Remaster of 8/4/75 Louisville – 2 CD – to be reviewed

379.                        One before the Last (8/6/75) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

380.                        Goodnight America (8/8/75 at Buffalo, NY) –2 CD - A/A+ soundboard from final show of tour. 

381.                        Live in Frankfurt 1976 (4/26/76) - 1 CD - Excellent

382.                        More than Welcome to Frankfurt (4/29/76) -2 CD - to be reviewed

383.                        Low Tide and Fair Hits (5/3/76 Berlin) - 2 CD - Very Good

384.                        Earl's Court 5/21/76 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

385.                        Earl’s Court 5/22/76 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

386.                        Order in the Court 5/22/76 - 1CD- SBD (A-) – monosoundboard – there is known diginoise during “Hand of Fate’ – this exists on original source.

387.                        Order in the Court (Mickboy Remaster) 5/22/76 - 1 CD – small ticks between tracks – to be reviewed

388.                        Earl's Court remastered by Mickboy (5/22/76) - 2 CD -  Excellent - small ticks between a few tracks. – 2nc copy to be reviewed.  UNABLE TO LOCATE

389.                        Down in the Court (5/22/76) – 2 CD – SBD (A+) – last two tracks are audience quality – tiny miliclick between last two tracks – rest are smooth

390.                        Another Earl’s court (5/25/76) – 1 CD - Very Good – miliclicks – some track transitions

391.                        5/23/76 Earls Court – 2 CD - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

392.                        Earl's Court 5/25/76 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

393.                        Earls Court 5/26/76 – 2 CD - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

394.                        Earl's Court 5/27/76 - 2 CD - Very Good

395.                        Earl's Court 5/27/76 - 2 CD- remastered for hiss reduction - to be reviewed

396.                        Stafford 76 (5/18/76) – 2 CD- – 2 CD – to be reviewed

397.                        Any Port in Storm (5/29/76) - 1 CD - Very Good

398.                        Any Port in a Storm Revisited – 2 CD – complete 5/29/76 plus bonus) - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

399.                        A Sunday in Hague (5/30/76) - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

400.                        Happy Birthday Ronnie (6/1/76) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

401.                        Happy Birthday Charlie (6/2/76) –2 CD – to be reviewed [VGP 349]

402.                        Alright, Charlie Watts (6/4/76) –2 CD – SBD-(A/A+) - excellent monosoundboard.  On disc 2, there is a fade in/fade out track transition between track 3 and 4.  The other track transitions are smooth and continuous.  I believe my copy is 100% good, and this is how the original was.  Excellent choice from the 1976 European tour.

403.                        Paris Aux Printemps (6/6/76) -2 CD--SBD-(A+) nice sounding show.

404.                        Les Abattoirs (6/6/76 Paris) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

405.                        Down and Out in Paris (6/7/76) - 2 CD –SBD (A/A+) - another of the essential 1976 Paris soundboards  SILVER CD

406.                        Paris Par Excellence (6/7/76) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

407.                        Live in Paris (6/7/76) - 2 CD – Excellent.  SILVER CD

408.                        June 9, 1976 at Lyon, France - 1 CD - Very Good

409.                        Les Inrockuptibles (6/9/76 Lyon) - 2 CD - to be reviewed – MISSING 1 DISC

410.                        Backstage Unlimited (6/9/76 Lyon) –2 CD-Very Good/Excellent

411.                        Barcelona Y'Ole (6/11/76) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

412.                        Live in Nice (June 13, 1976) - 1 CD - Very Good

413.                        Seid Ihr Wach (6/16/76) - 2 CD - Very Good

414.                        Tour of Europe '76 (6/23/76) -2 CD - Very Good

415.                        Hot August Night (8/21/76) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – d1t13 has beeping noises from 1:20-1:30 – from original source.  

416.                        Best of Knebworth Fair (8/21/76) - 1 CD - Excellent

417.                        The complete Knebworth (8/21/76) 1976 Final - 2 CD –Very Good

418.                        Stoned (8/21/76) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – one of my originals-same quality as Hot August Night.  SILVER CD

419.                        El Mocambo 77 (VGP 005 version - 1 CD - STUDIO, SBD, and AUD - (A-)  includes crackles and some cuts as documented in various bootleg guides.  The acetate cuts, in spite of crackles, are excellent listening.

420.                        The Club Gig – 1 CD – to be reviewed

421.                        The Complete Woodstock Tapes - (5/19/78)- 4 CD - Excellent - A+ sound. 4 CD set containing May, 1978 tour rehearsals for the Some girls Tour. These recordings were done in Woodstock, New York.  The highlight (for me) of this set is an incredible instrumental version of "Beast of Burden" on disc 2.  Please note that disc 3, track 14 has 4 seconds of digital skipping which comes from the original silver CD.  I have originals for this set.  SILVER CD

422.                        The Complete Woodstock Tapes (5/19/78) – 4 CD [VGP version] – to be reviewed

423.                        Some girls are bigger than others-1 CD-Excellent. Memphis, TN 1978-SBD-A+ recording - excellent sound on this one. Contains all tracks from the 1978 radio shows.

424.                        Fakeband in Lakeland (6/10/78)– 1 CD – (C-)

425.                        Out on Bail (6/14/78 Passaic, New Jersey) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) [TSP 64]

426.                        Out on Bail (6/14/78) - 3 CD - Excellent - new VGP upgrade-tiny miliclicks between tracks - very tough to hear.  –new copy to be reviewed

427.                        Capital Connection (6/14/78 Passaic, NJ) - 2 CD - Excellent - SBD- (A+)

428.                        Garden State 78 (6/14/78) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

429.                        Far Away, Washington (6/15/78 Washington DC) -2 CD - AUD-(B-/B)-decent audience recording

430.                        New York 6/19/78 - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

431.                        Hampton 6/21/78) - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

432.                        Surf’s Up (6/22/78 Myrtle Beach) - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

433.                        6/26/78 Greensboro, NC – 2 CD to be reviewed

434.                        Chain Shooting (1978 radio recordings) -requested

435.                        Just another gig (6/29/78 at Lexington, Kentucky) - 1 CD – Excellent

436.                        Let it Rock in Lexington (6/29/78 complete) - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

437.                        Shattered in Cleveland (7/1/78) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

438.                        Independence Day (7/4/78 Buffalo) - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

439.                        Let them Burn Your Town (7/6/78 and 7/11/78) - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

440.                        Tight Dresses and Tampax (7/8/78 Chicago) - 2 CD – AUD (B/B+) Small miliclick between t9-t10 on disc 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

441.                        7/8/78 Mr. Freezer remaster – 2 CD – from ap – to be reviewed – Mr. Freezer received this in a trade.  It is not his master.

442.                        Speed Freaks - 2 CD - to be reviewed

443.                        Boulder 7/16/78 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

444.                        JFK ’78 – 2 CD – to be reviewed – from GB

445.                        JFK ’78 - - 2 CD  - to be reviewed – VGP 336

446.                        Handsome Girls (7/18/78 Fort Worth, TX plus two CD's of bonus tracks) - 4 CD-Excellent-SBD (A+)  SILVER CD

447.                        Gorgeous Girls Redux – 4 CD – SBD (A+) – d1:  t2-t3 has miliclick.  D4:  t3-t14 has miliclick.  Sister Morphine remaster of the famous Handsome Girls boxset.

448.                        Let the Juice Pumping (7/21/78) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good-microclicks between tracks. 

449.                        The Burning Out (7/23/78 Anaheim) - 2 CD – AUD (B/B+)

450.                        Return to Liver (7/24/78 Anaheim, CA) - 2 CD - to be reviewed - miliclicks

451.                        All rights reserved (7/26/78 Oakland) - 2 CD - Very Good

452.                        The Rolling Stones in Oakland on Mick's Birthday (7/26/78) -2 CD – AUD (B+)

453.                        Sucking Don on Saturday Night Live-1CD-SBD-Excellent-Tracks 1-4 are the July 1973 Don Kirshner rock concert. Tracks 5-7 are the October 1974 Don Kirshner rock concert. Tracks 8-10 are the October 1978 Saturday Night Live performance. Tracks 11-17 are the October 1978 Saturday Night Live Rehearsals.

454.                        Blind Date Revisited (April 22, 1979 at Toronto: C.N.I.B benefit concert-2nd show)- 2CD - SBD- Excellent- Keith Richards had to perform this show due to his drug bust. Disc 1 is Keith fronting the New Barbarians (Ron Wood is one of his sideman). Disc 2 is the 2nd set, and the rest of the Rolling Stones join Keith onstage

455.                        Satisfaction Guaranteed (9/25/81 Philadelphia) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-clicks between tracks.  Looking to upgrade.  New copy to be reviewed.

456.                        Ain’t it good to be Alive (9/25/81 Philadelphia) – 2 CD - Very Good-both of my copies have clicks between tracks.  Looking to upgrade.  New copy to be reviewed

457.                        9/25/81 Philadelphia – 2 CD – from low generation tape source - to be reviewed

458.                        For whom the Bell Tolls [Tattoo Board] (9/25/81) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

459.                        Waiting on 50 million friends (9/26/81 Philadelphia) - 2 CD - AUD-(B+/A-).  Nice sound with rarities that include "Down the Road Apiece" and "Mona"

460.                        Street Fighting Men in Philadelphia (9/26/81) – 2 CD –SBD (A/A+)[Empress Valley] – great new soundboard.  Includes “Mona” and “Street Fighting Man” which were rarely played on this tour. 

461.                        Buffalo 81 (9/27/81) –2 CD - AUD-(B+)

462.                        9/27/81 Buffalo upgrade – 2 CD - to be reviewed

463.                        Party Down ’81 (10/1/81) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

464.                        Boulder ’81 (10/3/81) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

465.                        10/3/81 Complete Boulder –– 2 CD – to be reviewed

466.                        Drive Carefully 10/4/81 –2 CD- Very Good-both copies have miliclicks between –new copy to be reviewed

467.                        Light up the Town (10/7/81 San Diego)  - 2 CD - to be reviewed

468.                        Go Ahead & Light up the Town (10/7/81 San Diego) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

469.                        Never too old to rock and roll (10/11/81 LA) -2 CD – both copies have miliclicks between tracks.  New copy to be reviewed

470.                        10-14-81 Seattle – 2 CD – given to me as:  source: 2x Maxell UD XLII C90 cassette* (ANA x?)  transfer: Cassette playback via Nakamichi Dr-1 (RCAout) > DIY patchcord (1m) > Sony SBM-1 (line-in) @ 48 kHz [Oade line stage mod] > Oade 7-pin cable (passive) > Monster Interlink IDL100 (1m) > maudio ap2496 – (S/PDIFin) > WAV > Resample/Dither (48 > 44.1 kHz) > CDwave / shntool (tracking) > FLAC – to be reviewed. 

471.                        What is wrong with my guitar (10/14/81 Seattle) –2 CD – Excellent-SBD-I highly recommend this bootleg, but be forewarned about a few things.  “Black Limousine” cuts of after 2 minutes.  Also, there is a fair amount of sound distortion at various points.  Finally, the last few tracks are virtually unlistenable due to significant amounts of distortion.  All of these flaws come from the original Silver source, thus my copy is good.  I still think you should get this selection because it’s another soundboard from the 1981 tour. 

472.                        Now we need you more than ever (Seattle 10/15/81) -2 CD - Excellent-SBD-another brilliant soundboard from the 1981 tour. The sound is unbelievable. Awesome show!!!

473.                        Seattle Supersonic (10/15/81 Seattle) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

474.                        Shoo-Doo-Be Seattle (10/15/81 Seattle) – 2 CD – to be reviewed [SILVER CD]

475.                        Stoned, Screwed, and Tatooed in Seattle (10/14/81 plus 10/15/81 Seattle) - 4 CD - to be reviewed

476.                        California Canape (10/17/81) - 2 CD - to be reviewed-new copy to be reviewed.  New copy to be reviewed

477.                        San Diego 81 soundboard – 1 CD – SBD (A+) – some background fuzz during Honky Tonk Woman and Brown Sugar – most likely from original source. 

478.                        KBFH San Diego – 1 CD – remastered by Thierry – STUDIO (A+) – miliclicks between many tracks. 

479.                        Candlestick Park 81 (10/18/81) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

480.                        Something Old Something Blue (10/18/81 San Francisco) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

481.                        Happy Birthday Willie (10/24/81 at Orlando)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-decent audience recording with the standard setlist for the 1981 tour.  New copy to be reviewed

482.                        Stoned in the Sunday Sun of Orlando (10/25/81) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

483.                        Atlanta 81 (10/26/81) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

484.                        Let’s Spend the Night Together at the Fox (10/26/81 Atlanta) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

485.                        Houston, Can you sing (10/28/81) - 2 CD –SBD (A-) – nice monosoundboard which is overloaded for the first few songs, but then becomes excellent for the rest of the show.  My copy is 100% good. 

486.                        Jersey Devil - 6 CD (Rattlesnake release - 11/5, 11/6, and 11/7/81 shows) - Excellent- SBD.  A+ sound for all 3 shows.  I have the originals for this.  Please note that the flutters you hear at the end of disc 3 come from the original source.   SILVER CD

487.                        Hartford Whalers [Tattoo Board] (11/9/81) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

488.                        King of Drugs (11/10/81 at Hartford, CT) -2 CD - Excellent-SBD-awesome show, even better than the more common 12/18/81 soundboard.  SILVER CD

489.                        November in New England (11/10/81) - 2 CD - Excellent

490.                        Stones MSG 1981 (11/12/81) -2 CD – miliclicks between tracks

491.                        Sweet Home Chicago-Muddy Waters (11/22/81 at the Checkerboard Lounge, Chicago)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-famous 1981 Club appearance by the Rolling Stones w/ Muddy Waters.  If you love Blues music, this is definitely one to get!!!

492.                        11/23/81 and 11/25/81 Chicago – 1 CD – soundboard cuts – to be reviewed

493.                        Fever in a Funkhouse (11/30/81) –2 CD - Excellent

494.                        Going to a Go Go (12/1/81 at Pontiac Silverdome) - 1 CD- Excellent

495.                        Live in Detroit (12/1/81)  - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – excellent soundboard cuts from this show.  Tracks can also be found on Ride Like the Wind boxset.

496.                        Ride Like the Wind (12/13/81 Phoenix, plus two CD's of bonus tracks) -4 CD-Excellent-SBD-(A+)  SILVER CD

497.                        Satisfaction Guaranteed (12/13/81 Phoenix, AZ) –2 CD - Excellent

498.                        Together at Last (12/14/81 KC) - 2 CD - Very Good

499.                        Did We Meet Somewhere Before? (K.C.) 12/14/81- 2CD (w/ guest Mick Taylor!)- Very Good-AUD-nice show in which Mick Taylor joined his ex-band midway into the concert. The sound is pretty good, though the quality is better on disc 1.

500.                        Mick Taylor We love you and we’ll always do (12/14/81 and 12/15/81 KC) [EV] – 4 CD – SBD and AUD.  12/14/81 is SBD with A+ sound.  12/15/81 is audience source with A+ sound.  D2t5 has known flaw. 

501.                        Twenty Flight Rock (12/18/81 at Hampton, VA)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-great show and A+ sound. Includes a moving version of "Waiting on a Friend".  Between tracks 5 and 6 on disc one - there is a one second gap.  I believe this comes from the silver CD because the rest of the discs are DAO.

502.                        Hippy Happy Keith 12/18/81 - 2 CD – Excellent.  SILVER CD

503.                        Sweet Virginia (12/18/81) -2  CD – SBD (A+) – this is the best version for 12/18/81.  Much better than Hampton ’81 source because the track transitions are smooth, and the sound is cleaner.  In addition, I think the performance is one of the best.

504.                        Tattoo Me - 1 CD – Excellent

505.                        6 packs of Beer (2 CD) – to be reviewed – 1982 soundboards 

506.                        Flower of Scotland 5/28/82-2 CD-AUD (B+)  SILVER CD

507.                        5/28/82 – 2 CD – traded to me as “original master from taper of bootleg that became Flower of Scotland” – to be reviewed. 

508.                         Hot Hot Hotterdam (6/2/82) - 2 CD - Very Good-tiny miliclicks between tracks.  New copy to be reviewed.  New copy to be reviewed

509.                        Rotter Beast of Burden (6/4/82) -2 CD – miliclicks

510.                        6-4-82 at Feyenoord Stadium, Rotterdam, Holland – 2 CD – AUD (B-/B) -  given to me as uncirculated Peter Bergisma 1st Gen.

511.                        6/5/82 Rotterdam, Holland at Feyenoord Stadium – 2 CD – to be reviewed – given to me as uncirculated Peter Bergisima 1st Gen. 

512.                        Mojo’s Finest 6/5/82 – 2 CD - Very Good.  New Copy to be reviewed – both copies have miliclicks

513.                        Hanover 82 - (6/6/82) - 2 CD – AUD (B+) – sound is very good, but a few dropouts/sound fluctuations. 

514.                        Beast of Bourbon (June 8, 1982) - 2 CD - Very Good

515.                        Wilkommen in Munchen - 6/10/82 - 2 CD - to be reviewed.  New copy to be reviewed

516.                        Chantilly Lace 6/11/82 –2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-tiny miliclicks between tracks-upgrade to be reviewed.  New Copy to be reviewed

517.                        Demain Le Soleil 6/13/82 - 2 CD - Very Good

518.                        Mercy Paris 6/14/82 - 2 CD – skipping on disc 1, track 3.  New Copy to be reviewed – New copy to be reviewed

519.                        Mercy Lyon 1982 (6/16/82) - 2 CD - Excellent-AUD-very good audience recording!  Tiny miliclicks between a few tracks.  This is one of my favorites from 1982 European tour.!!!  Upgrade to be reviewed

520.                        Never Stop 6/19/82 - 2  CD - to be reviewed.  New copy to be reviewed

521.                        Drinking and Dancing 6/20/82 -2 CD - Very Good

522.                        One Day in June(6/26/82) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

523.                        Bill Wyman, We miss you (6/27/82) -1 CD - Very Good

524.                        All the Girls in Franfurt (6/29/82) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

525.                        Wilkommen in Wien (7/3/82) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

526.                        Secret Jams from the Inside (7/82) - 1 CD - Excellent

527.                        Two Days in Cologne (7/4/82 and parts of 7/5/82) –3 CD –Very Good-the origiinal bootleg was made TAO

528.                        Singing Under the Rain (7/9/82) -2  CD - Very Good (Madrid 82)

529.                        Stadio Communate, Torino July 11, 1982 (part 1 and part 2) -2 CD - Very Good

530.                        Shattered in Europe (7/17/82)- 1 CD-Excellent [Cool Daddy Version]-SBD-released as an incomplete show, but the performance is one of the best of the Tattoo You tour!  SILVER CD

531.                        Live at Leeds 82 (7/25/82) - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD-B+ recording..  Nice version of YCAGWYW. 

532.                        Live Aid Rehearsals - 1 CD - Excellent

533.                        King Biscuit Flower Hour (9/27/87) - 1 CD - Excellent

534.                        Toads Place, New Haven, CT 8/21/89 - 1 CD – AUD (C+)

535.                        One Down, 55 To Go (8/21/89 at New Haven, CT) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent-between track 1 and 2 is a one second gap.

536.                        Better than the real rebirth (8/29/89 at JFK Stadium, Philadelphia)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD (A+)-great bootleg! This is the Rolling Stones live rehearsal in Philadelphia for the Steel Wheels tour. A complete concert is performed (28 songs), and the performance is excellent even though this was not even a show in front of a paying audience!

537.                        Dead Man Cumming (8/28/89 and 8/29/89 Philadelphia rehearsals)- 5 CD - Excellent-SBD (A+)-certainly one of the best boxsets to get!  These are 5 CD's worth of rehearsals that the Rolling Stones did in Philadelphia 2 days before the opening night of the Steel Wheels tour!  A+. 

538.                        Electrical Discharge (8/31/89 at Philadelphia) - 2 CD – AUD (B)-SILVER CD – Please note, silver CD source has several miliclicks and a few gaps between some tracks!!! 

539.                        Unplugged (8/31/89 Philadelphia) [Pignose]- 2 CD – AUD (B-) D2:  miliclicks between t1-t2, t2-t3, t9-t10

540.                        Live in Toronto (9/3/89) - 2 CD -Excellent-SBD-can't believe I've had this for years, and never listened to it!   Contains 17 tracks in excellent stereo!  Another must have!!!   Sourced from a Pro-Shot Video.  A TSP release.  If you want the complete show, you'll have to get a title called Sweet Toronto.   A+ sound. 

541.                        Sweet Toronto (9/3/89) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

542.                        Wheelers Dealers (9/4/89) - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD.  B+/A- recording.  Definitely worth having. 

543.                        Pittsburgh 9/6/89 - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD-.  (B-/B recording-audience is noisy at times, but not too annoying.  You feel like you're in the middle of everything;  a true concert feel.  This is a lesser circulated show from the Steel Wheels tour.)

544.                        Wisconsin Flat (9/9/89 at East Troy, Wisconsin) - 2 CD – monoSBD- B/B+)Disc 2 has some minor static – seems to probably come from original source.  Disc 1 – Bitch has 5 second dropout.  Also, Bitch has a “hiccup” which lasts 1 second during the middle of the song (end of Jagger vocal)

545.                        Wheels are Rolling (9/9/89) – 2 CD – monoSBD (B+)

546.                        East Troy ’89 (9/9/89) – 2 CD - miliclicks

547.                        Cincinnati 89 (9/14/89) –2 CD - Very Good-I still have to review this, but my copy does have tickmarks between tracks.

548.                        St. Louis '89 (9/17/89) - 2 CD - miliclicks

549.                        On their way to Cleveland (9/27/89) – 2 CD – miliclicks

550.                        The Boys in Boston Vol 1- 3 – 6 CD – to be reviewed

551.                        Live at LA Memorial Coliseum (10/19/89)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-great soundboard.  Please note there are a few imperfections which come from the original source discs. SILVER CD

552.                        10/18/89 Los Angeles – 2 CD – to be reviewed

553.                        Mixed Emotions (10/19/89 Los Angeles) - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

554.                         New York City (10/28/89 at Shea Stadium) - 2 CD - Very Good (each disc is one track)-upgrade to be reviewed

555.                        Shea Stadium New York City 10/28/89 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

556.                        Texas Rangers (11/11/89) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD- a monosoundboard sourced from a video feed.  A/A+ recording.    Heard 2 seconds of static during track 2 of disc 1.   1 second of static on track 4 of disc 1.  Probably from source disc.  A must-have recording!  Disc 2 especially is a great performance.  New copy to be reviewed

557.                        The Boys are back in Dallas (11/11/89 VGP version) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

558.                        Back in Business (11/21/89 Atlanta) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD- B+/A- audience recording.

559.                        Indianapolis 12/6/89 - 2 CD - Very Good

560.                        Les Roues Metallic Et Les Jumeaux (12/14/89 Montreal) - 3 CD - Excellent-SBD-excellent soundboard with A+ sound.  A Must-have!!! 

561.                        Salut Montreal (12/14/89) – 2 CD – SBD (A+)  SILVER CD

562.                        12/17/89 Atlantic City - 2 CD - to be reviewed

563.                        Atlantic City 89 [TSP] (12/19/89)-4 CD-Excellent-an awesome soundboard.  Even for the Stones, this was a big moment in front of  a PPV audience.  Includes a performance of “Salt of the Earth” with Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin of Guns and Roses.  Once again, an essential for all collections. 

564.                        Atlantic City 89 – 2 CD [Crystal Cat] – SBD (A+)

565.                        Atlantic City 89 – 3 CD [TSP] – to be reviewed SILVER CD

566.                         Cold Steel Blue (2/26/90)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-another great show from the Steel Wheels tour. One of the best versions of "Sympathy for the Devil" that I've heard.  2nd copy to be reviewed. 

567.                        Steel Wheels Tokyo 1990 (2/26/90 Tokyo) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

568.                        Tokyo Tapes Vol 1-7 – 14 CD – to be reviewed [CT source]

569.                        Frankfurt Shuffle (5/27/90) –2 CD – AUD (B+)

570.                        Remember these Days (5/30/90) -2 CD – AUD (B+/A-)

571.                        Blinded by Love for  the Gypsy Kings (6/16/90) -2 CD – SBD (A+)  SILVER CD

572.                        Live all over the world (6/13/90 and 6/14/90 radio broadcast – 1 CD – SBD (A+)

573.                        Bienvenue Les Visiteurs (6/23/90 at Paris) - 2 CD –  AUD (B+/A-) SILVER CD

574.                        The Singer and the Fly (6/25/90 at Paris) - 2 CD - Very Good- -there are 5 pops during track 5 of disc 1 ("Tumbling Dice").  "Midnight Rambler" on disc one has lots of digiskips.  Sound is pretty good.I have not listened to disc 2.  New copy to be reviewed

575.                        Basel 90 (6/27/90) -2 CD –AUD (B/B+) 

576.                        Happy (6/27/90 - 1 CD - to be reviewed - part 1 of show

577.                        Sad Sad Sad (6/27/90) - 1 CD - to be reviewed - part 2 of show.

578.                        7th of July (Wembley, UK 7-7-90)-2 CD - Excellent-SBD-another A+ show.

579.                        Rome 90 (7/26/90) -2 CD – SBD (B)  SILVER CD

580.                        Wien Shuffle (7/31/90) -2 CD – clicks between tracks. 

581.                        Simply the Best (8/3/90 Goteberg) -2 CD – AUD (B+) – 10 second dropout during YCAGWYW

582.                        August Children (8/13/90 Berlin) –2 CD – AUD (B+)

583.                        Somewhere in Germany (8/16/90) –2 CD – AUD (B)

584.                        A last Bow (8/25/90 at Wembley) -2 CD – mililclicks between some tracks.  New copy to be reviewed

585.                        Secret Gig (7/19/94 Toronto at the RPM Club)- 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent-new copy to be reviewed

586.                        Voodoo Clubbing (7/19/94 Toronto) -1 CD (TAO)- Very Good

587.                        First Night Stand (8/1/94 at RFK Stadium, Washington DC)-2 CD-AUD-(B/B+) first night of the Voodoo Lounge tour. Pretty good audience recording. Bonus tracks from the MTV music awards.

588.                        Welcome to Washington (8/3/94) – 2 CD – AUD (B)

589.                        Live at Birmingham (8/6/94) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

590.                        Love is Strange (8/12/94) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

591.                        Bite the Big Apple (8/14/94) -2 CD - SBD-(A/A+) this excellent recording switches between mono and stereo sounding at various points of the concert.  That is how it was issued.

592.                        The Circus is back in town (8/15/94) - 2 CD - Very Good  SILVER CD

593.                        Voodoo Live (8/15/94) [Front Row release] – 2 CD - – to be reviewed  SILVER CD

594.                        Live at Giant Stadium (8/17/94) - 2 CD – looking for clean copy.

595.                        Out for Blood (8/19/94 Toronto) - 2 CD – AUD (B+)

596.                        Hot August Night with Lenny (8/28/94) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

597.                        Voodoo You (9/5/94 Boston) - 2 CD - Very Good – not smooth

598.                        Honky Tonk Motel (9/23/94 at Philadelphia) - 1 CD - Very Good

599.                        Pittsburgh 9/29/94 - 2 CD - Very Good

600.                        10/1/94 at Ames, Iowa – 2 CD – to be reviewed

601.                        Cyclone Stones (10/1/94 Iowa) –2  CD - to be reviewed

602.                        Voodoo Kiss (10/10/94 at New Orleans, LA)-2 CD-SBD- A+ excellent show with A+ sound. Includes a couple of bonus tracks which I think are from the MTV music awards.

603.                        Tattoo Me (10/10/94) – 2 CD – requested

604.                        Off with Our Heads (10/10/94) - 2 CD - SBD (A+) - This is one of my originals.  excellent A+ sound.  I hear a couple of dropouts at various points.  Voodoo Kiss (above) might be a little cleaner.    SILVER CD

605.                        Live Lounge (10/10/94) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

606.                        Live at the Superdome [TSP version] 10/10/94 – 2 CD- SBD (A+)

607.                        Voodoo Lounge Lizards (10/14/94 Las Vegas) –2 CD – AUD (B+/A-) – glitches during Street Fighting Man and Start Me Up. 

608.                        Specialties of the House (10/15/94 Las Vegas) -Very Good  SILVER CD

609.                        Kiss your Baby (10/17/94 San Diego) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent  SILVER CD

610.                        Voodoo in Oakland (10/29/94) - 2 CD  - to be reviewed

611.                        10/29/94 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

612.                        Voodoo At Halloween - Oakland, CA, October 31, 1994-2 CD- Excellent-SBD-fantastic sound and a great performance.

613.                        All Hallow's Eve (10/31/94 in mono) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

614.                        Voodoo Children (Disc 1 is from 8/14/94 at Giant Stadium, and disc 2 is from 11/25/94 at Miami)-2CD-Excellent-SBD  SILVER CD

615.                        Little Rock…Fit to Drop (11/11/94) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

616.                        Miami Dice - (11/25/94 - Miami, Florida) 2 CD - SBD - Excellent. This is an excellent show from the 1994 Voodoo Lounge Tour, and includes several guest appearances (Bo Diddley, Robert Cray, Sheryl Crow). There is about 2 seconds of minor "background" static during Sympathy For the Devil, but it is not annoying. Overall, I highly recommend this show for any Rolling Stones fan. You will really appreciate how good the Stones brass section is.

617.                        Tooth and Nail (11/25/94) -2 CD - to be reviewed

618.                        Live at Joe Robbie Stadium/Miami '94 (11/25/94) - 2 CD - Excellent

619.                        The Sun, the Moon, and the Rolling Stones (12/8/94 Syracuse) -2 CD – to be reviewed

620.                        Minneapolis Voodoo (12/11/94) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

621.                        Happy Birthday, Keith (12/18/94 Vancouver) - 2 CD –AUD (B+)

622.                        Stripped Companion (Tracks 1-6 are from the Toshiba Studio sessions March 3-5, 1995. The next 8 tracks are live songs from 7/19/95 at Brixton, May 26-27 at Amsterdam, and 7/3/95 at Paris. The final 4 tracks are from the Voodoo Lounge studio sessions)-1 CD- Excellent-SBD

623.                        Bucketful of Water(2/4/95 at Rio DeJaneiro, Brazil)-2 CD-SBD-(A+) another great show from the Voodoo Lounge tour taken from a TV broadcast. Mick mistakenly introduces "Live with me" as a song from Exile on Mainstreet, but his performance is top notch. On the last song "Jumping Jack Flash", you hear 2 seconds of static-probably from the master source, but be aware of it.  - rm

624.                        On TV From Rio 1995 & more  (2/4/95) - 2 CD - SBD - (A+) - nice version of this show  SILVER CD

625.                        Voodoo in Rio (2/4/95) -2  CD - to be reviewed  SILVER CD

626.                        Sympathy for the Voodoo Cult (2/16/95 at Buenos Aires, Argentina)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-great show.

627.                        Buenos Aires 1995 (2/16/95) - 2 CD - Excellent

628.                        Southern Quotations from Chile (2/19/95) -2 CD – SBD (B+) – decent monosoundboard.  Short voiceovers during the songs from transmission.  As documented in various bootleg guides, some songs are faded out and/or have cuts.  My copy is good. 

629.                        Everything but the Cobra (2/25/95 Johannesburg) -2 CD  - “I go wild” on disc 1 has diginoise.;  I have not listened to disc 2. - new copy to be reviewed

630.                        Live in Johannesburg ’95 [TSP version] – 2 CD – to be reviewed

631.                        Surprise Sounds in the Mixing Area 3/8/95 - 2 CD – to be reviewed

632.                        Live in Japan 3/12/95(Tokyo Dome, Japan)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD

633.                        Voodoo Edo (3/12/95 Sister Morphine release) -2 CD -Excellent

634.                        Fuckin Tired (3/12/95) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

635.                        Tokyo Final (3/17/95) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

636.                        Lounging in Melbourne (3/27/95)- 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD-one very minor pop on track 2 of disc 2.  Excellent audience recording. - upgrade to be reviewed  SILVER CD

637.                        Voodoo Raindance (3/28/95)- 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD

638.                        You're not Sugar, I'm not sugar (4/5/95 at Adelaide) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

639.                        They’re on their way 4/6/95 – 2 CD - 2 CD – to be reviewed

640.                        Through the Secret Nights (5/26/95) -2 CD - to be reviewed

641.                        Foottappers and Wheelshunters Gig (5/25/95 at Paradiso, Amsterdam) -2 CD – to be reviewed – new copy to be reviewed

642.                        Voodoo I like it (6/3/95 Stockholm) - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD-enjoyable audience recording with slower version of "Like a Rolling Stone" [Dylan cover]

643.                        Holland 95 -4  CD - Very Good

644.                        A Rainy Night in Holland (6/18/95) - 2 CD – AUD (B/B+) – you can hear very tiny, occasional, flutters in the background – most likely from original source – they do not sound like burn errors.  Track transitions are smooth and continuous.  Pretty good sound. 

645.                        Eau De Cologne (6/20/95 at Cologne, Germany) - 2 CD – track transitions are not smooth. 

646.                        Die Cobra im Blick (6/22/95 ) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

647.                        Beast of Belgium (June 24 and June 25, 1995) -4 CD - Very Good

648.                        How does it feel (6/25/95) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

649.                        Come Back to Paris (6/30/95) -2 CD - Very Good

650.                        The Storm at Longchamps (7/1/95) –2 CD - Very Good  SILVER CD

651.                        Olympia (7/3/95) - 2 CD – Excellent  SILVER CD

652.                        French Made (7/3/95) -2 CD –AUD (B+/A-)

653.                        London Lounge (7/15/95) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

654.                        Welcome to Brixton Academy (7/19/95) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

655.                        Brixton 1995 (7/19/95) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Mickboy remaster

656.                        Brixton Unplugged (7/19/95) -2  CD - to be reviewed

657.                        Having a laugh in Brixton (7/19/95) – 2 CD – to be reviewed  SILVER CD

658.                        Summernight (7/22/95) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

659.                        Da'Lapa Incident/Lisboa '95 (7/24/95) -2 CD - Very Good – new copy to be reviewed.  SILVER CD

660.                        Voodoo Minstrels (7/27/95) –2 CD - Very Good

661.                        Voodoo You Love (8/3/95 Munich) - 2 CD (TAO)- looking for good copy

662.                        Schuttorf 95 (8/8/95) -2 CD - Very Good

663.                        Budapest Rain (8/8/95) - 2 CD - Very Good

664.                        The Last Incarnation (8/25/95) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

665.                        Made in Europe (8/27/95) -2 CD - to be reviewed

666.                        All things must come to an end (8/29/95 Rotterdam) -2 CD – AUD () – loud scratch for 1 second during Not Fade Away. 

667.                        Not Fade Away (8/30/95 Rotterdam) -2 CD – track transitions are not smooth.- new copy to be reviewed

668.                        You got the best of me - 2 CD - Excellent - various rare tracks from BTB tour

669.                        Closer Than Close (September 15, 1997 Toronto Rehearsals)-1CD-SBD-Excellent. (A+)

670.                        Closer than Close (9/15/97 Toronto) – 1 CD [Rattlensnake] – SBD (A+) – SILVER CD

671.                        Behind the Double Door (Chicago 9/18/97)-1CD-Excellent-AUD-fantastic warmup "secret show" for the Bridges tour. The sound is excellent, and the performance is great. Performance includes lots of rarities.

672.                        Live at the Double Door Remastered (9/18/97 Chicago) - 1 CD - Excellent-AUD=A/A+ remastering of a warm-up club show in Chicago.  Sound is awesome.

673.                        Live at the Double Door (9/18/97) - 1 CD - soundboard VGP 300 - Excellent-SBD-A+

674.                        Live at the Double Door 9/18/97 [Sister Morphine] – 1 CD – AUD (A+)

675.                        Piece of Gold (9/23/97 Chicago)- 1CD - Excellent -SBD-excellent soundboard cuts from opening night in Chicago.   SILVER CD

676.                        Piece of Gold Complete (9/23/97 Chicago) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD-(A+) Almost the full show.  Only 2 songs were left out of this release ("Rock and a Hard Place" plus "Ruby Tuesday")

677.                        Rest of the Gold - 2 CD - to be reviewed – some miliclicks

678.                        Sweet Home Chicago (9/25/97 Chicago) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD (A-/A) web choice was "She's a Rainbow"

679.                        Welcome to Columbus (9/27/97 at Columbus) -2 CD - Very Good-AUD (B/B+) - web choice was "Gimme Shelter"

680.                        Canada Dry (10/2/97 Edmonton) – 2 CD - Excellent-SBD (B+/A-) - monosoundboard.  Webchoice was "Gimme Shelter".  - new copy to be reviewed

681.                        Anybody Seen my Stone in Charlotte (10/10/97 Charlotte) -2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-(A/A+)one of the best audience recordings from the BTB tour.

682.                        Philadelphia Special 1997 (10/12/97 at Veterans Stadium)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-(B+)the only night they played in Philadelphia on the first leg. Memory Motel was the web choice. Audience can be a bit noisy at times, but for most tracks music comes through really good. One of my favorites, "Crazy Mama", was played!

683.                        Giant Stadium 1997 (10/16/97 and 10/17/97) -4 CD - Very Good/Excellent

684.                        Factory Guys (10/16/97 Giant Stadium) -2 CD- Very Good -AUD-(B/B+) with bonus tracks from 9/3/97 soundboard.  Show included a rare performance of "Factory Girl"

685.                        Scrap of Flesh (10/17/97 Giant Stadium) - 2 CD -Very Good/Excellent-AUD-(A-)

686.                        Boston, You're big Enough (10/20/97 Boston) - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD (B+)-webchoice was "Starfucker"

687.                        Come to rock the 10 spot (10/25/97 at Portchester NY, Capitol Theatre) - 1 CD- Excellent-SBD-this is great. The first 5 tracks are from the 1997 MTV broadcast. The next 8 tracks come from the soundboard of the 9/23/97 Chicago show. The quality of these bonus tracks from 9/23/97 is much stronger than those found on PIECE OF GOLD. However, one annoying thing is that many of these bonus tracks are not complete - I wish the issuer of this bootleg had issued complete songs for the bonus tracks! Regardless, this is an awesome bootleg in order to get the MTV broadcast. Rest of the tracks come from the VH1 Fashion Award show. The final track, "Angie", is from a Japanese show on the BTB tour. - rm

688.                        Mexican Flowers (10/30/97 Albuquerque, NM) –2 CD - Very Good-AUD - (B+/A-) 3 track transitions have tiny miliclicks.  They are almost inaudible, and very tough to hear (perhaps disc was pressed that way).  Show included a special guest appearance by Sheryl Crow on "Dead Flowers".  Sound is very good, and definitely not MP3. 

689.                        Giving Head to Brad P (11/1/97) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

690.                        Dodger Stadium (11/9/97) -2 CD - Very Good-private source (dj) - to be reviewed

691.                        LA Confidential (11/9/97) – 2 CD –to be reviewed

692.                        Liver than you Ever Be 1997 Pt 1 (11/14/97) -2 CD - to be reviewed-miliclicks between tracks – new copy to be reviewed

693.                        Liver than you'll ever be 1997 Pt. 2 (11/15/97) - 2 CD - to be reviewed- miliclicks between tracks

694.                        Oakland 97 Part 1 (11/14/97) - 2 CD - AUD-(B/B+)

695.                        Oakland 97 Part 2 (11/15/97) - 2 CD - Very Good-small ticks between tracks.  2nd copy from originals to be reviewed

696.                        He didn't rat me out (11/19/97) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD (A-) includes a duet with Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder on "Waiting on a Friend"!!!   Great show from the final night in Oakland/San Francisco. 

697.                        Casino Boogie (11/22/97) -2 CD - Very Good-track transitions are perfect, sound is great, but be aware that I can hear tiny pops and background noise at various points in the recording.  I believe this comes from the source tape.  Women, Wine, and Song seems to have the same abnormalities.  I still need to listen to this fully, but the sound is great

698.                        Women, Wine, and Song (11/22/97) - 2 CD - Excellent-

699.                        Women, Wine and Song (11/22/97 – 2 CD – Excellent – remastered by Sister Morphine

700.                        We come to rock Seattle like this (11/28/97) - 2 CD -Very Good-AUD (B+)-webchoice was "Respectable".  Disc 2 has occasional ,very minor, background noise.   Disc 1, track 6, has a 1-second skip.  Track transitions are perfect, so these abnormalties may come from the original source.  New copy to be reviewed

701.                        Bridges to SoBe (12/5/97 Orange Bowl, Miami) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

702.                        Orlando 12/5/97 – 2 CD – Dark Star Enterprises master – to be reviewed

703.                        In the Shade of the Game (12/9/97 Atlanta) - 2 CD - AUD (A-)- SILVER CD

704.                        St.Louis (December 12, 1997 at St. Louis)- 2CD-Excellent-SBD-A+ sound and awesome concert! A Dandelion release -Stereo Gold edition. This is one of the first bootlegs I ever got, and it is still among my top 10 favorites! This concert was later released as a video. This is the whole unedited concert. The whole band sounds great! A must have!!!   SILVER CD

705.                        Don't Fuck with me or I'll breathe on you and you will die (12/12/97 St. Louis with bonus tracks from 10/25/97) -3 CD - Excellent

706.                        A wild hoarse in Quebec City (1/5/98) – 2 CD - AUD (B-/B)-a few of the track transitions are fade-in/fade-out.  This comes from the original silver discs (which I have).  Decent audience recording. documents this as a high quality audience recording, but I've heard much better from this tour.  First show ever in Quebec City!!!  SILVER CD

707.                        1/14/98 Madison Square Garden (Private tape source) - 2 CD - to be reviewed - Schoep's mics

708.                        Back to the Garden (1/14/98 at MSG) -2 CD - AUD-(A/A+)-excellent audience recording

709.                        Welcome to the Madison Square Garden VIP Lounge (2nd show) 1/16/98 2CD - AUD-(A-)-only one abnormality that I detected.  After "Jumping Jack Flash" ends and the band goes offstage, there is a clicking sound for about 15 seconds while the crowd waits for the encore.  However, right before the band comes back for the encore, the clicking noise ends.  There is no clicking noise during the music portion.  Excellent sound, and another great recording from New York City.  New copy to be reviewed

710.                        MSG 3 (Madison Square Garden) 1/17/98 2CD - Very Good/Excellent

711.                        MSG 3 Remastered (Sister Morphine 1/17/98) - 2 CD – -AUD-(A+) unbelievable recording – as good as a soundboard.  The setlist is one of the best of the whole tour – first ever live performance of “Might as Well get Juiced” and “Thief in the Night”!!!

712.                        Sweet Home New York City (1/17/98) –2 CD –Excellent-clicks between tracks.  –2nd copy to be reviewed

713.                        Divorcee in New York City 1/17/98 – 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

714.                        Hawaiian Holiday (1/24/98 Honolulu) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

715.                        We never promised you a Rose Garden (1/30/98 Portland) -2 CD - Very Good

716.                        Already Over Me (1/30/98 Portland) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

717.                        Bridges to Oregon (1/31/98 Portland) -2 CD - Very Good

718.                        California Dreaming (San Diego 2/3/98)-2 CD-SBD-(A+)this was a Westwood One radio broadcast. Excellent performance and a great setlist which included "Memory Motel" and "Like a Rolling Stone".   SILVER CD

719.                        Radio San Diego 98.3 [Sister Morphine release]  (2/3/98)- 2 CD -SBD (A+)

720.                        San Diego 98 (2/3/98) – 2 CD – [DL 020/021]] – SBD (A+)

721.                        Texan Troubadors (2/12/98 Houston) - 2 CD - Very Good

722.                        Where's the Joint (2/15/98 Las Vegas) - 2 CD - Good

723.                        Far East 98:  Bitch (3/12/98) - 2 CD - AUD (B+)

724.                        Far East 98:  Starfucker (3/14/98) - 2 CD -AUD (A-) - "Jumping Jack Flash" has digital skips.  I have two more copies to review.

725.                        Far East 98:  Shine a Light (3/16/98) - 2 CD - AUD (A-). 

726.                        Far East 98:  Memory Motel (3/17/98) - 2 CD - AUD - (A-)

727.                        Far East 98:  Time is on the West Side (3/20/98 at Osaka) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

728.                        Far East 98:  I Just Wanna Play For You Guys Tonight (3/21/98 at Osaka) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

729.                        Bridges to Argentina (3/30/98 at Buenos Aires, Argentina) - 2 CD – Excellent – rm

730.                        Argentina 1998 (3/30/98) -2  CD - to be reviewed

731.                        They'll Stone you in Rio De Janeiro Too (4/11/98 - Sister Morphine) -2 CD --SBD-(A+) This is a great release.  The only negative is that the original issuer left off 3 songs from the concert.  Originally sourced from a TV broadcast which left out those 3 songs.  Includes one of the tour highlights in which "Like a Rolling Stone" was performed with special guest Bob Dylan!!!

732.                        Stoned in Rio De Janeiro (4/11/98)-2CD-Excellent-SBD-(A+)

733.                        Springtime in Montreal (4/19/98) -2 CD - Very Good

734.                        Having a Swell Time in Montreal (4/20/98) -2 CD - Excellent - a few fade-in/fade-out track transitions, but not many. Great recording.  2nd copy to be reviewed

735.                        Keef in the Night (4/23/98 Chicago) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

736.                        Love in Vain (4/26/98 Toronto) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

737.                        Ribs to Wrinkles (6/13/98) - 2 CD –to be reviewed  SILVER CD

738.                        Welcome back Keef (6/13/98) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

739.                        Gold N Glory (6/21/98) –2 CD – AUD (B+/A-)  SILVER CD

740.                        Ich mochte euch bis Koln horen 6/24/98 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

741.                        Hannover 98 (June 26, 1998 at Hannover) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good  SILVER CD

742.                        One Day in June (6/26/98 Hannover) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

743.                        The Best of Amsterdam Arena (6/29/98 thru 7/6/98) -3 CD - Very Good/Excellent  SILVER CD

744.                        Came to rock the arena 6/29/98 –2 CD –  miliclicks between tracks

745.                        Babylon Four on the Floor 7/1/98 – 2 CD – miliclicks between tracks.  New copy to be reviewed

746.                        Check out what’s rolling 7/2/98 –2 Cd – miliclicks between tracks

747.                        Rock and Roll Avalanche 7/5/98 –2 CD - miliclicks between tracks.  New copy to be reviewed

748.                        The Best Fight in Amsterdam (7/6/98) - 2 CD – AUD (B+/A-)

749.                        Frauenfeld over the Rainbow (7/9/98) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

750.                        Munich 98 (7/13/98) -2 CD - Very Good - 2nd copy to be reviewed

751.                        Spain 98 (7/18/98) - 2 CD – Excellent  SILVER CD

752.                        Vigo 98 (7/18/98) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

753.                        Paris '98 (7/25/98)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-great show on Mick’s birthday.  Absolutely no audience can be heard – pure soundboard!!!

754.                        Champions Du Monde (7/25/98 Paris) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

755.                        Out of Control (7/27/98 at Gelschenkirchen, Germany) -2 CD – AUD (A/A+)  SILVER CD

756.                        Dead Flowers (8/2/98 Norway) -2  CD – to be reviewed

757.                        From Russia with Love (8/11/98) -2 CD – to be reviewed

758.                        Poland 98 (8/14/98)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD -an awesome monosoundboard show!   The TV broadcast was not in stereo, thus this is the best sounding version of this bootleg.   The three songs which were performed but not broadcast on TV have been added by the issuer in good audience quality at the end of disc 2.    This is a copy of VGP's Chorzow 1998.  One of my originals.  SILVER CD

759.                        Praha 98 (8/22/98 at Praha) - 2 CD - Excellent   SILVER CD

760.                        Leipzig 98 (8/26/98) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed

761.                        Still Younger than the Queen (8/26/98 at Berlin) - 2 CD – AUD ()

762.                        Wilkomen in Leipzig (8/28/98) –2 CD - Very Good

763.                        Hours in the Hairdresser's Gone to Ruin (8/28/98 Leipzig) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

764.                        Bridge to Bahrenfeld (8/30/98) -2 CD – AUD (B/B+)  This is one of my originals.  Pretty good audience recording though the clapping can be very noticeable at times.

765.                        Rockin the House Down in Bremen (9/2/98 Bremen) - 2 CD - to be reviewed-a few miliclicks between some track transitions - from original source probably.- new copy to be reviewed

766.                        Die Bremer Stadtmushlanten (9/2/98 VGP version) – 2 CD – SBD (A+)

767.                        86,000 Fans get Wet for the Stones (9/5/98) - 2 CD - miliclicks between tracks

768.                        Sweet Home Stockholm (9/8/98 at Stockholm) -2 CD - AUD (A/A+)-excellent sound - as good as a soundboard.  Great release by Crystal Cat.  One of the bonus tracks, "Thief in the Night" has some skipping which comes from the original source (note:  I own an original).    SILVER CD

769.                         Babylon Knights (9/10/98 at Berlin) - 2 CD - AUD (A-/A)-excellent audience recording.  This is one of my originals.  SILVER CD

770.                        The Rolling Stones Over Germany (9/12/98 Mannheim, Germany) –2 CD -AUD-(B/B+)-final show of the BTB tour with very good sound.  Please note that there is a small miliclick between track 1 and track 2 on disc 2 which I believe comes from original source - the rest of the track transitions are smooth. 

771.                        Gimme all your money (1/25/99 Oakland)- 2 CD-AUD-(A/A+)-awesome Sister Morphine release.  First ever performance of "Moonlight Mile"

772.                        Opening Night – Oakland 99 (1/25/99) [RR 026/027]– 2 CD – to be reviewed  SILVER CD

773.                         Kiss of Life (1/27/99 Sacramento) –2 CD – AUD-(A-/A) - "Midnight Rambler" from the small stage is incredible.   Excellent sound on this audience recording.  First show in Sacremento since 1965.   Includes bonus tracks from the soundcheck in excellent quality.

774.                        1/27/99 Sacramento – 2 CD – to be reviewed – new tape source

775.                        Keef got the Silver (2/2/99 Denver) - 2 CD - Very Good

776.                        No Security in Salt Lake City (2/4/99) -2 CD - Good/Very Good

777.                        Sacramento 2nd show (2/6/99) -2 CD - Very Good

778.                        Sacramento 2/6/99 – 2 CD – new tape source – to be reviewed

779.                        Route 66 (2/9/99 Anaheim, CA) - 2 CD - AUD- B/B+ recording, and great setlist.

780.                        This Ain't Disneyland (2/11/99 Anaheim, CA)-2 CD-AUD-(B+/A-) pretty good audience recording.   During "Some Girls" ( Track 9 of disc 1) at 3:00 - there is a slight flutter.  It doesn't seem like a burn error or skip - just some sort of abnormality - probably came from the master.  Includes a rare performance of "Shine a Light". 

781.                        Shine a Light (2/11/99 Anaheim 99 SBD) –2 CD - SBD-(A/A+)- an ALD from the No Security tour.  Keith's guitar is very low in the mix,  SILVER CD

782.                        The Devils break through Mickey’s Security (2/11/99) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – one of my originals  SILVER CD

783.                        Sweet Home Minneapolis (2/15/99) - 2 CD - requested

784.                        Some Girls are Respectable (2/19/99) - 2 CD – requested

785.                        2/22/99 Detroit – – 2 CD – to be reviewed

786.                        While the Wind Blows Over Toronto (2/25/99) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)  SILVER CD

787.                        3/7/99 Washington DC - 2 CD - Very Good

788.                        No Cigars in D.C. (3/8/99 Washington D.C.) - 2 CD - Very Good - good track transitions, but not 100% perfect.-upgrade to be reviewed

789.                        Pittsburgh 99 (3/11/99) - 2 CD - Very Good

790.                        Some Girls in Philly 3/15/99-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-great sound though I would classify the performance as only average Keep in mind that there is a minor amount of static during one song on disc 2. This static comes from the master tapes. Don't let it discourage you from getting this show, but keep it in mind.

791.                        The second road to Philly (3/16/99) - 2 CD - Very Good - choppy transitions (not annoying)

792.                        Hey Philly, Get off of my Cloud (3/16/99) - 2 CD - Very Good

793.                        Live from the Hive (3/20/99 Charlotte) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

794.                        The Sad Tale of Some Girls (3/20/99 Charlotte) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

795.                        Boston ALD (3/22/99) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

796.                        Jumping Jack Fleeced (3/23/99 at Boston, MA) - 2 CD - Very Good

797.                        Shake States (3/26/99) -2 CD - to be reviewed-2nd copy to be reviewed

798.                        Hartford 99 (2nd show) (3/29/99)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-very good audience recording. Between songs, the audience can be heard a little. Last song, "Sympathy for the devil" has one 1/4 second dropout. No big deal, but worth noting.

799.                        Columbus 99 (4/3/99) - 2 CD - (TAO) - Good/Very Good

800.                        Welcome Back to Chicago (4/12/99 at Chicago) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

801.                        Sweet Home Chicago 99 (4/12/99) -2 CD - to be reviewed.  2nd copy to be reviewed

802.                        Casino Royale (Las Vegas) 4/16/99 2CD- Very Good/Excellent-new copy to be reviewed

803.                        Viva Las Vegas Vol 2. (4/16/99) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

804.                        Welcome Back, Mick (4/19/99 at San Jose) -2 CD - Very Good

805.                        I Gotta Pass (4/20/99 at San Jose, CA) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

806.                        4/20/99 Soundboard (San Jose) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

807.                        Abridged 4/20/99 San Jose soundboard - 1 CD - only the tracks without ALD static

808.                        Get off my cloud (4/20/99 San Jose ALD) -2 CD - to be reviewed

809.                        The Rocking Wrinkles (5/26/99 and 5/27/99 rehearsals) -1 CD-AUD- (A/A+).  SILVER CD

810.                        German Girls (5/29/99 at Stuttgart, Germany) -2 CD – Excellent.  New copy to be reviewed

811.                        Shattered in Stuttgart (5/29/99) – 3 CD -  to be reviewed

812.                        All the Best from Austria (5/31/99) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

813.                        North to South/Happy Birthday Charlie (6/2/99 and 6/18/99) - 2 CD - combines 2 shows.- Very Good/Excellent  SILVER CD

814.                        Singin in the Rain (6/6/99 Sheffield) - 2 CD - Very Good

815.                        Don't bust the crust 6/8/99 London (club show at Shepherd's Bush)- 2 CD - Excellent-AUD

816.                        Cow Skins and Pig Shoes (6/8/99) - 2 CD – Excellent.  SILVER CD

817.                        Wembley 99 (6/11/99 at Wembley Stadium in London)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-awesome show and A+ recording.  Better than most soundboards.. 

818.                        Home at Last 6/11/99 – 2 CD -  to be reviewed

819.                        Sweet Home London (6/11/99) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

820.                        Wembley 2nd show(6/12/99 at Wembley) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

821.                        Complete 1999 Wembley Performances - 4 CD - Excellent

822.                        No Security in Landgraaf (6/18/99) -2 CD – AUD (B)

823.                        Grande Finale (6/20/99 at Cologne, Germany) - 2 CD – Excellent

824.                        TAO Tree – 6 CD – to be reviewed – Mickboy’s remasters of the three club shows in Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia. 

825.                        Rock the Palais [Phoenix label] (8/16/02 Toronto)  – 1 CD – SBD (A+) – pretty awesome soundboard from the secret club gig.   First Live performance of “Can You Hear Me knocking”

826.                        Hot Stuff at the Palais Royale – 1 CD [Sister Morphine] – SBD (A+)

827.                        The First Licks (9/3/02 Fleet and 9/5/02 Gilette)  [Exile label]– 4 CD –AUD (B/B+)  Miliclick between tracks 1 and 2 on each disc.  Rest of track transitions are smooth and continuous.  Pretty good audience recordings.  Drums sound great.  The 9/3/02 show is missing the encore songs SFD and JJF (bootleg was issued that way)

828.                        65 Licks – (9/3/02, 9/5/02, and 9/8/02 Boston shows) – 6 CD – AUD (B+ for 9/3/02,  B+ for 9/5/02, B+ for 9/8/02) [VGP 320]

829.                        First Lick [Lick 001] (9/3/02) – 2 CD  AUD (B/B+)  SILVER CD

830.                        Club Show [Lick 002] (9/8/02) – 2 CD – AUD (B/B+)  SILVER CD

831.                        9/10/02 at the United Center, Chicago – 2 CD – AUD (A) – JG source. Coresounds CSC mics > Sony MZ-R700

832.                        9/13/02 at Comiskey Park, Chicago – 2 CD – AUD – (B+/A-) – Bill “Coop” source circulating on RollingStonesboots.  For a stadium show, this is a really good recording. 

833.       9/16/02 at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago – 2 CD – AUD –Neuman km140-> beyer mv100-> casio DA-R100 ortf DFC Front Row Balcony.  Transfer: Tascam DA 40-> HHB-850 CD Recorder-> Eac-> SHN.  Transfered, SHN'ed & Seeded by Bocabob Silver-AUD (A/A+).  
834.       9/16/02 at the Aragon – 2 CD – recorded on a minidisk player close to Ronnie’s stage monitor – to be reviewed
835.       Going to Chicago – (9/10/02, 9/13/02 and 9/16/02 Chicago shows) [VGP 321 release] – 6 CD – AUD (B+ for 9/10/02, B-/B for 9/13/02, A/A+ for 9/16/02)
836.       Four Veterans [Risk discs] 9/18/02 – 2 CD – AUD (A-/A)
837.       9/18/02 Veterans Stadium – 2 CD – to be reviewed – from BMc
838.       9/20/02 at the First Union Center (9/20/02) – 2 CD – Sony DG90P mics – to be reviewed
839.       Live at the First Union Center (9/20/02 Philadelphia)  - 2 CD – to be reviewed
840.       9/20/02 at the First Union Center – 2 CD – traded to me by BM – to be reviewed

841.                        9/22/02 at the Tower Theatre, PA – 2 CD – AUD (A/A+) – Schoep’s mic source FOB Row 12:Schoeps MK4V->SX-M2 > 24 Bit Mod SBM->D100

842.                        The Rolling Stones at the Tower [Pignose Records 003]- 2 CD – to be reviewed-miliclicks between some tracks – new copy to be reviewed

843.                        Sweet Home Philadelphia – (9/18/02, 9/20/02 and 9/22/02 Philadelphia shows) [VGP release] -6 CD – to be reviewed

844.                        9/26/02 at Madison Square Garden – 2 CD – AUD (A/A+) Schoeps mic source – excellent recording by the Taper Advocate.  The same taper has given me his masters of the Who 7/31/02 and the Who 8/3/02 from the same excellent mic source.  The small stage portion is killer. 

845.                        9/30/02 Roseland – 2 CD – to be reviewed – “CT” version”

846.                        So Glad to be in New York City (9/26/02, 9/28/02, 9/30/02 New York City shows) [VGP 321] - 6 CD – AUD (B/B+ for 9/26/02, B/B+ for 9/28/02,  for B+ 9/30/02)

847.                        10/4/02 FedEx Field – 2 CD – to be reviewed – write in exact source info.- sonic pro Biaural mics

848.                        Hartford 2002  - 2 CD – to be reviewed

849.                        10/12/02 Detroit – 2 CD– traded to me as:   Sony MZ-R50 Minidisc recorder.  Audio-Technica 853 slimline cardiods-Battery box @ 195Hz – recorded from mainfloor, Sec F, Row 22 – mics in X pattern – AUD) – (A)

850.                        10/16/02 ACC – 2 CD - DSM6pl mics > Sony m-1 > RME Digital > amplitude @48khz > CD wav > cdr – AUD (B/B+)

851.                        10/18/02 Toronto – 2 CD – to be reviewed – DSM6pl mics > Sony m-1 > RME Digital > amplitude @48khz > CD wav > cdr – have two copies

852.                        Toronto Stars – 6 CD – to be reviewed

853.                        Cleveland 2002 – 2 CD – miliclicks between tracks – fill in source info. 

854.                        10/20/02 Columbus, OH – 2 CD – to be reviewed

855.                        Best Seat in the House (10/20/02) – 2 CD – [Markbot master] – to be reviewed

856.                        10/22/02 Sunrise, FL – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Bocabob master

857.                        10/22/02 Ft. Lauderdale – 2 CD – to be reviewed – jt “Darkstar” master

858.                        10/23/02 Miami – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Bocabob Master. 

859.                        10/23/02 Miami – 2 CD – to be reviewed – jt “Darkstar” master

860.                        10/26/02 Atlanta – 2 CD –DB master (AUD) – A/A+

861.                        10/31/02 Staples Center, LA – 2 CD – to be reviewed – DJ master

862.                        11/2/02 Anaheim – 2 CD – to be reviewed – DJ master

863.                        11/4/02 Wiltern – 2 CD – DJ master-AUD (A/A+)

864.                        Honky Tonk Wiltern – (11/4/02) 2 CD –Sister Morphine - to be reviewed

865.                         11/6/02 Tacoma, Washington – 2 CD – to be reviewed – from jb

866.                        11/8/02 Pac Bell, San Francisco – 2 CD – to be reviewed – traded to me by fm

867.                        11/8/02 Pac Bell – 2 CD – to be reviewed – “private Schoeps source”

868.                        11/8/02 Pac Bell – 2 CD – to be reviewed – traded to me by tr

869.                        11/8/02 Pac Bell – 2 CD – to be reviewd – Schoeps CCM4 > Aerco > D100

870.                        11/9/02 Pac Bell, San Francisco – 2 CD – to be reviewed – traded to me by fm

871.                        11/9/02 Pac Bell – 2 CD – to be reviewd – Schoeps CCM4 > Aerco > D100

872.                        11/9/02 Pac Bell – 2 CD – to be reviewed – traded to me by tr

873.                        11/12/02 Oakland – 2 CD – to be reviewed – traded to me by fm

874.                        11/12/02 Oakland – 2 CD – AUD (B/B+) – Schoeps CCM4 > Aerco > D100

875.                        11/14/02 San Diego – 2 CD – to be reviewed – DJ master

876.                        11/23/02 San Antonio – 2 CD – sonic studios mics> sony d7 > cd – 50 rows back on floor.  Left of B-stage – front 4 seats- AUD (B/B+)

877.                        11/25/02 Nashville – 2 CD – to be reviewed

878.                        11/29/02 at the Joint – 2 CD – to be reviewed – from Stonesdoug tree. 

879.                        Alive and Dressed to Kill (1/16/03) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

880.                        1/16/03 MSG soundboard – 2 CD - to be reviewed

881.       1/18/03 at Madison Square Garden – 2 CD – SBD (A+) - DirecTV/ Hughes GCEBO receiver>Optical digital out @ 48kHz>through a Fostex D-5  DAT in monitor mode to pass AES/EBU>Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe>Cool Edit Pro2(resample at 999,highest rate to 44.1 kHz)>CD Wave>CDRWIN>Plextor PX-W4012TA @ 4x >CDR – received from sw.
882.       New York’s Alright if you like Saxaphone’s 1/18/03 – 2 CD – to be reviewed
883.       Ronnie Be Goode 1/18/03 - 2 CD – to be reviewed
884.       Smokin at MSG 1/18/03 [Sister Morphine] - 2 CD – to be reviewed
885.       1/22/03 Chicago – 2 CD – Schoeps source from jt – to be reviewed – 2nd copy to be reviewed
886.      1/21/03 Chicago –2 CD – mic source is DSM6 and d100’s – to be reviewed
887.      1/22/03 Chicago – 2 CD - mic source is DSM6 and d100’s – to be reviewed
888.       1/21/03 Chicago – 2 CD -  SSdsm6/L > Mod2 > D100 > Tascam DA-20mkII > U24 Waverterminal > CE Pro > Wav Editor > CDR – to be reviewed – there is edit at 1:01 of disc 2 – done by taper.  
889.       1/22/03 Chicago – 2 CD SSdsm6/L > Mod2 > D100 > Tascam DA-20mkII > U24 Waverterminal > CE Pro > Wav Editor > CDR – to be reviewed
890.       1/30/03 Phoenix – 2 CD to be reviewed – DJ master.
891.       Licks Downunder – 2 CD - to be reviewed [VGP]
892.       Front Row [VGP] – 12 CD – to be reviewed
893.       3/10/03 Budokan, Tokyo – 2 CD – to be reviewed – d100+dsm-6S
894.       Sweet Things that you Promised me 3/10/03 [sylph]-  2 CD – to be reviewed
895.       3/12/03 at Yokohama, Kanagawa – 2 CD – to be reviewed – d100 +DSM6S
896.       Before they slip away 3/12/03 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]
897.       3/15/03 Tokyo Dome – 2 CD to be reviewed – d100 +DSM6S
898.       It’s always New 3/15/03 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [ultrazone]
899.       3/16/03 Tokyo Dome – 2 CD - to be reviewed – d100 +DSM6S
900.       Need a love to keep me happy 3/16/03 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]
901.       Before they Slip Away – 2 CD – to be reviewed
902.       MJ soundboard – 2 CD – to be reviewed
903.       I got those Awesome blues 3/20/03 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]
904.       Let’s Do Some living 3/21/03 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]
905.       Dripping Away – 2 CD - to be reviewed
906.       Nearness of You (6/4/03, 6/6/03 and 6/8/03 Munich shows) [VGP 343]  – 6 CD – AUD (B+/A- for 6/4/03, A- for 6/6/03, A- for 6/8/03 )
907.       6/10/03 Milan – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Olivier master
908.       At the Olympia, Paris (7/11/03) –2 CD - to be reviewed – [Crystal Cat]  SILVER CD
909.       At the Cirkus (7/22/03 Stockholm) – 2 CD - to be reviewed – [Crystal Cat] [silver CD]  SILVER CD
910.       7/30/03 Toronto – 2 CD – to be reviewed – JM master – recorded near delay stack.
911.       Toronto Rocks (7/30/03) – 2 CD - to be reviewed [Mapleleaf Records]
912.       Rotter Ramblers (8/13/03) – 2 CD [Crystal Cat] – to be reviewed  SILVER CD
913.       Knock on Wood (8/15/03) – 2 CD – to be reviewed  SILVER CD
914.       8/15/03 Ahoy, Netherlands – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Shure MX 185 mics> SP Preamp > Sony TCD-D100 DAT > coaxial > CDR- joost2 master
915.       Vredenburg –Holland (8/16/03) – 2 CD - - to be reviewed [rattlesnake]  SILVER CD
916.       So Glad to be here Tonight (8/27/03 Astoria] – 2 CD - to be reviewed [RS boots tree]
917.       At the Astoria, London (8/27/03 London) – 2 CD – [Crystal Cat] – SILVER CD – to be reviewed
918.       Werchter Licks (9/7/03 Werchter, Belgium) – 2 CD – AUD (B+)  SILVER CD
919.       China at Last – 3 CD – to be reviewed [Kuran 001 ABC]



The Who



1.       My Generation Remastered – 1 CD – requested

2.       Blues to the Bush World Premier – 2 CD – to be reviewed

3.       Blues to the Bush World Premier [SFX Radio Network]– 2 CD – to be reviewed

4.       Who’s Next – 30th Anniversery Radio Special – MSI Radio with Jim Ladd on 8/13/01 - – 2 CD – to be reviewed

5.       In the Studio: Live at Leeds 30th Anniversery Special – 2 CD – to be reviewed

6.       BBC Sessions World Premier w/ Jim Ladd – 1 CD – to be reviewed

7.       Next Sessions [Stoneage Music release]  – 1 CD – STUDIO (A+)  SILVER CD

8.       The Who Sell Out: 24 Bit Remaster - 1 CD - to be reviewed

9.       Maximum Live Rarities -1 CD - Excellent

10.    Reaction - 1 CD -Excellent

11.    Maximum BBC -1 CD - Excellent

12.    Punk Meets The Godfather - 1 CD - Excellent

13.    The Tommy Demos-1 CD-Excellent-Studio-this is Pete Townshend's demos for the famous Tommy album. Pete sings and plays everything. It is interesting to listen to

14.    The Collector's Who's Next-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-the only true stereo version of the original mixes that exists. A phenomenal bootleg to have since you can hear this legendary album in full stereo. Bonus tracks are from Lifehouse to Leeds bootleg.

15.    From Lifehouse to Leeds – 1 CD - Excellent

16.    Eternal Mods - 1 CD – Excellent

17.    High Numbered – 1 CD – to be reviewed

18.    Instant Party - 2 CD - to be reviewed. One of my originals  SILVER CD

19.    Pop Goes Art – 2 CD – to be reviewed – One of my originals  SILVER CD

20.    Lifehouse and Quadrophenia Demos - 2 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-a great collection of Townshend demos from 1970-1973. 

21.    Music Must Change - 1 CD - Who are you demos - Excellent

22.    Obscure and Oblique-1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO

23.    Pure Rock Theatre - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD (A+).  Various live tracks (10/15/69 Ottawa, 2/14/70 Leeds,  10/18/69 Stony Brook University.  This is identical to Dream of '69 without the bonus tracks, and slightly better quality.

24.    Stereo Quick One – 1 CD – to be reviewed

25.    Tommy Tour Rehearsals - 1 CD - Excellent – SBD-unknown date- includes ½ of a run through of Tommy and several rehearsals of “A Quick One”

26.    Who's Zoo - 2 CD - Excellent

27.    Who's Zoo Two - 1 CD - Excellent

28.    A Quick One while Pete's Away - 1 CD - to be reviewed

29.    The Who remembers the High Numbers-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-(A+) essential material for all Who fans. Includes early demos, studio songs, and some of the earliest recordings of the Who playing in small clubs. You really get to hear how good Keith Moon was as a drummer. Tracks 1-4 were recorded at Fontana Studios as the "High Numbers" in 1964. Tracks 5-13 are from the Marquee Club in London in the Fall of 1964. Bonus tracks are from 12/10/68 Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus - they are outtakes of "A quick one"

30.    The Who Live (9/20/65 at Studio Bellevue in Amsterdam) - 1 CD – AUD – (C/C+) – sound is not very good, and this is for hardcore fans only. 

31.    Come and Drum (tracks 1-6:  7-9 are somewhere in London 1965:  10-11 are from 1967 Smothers Brothers show:  12-13 are from 8/5/68 at the Fillmore East)- 1 CD – SBD – (A)  Great sound on all of the tracks.  The bonus tracks are unnecessary since they can be found elsewhere.  The Monterey set has excellent sound. 

32.    Cry Blue Murder [Countdown Factory release]- 1 CD –AUD (A-)  tracks 1-5 are from 8/24/68 Oklahoma.  Track 6-15 are from 7/23/67 Dallas.  Audience recordings in stereo with decent results.  On my copy, small miliclick between tracks 3-4, and 4-5.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.   For an early document of the Who as a live act, this is really good.   On tracks 1-5, I hear minor, tiny pops at various points – most likely from original source.  On track 7, at 2:01 – a big crackle – most likely due to original source, and doesn’t sound like a burn error.

33.    Shakin' All over – (4/5/68 Fillmore East, NYC) – 1 CD – SBD (A+)  not too much needs to be said here.  It’s a classic Who bootleg, and an essential for all collections.  Great sound – the Fillmore shows were originally going to be the basis for a live album. 

34.    Flying to New York to go to court – (Live at Fillmore West 6/19/69) - 2 CD – SBD (B) – some minor glitches during Pinball Wizard and Acid Queen.

35.    Starring the Who?   (8/17/69 at Woodstock) - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD (A+).  Supposedly sourced from a vinyl LP. 

36.    Starring the Who (8/17/69) – 1 CD – speed corrected – SBD (A+)

37.    The Violent Side - Live at Woodstock (8/17/69) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) one review states that there is song separation and songs end abruptly, but I didn’t notice this.  One Ό second dropout on last track of disc 1, and one Ό second tape flutter on first track of disc 2 (both seem to come from original source – I’m sure my copy is good).  Excellent sound, and an important show for the Who.  This is the show with the famous Abbie Hoffman incident (probably better captured on video).

38.    Amsterdam Journey (9/29/69 at Amsterdam)-2CD-Excellent-SBD-(A+) I consider this one of Pete Townshend's best nights. This concert contains a complete performance of Tommy.

39.    Amsterdam Journey Remastered (9/29/69 at Amsterdam with bonus tracks from ) -2 CD - Excellent—SBD-(A+) this new version comes from the master tapes that were used to release the show on the Hiwatt Label. Much better than the above with great soundboard bonus tracks!!!   From a first generation reel.

40.    10/15/69 and 10/18/69 – 1 CD – to be reviewed (tracks 1-5:  10/15/69 Ottawa, tracks 6-17 at Stonybrook, NY 10/18/69

41.    10/19/69 at the the Electric Factory, Philadelphia - 1 CD - Very Good-small miliclick between tracks 16-17 and 19-20.  Rest of  track transitions are smooth and continuous.   Still need to listen to.

42.    Electric Factory 1969 (10/19/69) – 1 CD – SBD (A+) – one of my originals.  SILVER CD

43.    10/19/69 Electric Factory [Philadelphia soundboard] – 1 CD – to be reviewed

44.    Accept no Substitute (10/22/69 at the Fillmore East, NY) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)-legendary show.

45.    Sparks on the Bay (10/22/69) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

46.    Higher Education (11/2/69 at Georgetown University, Washington DC)  1 CD - Excellent - Georgetown University 11/2/69 + some extra demos-to be reviewed-one of my originals. SILVER CD

47.    1969 Winter Time Trip (11/2/69 at Georgetown University, Washington DC) - 1 CD – tracks 1-13 are from 11/2/69 Washington DC, tracks 14-18 are from 2/15/70 at the Hull, UK;  track 19 is a bonus PT track from the ‘90s relating to the stage production of Tommy.  Heard some background clicks on one of the bonus tracks (track 19).   An excellent soundboard mix – one of the best bootlegs that captures the Tommy tour.

48.    Boston Tea Party (11/11/69) - 1 CD – to be reviewed – loud 2 second scratch at beginning of track 21.    Track transitions are smooth. 

49.    1/16/70 at Champs Elysees Theatre:  Paris, France - 2 CD - Very Good

50.    Live at Lige (1/24/70 Copenhagen) –2  CD - Very Good

51.    Live at Leeds Complete 2/14/70 2CD - Excellent - SBD-greatest Who performance and most famous Who bootleg!!! Every rock music fan should have this piece of history!!!  Please note that the crackles you hear at various points came straight from the master tapes.  In fact, the original LP was released with crackles!  No known copy of this bootleg is free of crackles.  You can hear definite differences between the bootleg and official release - the official release has several edits. 

52.    Live at Leeds Complete (2/14/70) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Midas Touch original.  SILVER CD

53.    Live at Leeds Complete Remastered  2/14/70 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

54.    Live at Leeds Rejects – 1 CD – to be reviewed  SILVER CD

55.    One Day After (2/15/70 at Hull ) - 1 CD - Excellent

56.    At the Metropoliton Opera House (6/7/70) - 2 CD - Very Good

57.    Mile High Tommy - Denver, Colorado 6/9/70 - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

58.    Live at Dallas, Texas 6/19/70 - 2 CD –Very Good-AUD-great sound for a 1970 recording.  Some crackles here and there, but very minimal.  Great recording, and excellent show.  

59.    Tangled up in Who (7/7/70 with bonus tracks) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD (A+)  a legendary Who bootleg with amazing sound.

60.    9/12/70 Munster (w/th tracks 2-15 on disc 2 from 7/2/70 Kansas City) - 2 CD – AUD (B) – a few glitches – most likely from original source.  On disc 2, bonus tracks have faded transitions.

61.    Lifehouse Live (Young Vic Theatre, London: April 26, 1971)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-excellent show in which the Who played several songs from their legendary album Who's Next for the first time in front of a small audience. Please note that there are some occasional crackles and a one second dropout during "Won't Get Fooled Again" - these come straight from the master recording. Great bootleg and an essential for all Who fans.

62.    Young Vic Blues (4/26/71 at London) -1 CD-Excellent-SBD- this is the same as Lifehouse Live. 

63.    7/29/71 - A Bargain In Queens - Flushing Meadows, NY - 2 CD to be reviewed

64.    Thanks for Spitting on Stage - Forest Hills, NY 7/31/71 - 2 CD - Fair/Good

65.    8/2/71 - Live At Saratoga - Saratoga, NY - 1 CD to be reviewed

66.    8/5/71 - I Was Born In Boston - Boston, MA. - 2 CD to be reviewed

67.    8/6/71 Boston – 2 CD – to be reviewed

68.    8/7/71 - Behind Boston Eyes - Boston, MA. - 2 CD to be reviewed

69.    Collector's Item 8/13/71 Dayton, Ohio - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent-SBD-an average soundboard with crackles.  Also, some of the track transitions have gaps..  Note - my copy does not include the 8 bonus tracks which would consist of the 1967 Oaklahoma performance.

70.    Live in Chicago 1971 8/18/71 - 2 CD - Good

71.    Gibson Was Destroyed In Oval - The Oval Cricket Ground, Kennington, South London 9/18/71-1 CD - Good

72.    10/30/71 - Amazing Journey - Newcastle, UK - 1 CD to be reviewed

73.    Live at the Odeon (Odeon Cinema, Manchester, UK 10/28/71)-2 CD- Good

74.    11/20/71 Charlotte - 2 CD - to be reviewed - Whoboots weed

75.    Gutter Punks at the Warehouse 11/29/71 –1 CD – SBD (B+)

76.    12/9/71 Los Angeles (w/ 4/26/71 Soundcheck track on disc 2) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

77.    12/13/71 San Francisco - 1 CD - Very Good

78.    12/13/71 - Going Down Again - San Francisco, CA. - 2 CD to be reviewed

79.    Closer to Queen Mary 2CD - (12/10/71)- Good - Long Beach Arena, California.

80.    8/12/72 at Hamburg, Germany – 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent-incomplete

81.    Danish Treat 8/21/72 - 2 CD - Good-2nd copy to be reviewed

82.    Summertime Mods (8/16/72) - 2 CD - Very Good (TAO)

83.    8/25/72 Copenhagen, Denmark - 2 CD - to be reviewed

84.    Berlin 8/30/72 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent (TAO) - upgrade to be reviewed

85.    8/31/72 - I'm Not The Lead Guitarist - Essen, Germany - 2 CD to be received

86.    9/9/72 at Paris – 2 CD - Very Good

87.    Rome Palasport 9/14/72 - 2 CD - Good

88.    All right at the Beachfight - Manchester, UK 11/1/73 - 2 CD – AUD (C) – d1, 10-11, 12-13, 13-14 have small gaps, rest of transitions are smooth.  On d1, some parts repeat.

89.    Live at the Cow Palace 11/20/73 - 2 CD - Fair/Good

90.    Our Drummer's Out Cold (11/20/73)- 2 CD - Good (TAO) – new copy to be reviewed

91.    LA Forum Complete Los Angeles, CA 11/23/73 - 2 CD - Fair

92.    Rough Actions (11/30/73 Detroit ) - 2 CD (TAO) - Very Good- new copy to be reviewed

93.    12/2/73 at the Montreal Forum - 2 CD - Good/Very Good-clicks between tracks

94.    Pinball Wizard (12/4/73 Philadelphia, PA) - 1 CD -Excellent

95.    Tales from the Who (December 4, 1973 at the Spectrum, Philadelphia)-1CD-SBD Excellent-This is a famous FM broadcast and definitely one of the "essential" Who bootlegs to have!

96.    12/18/73 - Christmas Quad - London, UK - 2 CD to be reviewed

97.    12/22/73 - In A Quadrophonic Storm - London, UK - 2 CD to be reviewed

98.    Merry Christmas Mr Who (Vol 1 and Vol 2) (12/23/73 at Sundown Theatre in London, England - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD-a ferocious set in which the Who showcased a lot of Quadrophenia songs! This is an excellent audience recording and a famous Who boot. On disc 1, the Who start out with the Quadrophenia set. Disc 2 is the 2nd set in which the Who go back to older material. –new copy to be reviewed

99.    Charlton Uncut (5/18/74 at Charlton) -2 CD – AUD- (A-)- this is the complete concert with the between song preserved from an excellent audience tape.   On the other hand, LIVE AT CHARLTON is from an excellent FM broadcast on the BBC. 

100.Live at Charlton 1974 (May 18, 1974 at Charlton Athletic Club, U.K)-2CD-Excellent-SBD-This is my favorite Who bootleg! Intense performance and a great setlist. You must get this! You'll hear gaps between tracks. The disc is indeed DAO; the original issuer of the bootleg edited out much of the between song chattering by the band, thus leading to the gaps.

101.5/18/74 Charlton [Grendel Version] – 2 CD – to be reviewed

102.Secret Show (5/22/74 at Portsmouth, UK) -2 CD – AUD (C+)

103.Drum Solo's are exceedingly boring (6/10/74 at Madison Square Garden)-2 CD-Good-AUD- an average audience recording; I'd probably rate it a C+. I believe this was the Who's first concert at Madison Square Garden. Sound is okay for the '70s. This is a show to get only after you have the other Who essentials.

104.6/11/74 - 18,000 New York Punks - MSG, NY - 2 CD to be reviewed

105.6/13/74 - Do Come Again - MSG, NY - 2 CD to be reviewed

106.6/14/74 - Tattooed In New York City - MSG, NY- 2 CD to be reviewed

107.In Bed with Keith Moon- Manchester 10/7/75 - 2 CD – AUD (B) -  small gap between t11-t12 on disc 1 and t1-t2 on disc 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

108.10/19/75 Leicester – 2 CD - Very Good

109.Live at Wembley- London, UK 10/23/75 - 2 CD - Good

110.Live in Stuttgart 11/3/75 - 2 CD - Very Good

111.Boris the Spider 11/7/75 - 2 CD –AUD (B-)

112.Live in Houston (11/20/75) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – one of my originals  SILVER CD

113.LSU Assembly Center, Baton Rouge, LA 11/21/75 - 2 CD - Good

114.Live at Baton Rouge 11/23/75 - 2 CD - Very Good

115.Moon over Memphis 11/23/75 - 2 CD - Very Good

116.Atlanta 11/24/75 - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

117.11/27/75 at Hamton Roads, Virginia - 2 CD Very Good

118.Barbecue Who - Kansas City 12/1/75 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

119.12/6/75 at the Pontiac Silverdome - 1 CD - SBD (A+)- Incomplete monosoundboard.  Keith’s drums seem a little low in the mix, but can still be heard.

120.Whooliday in Cleveland (12/9/75) -2 CD - Very Good-miliclicks between tracks- new copy to be reviewed

121.Live in Toronto 12/11/75 [Substitute Recordings]-2 CD-AUD (A+)-a great audience recording.  And excellent performance. The sound is awesome!  The only negative is that the issuer, Substitute Recording did not release the entire concert - disc 2 cuts off during Road Runner.  The complete concert from the same excellent source was released under the title TORONTO 1975 under the Heartbreakers label.

122.Toronto 1975 [Heartbreakers label] - 2 CD – (12/11/75) – AUD (A+) contains entire show with awesome sound. 

123.12/12/75 Providence, RI - 2 CD - to be reviewed

124.12/14/75 at Springfield Civic Center, MA-2 CD-Good/Very Good-AUD-I can hear tiny miliclicks between some tracks.  I've listened to first 3 songs on disc 1, and not beyond.  2nd copy to be reviewed

125.12/15/75 Philadelphia - 2 CD - to be reviewed

126.3/2/76 Paris (date?) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

127.3/11/76 at Madison Square Garden (Complete!!!) - 2 CD -AUD- (A/A+) The encore with Roadrunner and Naked Eye shows the band at their best.  This is one of the best Keith Moon era recordings you can get.   One of the best performances I've ever heard by any band.

128.3/16/76 at Fort Worth, Tx - 2 CD - Very Good

129.Who's on first (March 21, 1976 at Anaheim, CA) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good-vinyl transfer-you can hear crackles.

130.3/27/76 San Francisco - 2 CD - to be reviewed

131.3/28/76 San Francisco - 2 CD - to be reviewed

132.Behind Blind Eyes (4/1/76 at Boston Garden: Boston, MA)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-this is an excellent audience recording, and one of my favorite shows with Keith Moon. This was a make-up show from 3/9/76 in which the Who could only play 2 songs due to Keith Moon passing out on stage.

133.4/1/76 (source 2) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

134.May 25, 1976 at Lyon, France - 2 CD - Very Good

135.Who's louder than the Who? 5/31/76 Charlton, UK-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-really good sound, however last song "Won't Get Fooled Again" is missing"

136.8/3/76 Landover, Maryland - 2 CD - to be reviewed

137.Largo, Maryland (8/4/76) - 2 CD - Very Good

138.Miami 8/9/76 - 2 CD - Very Good

139.10/7/76 San Diego - 2 CD - to be reviewed

140.John's Birthday Party (10/9/76 Oakland) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD (A/A+)

141.Johnny B. Goode (10/10/76) - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD (B-/B) - decent audience recording. 

142.Live at Seattle (10/14/76) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

143.Who put a better boot in 1976 (June 12, 1976 at Swansea)-1CD-Excellent-SBD-pretty much an essential for all Who collectors.  The sound is A+. 

144.Last stand with Keith Moon (10/21/76 Toronto)- 2 CD-Very Good-AUD-7 digipops during track 8 of disc 1.  I have not listened to disc 2 yet.  The sound is pretty good.  New copy to be reviewed

145.Final Stage with Keith 12/15/77- 1 CD Good/Very Good.  2nd copy to be reviewed

146.Exploding Drummer (12/15/77 Kilburn) – 1 CD – AUD (A)

147.Rainbow Theatre, London (5/2/79) -2 CD - some skips identified on track 1 disc 2

148.5/12/79 at Cannes, Arenes de Frejus, France - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD-there is background hiss and some crackles, but this is a really strong audience recording.

149.Shepperton Studio Rehearsals ( 7/12/79 Rehearsals for "Rock Against Racism" show)-1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-nice collection of Pete Townshend demos of Who material. Almost exclusively concentrated in Who's Next/Quadrophenia material.

150.9/11/79 at Passaic, New Jersey - 2 CD – AUD (A-/A)  some spots with tape speed problems. On disc 1  Excellent sound. 

151.Cat's in the Cupboard (9/13/79 at New York City) -2 CD- Good-dropouts between tracks come from the master tapes.  Taper pressed pause butten to save space.

152.11/11/79 at the Conference Center in Brighton, England - 2 CD - Excellent

153.Pay Per View '79 - Chicago, IL. 12/9/79 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-a couple of 1 second gaps during track 2 of disc 1

154.Who-La-hoop (December 10, 1979 at the Spectrum, Philadelphia) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good - a good amount of crackles.

155.New Haven (12/15/79) -2 CD - Good-clicks between tracks

156.Garden Party - Sept '79 Madison Square Garden- 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

157.Washington DC - December 13, 1979 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

158.12/13/79 Washington DC - 2 CD - Excellent - remastered

159.Boston 12/16/79 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

160.Concert for Kampuchea Benefit (12/28/79 at the Hammersmith Odeon, London) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good-I do hear very tiny miliclicks between a few tracks.

161.Zurich 3/28/80 - 2 CD - Very Good- 2 very minor skips on track 2, disc 1

162.4/1/80 at Frankfurt, Germany - 2 CD - Very Good

163.4/30/80 at St. Paul, Minnesota - 2 CD - Excellent

164.5/5/80 Toronto - 2 CD - to be reviewed

165.June 28, 1980 at the LA Sports Arena - 2 CD - Very Good

166.7/7/80 at Baton Rouge, LA - 2 CD -Good/Very Good

167.7/16/80 Toronto - 2 CD – AUD (A-) – some dropouts and faded track transitions.  Some small pops on My Wife. 

168.Atlanta (7/9/80) -2 CD-Very Good-AUD-great audience recording. Interesting setlist in that the Who closed the show with "Real Me".

169.Live in Essen (Parts One and Two) [Golden Stars on the Road] (3/28/81, West Germany)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-an excellent show with A+ sound.

170.9/22/82 at Largo, MD – 2 CD – to be reviewed

171.Rocktoberfest I – (10/12/82 at Shea Stadium)- 2 CD – AUD (A-/A) – d1:  small gap between t10-t11;d2: small gap between t4-t5;   rest of track transitions are smooth.

172.Rocktoberfest II –( Shea Stadium, NY 10/13/82) - 2 CD – AUD (A) – small Ό gaps between t5-t6 and t10-t11 on d1.  Small Ό gaps between t2-t3, t6-t7, and t9-t10 on disc 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth and continuous.

173.Cedar Rapids, Iowa 10/15/82-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-my copy is an incomplete show. The last 5 songs of the concert are missing. The first 8 songs on disc 1 exist as 1 track. Track transitions are perfect, but a lot of the tracks are separated within songs. Sound is pretty good.

174.10/20/82 Seattle  - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

175.12/3/82 Houston – 2 CD – AUD (B/B+ ) d1 has mc between t3-t4.  d2 has mc between t3-t4, t4-t5, t6-t7.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

176.Worcester 12/111/82 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

177.12/17/82 Toronto – 2 CD – Whoboots Tree source – to be reviewed

178.Toronto 12/17/82-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-incomplete release of the show, but the sound is A+.

179.Toronto 12/17/82- 2 CD-Very Good-SBD-Sound not as good as 1 CD Toronto disc above; complete show however.

180.6/16/89 Glenn Fall, NY rehearsals - 1 CD - SBD - Excellent. Great CD and a rare Who bootleg. Tracks 1-7 are the Who rehearsing various songs for the '89 tour. The last 3 tracks are the encore from the 10/20/96 San Jose show.

181.6/27/89 Radio City Music Hall – 2 CD – SBD>DAT>CDR – (SBD A+) – best version of this show.  Much cleaner than the bootleg version “Excitement at  your feet”

182.Excitement at your Feet (6/27/89 Radio City Music Hall) – 2 CD – SBD (A).  Some FM radio broadcast static interference as documented in Baba O’Riley Who Discography.  Version above is much better. 

183.Opening Night in a Swamp (6/29/89 East Rutherford, NJ) -3 CD – AUD (C+/B-) – small Ό second gap between t16-t17 on d1.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.  Incomplete “Rough Boys” and “Join Together”. 

184.Fiddling About New Jersey (6/30/89) -3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

185.I'm a Man (7/2/89) -3 CD - Good

186.The stage is in this direction (7/3/89) -3 CD-Good-C+/B- recording.  For the first 10 minutes, the sound is very bad.  After that, it clears up.  Average at best.

187.Be friendly now (7/6/89) -3 CD - Very Good

188.Hear the Drums Drumming (7/7/89) - 3 Cd - Good/Very Good

189.Phace the Phace (7/9/89) - 3 CD - Good/Very Good

190.Phiddle About (7/10/89) -3 CD - Good/Very Good

191.7/21/89 at East Troy, Wisconsin at the Alphine Valley Music Center-3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

192.7/27/89 Raleigh, NC – 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)  Face to Face fades out.  Some distortion on Hey Joe.  Excellent audience source. 

193.Tampa Tommy (7/29/89 Tampa, FL). - 3 CD AUD (B-) – d1:  small gaps between t10-t11-t12.  d2:  small gap between t3-t4.  “Who Are You” cuts off after about 20 seconds.

194.7/30/89 - It's Just A Put On - Miami, FL. - 3 CD to be reviewed

195.See, I told you so (8/7/89 Atlanta) – 3 CD - to be reviewed

196.Frankly Roger, I don’t give a Damn (8/8/89 Atlanta) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

197.Dixieland Who (8/9/89 at Atlanta, GA)-3 CD-Excellent-SBD

198.Vancouver ;89 (8/18/89 ) - 3 CD – AUD (C+) – d2:  small gap between t3-t4 and t4-t5;  rest of track transitions are smooth and continuous.  Digital skip during “Boris the Spider”.  “Baba” cuts off before end of song.  D3:  small gap between t1   -t2 – rest of track transitions are smooth.  Error on track 3 – two minutes of WGFA exists as track 3 – then a 10 second gap;  then WGFA repeats as track 4. 

199.You're Looking Great  (8/22/89 San Diego, CA). - 3 CD – AUD (B+)

200.Live at Los Angeles (8/24/89)- 2 CD- Excellent-SBD-(A+)

201.8/29/89 at Oakland, CA - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD (A/A+ recording).  Best audience recording from the 1989 tour that has surfaced

202.Live in Dallas 9/3/89-2 CD-Excellent-SBD (A+) Westwood Radio FM broadcast.

203.The Who on Ice-(October 23, 1989 at Wembley Arena in London)-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent- AUD - This is an excellent audience recording from the 1989 Who reunion tour. The highlight for me is the Tommy medley which comes across very well. In this concert is a rare performance of "Pictures of Lilly".

204.Where's Roger? (October 26, 1989 at Wembley Arena in London)- 2 CD- Very Good/Excellent-AUD.

205.Happy Wholaween (10/31/89) - 2 CD –AUD (B-)

206.London Tommy Benefit (11/2/89) - 2 CD –AUD (B+) D1:  Small mc between t1-t2 and small gap between t13-t14, t14-t15.  D2:  small gap between t2-t3.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

207.Taking the Magic Bus to Nissan - 2 CD - Very Good

208.Masters of Music Festival (6/29/96 Hyde Park, London) - 2 CD – AUD (B/B+) – my copy does not include the encore.  Good sound. 

209.How do you plug it in , Pete (7/16/96) -2  CD - corrupted

210.John Entwistle, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend perform the Who's Quadrophenia- (7/18/96 at Madison Square Garden, New York City)-2CD-Excellent-SBD  SILVER CD

211.Manhatten Mods (7/20/96) - 2 CD - Good

212.I do have a television - 10/20/96 San Jose, CA - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

213.23 Years elapsed (10/20/96 San Jose, CA) [Polar Bear Title]-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-fantastic soundboard, even better than the 7/18/96 FM broadcast.

214.Come Down is Calling (10/31/96 Chicago) - 2 CD - Good-AUD- (C/C+)

215.Pittsburgh Punks (11/8/96)  - 2 CD - Good

216.Live on Long Island (11/15/96 at Uniondale, NY)-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-awesome audience copy of great show. This show makes a nice companion to the more common 7/18/96 soundboard. You definitely hear subtle differences between this Quad show and shows from earlier in the tour. The acoustic encore during this tour is another highlight! Must have show for all Who fans.

217.I love you all (11/19/96 at East Rutherford, NJ)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-pretty good audience copy of this show. I'd probably rate it in the B/B+ range. Track transitions are perfect except there is one fade-in/fade-out track transition between tracks 10 and 11 on disc 1.

218.Earl’s Court 1996 (Midas Touch Label 12/6/96) – 2 CD – AUD (A+)

219.Modrophenia (Earl's Court 12/7/96) - 2 CD – AUD(A/A+)) d1:  small miliclick between t1-t2 and t7-t8 (very tough to hear).  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

220.Quadrophenic in Oslo (4/26/97 at Oslo, Norway )- 2 CD – AUD (A)

221.Achtung Jimmy (4/29/97 Berlin) - 2 CD – AUD(C+) – miliclick between t6-t7 on disc 1.  Small 1 second gap between t10-t11 on disc 1.  Small gap between t2-t3 on disc 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

222.The hits are alright (5/5/97 at Stuttgart, Germany)- 2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-another great sounding Quad boot.

223.7/23/97 at Milwaukee - 2 CD - Very Good

224.7/25/97 Clarkston, Michigan - 2 CD - to be reviewed

225.8/13/97 - Lakewood Amphitheater - Atlanta, GA. - 2 CD to be received

226.Nissan 97 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

227.Live at Leeds Mach II (10/29/99 at Las Vegas) - 2 CD-SBD (A)

228.Bridge School (10/30/99 with bonus tracks from 10/31/99)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-fantastic acoustic set by the Who!

229.Acoustic Glory - 1 CD - to be reviewed

230.Maximum Acoustic - 1 CD - to be reviewed

231.House of Blues, Chicago 11/12/99 - 2 CD – AUD (A+).  D1:  mc between t1-t2.   Rest of track transitions are smooth.  Pops on disc 1 on tracks 12-13-14.  Some clicks and pops during WGFA and MG on disc 2.

232.11/13/99 Chicago - 2 CD – AUD (A) - Nakamichi mics source

233.12/22/1999 at the Empire Theatre, London, England - 2 CD - Excellent-microclicks between tracks

234.12/22/99 at Shepherds bush – 2 CD – to be reviewed:  from jh

235.12/22/99 at Shepherd’s Bush – 2 CD – to be reviewed – from DW

236.Shepherd's Bush 12/23/99 - 2 CD - Excellent

237.Chicago 6/25/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - AUD-awesome audience recording.

238.6/27/00 Detroit-2 CD- Excellent-SBD-fabulous soundboard from a VHS transfer of a Pro-shot video. A must have as a document of the brilliant Who 2000 tour. Includes a rare performance of "The Seeker"

239.Detroit 2000 soundboard 6/27/00 - 2 CD – to be reviewed

240.Pittsburgh 6/29/00 (glitch on "Bargain") - 2 CD - Very Good

241.NJ PNC Center: Holmdel, NJ 7/1/00 2 CD- Very Good

242.7/3/00 at the Tweeter Center: Boston, MA - 2 CD - Very Good

243.July 5, 2000 at Nissan Pavilion-2 CD-Very Good

244.F*ck Off, George - Camden, NJ - 7/7/00 - 2 CD – Good

245.Camden 2000 soundboard 7/7/00 – 3 CD - to be reviewed

246.The Who Live at Camden 7/7/00-2 CD-Very Good - Missing "Who are you"; the sound is better than "F*ck Off George"

247.Smashing at the beach-(7/9/00 at Jones Beach, New York)-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-a great audience recording.

248.7/9/00 at Jones Beach – 2 CD – new source from Taper Advocate.

249.8/19/00 at George, Washington - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

250.                        Shoreline, CA 8/21/00 - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

251.                        Shoreline, CA 2000 soundboard – 2 CD  - to be reviewed

252.                        Marysville, CA(8/22/00 at the Sacramento Valley Amphitheatre)- 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

253.                        Sacramento 8/22/00 soundboard – 2 CD – to be reviewed

254.                        Denver 8/24/00 2 CD – Excellent

255.                        Hot Fun in the Summertime Blues (8/24/00 Denver) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

256.                        Houston 8/26/00 -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent -

257.                        Dallas 8/27/00-2CD-Very Good/Excellent - AUD-an awesome audience recording with a fairly standard setlist. Track transitions are near-perfect though there are microscopic jumps between tracks. Definitely get your hands on this bootleg if you are a Who fan!.

258.                        Who sat on Who's Face-(September 24, 2000 at West Palm Beach, FL)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-tracks 1-3 are a fantastic audience, and the rest is a soundboard. An essential bootleg to get if you loved the Who 2000 tour!!!

259.                        West Palm Beach 2000 soundboard 9/24/00 – 2 CD -to be reviewed

260.9/28/00 Atlanta - 2 CD - Very Good

261.Atlanta 2000 soundboard (9/28/00) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

262.The Quake By the Lake (Gund Arena, Cleveland, Ohio 9/30/00)-2 CD-Very Good

263.Cleveland 2000 soundboard 9/30/00 - 2 CD – to be reviewed

264.Live at Cleveland 9/30/00 - 2 CD- Very Good

265.Love Ya' Pete! - Madison Square Garden, NY 10/3/00 - 2CD - Very Good/Excellent-glitches during "Won't Get Fooled Again"

266.What a terrible accident (10/4/00 at MSG, New York City)-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD- a really good concert - I was there!  The sound is a really strong audience recording sourced from a DAT

267.Madison Square Garden 10/6/00 - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

268.You ARE Fucking Stupid - MSG, NY 10/7/00 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

269.Don't Try To Make Love To Me - Manchester, UK 11/2/00 - 2 CD - Very Good

270.Manchester 2000 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

271.Glasgow 2000 (11/3/00) -2 CD - Very Good-I haven't listened to this much, but I do know the bass solo on "Real Me" is cut off a little, and there are a few dropouts here and there.

272.Birmingham - 11/8/00 - 2 CD – to be reviewed

273.11/27/00 at Royal Albert Hall - 2 CD – Excellent

274.11/27/00 Royal Albert Hall (from DVD) – 2 CD – SBD (A+)

275.1/27/02 Portsmouth - 2 CD - to be reviewed

276.1/28/02 Portsmouth - 2 CD - to be reviewed

277.Sparks Flying (1/31/02) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

278.1/31/02 Watford upgrade - 2 CD - to be reviewed

279.2/7/02 Royal Albert Hall - 2 CD - to be reviewed

280.2/8/02 Royal Albert Hall - 2 CD - to be reviewed

281.7/1/02 - DJ source - 2 CD - to be reviewed

282.7/3/02 Shoreline - 2 CD - to be reviewed

283.7/3/02 Shoreline – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Whoboots tree source

284.7/4/02 Sacramento - 2 CD - to be reviewed

285.7/4/02 Shoreline - 2 CD - slipkid source - to be reviewed

286.7/6/02 Gorge, WA – 2 CD – to be reviewed

287.7/26/02 Boston - 2 CD - to be reviewed - BG's master

288.7/27/02 Camden, NJ - 2 CD - to be reviewed

289.7/27/02 Camden ALD – 1 CD – (A+) – incomplete ALD, but excellent sound.  I think there is one minor dropout during “Relay”, and the rest is perfect. 

290.7/29/02 Hershey, PA - 2 CD - to be reviewed

291.7/31/02 Madison Square Garden - 2 CD - AUD- - (A-/A Schoeps source)

292.8/1/02 MSG – 2 CD – Neuman mics

293.8/3/02 Madison Square Garden  - 2 CD - AUD- (A-/A Schoeps source)

294.8/4/02 MSG – 2 CD – Neuman mics


Billy Joel

1.       Archives (Vol. 1) 1974-1976-6 CD-Excellent- CD 1:  Don Kirschner's Rock Concert (1974), Ebbit's Field, Denver (1974) & The Midnight Special (1975).   CD 2:The Bottom Line, NYC, Late Show -Part 1- (1976).  CD 3:The Bottom Line, NYC, Late Show -Part 2- (1976) & Turnstiles Outtakes (1975).  CD 4:Sydney Opera House (1976).  CD 5:Billy Joel Tonight (1976) & The Mike Douglas Show (1976). CD 6:  Lafayette's Club, Memphis (1974) & Souvenir-Promo- Live Side (1976)

2.       The Bridge to 52nd Street:  Rotold Vol 1 - Mighty fishy - 1 CD - Excellent- Studio Demos

3.       The Piano Man from the Harbor: Retold Vol 2 (1CD)- Excellent -Studio Demos from Early period  SILVER CD

4.       Souvenir of a Stranger at the Turnstile:  Retold Vol 3 - 1 CD –-STUDIO- (A+) various demos.  Vinyl crackles come from original master  source.

5.       Billy the Demo - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       Souvenir - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       Skyscraper Blues 6/9/76 - 2 CD - Excellent -

8.       New York City 6/10/76 (has a lot of Philadelphia 4/15/72 as filler) - 2 CD - Excellent

9.       Adelphi College 1977 - 2 CD - Excellent

10.    Travelin' Prayer (Germany 1978)- 1 CD - Excellent

11.    Thunder Road (10/31/77 Miami) - 2 CD – SBD- (A) – sourced from a radio broadcast.  pretty good sound with minimal tape hiss.  One 1-second dropout during track 7/disc 2. 

12.    Live from the C.W. Post May 6, 1977- Greenvale, NY - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD

13.    December 11, 1977 - 2 CD - Excellent-several pops discovered on my copy

14.    Halloween Eve (10/30/78) - 2 CD – Excellent- glitch on track 1.  Some tracks have miliclicks

15.    Songs from the backyard - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – various sites from 1981 tour

16.    Songs in the East 4/17/81 - 2 CD – AUD (A) Budoken, Tokyo

17.    St Paul '82 (11/1/82) - 2 CD - Very Good

18.    December 29, 1982 at Uniondale, NY - 2 CD - Excellent

19.    From a Pianoman to an innocent man - June 6, 1984 - Wembley Arena – Excellent – clicks on d2t8

20.    Leningrad Live (August 2, 1987 in the USSR)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-an amazing FM broadcast. This was the first full concert broadcast in the USSR ever. Lots of interaction between Billy and the crowd. About the only negative is that Billy did not play "Pianoman" during this entire show. This is a must have for all Billy Joel fans.

21.    Welcome to the show - May 26, 1990 - 2 CD - Wembley Arena – SBD (A+)

22.    June 22, 1990 at Yankee Stadium-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-the sound is A+. Fade In/Fade Out track transitions. Also, I believe this bootleg contains only excerpts from this concert (a total of 10 songs - I'm sure more were played).

23.    We didn't start the fire - 1 CD - Excellent - I'm pretty sure this is the famous concert at Yankee stadium!!!

24.    New Year's Live 1991 1 CD              - Excellent - January 3, 1991: Tokyo

25.    Big Blue (Los Angeles 1992) -1 CD - Excellent

26.    September 17, 1993 - Boston - 2 CD - Excellent- a couple of 1 second gaps on track 6, disc 1

27.    Complete Shades of Grey (9/17/93 at Boston) - 2 CD - Excellent

28.    Carrier Dome (Syracuse, New York 11/13/93)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-A+ sound. There are clicks between tracks. Also, "Prelude to an Angry Man" and "Only the Good Die Young" have some skips. Great concert to get, but I would love to get a 100% good copy.-upgrade to be reviewed

29.    December 1, 1993 Seattle-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-a strong audience recording. Billy does a few funny improvs of Nirvana's "Teen Spirit" and a great cover of Jimi Hendrix.

30.    New Year's State of Mind (December 31, 1993 at Nassau Coliseum: Uniondale, New York)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-This is a fantastic audience recording. Highlights of this concert include Billy's impersonation of Frank Sinatra and a great version of "My life". "Miami 2017" was played in the actual concert, but it will not be found on this bootleg. I highly recommend this bootleg to start your Billy Joel collection; any Billy show in New York City is a must-have!

31.    Mainlanders and Islanders 1//6/94 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

32.    After the Flood (June 18, 1994 at Hamburg, Germany)-2CD-Excellent-SBD (A+) SILVER CD

33.    Face to Face in Pittsburgh (8/94) - 2 CD - Very Good

34.    Philadelphia 2/18/98 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

35.    Philadelphia 2/19/98 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

36.    Face to Face 3/30/98 (2 CD) Excellent. With Elton John.

37.    April 20, 1999 New Jersey - 2 CD - Very Good

38.    Ames, Iowa (12/2/99) - 2 CD - Very Good

39.    New Orleans '99 (12/12/99) - 2 CD - Very Good

40.    Storytellers - 1 CD - Excellent

41.    Live in New York City (12/31/99 at MSG) - 3 CD –SBD and AUD (A+)

42.    2/8/02 Hartford – 3 CD – SBD (A+) – ALD glitch during “Circle of Life” – most likely from original source. 

The Beatles

1.       5 Nights in a Judo Arena (June 30, 1966)-1 CD - Excellent-SBD-this is the 6/30/66 concert in Tokyo.

2.       69 Rehearsals (Vol 1, 2, 3) - 3 CD - Excellent

3.       A toot and a snore - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Abbey Road Companion - 1 CD - Excellent

5.       Abbey Road Outtakes 1CD - Excellent

6.       Acetates - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       All the Best from Australia - 1 CD - Excellent

8.       The Alternate Abbey Road-1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-I have the "fake" version of this bootleg in which there are gaps between the medley tracks. The "authentic" bootleg is continuous like the real album. Great bootleg though much of this can be found on the Anthology official release.

9.       The Alternate Hey Jude Album [Walrus Records]-1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-excellent bootleg, and some great outtakes of "Hey Jude".  The proper copy  should have 19 tracks.  On mine, 2 tracks are together thus leading to 18 tracks.  However, nothing is cut off.  Walrus Records did a bad job in track separation – lots of tracks are split during songs.   

10.    The Alternate Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band -2 CD - Excellent-have not listened to, but I think there are burn errors. 

11.    The Alternate Revolver-1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-fantastic collection of outtakes and different mixes from the famous Revolver album.

12.    Alternate Sargeant Pepper (pear) - 1 CD - Excellent

13.    Another Sessions - 1 CD - Excellent

14.    Another Tracks of Beatles for Sale (Sweet Zapple) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

15.    Anthology Extra - 1 CD - Excellent

16.    Anthropology - 1 CD - Excellent

17.    Arrive without aging [Vigotone records] - 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-Includes take 20 of “Hold me Tight” and take 2 of “Norwegian Woods” among other highlights. 

18.    Artifacts I (5 CD) - Excellent

19.    Artifacts II (5 CD) - Excellent

20.    Artifacts III (4 CD) - Excellent

21.    As Nature Intended(1/30/69)-1CD-Excellent-SBD-fantastic bootleg. It contains the best sound source for the legendary Rooftop concert and Glyn John's first mix of Get Back.

22.    Atlanta-Munich-Seattle - 1 CD - Excellent

23.    Attack of the filler Beebs 4 CD - Excellent

24.    Barrett Tapes (Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7) - 7 CD - Excellent

25.    Beatles Broadcast Collection - Trailer 1 (Yellow Dog) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

26.    Beatles Broadcast Collection - Trailer 2 (Yellow Dog) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

27.    The Beatles in Italy 1965 - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

28.    Shea! Candlestick! (8/29/66 Candlestick Park and 8/15/65 Shea Stadium)-1 CD-Very Good/Excellent-SBD and AUD-two legendary concerts! First, you get the awesome '65 Shea Stadium concert. Second, you get the final Beatles live concert ever which was at Candlestick Park, San Francisco. During track 8 of the Shea concert, they play snippets of an interview with the Beatles - that's kind of annoying - but this legendary bootleg is a must-have if you like rock mustic. The Shea concert is a mono soundboard; the Candlestick concert is an audience recording.

29.    Celluloid Rock – 1 CD - Excellent

30.    Come Together - Beatles in the '90s- 1 CD- Excellent-STUDIO-FAB3 release-outtakes from the Beatles reunion in the ‘90s.  Also, lots of John Lennon’s demos of “Real Love” and “Free as a Bird”. 

31.    Complete BBC Sessions - 9 CD - Excellent

32.    Complete Ed Sullivan Shows - 2 CD - Excellent

33.    Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts - 2 CD - Excellent

34.    Complete Rooftop Concert - 2 CD – has gaps. 

35.    Control Room Monitor Mixes – 1 CD - Excellent

36.    Danmark & Nederland June 1964 - 1CD - Very Good

37.    Day by Day Series [Yellow Dog release]:  Volumes 1-26 – 52 CD – to be reviewed

38.    Dig It - 1 CD - Excellent

39.    Dr. Ebbetts Remaster of Revolver - 1 CD - to be reviewed

40.    Euphoria in Australia - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

41.    Get back and 22 other songs - 1 CD - Excellent-STUDIO

42.    Get Back Journals (Vol 1-8) - 8 CD – Excellent

43.    Get Back Journals II – 8 CD - Excellent

44.    Get Back 2nd Mix - 1 CD - Excellent

45.    Gone Tomorrow, Here today - 1 CD - Excellent

46.    In case you don't know - 1 CD - Excellent

47.    It's not too bad - 1 CD - Excellent

48.    Help Sessions - 1 CD - Excellent

49.    Jamming with Heather - 1 CD – Excellent

50.    Jelly Beans Hailing in a Dreamlike Noise – 1 CD - Excellent

51.    John, Paul, George, and Ringo - 1 CD - Excellent

52.    Johnny and the Moondogs - 1 CD - Excellent

53.    Kinfauns (Silent Sea release) - 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-during May 1968, the Beatles gathered at George Harrison’s house (Kinfauns) to tape acoustic demos of songs written in India..  Recordings were done using George’s 4 track reel-to-reel recorder. 

54.    Last Night at Hamburg - 1 CD (TAO) - Excellent

55.    Leaning on a lampost - 1 CD - Excellent

56.    Leave my Kitten alone - 1 CD – Excellent

57.    Les Beatles A Paris – 1 CD - Excellent

58.    Live at BBC TV 1963/1964 - 1 CD - Excellent

59.    Live Live Live- Paris 65/Tokyo 66 and Stockholm 63 - 1 CD - Excellent

60.    Live on British Television 1964/1965 - 1 CD - Excellent

61.    Lost Pepperland Reel - 1 CD - Excellent

62.    Magical Mystery Demos - 1 CD – Excellent

63.    Mixing Impossible [Mirrorspock]– 3 CD - to be reviewed

64.    No. 3 Abbey Road N.W 8 1 CD - Excellent   

65.    Original Decca Tapes and Cavern Club - 1 CD - Excellent

66.    Paris: June 20, 1965: Afternoon and Evening Show - 1 CD - Excellent

67.    Pepperland - 2 CD - Excellent

68.    Posters, Incense, and strobe Candles-1 CD - Excellent

69.    Puttin on the style - 1 CD - Excellent

70.    Rarities 1965-1968 - 3 CD - Excellent - Outtakes from Rubber Soul, Pepper, Revolver (210 minutes). Email me for details

71.    Revolution - 1 CD - Excellent

72.    Revolving-2 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-nice 2 CD set of outtakes, alternate mixes, and mono versions from Revolver album.

73.    Road Runner – 1 Cd - Excellent

74.    Ruling Queen Elizabeth (Live in the UK 1962-1965)- 2 CD - Excellent

75.    Something to Hide - 1 CD - Excellent

76.    Something Extra-1 CD - Excellent

77.    Soul Sessions - 2 CD - Excellent

78.    State Fair to Hollywood - 1 CD - Excellent

79.    Strawberry Fields forever [Condor Records] - 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-various outtakes.  Includes the Beatles singing Happy Birthday to Mike Love in India!  Excellent Stereo sound on most tracks.

80.    Studio 2 Sessions at Abbey Road (Volumes 1,2,3,4) - 4 CD - Excellent

81.    The Twickenham Sessions ( 8 CD) - Excellent

82.    Thirty Days (Vol 1-17) - 17 CD - Excellent- disc 17 seems to have some skips on track 1.

83.    To be expected - 1 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-mostly a collection of solo Beatles material.  Lots of good stuff from the 1969 Get Back Rehearsals. 

84.    True Masters – 4 CD - Excellent

85.    Turn me on Dead Man - 2 CD - Excellent

86.    Ultimate Christmas Collection - 2 CD - Excellent

87.    Ultimate Live Collection - 2 CD - Excellent: Disc one has Indianapolis 64/Houston afternoon. Disc 2 has Philly 64 and Houston 65 Night

88.    Ultra rare trax (Vol. 1 and Vol 2) - 2 CD - Excellent

89.    Unsurpassed Masters (Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) - 7 CD - Excellent

90.    Unsurpassed demos - 1 CD - Excellent

91.    Vancouver '64 Washington '64 - 1 CD - Very Good

92.    When I get older (Beatles in the '90s) - 1 CD - Excellent

93.    White Album Sessions 2CD - Excellent -STUDIO Acoustic Demos -Spring '68

94.    White Sessions [Silent Sea release] - 4 CD – Excellent-STUDIO

95.    Wildcat Cat - Quarrymen rehearsals - 2 CD - Very Good

96.    Back Track - 1 CD – Excellent



Paul McCartney



1.       Wings Over Boston (1976) -2 CD - to be reviewed

2.       Last Flight: Live 12/17/79 - Apollo Theatre, Glasgow, England - Excellent

3.       Washington 1990 4th of July - 2 CD - Excellent

4.       Wings over Switzerland - 2 CD - Excellent

5.       Arizona Soundchecks 1990 - 2 CD - Excellent

6.       American Return of Wings - 2 CD - Excellent

7.       Get Back to Glasgow: Last Flight 12/17/79 - 2 CD - Excellent

8.       Wings over Seattle - 1 CD - Excellent

9.       Wings over Denmark 8/14/72 -2 CD - Good/Very Good

10.    Hot Night in Charlotte (6/15/93) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

11.    Live at Madison Square Garden (December 11, 1989) - 2 CD - Very Good

12.    Let's have a Party (12/14/99) - 1 CD – Excellent

13.    Chicago 2002 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

14.    4/3/02 at San Jose, CA – 2 CD - to be reviewed –SP-BMC-1 > SP-SPSB-2>MT90 sec 117, row 13, seat 2

15.    Nassau Coliseum 4/21/02 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

16.    4/24/02 Driving Rain Tour – Washington DC soundboard – Mirrorspock Remaster) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

17.    4/24/02 Washington DC soundboard – remastered by MR – 2 CD – to be reviewed

18.    5/13/02 at Atlanta – 2 CD – to be reviewed (ALD)

19.    9/21/02 Milwaukee – 2 CD - to be reviewed

20.    9/27/02 Hartford – 2 CD - to be reviewed



John Lennon



1.       Absolute Elsewhere (Ultimate Mind Games Anthology) - 3 CD - to be reviewd

2.       Imagine...all the outtakes - 3 CD - Excellent

3.       Free as a Bird - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       The Dream is over - 1 CD - Excellent

5.       Yer Blues - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       News of the day [Vigatone]- 1 CD –Excellent-STUDIO-various demos from 1970-1980.  Great early demo of “Nobody Told me”.  Lots of other interesting demos.

7.       Lost Lennon Tapes (Vol 1) -1 CD – Excellent

8.       Rock 'n' Roll Sessions - 3 CD - to be reviewed



The Doors



1.       Summer's Almost Gone (San Francisco 1967) 1CD - Very Good/Excellent

2.       Palace of Exile - Isle of Weight - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       The Complete Matrix Club Tapes (4 CD) - Excellent

4.       Live in Vancouver (6/6/70) - 1 CD - to be reviewed




Pearl Jam



1.       Covering them - 1 CD - Good/Very Good

2.       Hallucinogenic Recipe - 5 CD – Excellent-new copy to be reviewed

3.       The complete rehearsals of Eddie and the Doors at the Hall of Fame - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Chapters - 2 CD - Excellent

5.       No Fuckin' Messiah -1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO, AUD, and SBD-excellent combination of studio and live material from the first five years of Pearl Jam's career. I especially like the first 3 songs which are Pearl Jam's 1994 Saturday Night Live performance. Email me for details.

6.       No Fuckin Messiah II-1 CD-Excellent-AUD and SBD-just as good as part I of this series. For some of the tracks in the middle, no source information has been released. Great compilation of live material from the first 5 years of Pearl Jam.

7.       Alternate Versions (Volume 1) - 1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-a collection of various B-sides, remixes, imports, etc. Ask me for details.

8.       Alternate Versions (Volume 2) - 1 CD-Excellent

9.       The 5 Musketeers-1 CD - B-sides and some jams with the Doors - Excellent

10.    First Week Rehearsals (10/23/90 Seattle) - 1 CD – STUDIO – new demos that surfaced in 2002.  I received this gem on the Pearl Jam trading group on - excellent demos. 

11.    3/16/92 Complete show and soundcheck - 2 CD (disc 1 is soundcheck, disc 2 is the Unplugged show) - Excellent-SBD-(A+)Pearl Jam egroups source.   DSBD > DAT > dEdit.  This is an awesome listening experience! 

12.    4/10/92 at the Trocadero Club - Philadelphia, PA - 1 CD – AUD (B/B+) – Be aware of three faded track transitions.  Pretty good sound.  Source is unknown.

13.    4/20/92 New Orleans - 1 CD (TAO) – looking for DAO copy.

14.    Rockin in the Free World (6/18/92 Switzerland)  - 1 CD –SBD (A+)

15.    Small Club Gig 1 CD (Holland 1992) - Excellent

16.    Brixton 2 CD (July 14, 993 at Brixton Academy in London, England)- SBD - Excellent - Ever heard Pearl Jam's famous cover of the Rolling Stones "Beast of Burden"? This was the concert where they did it. A very strong performance and great recording.

17.    Don't Reject (7/16/93 Rotterdam) - 1 CD - Very Good

18.    Against (7/16/93 at Rotterdam, Holland)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-KTS Release-great disc. KTS did not release the whole show on this bootleg, but this is still a great sample of early Pearl Jam.  

19.    8/14/93 Manitoba, Canado – 2 CD – proshot Vid (ug) > cdr > shn > cdr

20.    Manifesting Morrison (11/5/93 Indio, CA) - 2 CD –  SBD (A+)

21.    One way Needle (11/5/93 plus bonus tracks) – 2 CD – to be reviewed [one of my originals]  SILVER CD

22.    11/9/93 - 2 CD - Very Good

23.    11/16/93 New Orleans, LA – 2 CD – SS>WM-d6 (m) > DAT>CDR>SHN>cdr

24.    One way Needle – 2 CD – to be reviewed [one of my originals]

25.    12/1/93 Las Vegas - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

26.    MTV Unplugged (1992) - 1 CD- this is from 1992 when Pearl Jam did an acoustic performance on MTV. The show was notable for Eddie Vedder's pro-choice message. Has some skipping.

27.    3/20/94 Ann Arbor, Michigan – 2 CD – Very Good – “Indifference” cuts out.  This is a known flaw.

28.    Hotpoint (3/29/94 at St. Petersburg, Florida) - 2 CD-Very good

29.    Atlanta: The Day Before (4/2/94 at the Fox Theatre)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-KTS release which is a nice audience recording which makes a nice companion to the more common 4/3/94 show. The only negative is that the issuer of the bootleg, Kiss The Stone, decided to omit the last song "Indifference"!

30.    Atlanta (4/3/94 at the Fox Theatre)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-this is a must have for any Pearl Jam fan. It was a famous FM broadcast. Fantastic setlist with great performances. Get this from me - you won't regret it.

31.    4/3/94 Atlanta SBD > DAT source – 2 CD – (A+) a true soundboard that is pre-Satelite/pre-FM.  This is a improvement over the KTS bootleg version above. 

32.    4/6/94 Springfield – 2 CD – Sonic Studios DSM 6 > TCD- D3 – AUD (B+)

33.     4/7/94 Rochester – 2 CD - PC62 > WM-d3-M > DAT

34.     4/8/94 Fairfax – 2 CD – unknown audience > DAT

35.    4/10/94 Boston - 2 CD - Excellent

36.    4/12/94 Boston – 2 CD - Sony ECM-144 (x2) > TCD-D7(?) (I've got a Feeling:UM > UR)

37.    10/1/94 Mountain View, CA Bridge School Benefit - 1 CD - Very Good

38.    Self Pollution Radio – 4 CD – pre-FM > CD

39.    Self Pollution Live(1/8/95 at Seattle)-Excellent-1CD-SBD-fantastic FM broadcast in which Pearl Jam played live within Eddie Vedder's house. A must-have!

40.     1/14/95 Washington – 2 CD - UM > UR > Bootleg CD

41.    Piss Bottle Men (2/5/95 at Seattle)- 2 CD - to be reviewed

42.    Act of Love (2/6/95 at Seattle) - 2 CD - to be reviewed - includes bonus track from SNL rehearsal SILVER CD

43.    Vitology Health Club (2/8/95) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

44.     2/18/95 Sendai – 2 CD - Sony TS-120 > DAT

45.    Live on the Wireless (Melbourne 3/17/95) 2CD-Excellent-SBD-awesome show and fantastic sound from a FM broadcast.                SILVER CD

46.    3/17/95 Melbourne pre-FM “Rarified and Live” – 2 CD – best version of this show – SBD (A+)

47.    Long Road (6/16/95 at Casper, Wyoming)-2 CD- Very Good- AUD-First live performance of "Long Road". Last song "Porch" has 3 fadeouts - no big deal, but worth noting. Disc 2 has some 1/4 second gaps between a couple of tracks.

48.    6/20/95 - 2 CD (3 source mix from Pearl Jam egroups) – Sonic Studios > Sony TCD-D7 (mod) > DAT > .wav > SHN > .wav > dEQ] + [Sonic Studios > Sony TCD-D7 > DAT > CDR > .wav > SHN > .wav > dEQ] + [Marc Sounds(?) > Denon DTR-80 > DAT > CASS > DAT > CDR > .wav > SHN >
.wav > dEQ]--> EQ > SHN -

49.    June 24, 1995 at the Polo Field, San Francisco - 2 CD- Excellent (Neil Young fronting Pearl Jam!)

50.    7/9/95 Milwaukee - 2 CD – Core Sounds > Sony TCD-D7 > DAT > CDR – AUD (A-) small mc between t12-t13 on disc 2 which is in the bonus tracks section.  Rest of track transitions are smooth. 

51.    Live at Soldier Field (July 11, 1995 at Chicago)-3CD-Excellent-SBD-This is quite possibly the best Pearl Jam bootleg ever! What an awesome performance, and an incredible setlist. The first encore included covers of Sly Stone and Pete Townshend. There are several political rants against Ticketmaster by Eddie Vedder.

52.    7/11/95 Chicago – 2 CD – source treed on Pearl Jam egroup.  Better, more clean mix from TSIS shn Bit Torrent) - to be reviewed  Mix: [MWFM > Bootleg CD / Q101 promoCD (Animal)] + [CSB > DAT] > SHN

53.    8/12/95 with Neil Young-2 CD-Very Good

54.    8-23-95 Caesaria, Israel (Neil Young w/ Pearl Jam)– 2 CD – Very Good/Excellent

55.    8/26/95 at Dublin, Ireland (Neil Young w/ Pearl Jam)– 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

56.    9/13/95 Phoenix – 2 CD – Nak 700 > Sony TCD-D7 > DAT > cdr >dEQ – AUD (B+/A-)

57.    9/17/95 at New Orleans - 2 CD -  Core Sounds > Sony TCD-D7 > CD-R – to be reviewed

58.    Dogs at Play 9/17/95 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

59.    The Delta Tapes (11/1/95 at Salt Lake City, Utah) -2 CD-Excellent – recieived from mo

60.    11/1/95 Complete Digital source - 2 CD - to be reviewed - best source as circulated on Pearl Jam egroup

61.    Abandoned (11/2/95) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

62.    San Jose 11/4/95-2 CD-Excellent-track transitions are near perfect but not 100% smooth.-upgrade to be reviewed

63.    98.5 KOME (11/4/95 San Jose) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

64.    San Diego '95 (11/6/95at San Diego)- 2 CD- to be reviewed

65.    San Diego 11/7/95) - 2 CD – Excellent

66.    9/14/96 at the Showbox, Seattle –2 CD – Sonic Studios (DSM6) > Sony TCD-D7 (right PA) (“Secret Gig” boot CD) – to be reviewed

67.    Dangerous Mind- (9/16/96 at Key Arena, Seattle)- 2CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD-Great audience recording. This was a benefit show in which Pearl Jam was trying out new material from No Code. Excellent versions of "Not for You", "Leaving Here".

68.    9/24/96 Columbia, MD – 2 CD – Schoep’s Mic source

69.    New York 9/29/96 3 CD- Very Good - Randall Island.

70.    Eddie Who - 10/1/96 Buffalo - Good - skipping on last track of Disc 1

71.    10/1/96 (Buffalo, NY) - 2 CD - Very Good

72.    Make yourselves's Pearl Jam (Hartford 10/2/96) – 2 CD- SBD (A+) –excellent monosoundboard

73.    Seattle '96 at the Showbox Theatre - Fan Club Show - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

74.    Checkpoint Charlie (11/3/96 at Berlin) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD (A+)

75.    11/3/96 (98 Rock Tampa Radio CD promo - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – this is a “pre-FM” of the 11/3/96 Berlin show.    Source:  98Rock Tampa Promo CD > CDR > dEdit > FLAC (cuts in Promo CD patched with pre-FM (satellite) > DAT-M > DAT2WAV)

76.    11/4/96 Hamburg - 2 CD - Very Good - gold discs

77.    11/7/96 Paris - 2 CD - Excellent - on gold discs

78.    11/13/96 - 3 CD - Forum: Milan, Italy - Good/Very Good

79.    11/7/96 Paris - 2 CD - Good

80.    11/21/96 Barcelona - 2 CD - to be reviewed - some static during "Wash" due to problems with DAT.

81.    11/25/96 at Portugal -2 CD -requested

82.    11/12/97 Santa Cruz, CA - 1 CD- Good

83.    11/14/97 Oakland – 1 CD – Schoeps CCM-4 > Sonosax pre-AMP > Sony TCD-D100 > dEC –AUD (A)

84.    11/15/97 – 1 CD – Schoeps CC4-4s > sonosax > Sony TCD-D100 – to be reviewed

85.    11/18/97 – 1 CD Schoeps CCM-4’s > sonosax > d100 – to be reviewed

86.    11/19/97 – 1 CD – Sonic Studios (DSM6) > Sony TCD-D* - to be reviewed

87.    Monkeywrench Radio 1998             1CD- Excellent - Seattle 1/31/98

88.    We Came from the Ocean  (2/20/98 Maui)  Source: 2-source mix: [Sennheiser MKE2002 > Sony TCD-D8 > dat-1 > shn] + [Nakamichi 300 (shotguns) > unknown pre-amp > Sony TCD-D7 > dEQ > CDR] > dEQ
> shn > flac Soundcheck Source: Marc Sounds > Sony TCD-D8 > dat > cdr > flac – 3 CD – to be reviewed

89.    2/21/98 Maui (Sonic Studios DSM6 > Sony TCD-D7 @32K) – 2 CD – AUD (B+/A-)

90.    3/3/98 Melbourne Park - 2 CD - Countryman Isomax II > Sony TCD-D100 – AUD (A) – small miliclick between t2-t3 on d1.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.  I heard some minor, almost inaudible pops on track 1 of disc 2. 

91.    Who Killed Eddie Vedder? (March 5, 1998 at Melbourne )-2CD-SBD-Excellent- This concert was a JJJ FM broadcast. The sound is excellent, and the performance is great. This bootleg and the 7/22/98 Seattle show are essentials for Pearl Jam collectors.   Please note that there is small glitch during "Elderly Women.." which comes from the original pressed discs.  My copy is 100% good.  The pre-FM soundboard is a better version of this show!

92.    3/5/98 Melbourne – 2 CD – pre-FM > DAT-SBD – (A+) excellent soundboard.  This is the best version available for this show.

93.    6/21/98 Park City, Utah –2  CD – [Mix: (Schoeps MK5 capsules > R-Mod > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D7 (2nd row,right)) + (Nakamichi CM-700 >Sony TCD-D8 (2nd row,left))] > DATM > DATC > DATC > CDR > EAC > CDR) – AUD (A/A+)

94.    Escape from Wisconsin (6/27/98) – 2 CD - source: 2-source mix: [AKG 393b's > Crown PH-1 > M1 (sec. 212, row 14) >
dat-m > dEQ > cdr] + [Sonic Studios (DSM-6) > Sony TCD-D7 (lawn stacks) >
dat > cdr] > dEQ > shn > flac – to be reviewed

95.    6/29/98 Chicago - 2 CD - to be reviewed- source:  AKG 391lb &CK63 (hyper) > Sony SBM-1 > Sony PCM-M1 (Sec 112, row 11) > dEQ (by taper) > "Playground" cdr

96.    6/30/98 Minneapolis, MN-2 CD-to be reviewed - source:  AKG 391b & CK63 (hyper) > Sony SBM-1 > Sony PCM-M1 (Sec 111, row 4) > dEQ > "Significance" cdr

97.    St. Louis 7/2/98 – 2 CD – Schoeps CCM-4 > Aerco pre-Amp >Sony SBM-1>Sony TCD d100 – some miliclicks between tracks

98.    7/10/98 San Diego- 2 CD-Good/Very Good-AUD-the sound is okay, nothing special. Eddie has a great political rant during "Rocking in the Free World".

99.    7/21/98 at Seattle - 2 CD -  Mix- Schoeps CCM-4 > Aerco pre-amp > Sony SBM-1 > Sony PCM-M1 + Nakamichi 700 > Denon DTR-80P > CD-R – AUD (B+) – small mc between t6-t7 on d2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

100.                        (7/22/98 Seattle, Washington-2CD-Excellent-SBD-great soundboard.

101.                        7/22/98 SBD > CDR – 2 CD – to be reviewed

102.                        8/17/88 Noblesville, IN – 2 CD -

103.                        8/18/98 East Lansing – 2 CD – CS Mod Box > Sony pcm-m1 > DAT > CDR – two versions to be reviewed w/ same source

104.                        8/20/98 at Montreal - 2 CD - to be reviewed

105.                        8/23/98 Detroit – 2 CD Neuman KM-140>Aerco>Casio DA-7>cdr

106.                        Pittsburgh 8/25/98-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-first performance of "No Way". Includes Eddie's 1 song solo set before the concert ("Throw Your Arms around me"), and also includes parts of the soundcheck on disc 2. Great audience bootl!

107.                        Camden 8/28/98  - 2 CD – SS DSM6 > PA 6LC > D100> DAT > CDR – AUD (B/B+)

108.                        Camden E Center 8/29/98 - 2 CD - Very Good

109.                        The Weight of the World (9/1/98 Atlanta) – 2 CD - Source: 2-source mix: [AKG 414TLII > Oade M248 pre-amp > Sony SBM-1 > Sony
TCD-D8 > dat > cdr > dEdit > cdr] + [Sonic Studios > Sony TCD-D7 > dat >
cdr] > dEQ > shn > flac - - to be reviewed

110.                        9/3/98 Birmingham, Alabama – 2 CD – Very Good/Excellent

111.                        9/6/98 - 2 CD - Very Good

112.                        9/8/98 East Rutherford, NJ - 2 CD – AKG300b > aerco pre-amp > Sony TCD-D7 (7th row center) – AUD (A-/A) – to be reviewed

113.                        9/10/98 Madison Square Garden, NYC  (Schoep's Source) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+) – great recording, and great concert.  Bonus tracks from unknown date.  2 source mix

114.                        9/11/98 Madison Square Garden, NYC  (Schoep's source) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+) 2 source mix

115.                        9/13/98 at Hartford - 2 CD - to be reviewed

116.                        9/15/98 at Mansfield, MA - 2 CD - to be reviewed –Sony ECM-MS907 > Sony MZ – R30 minidisc (sec. 2 row Y - dead center) – a few track transitions have miliclicks

117.                        Great Night-(9/16/98 at Mansfield, MA) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD-(A+)great recording, and you definitely want to get a copy of this. My copy includes Eddie's 1 song solo "Throw Your Arms Around Me" as the opening act. There are two 3-second static bursts during Track 1 of Disc 1, "Release Me" (due to a faulty transmission from the ALD feed?). I've confirmed that this abnormality comes straight from the master tapes; my copy is 100% good with flawless track transitions.

118.                        9/22/98 West Palm Beach - 2 CD - Very Good

119.                        Ping Pong Wars (9/23/98 –2 CD – to be reviewed

120.                        Life (9/23/98 West Palm Beach) – 2 CD - source: Core Sound Cardioid > Sharp MD-MS702 minidisk (Sec. 2, Row Q) > cdr
> > dEQ > cdr > flac (small cut patched in with Neumann KM-184 > Aerco
>pre-amp > Sony TCD-D8 (20th row, far right) > dat > cdr) – to be reviewed

121.                        June 25, 1999 at Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles - 1 CD - Very Good

122.                        Bridge School 10/30/99 - 10/31/99 - Excellent.

123.                        May 10, 2000 at Mount Baker Theatre, Bellingham, WA - 2 CD - Very Good

124.                        5/11/00 at Vancouver - 2 CD - under review - source is Core Sounds Biaurals > Sony TCD-D8

125.                        Lisbon, Portugal 5/23/00 - 2 CD – SBD- Excellent first show of the BiAural part.  Matt has equipment problems before “Last Kiss” which leads to an awesome acappella version of the song.  Dennis Rodman carried out Eddie Vedder for the first encore!!!

126.                        Barcelona, Spain 5/25/00 - 2 CD - Excellent -SBD

127.                        San Sebastian, Spain 5/26/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - SBD-Official Release by Pearl Jam.

128.                        London, England 5/29/00 - 2 CD - Excellent –SBD- Official Release by Pearl Jam

129.                        London, England 5/30/00 - 2 CD - Excellent –SBD- Official Release by Pearl Jam.

130.                        Dublin, Ireland 6/1/00 - 2 CD - Excellent –SBD-Official Release by Pearl Jam-only 1 encore was performed!  Great show with rare performance of “Garden”. 

131.                        Glasgow, Scotland 6/3/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - SBD-Official Release by Pearl Jam.

132.                        Manchester, England 6/4/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - SBD-Official Release by Pearl Jam.

133.                        Cardiff, Wales 6/6/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

134.                        Paris, France 6/8/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

135.                        Eifel, Germany 6/9/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

136.                        Nurnberg, Germany 6/11/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

137.                        Landgraaf, Holland - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam

138.                        Praha, Czech Republic 6/14/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam

139.                        Katowice, Poland 6/15/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam

140.                        Katowice, Poland 6/16/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

141.                        Salzburg, Austria 6/18/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

142.                        Ljubljana, Slovenia 6//19/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam

143.                        Verona, Italy 6/20/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - SBD-Official Release by Pearl Jam.

144.                        Milan, Italy 6/22/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam

145.                        Zurich, Switzerland 6/23/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam

146.                        Berlin, Germany 6/25/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam

147.                        Hamburg, Germany 6/26/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

148.                        Stockholm, Sweden 6/28/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

149.                        Oslo, Norway 6/29/00 - 2 CD - Excellent - Official Release by Pearl Jam.

150.                        Virginia Beach 8/3/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

151.                        Charlotte 8/4/00 - 2 CD - Excellent. Official Release by Pearl Jam

152.                        Greensboro 8/6/00 - 2 CD - Excellent. Official Release by Pearl Jam

153.                        Atlanta 8/7/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

154.                        West Palm Beach 8/9/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

155.                        West Palm Beach 8/10/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

156.                        Tampa 8/12/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

157.                        New Orleans 8/14/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

158.                        Memphis 8/15/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

159.                        Nashville 8/17/00 - 2 CD - Excellent. Official Release by Pearl Jam

160.                        Indianapolis 8/18/00 - 2 CD - Excellent. Official Release by Pearl Jam

161.                        Cincinnati 8/20/00-2 CD-Excellent-SBD Official Release by Pearl Jam

162.                        Columbus 8/21/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

163.                        Jones Beach 8/23/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

164.                        Jones Beach 8/24/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

165.                        Jones Beach 8/25/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

166.                        Saratoga 8/27/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

167.                        Boston 8/29/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

168.                        Boston 8/30/00 - 2 CD – Excellent-SBD- Official Release by Pearl Jam

169.                        Philadelphia 9/1/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

170.                        Philadelphia 9/2/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam-SBD (A+)

171.                        Washington DC 9/4/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

172.                        Pittsburgh 9/5/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

173.                        Montreal 10/4/00 - 2 CD - Excellent SBD-Official Release by Pearl Jam

174.                        Toronto 10/5/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

175.                        Detroit 10/7/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

176.                        East Troy, Wisconsin 10/8/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

177.                        Chicago 10/9/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

178.                        St. Louis 10/11/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

179.                        Kansas City 10/12/00 - 2 CD - Excellent SBD-Official Release by Pearl Jam

180.                        New Orleans 10/14/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam-SBD (A+)

181.                        Houston 10/15/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

182.                        Dallas 10/17/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

183.                        Lubbock, Texas 10/18/00- 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

184.                        Albuquerque, NM 10/20/00-2 CD- Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

185.                        Phoenix 10/21/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

186.                        Las Vegas 10/22/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

187.                        Los Angeles 10/24/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

188.                        San Diego 10/25/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

189.                        Fresno 10/27/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

190.                        San Bernardino, CA 10/28/00-2 CD-Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

191.                        Sacramento 10/30/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

192.                        San Francisco 10/31/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

193.                        Portland 11/2/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

194.                        Boise, Idaho 11/3/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

195.                        Seattle 11/5/00 - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

196.                        Seattle 11/6/00 - 3 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

197.                        10/22/01 Seattle Groundworks show - 1 CD - Excellent

198.                        Bridge 2001 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

199.                        9/23/02 – 1 CD – to be reviewed – Countryman ISOMax II DAT source

200.                        9/23/02 – 1 CD – to be reviewed – MK4V source

201.                        12/5/02 Showbox, Seattle – 2 CD – Schoeps source

202.                        12/6/02 Showbox, Seattle – 2 CD – Schoeps source

203.                        12/6/02 – 2 CD – DVD>Audio - to be reviewed

204.                        12/8/02 Key Arena, Seattle – 2 Cd – Schoeps source

205.                        12/9/02 Key Arena, Seattle – 2 CD – Schoeps source

206.                        2/8/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

207.                        2/9/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

208.                        2/11/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

209.                        2/13/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

210.                        2/13/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

211.                        2/16/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

212.                        2/18/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

213.                        2/19/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

214.                        2/20/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

215.                        2/23/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

216.                        2/28/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

217.                        3/1/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

218.                        3/3/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

219.                        3/4/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

220.                        3/6/03 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

221.                        4/1/03 Denver – 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

222.                        4/3/03 Oklahoma City - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

223.                        4/5/03 San Antonio - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

224.                        4/6/03 Houston - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

225.                        4/8/03 New Orleans - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

226.                        4/9/03 Birmingham - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

227.                        4/11/03 West Palm Beach - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

228.                        4/13/03 Tampa - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

229.                        4/15/03 Raleigh 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

230.                        4/16/03 Charlotte - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

231.                        4/18/03 Nashville - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

232.                        4/19/03 Atlanta 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

233.                        4/21/03 Lexington 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

234.                        4/22/03 St. Louis 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

235.                        4/23/03 Champaign - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

236.                        4/25/03 Cleveland 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

237.                        4/26/03 Pittsburgh 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

238.                        4/28/03 Philadephia 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

239.                        4/29/03 Albany 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

240.                        4/30/03 Uniondale 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

241.                        5/2/03 Buffalo 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

242.                        5/3/03 State. College 3 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

243.                        5/28/03 Missoula, MT - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

244.                        5/30/03 Vancouver 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

245.                        6/1/03 Mountainview, CA 2 CD – SBD (A+) Official Release by Pearl Jam

246.                        6/2/03 Irvine, CA - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

247.                        6/3/03 Irvine, CA 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

248.                        6/4/03 San Diego 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

249.                        6/6/03 Las Vegas 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

250.                        6/7/03 Phoenix 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

251.                        6/9/03 Dallas 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

252.                        6/10/03 Little Rock 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

253.                        6/12/03 Kansas City 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

254.                        6/13/03 Council Bluff, IA 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

255.                        6/15/03 Fargo, ND 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

256.                        6/16/03 St. Paul 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

257.                        6/18/03 Chicago 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

258.                        6/21/03 East Troy 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

259.                        6/22/03 Noblesville, IN 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

260.                        6/24/03 Columbus, OH 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

261.                        6/25/03 Detroit 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

262.                        6/26/03 Detroit 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

263.                        6/28/03 Toronto 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

264.                        6/29/03 Montreal 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

265.                        7/1/03 Washington DC 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

266.                        7/2/03 Mansfield, MA 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

267.                        7/3/03 Mansfield, MA 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

268.                        7/5/03 Camden, NJ 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

269.                        7/6/03 Camden, NJ 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

270.                        7/8/03 New York 2 CD – SBD (A+) Official Release by Pearl Jam – first appearance in New York City since the 9/11 tragedy.   New Version of “In My Tree” played.  Rare performance of “Crown of Thorns”!!!

271.                        7/9/03 New York - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

272.                        7/11/03 Mansfield, MA 3 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

273.                        7/12/03 Hershey, PA 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

274.                        7/14/03 Holmdel, NJ - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

275.                        7/17/03 Mexico City 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

276.                        7/18/03 Mexico City 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam

277.                        7/19/03 Mexico City - 2 CD - Excellent Official Release by Pearl Jam



Bruce Springsteen


1.       The Bruce Springsteen Story Vol. 6:  Dance, Dance, Dance (7/23/71 at Lincoln Center, New York City) [E. St Records] - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

2.       Small town boy - 4/24/73 - Bryn Mawr, PA - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       You mean so much to me (1/19/74 at Kent State University, Ohio) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD

4.       Saint in the City (March 3, 1974) - 2 CD - Excellent

5.       The Lost Radio Show (4/9/74 at Houston) - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       And the E Street Band played on (6/3/74 Cleveland Agora & 10/29/74 Orpheum Theater, Boston) - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       The Saint, the Incident, the Mainstreet Shuffle (2/5/75 Bryn Mawr) - 2 CD  - SBD (A)

8.       You can trust your car to the man who wears the star (2/5/75) - 2 CD – Excellent

9.       Runaway American Dreams (8/14/75) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

10.    Born to Trot (9/6/75) – 1 CD – to be reviewed (w/ bonus track from 11/11/80) – given to me by Mr. Freezer

11.    Thank You Houston (9/13/75) – 2 CD – SBD (A+) – minor static at a few spots – most likely from original source.

12.    Meeting across the River (9/26/75) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

13.    The Milwaukee Bomb Scare Show (10/2/75) -2 CD - Excellent -hear some static on song 1 of disc 1.

14.    First Night in Detroit (10/4/75) -2 CD - Excellent - 2nd copy to be reviewed

15.    Ain't nobody here from Billboard Tonight 10/17/75 Los Angeles - 2 CD - Excellent

16.    Sha La La - Tower Theater, Philadelphia, PA, December 28, 1975 - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    Teardrops on the Tower (12/30/75 and 12/31/75) - 4 CD - Excellent

18.    Hidden Worlds that shine (4/4/76 at Michigan State University) -2 CD – AUD (A)

19.    Prove it all night (5/10/76) Alabama 1CD Excellent-SBD-1 second skip on first song.

20.    Soul Crusaders (2/13/77 Toronto) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

21.    Action in the Streets (2/22/77 Milwaukee) - 2 CD – AUD (A+)

22.    Jacksonville (& my father's place) 3/4/77 - 2 CD – AUD (A+)

23.    Forced to Confess (3/25/77 Boston) -2 CD –  AUD (A+) – small miliclick between t6-t7 on disc 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

24.    Kansas City Carboy (6/16/78 at Memorial Hall) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

25.    Raising Cain (6/24/78 at Portland) - 3 CD – to be reviewed

26.    Roxy Night (7/7/78 in LA)-3CD-Excellent-SBD-my favorite Springsteen show!

27.    A Honky Tonk in New Orleans (7/16/78) -3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

28.    Oh Boy( 8/4/78 Charleston, West Virginia) - 3 CD – SBD (A+)

29.    Sweet Little Sixteen (8/5/78) - 2 CD - Excellent

30.    Summertime Bruce - 3 CD - Cleveland 8/9/78 - Excellent

31.    Jersey Devil (8/19/78 at the Spectrum in Philadelphia)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-if you live in Philadelphia like I do, you know that Bruce holds a special place in the heart of Philadelphia. Here is a great show from the legendary Darkness tour. - Lately, I have trouble copying this. 

32.    Rocking the Garden (8/21/78) -3 CD - to be reviewed

33.    Main St. Howl (8/22/78) - 3 CD - to be reviewed

34.    Killers in the Sun (9/3/78 at Saginaw, Michigan) - 3 CD - Very Good

35.    September 17, 1978 at the Paladium, NY, NY - 3 CD - Excellent

36.    Passaic Night 3 CD (September 19, 1978)- Excellent- Capitol Theater, Passaic, New Jersey.

37.    Piece De Resistance 9/19/78 Passaic, NJ - 3 CD - Excellent

38.    The Bosses Birthday Party (9/21/78)-3 CD-Excellent-SBD

39.    The Same Old Played out Scenes (9/30/78 Atlanta) - 3 CD - Excellent

40.    Winterland Night (12/15/78 San Francisco)-3 CD- Excellent-sound is fabulous.  To be honest, a few of the track transitions have miliclicks.  .  2 new copies to be reviewed

41.    Paramount Night (12/19/78 Portland) - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

42.    The Firecracker show (12/31/78) - 3 CD - Excellent

43.    No more Nukes ( 9/22/79 at Madison Square Garden, NY) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – for about a minute during “Promised Land”, there is a dropout in the feed - only Bruce’s voice and the drums can be heard. 

44.    At the Opera House (10/18/80 St. Louis, MO) - 3 CD – AUD (B)

45.    Heart and Soul – (Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ) 11/5/80 - 3 CD – SBD (A) – 1 second dropouts during “Promised Land”, “Backstreets”, and “Rosalita”.  Small miliclick between t2-t3 on disc 2 (rest of track transitions are smooth).u

46.    Coliseum Night (11/29/80)-3 CD-Excellent-SBD- (A+)

47.    A night at MSG (12/19/80)-3 CD - to be reviewed

48.    Nassau Night 3 CD (December 31, 1980 at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York)-Excellent-SBD

49.    This land is your land (3/7/81) - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

50.    Teardrops on the City (5/8/81 Stockholm) - 3 CD – AUD (A) – “Darkness” fades out before end of song.  Small gap between t5-t6 and t13-t14 on d1.   D2:  mc between t4-t5

51.    Spectrum Night - 3 CD - 7/15/81 Philadelphia, PA - Very Good/Excellent

52.    A Night For The Vietnam Veteran - Los Angeles Sports Arena, August 20, 1981 - 3 CD - Very Good

53.    Written on the Wall (8/20/81 at LA) - 3 CD - Very Good

54.    Hot Fun in the Summertime (7/26/84 Toronto) – 2 CD – SBD (A+) – d1 11-12mc, d2 5-6mc – incomplete soundboard

55.    The Full Spectrum - Sept 14-18, 1984 - 4 CD - Very Good/Excellent

56.    Last Great Show (8/20/84) - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

57.    Where the Rivers Meet (9/22/84 at Pittsburgh, PA) - 3 CD – AUD (A/A+)

58.    Oakland Night (10/21/84) - 3 CD- Excellent

59.    Kansas City Night (11/19/84) 3 CD - Excellent

60.    Independence Night (7/4/85) - 3 CD - to be reviewed

61.    A night at Soldier Field (8/9/85) - 3 CD - to be reviewed

62.    Big Showdown - 3CD - 10/2/85 Los Angeles - Excellent

63.    Bloomington Night 5/10/88 Bloomington, MN - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

64.    Summernight (7/3/88 at Stockholm) - 2 CD – Excellent-SBD-great FM broadcast with A+ sound.  Includes a nice cover of the Rolling Stons “Street Fighting Man”!!!

65.    Acoustic Tales - 2 CD - Los Angeles, Nov 16/17, 1990 - Very good/Excellent

66.    I whish I'll hear the thunder (1992) 1CD -Excellent- unedited MTV plugged concert.

67.    December 14, 1992 at Boston Garden 2 CD - Excellent

68.    Solo acoustic 3/23/93 Red Banks, NJ- 1 CD - Good/Very Good

69.    Meadowlands Night (6/24/93) -3 CD – Excellent-haven’t listened to it much.  I checked the track transitions on disc 1.  A few track transitions have miliclicks which are almost impossible to hear.  The rest are smooth.  It’s a really good audience recording.

70.    November 26, 1995 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

71.    Misunderstood (Philadelphia 12/10/95) 1CD- Excellent - Acoustic concert

72.    Brixton Night 4/24/96 London, England - 3 CD - Excellent

73.    Tom Joad Blues 9/25/96 (Univ. of Akron, Ohio) - 2 CD - Excellent

74.    Asbury Park Night 11/26/96 - 3 CD - Excellent

75.    Sydney Night (2/12/97) - 3 CD - Excellent

76.    March 2, 1998 Pittsburgh Club Show - 1 CD - Excellent

77.    Tearin the Walls of Jersey Down (3/19/99) - 3 CD - to be reviewed

78.    Milano Night (4/20/99) - 3 CD - Excellent

79.    Earl's Court Night (5/21/99) - 3 CD – AUD (A/A+)

80.    Gent Night (5/27/99) - 3 CD - Excellent

81.    Stockholm (6/24/99) - 3 CD - to be reviewed

82.    Welcome Home (New Jersey 7/15/99) 3 CD - VG/Excellent

83.    New Jersey Nights (7/99 thru 8/99) - 3 CD - Excellent - compilation from 15 night stand. Track transitions are okay, but not smooth.-upgrade to be reviewed

84.    Boston Tea Party 8/22/99 - 2 CD – Excellent – new copy to be reviewed

85.    Live at the First Union Center, Philadelphia, PA, September 21, 1999 3 CD - Very Good

86.    September 24, 1999 at the Spectrum, Philadelphia - 3 CD - Very Good

87.    September 25, 1999 at Philadelphia - 3 CD - Very Good

88.    LA Night - 10/23/99 - 3 CD - Excellent

89.    10/28/99 Oakland, CA - 3 CD – Excellent

90.    Frisco Third Night (10/28/99 cc) – 3 CD - tbr

91.    November 15, 1999 at Gund Arena, Cleveland - 3 CD - Excellent

92.    November 28, 1999 Target Center, MN - 3 CD - Excellent

93.    Minneapolis (11/29/99) 3 CD           - Excellent

94.    One more for F-LA (3/10/00 Fort Lauderdale) - 4 CD -Very Good/Excellent

95.     Denver 3/31/00 - 2 CD - Excellent

96.    4/21/00 at Charlotte - 3 CD - Excellent

97.    Pittsburgh 4/26/00 - 3 CD - Excellent

98.    Anaheim 5/22/00 - 2 CD - Excellent

99.    Atlanta 6/14/00 - 2 CD - Excellent-it's either 6/4/00 or 6/14/00.  I need to check. 

100.                        Reunion Rarities - 6 CD - Excellent - email me for the excellent details. This is a compilation of the '99 and '00 tour.

101.                        July 1, 2000 at Madison Square Garden, NY - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

102.                        November 3, 2000 with Joe Grushecky - Stony Pony, Asbury Park, NJ - 2 CD – Excellent

103.                        Rehearsal night (7/30/02 cc) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

104.                        Opening Night (8/7/02 cc) – 2 CD – tbr

105.                        London Night – 3 CD – to be reviewed

106.                        Paris Night - 3 CD – to be reviewed

107.                        Berlin Night (10/20/02) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

108.                        Stockholm Night (10/24/02) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)

109.                        Let’s Produce (12/2/02) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

110.                        Atlanta 12/2/02 SBD  – 2 CD – to be reviewed – received when it was starting to circulate

111.                        Atlantic City (3/7/03) – 3 CD – to be reviewed

112.                        Rehearsal Night – (7/30/03) - 2 CD – to be reviewed

113.                        War and Roses - 1 CD - Excellent

114.                        This Hard Land - 1 CD - Excellent

115.                        The Ties that Bind - 1 CD - Excellent

116.                        The Definitive River Outtakes Collection (Volumes 1 and 2) - 4 CD - Excellent-STUDIO-great collection of acoustic home demos from Holmdel, NJ 1979 and studio rehearsals from 1978-1980.  See Richard Breton's brucelegs site at for exact information on all Springsteen bootlegs. 

117.                        The Lost Masters (Volumes 1-19) - 19 CD – STUDIO – (A+) I’ve listened to Vol. 19, and it is great.

118.                        Deep Down in the Vaults - 3 CD - Excellent

119.                        Roses and Broken Hearts - 3 CD - Excellent

120.                        This Hard Land - 1 CD - to be reviewed

121.                        Santa Boss – 1 CD - to be reviewed



 Led Zeppelin


1.       Studio Daze-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-This is a compilation of studio outtakes and a few live songs. Tracks 1-3 are outtakes from the 1970 Olympic Studio sessions. Track 4 is from the 1978 Polar Studios sessions. Then, tracks 5-6 are two awesome live songs from the 6/27/72 Long Beach, CA show. Finally, the highlight of this release is tracks 7-9 which are amazing outtakes of "No Quarter" from the 1971 Headley Grange Studio sessions.

2.       Lost Mixes – 1 CD – to be reviewed

3.       Monitor Mixes (Empress Valley Release) - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Led Zeppelin IV: Mickboy’s Remaster – 1 CD – STUDIO (A+)

5.       Hairway to Steven - Excellent - Studio Outtakes

6.       Physically present 1 CD - Excellent- Studio outtakes from Physical Graffitti. – STUDIO (A+)

7.       Sessions (11 CD) - Excellent

8.       Bombay Sessions - 1 CD - Excellent

9.       Classics off the air (Vol 1, 2, 3) 3 CD- Excellent

10.    Boston Tea Party (1/23/69) -1 CD – Given to me as:  1stGen>DAT4>cdr1 –AUD (A) –a very strong audience. 

11.    2/2/69 at Toronto -1 CD – AUD ©  some static on t3

12.    Fillmore West 4/27/69 - 2 CD - Very Good

13.    Twinight 4/27/69 - 2 CD (First and Second show at the Fillmore West) – SBD (A+)

14.    Another White Summer 1CD - Excellent- Playhouse Theatre, London 6/27/69

15.    7/21/69 Schaefer Music Festival in Central Park, NYC -1 CD - Good/Very Good

16.    State Fair 7/25/69 at West Allis, Wisconsin) - 1 CD –AUD (A/A+) – miliclick between track 1 and track 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth and continuous.  Awesome sound

17.    Plays Pure Bob Texas 8/31/69 - 1 CD – SBD (a)

18.    1/9/70 at Royal Albert Hall - 2 CD - Very Good

19.    Ultimate Mudslide (2/13/70 and 3/29/70) - 1 CD - Excellent

20.    Intimidator (3/7/70 at the Montreux Jazz Festival) - 3 CD – [Empress Valley release]-SBD and AUD- (A+) excellent release.  Mostly soundboard with minimal audience sources to fill in the whole concert.   This is a must have in terms of sound, performance, and a glimpse of early Led Zeppelin.  Discs 1 and 2 are the concert.  Disc 3 is various cuts from the concert in soundboard and audience quality. 

21.    Blueberry Hill 9/4/70 - 2 Cd - Very Good/Excellent

22.    Live in London (1971) 1CD – Excellent

23.    Black Velvet [Empress Valley] (3/5/71 Belfast and 3/6/71 Dublin) – 4 CD – AUD (B)

24.    Florida Sunshine (8/31/71) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

25.    Orlando Magic (8/31/71) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

26.    Hampton Kicks (9/9/71 Hampton Roads, VA)-2 CD – Excellent

27.    First Attack of the Rising Sun 9/23/71 - 4 CD - to be reviewed

28.    Rock and Roll Magic (12/2/71) - 3 CD - to be reviewed

29.    2/19/72 low-gen Adelaide (from FBO Tree) – 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

30.    6/13/72 - 1 CD – Fair

31.    Sometime in New York City [Image Quality] 6/14/72 – 3 CD – to be reviewed – missing?

32.    Burn like a Candle (6/25/72) – 3 CD – AUD (b) suface noise on d2-t2,t3,t5 and d3t1, bron-aur and tangerine are one track on d1.

33.    Eastern Front 2 CD 10/2/72 - Very Good - Budokan, Tokyo

34.    Dancing Days (10/2/72) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

35.    Dancing Geisha 10/4/72 – 2 CD –monoSBD (B+) a few clicks on Since I’ve been loving you.

36.    The Rover’s Return (12/8/72 Manchester, England) [Empress Valley]– 3 CD – AUD (A/A+)

37.    Four Cards (12/17/72 at Birmingham, England)- 1 CD - SBD-(A/A+)-index click between track 1 and track 2.  Rest of tracks are smooth and continuous.  I believe this was released in incomplete form. 

38.    Made in England (1/7/73 at Oxford, England) - 2 CD- monoSBD (A-)

39.    Fabulous Four (1/14/73 at Liverpool, UK)-2 CD--SBD- (A/A+)

40.    Broken Fingers (1/15/73 at Trentham Gardens, UK) - 2 CD – Excellent

41.    Plant’s Influenza (1/30/73) – 2 CD –AUD (A)

42.    Led Poisoning - 3/16/73 - 1 CD - Very Good

43.    March 17, 1973 at Munich - 2 CD - Very Good

44.    Majestic Hollies (3/19/73) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

45.    Custard Pie (Offenbach 3/24/73) - 2 CD - Very Good

46.    Goin' Mobile 2 CD 5/13/73 - Excellent - Mobile, Alabama

47.    Johnny Piston & the Dogs(5/14/73 at New Orleans)-2 CD-Excellent

48.    Whole lotta Rock (5/14/73 at New Orleans) - 2 CD - Very Good

49.    Salt Lake City 73 soundboard (5/26/73) - Watchtower release - 2 CD - to be reviewed

50.    Georgia on My Mind (5/26/73) [EV] – 2 CD – to be reviewed

51.    Bonzo’s Birthday Party (5/31/73 LA Forum) – 2 CD - to be reviewed (Watchtower SBD)

52.    Kazar Stadium 6/2/73 - 3 CD - Excellent

53.    Shakin all over - 1 CD - Tracks 1-19 are 7/6/73 rehearsals in Chicago; tracks 20-23 are 2/12/75 New York

54.    Second City Showdown (7/6/73 Chicago) - 3 CD – Excellent – new copy to be reviewed

55.    The Song of Detroit (7/13/73) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

56.    Where the Zeppelin Roam (7/15/73)  - 2 CD - to be reviewed

57.    Dr. Zepp (7/17/73) - 3 CD – AUD (A)

58.    7/28/73 9th US Tour - New York - 3 CD- Excellent

59.    Out from the Movie (7/28/73 MSG) – 3 CD - to be reviewed [FSS release]

60.    Grand Finale (7/29/73) – 4 CD - - to be reviewed

61.    A Quick Getaway (1/29/75 Greensboro, NC) –2 CD - Very Good

62.    Can't Take your evil ways (2/12/75) - 3 CD – Excellent

63.    Flying Circus (2/12/75 New York) –3 CD - to be reviewed

64.    Trampled Underwood (2/13/75) - 3 CD - AUD (B) - various cuts due to two tape sources.  Miliclick between track 8 and 9 on disc 1.  Also, track 8 song is cut.  On track 9/disc 1 - at dropout at 16:26.   "Whole Lotta Love" cuts off  partway into the song. 

65.    Led Astray (2/28/75 at Baton Rouge, LSU Assembly Center, LA) - 3 CD - AUD- (A/A+) - awesome audience recording.  Original taper was Mr. Freezer.  Not sure what generation the bootleg is, but sound is excellent.  Thank you - Mr. Freezer. 

66.    Trampled Underfoot (3/4/75 at Dallas)- SBD (A+)-an excellent 91 minutes from the soundboard.  This is the best recording from the late Zeppelin period.    

67.    Live in Dallas 3 CD - Good - March 5, 1975: Dallas, Texas. Clear, but I wish better.

68.    Chasing the Dragon (3/4/75 and 3/5/75) – 6 CD - to be reviewed [Empress Valley]

69.    Long Beach Arena Complete (March 11, 1975 at Long Beach, CA)-3 CD-AUD-Excellent-very good audience recording. One of the best versions of "No Quarter" that I've ever heard.

70.    Seattle Master (3/21/75) - 4 CD – AUD (A-) – Master < VHS Hi-Fi < DAT < CDR.

71.    Firecracker Show (3/24/75) – 3 CD – AUD (A/A+) – d1 has dropout during TSRTS. 

72.    Cosmic Crazy (3/25/75) – 3 CD - to be reviewed

73.    Remainz (3/27/75 at Los Angeles)-4 CD -Very Good

74.    Legendary End (3/27/75 at Los Angeles) – 3 CD – to be reviewed

75.    Linda Loveled 3/27/75 - 3 CD - Excellent

76.    Revenge & The Sex Machine And the Butterqueen (March 25, 1975 at Inglewood Forum: Los Angeles, California)-3 CD-Excellent-AUD-Impressive audience recording and a great performance from the tenth U.S tour.

77.    The Complete Earls Court Arena Tapes [Empress Valley] – 22 CD – to be reviewed  (covers 5/17/75 thru 5/25/75)

78.    Bon-Y-Aur-Stomp (5/24/75) - 3 CD- Very Good/Excellent

79.    Arabesque and Baroque (5/23/75 Earl’s Court) –4 CD - Excellent

80.    Destroyer (Cleveland 4/27/1977) 2CD- Excellent-SBD- (A+) This is an essential bootleg to have if you are a Led Zeppelin fan! It is a fabulous soundboard, and a great performance.  This is one of my silver orginals.  SILVER CD

81.    Destroyer (Empress Valley) Cleveland 4/27/77) - 3 CD - to be reviewed

82.    Destroyer II - 3 CD - 4/28/77 Cleveland – Good

83.    Destroyer – Strongest Edition (4/28/77) – 3 CD - tbr

84.    Hot Rods in Pontiac (4/30/77) –3 CD - Very Good

85.    It'll be Zep (5/22/77 Fort Worth, TX) - 3 CD - Very Good

86.    The Return of the Crusaders (5/25/77) – 3 CD – Electric Magic Release – to be reviewed

87.    Bringing the House Down (5/26/77 Landover) – 3 CD – to be reviewed

88.    Running on Pure Heart and Soul (Landover, MD 5/30/77)-3 CD – AUD (B-/B) – small cut during No Quarter.

89.    6/3/77 - Tampa Stadium - 1 CD - - Good

90.    6/7/77 Back to the Gardens - 3 CD- Good

91.    6/8/77 Second night in the gardens - 3 CD- Fair/Good

92.    MSG (6/14/77 at Madison Square Garden, NYC) - 2 CD - Very Good

93.    JimmyPY (6/19/77 at San Diego, CA)-3 CD – AUD (B)

94.    Listen to this Eddie (EV) –3 CD – AUD (A+)

95.    Time Traveler 6/22/77 - 4 CD – AUD (B)

96.    For Badgeholders Only 6/23/77 (TDOLZ) -  3 CD – Excellent

97.    For Badgeholders Only 6/23/77 (Balboa) - 3 CD - Excellent

98.    Zep Digital Tree 6/23/77 - 3 CD - Excellent (best sources of FBO)

99.    Closer to God 6/25/77 – 3 Cd - Very Good

100.                        6/25/77 – 3 CD – give to me as a 3rd Gen Tape > DAT

101.                        One Nation Dancing Groove [Electric Magic] 6/25/77 – 3 CD – to be reviewed

102.                        That’s Alright [Tarantura] 6/26/77 -  3 CD – AUD (B+)

103.                        6/27/77 - Inglewood, CA - 3 CD - Very Good

104.                        Deep Striker (6/27/77) –4 CD – Very Good/Excellent

105.                        Year of the Dragon (7/17/77) – 4 CD – to be reviewed

106.                        Kingdom of Zep (7/17/77) – 4 CD – to be reviewed

107.                        It's been Great 7/23/77 - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

108.                        A fighting finish (7/24/77 Oakland) –2 Cd -Very Good/Excellent

109.                        Copenhagen warmups (2 CD)          - Excellent - Copenhagen July 24, 1979

110.                        Copenhagen Warmups (4 CD – to be reviewed (7/23/79 and 7/24/79)

111.                        Blind Date (8/4/79) – 3 CD - to be reviewed

112.                        Final Cut (8/11/79) - 3 CD - Excellent

113.                        Dortmund (6/17/80) - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

114.                        Brussels Affair (6/20/80) 2 CD - Excellent –SILVER CD

115.                        Complete Switzerland Show (6/29/80) -2 CD - Excellent

116.                        Blitzkreig over Europe (6/30/80) 2CD - Excellent - Frankfurt Festhalle, Germany

117.                        The Complete Berlin Tapes (7/7/80) -2 CD – SBD (A+) – d2t5 Whole Lotta Love has clicks at 15:50

118.                        5/14/88 Atlantic Records 40th Anniversery - 1 CD – Excellent

119.                        Not Warm, It’s Hot – 3 CD – to be reviewed

120.                        Nassau 1975 – 3 CD – to be reviewed

121.                        Freak Out – 2 CD - to be reviewed

122.                        Wild Weekend – 2 CD - to be reviewed





Robert Plant and Jimmy Page


1.       4/3/95 Philadelphia – 2 CD - Very Good

2.       Second Flight: Page/Plant 5/25/95 -2 CD - Excellent

3.       Live from the 10 Spot & More: Page/Plant (3/1/98-Bucharest) 2CD – SBD (A+)

4.       Page/Plant 10/1/98 at New Orleans, Louisiana - 2 CD – Excellent





1.       Apocalypse 3 CD boxset - Excellent - Studio sessions and demos from 1984-1992 SILVER CD

2.       Mistreated - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       For fans only 1 CD - Excellent - Studio Outtakes 1992-1995

4.       Until the Studio Shit Load 2000 - 1 CD - Excellent - studio outtakes; almost the same as For Fan's only

5.       Back in the Saddle Again (12/12/84 Stockholm) 1 CD – AUD (B+) – static on t5, t7

6.       December 20, 1984 London - 1 CD – Excellent

7.       Creeping Death (9/14/85 Rheine, Germany)  1 CD AUD (B-) 4-5miliclick

8.       Jason's First Gig (11/8/86 Resada) - 2 CD - Very Good

9.       February 13, 1987 Gothenburg, Sweden - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

10.    Look at Me, Germany (8/30/87 Mosters of Rock in Germany) - 1 CD – SBD (A)

11.    Calling All Destroyers (9/26/88 Bradford) – AUD (B+)  part II of 9/26/88

12.    Bang a Gong (9/26/88 Bradford)  AUD (B+) PART I  of 9/26/88

13.    Truth Assassins (10/19/88 Gothenburg) AUD (A-)

14.    You’re gonna like it fuckers (10/29/88 Brussels) AUD (B+)

15.    Caught in the Act (12/7/88 Long Beach, CA)  AUD (B+) – some static

16.    Texas (2/3/89) - 2 CD – Excellent

17.    Fade to Black (5/14/89) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)

18.    Welcome to the Fun Palace (5/17/89 Osaka) - 2 CD – AUD (A-)

19.    For those about to Rock (9/28/91 Moscow) - 2 CD - Very Good

20.    Happy New Year (12/31/91 Tokyo) - 2 CD - Very Good

21.    San Diego (January 13/14, 1992)- 3 CD-Excellent-SBD-A+ sound. Some static on disc 3.

22.    The Four Horsemen - 3 CD - Meadowlands Arena 4/8/92 – AUD (A-)

23.    Enter Mainhatten 1CD - Excellent - 11/26/92 SILVER CD

24.    Totally Destroy Canada (4/4/92) - 2 CD – AUD (A)

25.    Mistreated – 1 CD – to be reviewed SILVER CD

26.    The Drippy Drumstick (2/22/93) 2CD - Very Good/Excellent SILVER CD

27.    Live in Argentina 5/8/93 - 2 CD - Excellent

28.    Tearing Your Insides Out 2CDs 6/5/93 Milton Keynes - 2 CD – SBD (A+) d1 1-2, 10-11mc, some mc on d2 between tracks

29.    Destroyer 3 CD - Excellent - 6/20/93 Basil, Switzerland-

30.    The Boys 'R Back - Boston 3/4/94 - 2 CD – Excellent- fault on d1t6 – will try to copy to CDR

31.    Earthquake hits Buffalo 5/30/94 Buffalo, NY - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)

32.    Enter Hell (Jones Beach Theatre, NY 6/8/94) - 2 CD – AUD (A+)

33.    Pile of Shit (6/17/94) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – one of my originals  SILVER CD

34.    Enter Mudman (Woodstock 8/13/94) 2 CD -Excellent

35.    Load Tour Rehearsals - 1 CD - Excellent

36.    Milan 9/28/96 - 2 CD - Excellent

37.    Friends of Misery (11/16/96)            2CD - Excellent - Main concert- same as Devil's Dance. SILVER CD

38.    Devil's Dance (11/16/96 at the Globe Arena, Stockholm)-2CD-SBD-Excellent  SILVER CD

39.    A change of Seasons (12/11/96 Utrecht, Holland ) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

40.    Creeping Corestates - Philadelphia 3/8/97 2 CD- SBD (A+) D2 1-2, 6-7mc, some static on last few tracks – from original source

41.    Faster Metallic, Kill Kill! – 3/8/97 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

42.    Ministry of sound- London 11/13/97 - 1 CD - Excellent

43.    Acoustica 12/18/97 - 1 CD - Excellent

44.    Reload, rehearse, request (1 CD) - Excellent- 3/21/98 San Francisco.

45.    Metalcraft - Seoul, Korea - 4/24/98 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

46.    Philadelphia Fuel Factory 2CDRs 11/23/98 - 2 CD – SBD (A+) D1:  4-5,7-8MC

47.    Small Clubs for Big Pleasures (11/15/97 Hamburg and 11/23/98 Philly) – 2 CD- to be reviewed

48.    Intro (May 8, 1999 at Santiago de chile) - 2 CD – Excellent           

49.    Metal Battle (May 22, 1999 Nurnberg, Germany) - 2 CD –AUD (A) – maybe SBD

50.    Die Die Stockholm (May 28, 1999) -2 CD - requested

51.    Woodstock 1999-2 CD- Excellent-SBD-this is an A+ bootleg. An excellent performance and fantastic sound.

52.    6/6/99 at Podliv Stadium (Podliv, Bulgaria) - 2 CD - Excellent

53.    The Big Day Out (7/10/99 at Milton Keynes, England) - 2 CD - Excellent

54.    Live at Tel Aviv - 7/20/99 - 1 CD - Excellent

55.    S & M in the Garden (11/23/99 at Madison Square Garden, NYC ) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – “Battery” fades in as found in the original source.

56.    Chicago (January 4, 2000) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent- has non-Symphony version of "No Leaf Clover". FM Broadcast.

57.    Masterarium 2CDRs 1/9/00 Minneapolis - 2 CD - Excellent

58.    San Francisco 7/14/00 - 2 CD – SBD – (A/A+) – some surface noise.  Abrupt track transitions, and clicks on track 7 of disc 1.  Various glitches throughout the recording. 


Van Halen



1.       '77 + Live - 1 CD -SBD-A+ sound.  A few track transitions are fade-in/fade-out.  Compilation of a concert and studio material.

2.       After Zero – 2 CD – STUDIO (A)

3.       Bullethead – 1 CD - to be reviewed

4.       1984 Previous Night -  1 CD - to be reviewed

5.       Zero – 1 CD – STUDIO (A)

6.       Goldwest Ballroom 1976 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

7.       Summertime Blues – 1 CD – to be reviewed

8.       Nightmare before Halloween (10/15/77) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

9.       Die Laughing (December 20, 1977 at Pasadena, CA) 1CD - SBD – (A+)  If you love Van Halen with David Lee Roth, this is a bootleg that you must have! This concert was performed two months prior to the release of Van Halen's debut album. My copy also includes two bonus demo tracks, "House of Pain" and "Running with the Devil".

10.    Civic Pride (12/20/77) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

11.    Magic Mountain -  1 CD - to be reviewed

12.    Dressed to Kill (tracks 1-11 are from 12/20/77, tracks 12-13 are 2 demos, and tracks 14-15 are from 12/31/77) - 1 CD – SBD (A)

13.    Burning Blood (5/6/78) - 1 CD – to be reviewed

14.    6-1-78 London – 1 CD - SBD(?)>ANA(?)>MDmaster>CDmaster>EAC>FLAC – AUD (A/A+)

15.    Live in Tokyo 1978 (6/17/78 Japan) - 1 CD – AUD (B+/A-)

16.    Sonic Tokyo (6/22/78) – 1 CD – AUD (A-) gap between 8-9

17.    Light up the Sky (4/18/79 Seattle) – 1 CD to be reviewed

18.    We're an American Band (6/21/79) - 1 CD – AUD (A-) 

19.    Live and Loud (3/25/79) SBD (A)

20.    3-25-79 –1 CD – AUD (A+) - Lineage: AUD>1st gen cass>CDR(?)>EAC(secure/offset)>WAV> CDR

21.    declicked w/Soundforge Audacity>WAV>FLAC (level 5) – to be reviewed

22.    Bright Lights, Big Largo (May 1, 1980) - 1 CD – SBD (A/A+).  Soundboard with slight hiss due to originally being transferred form analog tape source.  CWR fades in at the beginning, and ICM is cut abruptly at the very end - all due to original source, and not digital errors.

23.    Have you seen Junior’s Grades (7/18/80 Toronto) – 2 CD – AUD (B-/B)

24.    5/15/81 at Providence, RI – 2 CD – to be reviewed

25.    Listen Up Eddie – 1 CD - to be reviewed

26.    8/25/81 at Greensboro, NC –2 CD to be reviewed

27.    Everybody wants a virgin (10/27/82 Montreal) – 2 CD AUD (B)  one small glitch on d2

28.    South American Assault 2/28/83 - Very Good/Excellent – one of my originals  SILVER CD

29.    US Festival (5/29/83) 2 CD - US Festival, California 1983 – Excellent – one of my originals SILVER CD

30.    2/3/84  at Greensboro, NC- 2 CD – AUD – (A) – excellent audience recording from Dave era.

31.    Valentine's Day Massacre (2/14/84 Charlotte)- 2 CD - to be reviewed

32.    3/24/84 at New Haven – 2 CD – AUD (C) – D1 9-10 small gap and d2 two or three gaps; a few gaps during

33.    Eddie’s solo

34.    MSG 1984 (3/30/84) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

35.    Assaults Quebec (4/21/84 Quebec) -2 CD – AUD (B) – d19-10mc, d2 9-10 small Ό second gap (bonus track)

36.    5/13/84 Inglewood, CA – 2 CD - to be reviewed

37.    Madison 1984 - 2 CD - 7/3/84 - Very Good

38.    Dane County Arena 7/3/84 – 2 CD –AUD (A-)

39.    Big Bad Dave Goes Home - 2 CD – (7/6/84 Indianapolis)  - AUD (A/A+)

40.    Diamond Dave's Last Daze (8/18/84 at Donnington, England - 1 CD – AUD (B)

41.    Rapes Stockholm 8/25/84 -2 CD-Excellent-AUD-a very high quality audience recording from  the David Lee Roth Era. 

42.    5150 Leftovers-1 CD-Excellent-STUDIO-includes demos from 5150.  There is background hiss present - this comes from the master source.  Bonus tracks are from New Haven 1986 concerts and a 1986 soundcheck.

43.    Dawn of 5150-1 CD- STUDIO (A)

44.    5/10/86 Detroit - 2 CD – AUD (B) D1 9-10, 10-11MC, some mc on d2

45.    5/23/86 Alpine Valley – 2 CD  - to be reviewed

46.    7/12/86 Boulder, CO – 2 CD - to be reviewed

47.    8/1/86 East Rutherford, NJ – 2 CD - to be reviewed

48.    6/15/88 Pittsburgh – 2 CD - to be reviewed

49.    6/18/88 Detroit – 2 CD - to be reviewed

50.    7/13/88 Minneapolis – 2 CD - to be reviewed

51.    10/28/88 Milwaukee - 2 CD - Very Good

52.    11/21/88 Sacramento - 2 CD - Very Good

53.    I can't tell you (2/1/89 Japan)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD (A+)

54.    Monsters Revisited (2/1/89) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

55.    8/20/91 Pittsburgh – 2 CD - to be reviewed

56.    Finishin What they started (10/25/91 East Rutherford, NJ) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

57.    Texas  Blues (12/4/91) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

58.    Daydream in Dallas – 1 CD – to be reviewed (Silver CD)  SILVER CD

59.    Man on a Mission 1992 - 1 CD - Excellent

60.    USA 1992 - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – most likely soundboard cuts from 5/14/92 and 5/15/92 in Fresno, California

61.    Secret Gig at Whiskey-A-Go-Go [3/3/93 Los Angeles[ (Alley Cat) – 2 CD – AUD (B/B+)  SILVER CD

62.    7/9/93 at Mansfield, MA – 2 CD - to be reviewed

63.    Rockin my Hometown – 2 CD (8/27/93) – AUD (B+) d1 9-10 small mc, rest of track transitions are smooth

64.    Rake it and Rock it (11/6/93 at the Bridge School) -tracks 1-7 are Tres Gusanos 3/5/94 which is Sammy and Mike.  Tracks 8-11 are Sammy and Eddie at the Bridge School on 11/6/93

65.    Secret Gig (1/27/95 at Holland) - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD-A+ sound.  Definitely get this!!! SILVER CD

66.    Random Shot (3/11/95) – 2 CD – SBD (A+)

67.    Don’t Tell Me (Jacksonville 3/12/95)-2 CD-SBD (A+)

68.    Loud and Balanced – 2 CD – to be reviewed

69.    Someday in the Valley (7/29/95) – 2 CD – AUD (A-)

70.    Rocks the Beer Hall (8/18/95 and 8/19/95) - Toronto, Canada - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – d1 7-8mc (tiny)

71.    After Shock 1 CD- (tracks 1-8 are from Europe 1995, 9-10 "Secret Gig" bootleg, and 11-14 "Spring Break '95" bootleg) - SBD - Excellent. A+ sound.  This is a great sample of the Sammy Hagar era. The bootleg is taken from 3 different sources. Unfortunately, even is not specific about the exact date and location of the Europe '95 tracks. Sammy does mention that they are filming and in a small club during the performance.   

72.    6-11-04 Greensboro, NC – 2 CD – Core Sounds Biaurals > Sony TCD-D7 > DAT @32 – AUD(B+) – miliclick between t4-t5 and t6-t7 on disc 1;  miliclick between t5-t6 on disc 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth

73.    This is the future (6/19/04 Worcester, MA) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

74.    Legal in Cleveland (7/2/04 Cleveland) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

75.    7-8-04 Detroit – 2 CD – Taper: Charles Dewey Cole, IV > > 30th row floor (Mike’s side) > Source: CSB > + creative Labs Nomad 3 (@44. 1 kHz) > Cep v. 2.0 > CDWAVE Conversion

76.    Rolling in Vegas (8/7/04) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

77.    In the Magic Kingdom (8/16/04 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

78.    9/3/04 Atlantic City – 2 CD – to be reviewed

79.    Mammouth Demos - 1 CD – Excellent.  New copy to be reviewed

80.    Rare through the years -1 CD – Excellent

81.    Zero - 1 CD – Excellent

82.    One in a Million – 1 CD - to be reviewed

83.    Shooting Irons – 2 CD - to be reviewed

84.    Shotgun Wedding – 1 CD - to be reviewed






1.       1/18/98 San Diego – 1 CD – AUD (A)

2.       1/20/98 at Riverside, CA – 1 CD – to be reviewed

3.       2/25/98 at Boston -1 CD – SBD (A) – some mc – dropout on t5

4.       3/5/98 Graffiti Lounge Pittsburgh, PA-1 CD-Very Good-AUD

5.       Portland Meadows - Portland, OR 6/21/98 - 1 CD - Very Good

6.       Irvine Meadows: Irvine, CA 1998 - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       Summerfest '98 7/3/98 - Milwaukee - 2 CD – Excellent

8.       12/12/98 at the House of Blues - 1 CD - Excellent

9.       Unplugged and more - 1 CD - SBD- Excellent. This boot is a compilation of both acoustic and electric tracks. The transitions between tracks are not smooth, but not annoying. After listening to this CD, you will be convinced that Creed is an excellent band whether acoustic or electric. I am still trying to find out the sources and locations for the various tracks. I think a few of the live songs are from Woodstock '99. The other acoustic and electric tracks sound like a studio source. I believe one of the studio tracks is an unreleased track.

10.    3/22/99 at Hamburg, Germany-1 CD-Very Good-AUD

11.    7/25/99 Woodstock '99-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-awesome sound and great performance from Woodstock. The performance included Creed covering 2 famous Doors songs!

12.    October 9, 1999 at the First Union Spectrum, Philadelphia-2 CD-AUD- Very Good. This is a very good audience recording. The sound quality is a little thin for the first few songs, but definitely gets better as the concert progresses. Disc 2 is only 18 minutes long, so I could probably add some bonus tracks if you want.

13.    10/14/99 at Aragon Ballroom, Chicago – 2 CD – to be reviewed

14.    Alamo Illusion (San Antonio 11/4/99)-1CD-Excellent-SBD-awesome FM broadcast. Transitions between a few of the tracks are not 100% smooth, but not annoying. This is a must for Creed fans! Hopefully, more soundboard Creed bootlegs get circulated!!!

15.    Human Illusion Tour ’99 ( 1 CD) – to be reviewed SILVER CD

16.    11/17/99 Cajun Dome, Lafayette, LA -1 CD - Excellent

17.    12/29/99 at St. Petersburg, FL-1 CD-Good-AUD-they were the opening act for Metallica.

18.    Pittsburgh (April 2000)-1 CD-Good-AUD-The sound is pretty distant and weak at times, and only average for the best parts. It is unfortunate because I think the performance was great..

19.    9/22/00 at Sacramento – 2 CD – AUD B/B+ d2: 2-3mc

20.    In the Shadow of the Olympic Games – (1/16/02 Salt Lake City) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

21.    Houston 1/21/02 - 2 CD - Very Good

22.    Philadelphia 1/28/02 – 2 CD – Very Good/Excellent-AUD

23.    2/23/02 at the Meadowlands, NJ – 2 CD – to be reviewed

24.    3/15/02 Sydney – 2 CD – Hitman master – AUD (A-)

25.    3/23/02 at Auckland, NZ – 2 CD – AUD B+ 7-8 mc on d1

26.    Camden 8/2/02 ALD – 2 CD – to be reviewed





1.       18 Million Dollars to Dance               1 CD- Excellent

2.       Three Nights in Philadelphia (11/27/83 at Philadelphia with parts of 11/26/83 mixed in) - 2 CD-Excellent-SBD-awesome bootleg release. The sound is incredible. The only complaint I have is why did the issuer mix in fake audience applause? Not annoying, but not necessary. Be informed that last song on discs cuts off right before the end. This is how the bootleg was released by the issuer.

3.       The Light Goes down on the Empire - 1 CD - Excellent



Neil Young


1.       Rock and Roll Cowboy: A life on the road-4 CD-Excellent-SBD and AUD-This release by Great Dane records is an essential box set for all Neil Young fans. It's also great for new Neil Young fans since it spans his career from as early as 1966 with Buffalo Springfield all the way to 1994 at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles. Email me for the detailed setlist/locations.

2.       In Concert: Live in New York and LA 1970 - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       February 2, 1970 Cleveland, Ohio - 2 CD - Excellent- temporarily lost

4.       Winterlong - Live at the Music Hall, Cincinnati 2/10/70 - 2 CD - Excellent

5.       Blankness: Fillmore East March 6, 1970 - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       Carnegie Hall Dec 5, 1970 - 1 CD- Very Good - TAO

7.       1/21/71 Boston - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

8.       1/27/71 at Boulder, Colorado - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

9.       2/27/71 with 2/23/71 filler - 2 CD - to be reviewed

10.    Rock and roll can never die (November 3, 1973 at the Palace Theatre, Manchester)-1 CD-Excellent-AUD-fantastic bootleg to listen to. "Tonight's the Night" was performed for the first time live - twice! This is a strong Neil Young performance, and he is backed by the Santa Monica Flyers.

11.    Bob Dylan and Neil Young - Live in San Francisco 1975 (1 CD) - Excellent

12.    Osaka, Japan 3/5/76 - 1 CD - Excellent

13.    11/15/76 Chicago Late show - 2 CD - Excellent

14.    Guilty Train - 2 CD - Chicago 11/15/76 and Boston 11/22/76 - Excellent

15.    A Runner In Peru (8/12/82) - 2 CD - Excellent

16.    Santa Cruz 1/5/83 - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    World's Fair (9/27/84 at New Orleans, LA with the International Harvesters)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-great show with combination of acoustic/electric songs.

18.    Prisoners of Rock and Roll (11/21/86 at San Francisco, CA) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD-excellent sounding show which was sourced from a cable broadcast.

19.    Powder Finger - 2 CD - to be reviewed

20.    Birmingham Vacation (6/2/87) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD-from the Polar Bear release.

21.    San Francisco Bay Blues 6/10/88 Berkeley, CA - with Bob Dylan - 2 CD - Very Good

22.    Blue Notes (8/27/88 at Jones Beach in Wantagh, NY)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-Fantastic audience recording and a great electric and acoustic concert.

23.    12/8/89 at Hamburg - 1 CD - Excellent

24.    Amsterdam 89 (12/10/89)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-great acoustic show.

25.    Feedback is back (11/11/90) -2 CD - Excellent

26.    11/13/90 at Santa Cruz - 2 CD - Excellent

27.    Silver and Gold - 2 CD -2 CD - 3-22-92 Tower Theatre, Philadelphia - all acoustic - Very good/Excellent

28.    Silver and Gold (1992 Seattle) - 1 CD - Excellent

29.    3/24//92 - Like a musical ride, Tower Theater, PA - 1 CD - Excellent - TAO

30.    Chicago 11/17/92 - 2 CD - Excellent

31.    7/3/93 at Ghent, Belgium - 1 CD - Excellent

32.    7/11/93 at London, England - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD

33.    Frisco (10/1/94 Bridge school Benefit)- 1 CD - Excellent-AUD-A+ audience recording which sounds as good as a soundboard.   Nearly 50 minute set (with 3 Bonus tracks of  unknown source).


34.    San Francisco(6/24/95) with Pearl Jam -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

35.    8/12/95 with Pearl Jam - 2 CD - to be received

36.    Secret Gig (3/21/96) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD-one of my favorite Neil shows.  Every song is a highlight.

37.    11/10/96 Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo - 2 CD - Very Good

38.    Hard Luck Stories (5/8/97 at San Francisco) - 1 CD - Excellent

39.    1997 Bridge School Benefit (10/19/97 at Mountain View, CA) -1 CD - Excellent

40.    March 5, 1999 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

41.    Farm Aid 3/17/99 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent - pretty good track transitions, though not 100% smooth

42.    Sacramento 3/17/99 - 2 CD - Excellent

43.    March 20, 1999 - Paramount Theatre, Oakland - 2 CD - Excellent

44.    An Evening with Neil Young - 2 CD - 6/2/99 Houston - Very Good

45.    Denver 2/23/2000 - 3 CD - Very Good

46.    Cincinnati 2/28/2000 - 2 CD - Very Good

47.    Virginia Beach 8/8/2000 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

48.    Between the lines (8/9/00 at the Camden E-Center, New Jersey) - 2 CD - Excellent

49.    8/11/00 Hershey, PA - 2 CD - Very Good

50.    8/19/00 NJ PNC Center - 2 CD - Very Good

51.    Pittsburgh 8/20/2000 - 2 CD - Excellent

52.    Toronto 8/31/00 - 2 CD - Excellent

53.    Farm Aid 2000 (September 17, 2000) - 2 CD - Excellent

54.    Vancouver 10/1/2000- 2 CD Excellent

55.    Ride My Crystal Horse (1/10/01 and 1/11/01) - 4 CD - Very Good

56.    6/20/01 at Frankfurt - 2 CD - Excellent

57.    Ahoy the Killer (7/24/01 at Rotterdam, Netherlands-3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

58.    Big Time with Crazy Horse - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

59.    The Ranch Rehearsals - 1 CD - Excellent

60.    Country Home (9/25/84 at the University of Texas) - 1 CD - Excellent - fade in/fade out transitions.

61.    Stringman - 1 CD - Excellent

62.    Down by the River - 2 CD - Excellent

63.    Young Heart runs free - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent



The Black Crowes


1.       12/5/90 "Get Back" at Charlottesville, VA - 1 CD - Very Good

2.       Croaking Crowes - 6/15/91 - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       6/20/91 and a little of July 5, 1996 - 1 CD - Studio -Acoustic - Excellent

4.       High in Houston (2/6/93 Sam Houston Coliseum)-2 CD- SBD – (A+)-voted among the favorite Black Crowes bootlegs by fans. 

5.       10/25/94 Amorica Premiere - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

6.       12/5/94 at Minneapolis -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

7.       1/29/95 - Royal Albert Hall - 1 CD - Excellent.

8.       3/29/95 at Detroit, Michigan - 2 CD - Excellent

9.       5/10/95 Oklahoma - 2 CD - Excellent

10.    7/23/96 at the Supper Club, NYC-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-great show, includes a great cover of the Rolling Stones "Torn and Frayed"!!!

11.    Complete VH1 Storytellers (8/27/96) - 2 CD –SBD-(A+)- a few miliclick track transitions on disc 1 (almost impossible to hear).  Disc 2 track transitions are perfect.  Track 7 on disc has one very minor pop, and track 9 has a ½ second dropout.  This is a great item – sound is perfect, and awesome acoustic set by a great band.

12.    10/1/96 St. Louis - 2 CD Excellent

13.    10/5/96 at Chicago – 2 CD – to be reviewed

14.    10/16/96 at Syracuse - 2 CD - Excellent

15.    10/18/96 at Detroit -2 CD - Excellent

16.    10/25/96 at Boston - 1 CD - Excellent

17.    10/30/96 New York City- 2 CD - Very Good

18.    10/31/96 New York City - 2 CD - Very Good

19.    11/15/96 Essen, Germany - 2 CD - Excellent

20.    2/19/97 Paris, France - 2 CD - Very Good

21.    Acoustic Garage Sessions (2/22/97 London) - 3 CD - Excellent-AUD-afternoon and evening sets.  Great unplugged concerts.

22.    6/22/97 at Lakewood Amphitheatre, Atlanta-1 CD- Excellent

23.    6/26/97 at Va. Beach Ampitheatre, Virginia Beach, VA-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-nice show. They only played for about 60 minutes, but a great concert.

24.    7/9/97 at Molson Ampitheatre, Toronto - 1 CD - Excellent

25.    7/9/97 at Darien Lake, NY - 1 CD - Excellent - is this the correct date?

26.    7/12/97 at Polaris Ampitheatre, Columbus, Ohio-1 CD- Excellent

27.    7/16/97 at Riverbend Ampitheatre, Cincinnati, OH-1 CD - Excellent

28.    1/12/99 New York City - 2 CD - (TAO) Excellent

29.    1/27/99 "On Air East" Tokyo, Japan-2 CD - Excellent

30.    3/6/99 Philadelphia - 2 CD - Very Good

31.    Foamfoot  (1/8/94 at the Troubador)- 1 CD - Excellent - SBD-Secret Club Gig!  A few pops on track 7 which come from the original source.  - new copy to be reviewed-2nd copy from clone of original to be reviewed

32.    4/14/99 at Atlanta - 2 CD - Excellent

33.    Page and the Black Crowes 10/14/99 Roseland Ballroom - 2 CD - Very Good

34.    Page and the Black Crowes 10/16/99 Worcester, MA - 2 CD – Good

35.    Page and the Black Crowes 6/28/00 Burgetsville, PA - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

36.    6/29/00 FBO Tree – 2 CD – my copy has burn errors

37.    Sharks in the Crowes Nest 7/2/00 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

38.    Page and Black Crowes 7/4/200 at Raleigh, NC - (2 CD) - Very Good

39.    Page and the Black Crowes 7/8/00 Camden, NJ - 2 CD - Very Good

40.    5/1/01 at the HOB in Orlando - 1 CD - to be reviewed

41.    9/21/00 - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

42.    4/9/01 at London, England - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

43.    Chicago Blues (5/20/01 at Chicago) - 2 CD - Very Good

44.    9/21/01 at The Beacon Theatre, New York City - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

45.    10/31/01 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston -2 CD - Very Good

46.    Tall as Can Be - 2 CD – Excellent



The Police



1.       Festival Punk 1977 - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

2.       London Gig (Live at Hatfield Polytechnic in London: 1978) - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       Laser Villains (February 22, 1979 at Hatfield, UK) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

4.       San Diegos d'amour (May 16, 1979) - 1 CD - Excellent

5.       Sting like a bee (May 1979) - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       Catch the Crook 9/3/79 Dallas - - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

7.       Hits Everybody (9/22/79) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

8.       Zenyatta Mondatta Tour Rehearsals 1979 – 1 CD - to be reviewed

9.       1/21/80 Cleveland – 1 CD – to be reviewed

10.    Tokyo Decadence (February 15, 1980 at Tokyo)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD

11.    Crimewatch (4/28/80 New Castle) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

12.    October 18, 1980 Germany - 1 CD - Excellent

13.    Beziers, France (8/22/80) 1 CD - Excellent-SBD-small jumps between tracks

14.    11/24/80 Massey Hall, Toronto – 2 CD - to be reviewed

15.    Live in Houston (March 20, 1982) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD

16.    Don't Mess with the Police (7/31/82 Gateshead, England) - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    Sting's Birthday Party (10/1/83 Barcelona) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

18.    Last Night of the European Tour (10/14/83 Stockholm) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

19.    Many Miles Away (2/28/83) 1 CD - Montreal - Excellent

20.    Ghostenburg (4/1/83) -2 CD – Excellent

21.    Syncronicity Tour Rehearsals (7/22/82 Scranton, PA) – 1 CD - to be reviewed

22.    Foxbora, Massachusetts 8/10/83 – 2 CD - Excellent

23.    Shea Stadium 8/18/83 – 2 CD - Very Good

24.    Lost BBC Studio Tapes 78-79 - 1 CD - Excellent

25.    Tea in the Sahara - 1 CD - Excellent

26.    Spitting Image - 1 CD - Excellent

27.    Le Retonde Au Bourget - 1 CD - Excellent

28.    Skeletons in the closet - 1 CD – Excellent





1.       2/27/85 at the Ritz, NYC with Branford Marsalis – 1 CD - to be reviewed

2.       Last session with Gil Evans (July 11, 1987 at the Umbria Jazz 87 Festival in Perugia, Italy)- 1 CD-Excellent-SBD-very clear recording of Sting and a 19 piece backing band. 2 of the compositions perfomed are Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing" and "Up from the skies".

3.       The Art of the Heart (Los Angeles 7/27/88)-3 CD-Excellent-SBD

4.       Chicago 91 and Sting in New Castle (3/91)- acoustic - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

5.       Montreux 91 (7/2/91) - 1 CD Excellent

6.       Happy Birthday Sting (10/2/91 at the Hollywood Bowl, USA with bonus tracks on disc 2 from March 1991 at MTV Studios) - 2 CD  – Excellent-SBD-includes special guest Andy Summers on guitar!!!

7.       Purple Haze (10/2/91)- 1 CD – Excellent

8.       The seas of silence (11/30/91 at Wembley, London) - 2 CD – Excellent-SBD

9.       Walk in the fields of Gold (8/21/93)- 2 CD - Excellent

10.    Meadowlands of Gold(2/26/97) - 1 CD – Excellent – SILVER CD

11.    King of New Jersey 2/26/94 - 1 CD – Excellent

12.    An Englishman in Paradiso-First Night  (3/9/96)- 2 CD – Excellent

13.    My senses (6/8/96 at London “Fleadh” Festival w/ bonus tracks from 7/96 Storytellers)- 1 CD - Excellent

14.    A perfect night in Houston(9/8/96)-2 CD-SBD (A+)

15.    Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2000 - 1 CD - Excellent

16.    22 Summoner's Tales Live - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    Storytellers July 15, 1996 + 4 bonus tracks - 1 CD – Excellent

18.    9/12/00 Central Park – 2 CD – to be reviewed

19.    Live in Central Park 2000 - 2CD - (TAO) Excellent

20.    Brand New Day 10/30/99 - 2 CD – SBD A+ - D2: 5-6, 6-7, 7-8mc (not smooth)

21.    7/5/00 at Red Rocks – 2 CD – Very Good/Excellent

22.    Pittsburgh 7/9/00 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

23.    10/25/00 at the Budokan, Tokyo – 2 CD – to be reviewed

24.    6/19/2001 – Gwardia Stadium, Warsaw, Poland – 2 CD – SBD (A+)

25.    10/31/03 World Cafι – 2 CD - to be reviewed

26.    I Shall Be Released (Volumes 1-4) - 4 CD - Excellent




Pink Floyd


1.       Total Eclipse: A Retrospective 1967-1993 - 4 CD – Excellent-STUDIO-an anthology of various studio outtakes and live bootleg tracks. 

2.       The Man and the Journey: 9/17/69 Amsterdam - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       Live at the Electric Factory (9/26/70 at Philadelphia)-2 CD-AUD-(A-) This an excellent audience recording. The performance is mostly instrumental.

4.       Paris Theater, London, England (9/30/71) 1 CD -Excellent.

5.       Eclipse of the Dark Side 1 CD - 1/20/72 and 1/21/72 Very Good

6.       Pink Floyd - 4/28/72 - Eclipse -(1 CD) - Excellent

7.       Pink Floyd - Bowl de luna (2 CD)- Excellent

8.       Live at Pompeii - 1 CD - Excellent - Recorded live at the Amphitheatre at Pompeii during 1972 Dark Side of the Moon Session-SBD

9.       Yeeshkul, Maple Leaf Gardens (Toronto 3/11/73) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

10.    The Dark Side of Radio City 5/17/73 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

11.    Obscured at the Rainbow (11/4/73) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

12.    Getting Better All the Time - 3 CD - FRP release-Excellent

13.    Brain Damage 1 CD - Excellent - Wembley Empire Pool, London 11/16/74

14.    Black Holes in the Sky 11/16/74 - 2 CD - Excellent

15.    Movin' Time (4/26/75 Los Angeles) - 2 CD –Excellent-AUD-a classic must-have Pink Floyd bootleg!  Cover incorrectly lists date as 4/25/75.  “Money” was most likely added from a different tape source by the issuer.  Excellent sound.  Please note a very small miliclick between tracks 3-4 and 4-5 on disc 1. 

16.    Echoes from the Past: Platinum Edition (4/26/75 Los Angeles) –2  CD – small miliclick between t5-t6 on disc 1. 

17.    Boston Gardens - 6/18/75 Boston - 2 CD - Very Good

18.    Steel Breeze 6/28/75 - Ivor Wynn - 2 CD - Excellent

19.    Holes in the Sky - 6/28/75 - Ivor Wynn, Canada - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

20.    Dark Side of the Pig - 1/29/77 - 2 CD – Excellent

21.    Dragged down by the Stone (2/22/77 Paris) –2 CD - Very Good

22.    5/1/77 - 2 CD - Very Good

23.    Animal Instincts - Oakland Coliseum (5/9/77)- 2 CD - Excellent

24.    Welcome to the Machine - 7/2/77 1 CD Madison Square Garden, NYC Excellent.

25.    The Azimuth Co-ordinator Part II(July 6, 1977 at Montreal)- 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

26.    Behind the Wall (2/27/80 Nassau Coliseum) - 3 CD – also includes 2/1/80 Studio Rehearsals and 11/18/90 filler

27.    The Wall (2/28/80) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

28.    Tear down the walls - 2 CD - 2/19/81 in Dortmund, Germany - Very Good/Excellent

29.    Live Wall 6/17/81 - 2 CD - Earls Court, England - Very Good

30.    The Wall: Work in Progress - 1 CD - Excellent –STUDIO-fabulous Wall demos!

31.    Prism (9/19/87 at Philadelphia, PA)-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-very nice audience recording. You can hear everything real clearly.

32.    The Lost New York Tapes (October 7, 1987) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

33.    Nothing is Changed (7/8/88 at Stadio Braglia, Modena) - 3 CD – Excellent

34.    Just Warmin Up (5/6/94)  – 1 CD – SBD (A+) Tampa 1994  rehearsals

35.    The Bell Gets Louder (6/11/94 at Yankee Stadium, New York) - 3 CD - Very Good/Excellent

36.    Giants at the Giants 7/17/94 - 2 CD - Excellent

37.    A Night in Italy (9/13/94 at Stadio Delle Alpi) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

38.    Plays the Animals – 2 CD – to be reviewed





1.       Outcesticide 1 [remastered  edition by Blue Moon ]  - 1 CD – Excellent  SILVER CD

2.       Outcesticide II: The Needle and the Damage Done  - 1 CD – Excellent  SILVER CD

3.       Outcesticide III: The Final Solution - 1 CD – Excellent  SILVER CD

4.       Outcesticide IV: Rape of the Vaults - 1 CD – Excellent  SILVER CD

5.       Outcesticide V - 1 CD - Excellent-STUDIO  SILVER CD

6.       Out of the Womb – 1 CD - to be reviewed

7.       Into the Black - 6 CD – Excellent

8.       Seventh Heaven – 1 CD – to be reviewed

9.       The Back Catalogue – 1 CD – SBD (A+)

10.    Complete Cover Versions – 1 CD - to be reviewed

11.    Grunge is Dead -1 CD - Excellent

12.    Live Buzz - 1 CD - Excellent

13.    Suicide Solution - 1 CD - microclicks between tracks.

14.    Va Te Faire - 2 CD - Excellent-loud clicks between tracks. – 2nd copy to be reviewed

15.    Virgin Songs (24 Demos) - 1 CD - Excellent

16.    World Without End -2 CD - Excellent-small microgaps between tracks.

17.    Live in Seattle (12/28/88) – 1 CD - to be reviewed

18.    Bleach Out! Feak Out (7/7/89 Chicago) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

19.    Play the fucking guitar (11/22/89 at Vienna) - 1 CD - Excellent

20.    Blew 1CD (Tacoma, Washington 1/20/90) - Excellent

21.    The Masquerade (5/6/90 at Atlanta) - 1 CD – Excellent

22.    More Live Tits (11/5/91) – 1 CD - to be reviewed

23.    11/25/91 Amsterdam - 1 CD - Excellent

24.    Dressed for Success (10/12/91 at Chicago)-1 CD (TAO)-Excellent-upgrade to be reviewed

25.    10/21/91 - Austin, Texas - 1 CD - Very Good - some static on tracks 5 and 7. Other 12 tracks are very good.

26.    Trick or Treat (10/31/91 at Seattle) - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD [KTS 395]-an essential for all collectors.  Sound is A+ - as good as an official release.  Powerful and clear release. 

27.    Schmokes remaster of 10/31/91 - 1 CD - to be reviewed

28.    Paradiso Lost (11/25/91) - 1 CD -to be reviewed

29.    Eternal Legacy (12/28/91 at Del Mar, CA) - 1 CD - Excellent

30.    Schmokes remaster of Eternal Legacy (12/28/91) -1 CD - to be reviewed

31.    Last Concert in Japan (Tokyo 2/19/92) - 1 CD – AUD (A+)

32.    Into the Black:  Reading Festival (8/30/92)- 1 CD- SBD (A+) -pretty amazing sound from a FM broadcast.   This disc will blow you away.   Includes bonus tracks from 1/11/92 SNL performance.

33.    Banned for Life (9/11/92 Seattle) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD-[Pluto Records] - sourced from a crip, clear digital audience recording..  One of the best recordings ever captured by a commercial bootleg. 

34.    Beautiful Demise (Milwaukee 10/26/93) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD-best recording of 1993 tour.  Disc 2 starts with about 10 seconds of digital skipping during silence. but there is no skipping once the music starts.  Highly recommended.  I love this.

35.    Beautiful Demise (10/26/93) - 2 CD - new copy to be reviewed

36.    A Higher State of Mind (10/30/92 Buenos Aires) - 1 CD - Excellent

37.    I hate myself and want to die - 7/23/93 Roseland, NYC - 1 CD – Excellent

38.    September 4, 1993 San Francisco - 1 CD - Very Good

39.    Legacy of Noise (11/9/93 at Bethelem, PA) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

40.    11/27/93 at Miami - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent (includes Stiff Drinks which is 5/14/90 tracks 1-14)

41.    Miami Blow (11/27/93) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

42.    In the Shadows of the Sun 11/27/93 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

43.    In the shadow - 1 CD - to be reviewed

44.    Broken (12/14/93 at Portland, Oregon) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

45.    New Year's Eve (12/31/93 Oakland) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

46.    Rape Me (1/7/94 at Seattle) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

47.    Roma (2/22/94 at the Palaghiaccio Marino, Rome)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-KTS 284 release-what more can I say? This bootleg is a classic, and is one of the most heavily bootlegged shows ever. There's about 7 different versions of the show floating around-make sure you get the KTS release because it has the best sound. The sound is an FM broadcast.



1.       Another time, another place (3/6/81 Boston) - 1 CD – Excellent - mc

2.       Pictures in Grey (6/8/81 at Geleen, Holland - Pinkpop Festival) - 1 CD - Excellent- 1/4 second gaps between tracks.

3.       11/13/81 Albany  - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Catholics or Protestants (12/2/82) - 1 CD – Excellent

5.       No Surrender (12/2/82 Manchester) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

6.       The complete Boston '83 tapes - 5/29/83 - 2 CD - Excellent

7.       6/5/83 Under a blue blood sky - 1 CD - Excellent

8.       Sharks in the High Chain (10/23/84 at Nantes, France)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-the U2 bootleg guide lists this as an audience recording, but it is DEFINITELY a soundboard.

9.       10/28/84 - Brussels, Belgium - 1 CD - Very Good

10.    When we were Young (10/30/84 Ahoy Rotterdam) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

11.    Camoflauge Heart (2/1/85 Mannheim, Gemany) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

12.    Thank U Too For the Fire (2/4/85) – 2 CD - Remastered

13.    The Unforgettable Night 2/5/85 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

14.    The Unforgettable show (2/27/85 Houston) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

15.    Four at Four (3/21/85 Chicago) -2 CD – Excellent-I hear some clicks between tracks.

16.    3/21/85 from Master Analog – 2 CD - Excellent

17.    My Hometown (6/29/85 at Dublin) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

18.    Too Much Talk (7/13/85 London) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

19.    11/7/85 at Glasgow, Barrowlands – 2 CD – to be reviewed

20.    Amnesty International - U2 and The Police - 1986 - 1 CD - Excellent

21.    Help - (Dublin 1986/Meadowlands June 1986/ London October 1988) - 1 CD - Excellent

22.    Rain on You -  1CD - Excellent

23.    Back in the Desert  (4/4/87) - 2 CD – Very Good/Excellent -version without the New Jersey 1986  bonus tracks-AUD-A/A+ - excellent audience recording.  2nd show of the Joshua Tree tour.

24.    Outside It's Las Vegas (4/12/87) - 1 CD – AUD (A)

25.    San Diego (4/13/87) -2 CD -Very Good/Excellent-AUD (A-/A) - another excellent recording from the early part of the Joshua Tree tour. 

26.    4/18/87 at Los Angeles - 2 CD - Very Good-tiny miliclicks between tracks

27.    Joshua Tree L.A (4/20/87) - 2 CD - Excellent-AUD (B+/A-) - great show in which Bob Dylan joined U2 for a special guest appearance on 2 songs.

28.    U2 vs the US (4/22/87 Los Angeles) - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD (B+/A-) - tracks 4-13 on disc 2 are from September 29, 1987 at Madison Square Garden.  Disc 1, track 16 has a few clicks which come from the original source.

29.    Joshua Tree San Francisco (4/24/87) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD- (A/A+)

30.    The Joshua Tree on Fire (4/25/87 at San Francisco, CA)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-(A-/A) pretty good audience recording which includes the soundcheck from the same day as bonus tracks

31.    Rock's hottest ticket (4/29/87 at Chicago)- 2 CD-Excellent-SBD- (A+) this is my favorite U2 bootleg, and probably one of their greatest concerts ever! This was one of the Edge's best nights, and Bono sounds wonderful.

32.    5/7/87 Hartford, CT - 2 CD - Excellent-AUD-(A/A+)

33.    Power of Love (5/8/87 Hartford, CT) -2 CD -AUD (A-) remaster by Steve Vahey

34.    Outside, It's New Jersey (5/11/87) - 2 CD - AUD (B+/A-)

35.    Twist of Fate (5/12/87 Rutherford, NJ) -2 CD -AUD-(A-)

36.    5/16/87 at New Jersey - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)

37.    5/27/87 - Roma, Italy - 2 CD – AUD (A-) – d2 has miliclick between 3-4

38.                                                                                                                                                                                     Gothenburg (6/6/87) - 2 CD – AUD (A-/A) – d1t4 at 3:35 has some sort of hiccup – seems to not be a digital burning error. 

39.    The Leaves of the Joshua Tree (6/15/87 Paris) -2 CD –AUD (B/B+) – d2 has faded track transition between 6-7. 

40.    Stop the Traffic, Rock and Roll (Paris 1987) -1 CD - to be reviewed

41.    Rock's Hottest Ticket Volume 1 and 2 (Glen Remaster) (6/29/87 Dublin) - 2 CD – (AUD) (A)

42.    Lucille 7/29/87 at Glasgow, Scotland- 2 CD - Excellent-unable to copy

43.    Joshua Tree Birmingham (8/4/87) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

44.    The Cork Connection (8/8/87 Cork, Ireland) -2 CD - Very Good

45.    JT Foxboro (9/22/87) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

46.    9/25/87 at Philadelphia – 2 CD – AUD (A-)

47.    Voices of Freedom (September 28, 1987 at New York City) - 2 CD – AUD (A-)

48.    10/20/87 Iowa City - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

49.    My Kind of Town (10/28/87 Chicago) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

50.    Mountains and Deserts - McNichols Arena, Denver, CO, November 7,1987- 2 CD - Excellent-SBD with bonus tracks from 9/28/87 New York City and 12/19/87 Arizona. You will hear a few gaps between some tracks and during "October". The discs are indeed DAO and 100% excellent- the gaps and choppy transitions come from the master recordings. This is an excellent concert from the Joshua Tree tour, and includes a cover of the Beatles "Help" and some improvs of the Rolling Stones "Ruby Tuesday" and "Sympathy for the Devil". I like "Rock's Hottest Ticket" a little bit better.

51.    Back in Denver (11/7/87) - 2 CD - remastered version of "Caught on 35mm Black and White" and "Mountains and Deserts".  Original version had rough edits and numerous gaps (see above). 

52.    In the Name of Love (11/11/87 at San Francisco) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

53.    Traffic Stop in Oakland 11/14/87 – 2 CD - - to be reviewed

54.    In U2 I trust (11/15/87 Oakland) - 2 CD – AUD (A)

55.    Joshua Tree Live in Los Angeles  (11/18/87) - 2 CD – Excellent-SBD- a monosoundboard

56.    Joshua Tree in Austin (11/22/87) - 2 CD – AUD (A-)

57.    First Night in Fort Worth (11/22/87) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

58.    Fort Worth, Texas (11/23/87) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

59.    MLK:  A real American Hero (11/26/87 Baton Rouge, LA) –2 CD - requested

60.    Atlanta (12/9/87) - 2 CD - Very Good

61.    Hampton Joshua 2nd Night (12/12/87) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

62.    Christmas in the desert (12/19/87) - 2 CD - Excellent

63.    12/20/87 at Sun Devil Stadium, Arizona -  2 CD – AUD (B+/A-)

64.    In the Name of Sydney (10/20/89) - 2 CD – AUD (A)

65.    Love comes to Adelaide (10/27/89 Adelaide) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-sounds like an excellent mono-soundboard

66.    Freedom of the Spirits (12/1/89 Osaka) - 2 CD - Very Good

67.    Feel the Noise (12/14/89 Dortmund) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

68.    St. Stephen's at the Point (December 26, 1989 at Dublin, Ireland)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-This was a KTS release. The concert is great. "God Part II", "All I want is You", "Van Diemen's Land", and "When love comes to town" were performed rarely, and these CD's have excellent versions. There is a special appearance by BB King. "Love Rescue Me" was performed on this night, but not included on this KTS bootleg. Also, note that disc 1 starts a few seconds into God Part II. This is not due to a mistake in my disc, but rather comes straight from the master recording.

69.    Between Christmas and New Years:  December XVII  - 2 CD - Dublin 12/27/89 – SBD (A+) d1 1-2mc, d2 9-10mc.  Track 2 on d2 seems to have pops – perhaps from original source

70.    At the 11th Hour (12/30/89 Dublin, Ireland) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – d1t1  Bulle the Blue sky has serious flaws which comes from the original source (my copy is 100% good). 

71.    Happy New Year (12/31/89 at Dublin) - 2 CD – Excellent

72.    New Year’s Night in Dublin – 2 CD – to be reviewed

73.    MLK – 1 CD – to be reviewed

74.    Between Christmas and New Year's Day (Dublin 1989) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

75.    The New Year's Concert 1/1/90 - 2 CD – Excellent

76.    Hands of the Devil (1/5/90) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

77.    All I want is U2 (1/10/90) -2  CD – AUD (A)

78.    One Live Baby (2/29/92) - 2 CD - Very Good

79.    The Total Thing (3/1/92 at Miami, FL) -2 CD - -requested?

80.    First Night in Florida (3/1/92 Tampa) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

81.    Welcome to Zoo TV (3/1/92) -2 CD – Very Good

82.    Bono is a dinky Trabant (4/7/92) –2 CD - Very Good

83.    Exit Paris (5/7/92) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

84.    Wild Horses (5/22/92) -2 CD - Very Good

85.    5/22/92 - 2 CD - ticks between tracks

86.    Earl’s Court Arena London 31.5.92 London  Zoo (5/31/92) -2 CD – AUD (B+)

87.    Dancing Zoo TV (6/11/92) - 2 CD - Very Good

88.    Anything is Possible (6/11/92) -2 CD - Very Good

89.    The Real Thing (6/15/92)  - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – on disc 2, a very tiny miliclick between track 6 and 7.  (Tough to hear)

90.    Zoo TV from the Mixing Desk (6/15/92) – 2 CD – SBD (A+) – bonus tracks are different from what is normally on this boot. 

91.    1992 Hershey, PA Rehearsals  (8/6/92)- 2 CD - Very Good

92.    Wanted (8/12/92 at East Rutherford, New Jersey) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

93.    Under the New Jersey Lights (8/13/92) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

94.    8/16/92 at RFK Stadium, Washington DC - 2 CD - Excellent

95.    Bono Breaks wind over Boston (8/23/92 at Foxboro, MA)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-excellent audience recording. Volume levels fluctuate at times (my copy is 100% good, these fluctuations come from master tape - see ). The quality of the bonus tracks is not as good.

96.    Angel of Philly (9/2/92 Philadelphia)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-great sound and very rare bootleg. I don't believe this show was pressed onto silver discs. Excellent job by the taper!

97.    The Outside Broadcast tour (9/3/92 Philadelphia) - 2 CD - Excellent

98.    Achtung Bootleg (Detroit (9/9/92) - 2 CD - Excellent

99.    Chicago (9/18/92) -2 CD - Very Good

100.                        Hallejulah, My Girl (10/9/92) - 2 CD - Very Good

101.                        Astrodome Tour (10/14/92 Astrodome, TX) - 2 CD - Excellent

102.                        Bono's Birthday Party (5/10/93) - 2 CD – AUD (B-/B) – various miliclicks:  tt smooth

103.                        Hail Munchen  (6/4/93) – 2 CD – AUD (B+)

104.                        Let it Be (7/27/93) – 2 CD -  to be reviewed

105.                        Wembley Nights: Volumes 1 and 2 (8/11/93 at Wembley) -2 CD - to be reviewed

106.                        Wembley Nights: Volumes 3 and 4 (8/12/93 at Wembley) -2 CD - Very Good - track transitions are pretty good, but not 100% smooth.- new copy to be reviewed

107.                        Dream Out Loud (8/14/93) –2 CD - requested

108.                        Wembley Nights: Volumes 5 and 6 (8/20/93) -  2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

109.                        Wembley Nights: Volumes 7 and 8 (8/21/93 at Wembley) - 2 CD - Very Good

110.                        RDS Stadium: Dublin, Ireleand 8/23/93 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

111.                        Zooropa in Dublin (8/28/93) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – d1 has milclicks between 6-7 and 11-12 and 15-16.  D2 – t2 has skips, and miliclicks between 2-3 and 5-6. 

112.                        Zoo Europa – 2 CD – to be reviewed

113.                        Zootopia – 2 CD – to be reviewed

114.                        11/5/93 at Rotterdam - 2 CD-Very Good-I don't think it is MP3, but it sort of sounds like it.

115.                        Westwood One Broadcast   (11/27/93 at Sydney)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-my copy is a transfer from the FM broadcast.  "Trying to throw your arms around the world" was played live, but not a part of this FM broadcast. My copy has A+ sound, much better than some of the other releases of this show which are complete shows.

116.                        Bono versus Akebono (12/9/93) -2 CD - to be reviewed

117.                        Popmart Tour ’97 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

118.                        Las Vegas (4/25/97)- 2 CD – Excellent – can not copy

119.                        Seattle 97 - 2 CD - Excellent-1/4 second gaps between tracks.

120.                        Tel Aviv 97 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-1/4 second gaps between tracks

121.                        Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution (5/6/97 at Eugene, Oregon) - 2 CD – AUD (A)

122.                        Bono Swallows New Jersey (Bono's Earpiece) (6/1/97) - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

123.                        Amazing Grace (June 15, 1997 at Edmonton) - 2 CD - Excellent

124.                        Supermarket Superman (Bono's Ear) (6/18/97) -2 CD – SBD (A+)

125.                        Popdream Believer – First night in Europe (7/18/97) – 2 CD to be reviewed

126.                        Second Night in Rotterdam (7/19/97) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

127.                        Gothenburg 8/2/97 - 2 CD – Excellent – can not copy

128.                        Popmart Philadelphia 8/6/97 - 2 CD - Very Good

129.                        Pop Explosion (8/18/97 at Nuremburg,Germany) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

130.                        Hanover Earpiece (8/20/97) -2 CD - Excellent

131.                        Le Cock Up (8/28/97 at Leeds, England) - 2 CD - Excellent-clicks between tracks.- upgrade to be reviewed

132.                        Live at Leeds (8/28/97 ) –2 CD (TAO)– Very Good

133.                        She’s Gone (8/31/97) –2 CD - to be reviewed

134.                        Macarena Out of Control (9/13/97) –2  CD – to be reviewed

135.                        The Promise Kept - 2 CD - 9/23/97 Sarejevo concert - Excellent

136.                        Hello Sarajevo (9/23/97)  - 2 CD -Excellent-

137.                        Tel Aviv 97 (9/30/97) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – disc 1 has several miliclick track transitions. Disc 2 has perfect track transitions.  

138.                        Shalom Israel (9/30/97) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

139.                        10/26/97 at Toronto – 2 CD – to be reviewed

140.                        Pop the Dome Open 10/26/97 – 2 CD - to be reviewed

141.                        So Noisy Montreal (11/2/97) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

142.                        Rain in the River City (11/12/97) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

143.                        Muchas Gracias (12/3/97) - 2 CD (TAO)- Excellent-SBD-this is sourced from my original silver discs.  Discs were pressed TAO.  SILVER CD

144.                        Pop Martians Mexico City (12/3/97 Mexico City) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

145.                        "Mexi Mofo" (12/3/97) - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

146.                        December 3, 1997 at Mexico 2 CD - Excellent

147.                        San Paulo (1/31/98) - 2 CD - Excellent

148.                        3/5/98 Popmart Tokyo – 2 CD - to be reviewed

149.                        Last night of Popmart: 3/21/98 at Johannesburg, South Africa - 2 CD - Excellent

150.                        A beautiful day in Paris (10/19/00) - 1 CD - Very Good

151.                        10/19/00 Manray NRJ Radio Paris (Pre-FM) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

152.                        KROQ (October 26, 2000) - 2 CD - Excellent

153.                        12/5/00 New York City at Irving Plaza: Club Appearance-1 CD-FM broadcast- Excellent-SBD-an excellent performance in front of a small crowd and worldwide radio audience to promote All That You Can't Leave Behind. The performance of "One" is one of the best I've ever heard. The show closes with a rousing cover of the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again".

154.                        Beautiful Day in NYC (12/5/00) - 1 CD - Excellent

155.                        In the Shade of a Willow Tree (3/21/01 rehearsal) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

156.                        Tour Rehearsals (3/22/01 Miami ALD) - 2 CD - Excellent

157.                        Final Dress Rehearsals (3/22/01 at Miami) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) various static (minor) due to ALD source

158.                        March 24, 2001 at Miami (audience)- 2 CD - Very Good - unable to copy

159.                        Miami (3/24/01 Miami (soundboard) - 2 CD –SBD (A+)  abrupt track transitions – I think most people have this situation.

160.                        Heart of Hearts (3/26/01 Miami) –2 CD -  SS DSM6/1> PA6-LC2 @85khz>Sony D100

161.                        3/26/01 Miami – Bono’s Earpiece –2 CD – to be reviewed

162.                        Blessed are the Peacemakers (3/29/01 Charlotte) –2  CD – Neuman mics GW master -

163.                        Charlotte (3/29/01) - 2 CD - Very Good –

164.                        Finding your Religion (3/30/01 Atlanta) – 2 CD – DS master

165.                        Atlanta (3/30/01) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

166.                        Houston (4/2/01) - 2 CD - Very Good - some skipping on "Bullet the Blue Sky"

167.                        Deep in the Heart of Texas (4/3/01) - 2 CD - Very Good

168.                        Denver (4/6/01)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-this is either an excellent audience recording or a very strong ALD, possibly even a soundboard!  The sound is great, and a great performance.  Includes a short improv of "Devil Inside" as a tribute to Michael Hutchence.

169.                        4/9/01 Calgary – 2 CD – VN master – Sony PCM-M1

170.                        Back in the Saddle 4/10/01 Calgary – 2 CD – minidisk MZ-R70 – T taper

171.                        We also do Weddings (4/12/01 Tacoma) – 2 CD – PR master Sony PCM-M1 > Sony DSM6 mics

172.                        Portland, Oregon (4/15/01) - 2 CD - Very Good

173.                        Portland 4/15/01 - 2 CD - Very Good - gold discs

174.                        Portland 4/15/01 – 2 CD – to be reviewed – from pa

175.                        I remember you (4/15/0 Portland) – 2 CD – Sony D8

176.                        4/19/01 San Jose – 2 CD – Schoeps source – to be reviewed

177.                        San Jose, CA (4/19/01) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD-another really good audience recording.

178.                        San Jose 4/20/01 - 2 CD - Very Good

179.                        The Last of the Rock Stars (4/20/01 San Jose) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

180.                        Phoenix (4/28/01)- 2 CD-Very Good-AUD-miliclicks between tracks-I listened to the first 2 tracks and heard several pops on each track. I have not listened to the rest. I am looking to upgrade.

181.                        4/28/01 Phoenix ALD – 2 CD – to be reviewed

182.                        Minneapolis (5/1/01) - 2 CD - Excellent

183.                        Pittsburgh 5/06/2001 - 2 CD - Excellent

184.                        Milwaukee 5/9/01 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-tiny miliclicks between some tracks

185.                        Cleveland ALD 5/3/01- 2 CD - Excellent-SBD

186.                        Cleveland 5/3/01 ALD Remastered (mix of ALD/AUD)- 2 CD - SBD-(A+)

187.                        Chicago 5/12/01 - 2 CD Very Good-AUD

188.                        Chicago ALD (5/15/01) - 2 CD – Excellent

189.                        The colors that you bring (5/15/01 Chicago) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

190.                        Toronto 5/25/01 -2 CD - Excellent-upgrade to be reviewed

191.                        U2 2001:  Live Mysterious (5/25/01 Toronto) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

192.                        Elevation Buffalo (5/31/01) - 2 CD - Excellent - track transitions are not 100% smooth

193.                        Elevation Buffalo (5/31/01) -2 CD - ALD remastered by MB - to be reviewed

194.                        Albany 6/2/01 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

195.                        Boston 6/5/01 - 2 CD - Very Good

196.                        Controversy in the Heart 6/6/01-2 CD - SBD (A+).  An essential for all collections

197.                        6/6/01 from DVD – 2 CD – SBD (A+) not for trade.

198.                        Boston 6/8/01 - 2 CD - Very Good

199.                        Boston 6/9/01 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD

200.                        6/12/01 Philadelphia - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

201.                        6/19/01 New York City - 2 CD - Very Good - 1/4 second gaps between tracks.

202.                        7/9/01 Stockholm -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent – AUD-sound is very good. 

203.                        7/9/01 Stockholm [Crystal Cat] – 2 CD – to be reviewed

204.                        7/10/01 Stockholm [Crystal Cat] – 2 CD – to be reviewed

205.                        7/12/01 Cologne, Germany – 2 CD - Very Good

206.                        7/17/01 Paris - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

207.                        7/18/01 Paris - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

208.                         7/21/01 Turin- 2 CD-Excellent-AUD-I've listened to the first 7 songs.  On track 6 disc 1, there is some background static at 3:30 through 3:40 -upgrade on gold discs to be reviewed

209.                        7/21/01 Turin – 2 CD- Chris Voynet taper source “Losing Control in Turin” – Danish Pro Audio 4061 > DAT Sony TCD 8 Transfer: DAT > CD > EAC > SHN > cdr.  – to be reviewed

210.                        Arnheim 7/31/01 IEM - 2 CD - to be reviewed

211.                        Spanish Eyes (8/8/01) – 2 CD – bootleg CD – to be reviewed

212.                        Kings of the Castle (8/25/01 Dublin) – 2 CD – bootleg CD - to be reviewed

213.                        Notre Dame 10/10/01- 2 CD - to be reviewed

214.                        The Irish in America (10/10/01 South Bend, Indiana) – 2 CD – SBD (A+) – excellent sound.  Seems to cut off before end of concert on disc 2. 

215.                        Soul and Imagination (10/15/01) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Schoeps mk4v > kcy active cables > Schoeps VMs 02 IB > Audiomagic Excalibur II RCA’s > SBM-1 > PCM- 1 (48 khz)  - to be reviewed

216.                        10/16/01 Chicago – 2 CD – Schoeps mk4v > kcy active cables > Schoeps VMS 02 IB > Audiomagic Excalibur II RCA’s > SBM-1 > PCM-1 (48khz) – to be reviewed

217.                        Chicago 10/16/01 - 2 CD - Very Good

218.                        The Time will Past (10/24/01 New York) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

219.                        The Capitol of Courage (10/25/01 New York) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

220.                        10/31/01 Providence, RI – 2 CD – to be reviewed

221.                        Out of Control in Philly (11/2/01 at Philadelphia) -2 CD - Very Good

222.                        11/9/01 Salt Lake City – 2 CD – to be reviewed

223.                        11/16/01 Oakland – 2 CD – to be reviewed

224.                        In God's Country (11/23/01 Phoenix) -2 CD - Very Good

225.                        The Firee of Love (11/23/01 Phoenix) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Nueman ak40s> Sony d8)

226.                        11/27/01 at Kansas City – 2 CD - taper is Alex Ewen-Core Sound Binaural mics > D100 > DAT Master > Tascam Digital Cable > HK Standalone > CDRW > EAC (secure mode)> normalized levels > master CDR's Conversion: master CDR's > EAC (secure mode) > 2 CDR copy > EAC (secure mode) > mkW 0.97 > SHN - Very Good/Excellent

227.                        Less Stars in the Sky (11/30/01 Atlanta) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Core Cardiods > Sony MZ-R700). 

228.                        12/1/01 Tampa - 2 CD - - ALD-to be reviewed

229.                        Honey I’m Home (12/2/01 Miami) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Core Cardiods > Sony MZ – R700)

230.                        The New World - 3 CD - Excellent

231.                        Salome - The Axtung Beibis Outtakes - 3 CD - Excellent

232.                        Bono - The complete Solo Projects Volume 1 and 2 and 3 - 3 CD - Excellent

233.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection 1979-1987 -1 CD-STUDIO

234.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part II - 1 CD-STUDIO

235.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part III -1 CD-STUDIO

236.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part IV -1 CD-STUDIO

237.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part V-1 CD

238.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part VI-1 CD

239.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part VII-1 CD

240.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part VIII-1 CD-STUDIO

241.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part IX-1 CD-STUDIO and SBD

242.                        The Ultimate 7 & 12 collection Part X-1 CD-STUDIO and SBD

243.                        Duets - 1 CD - Excellent

244.                        Rattle and Hum Digitally Remastered Outtakes -2 CD - Excellent

245.                        Banana Remixes for Propaganda - 1 CD - Excellent

246.                        Grapes Remixes for Propaganda - 1 CD - Excellent

247.                        Melon Remixes for Propaganda - 1 CD - Excellent

248.                        More Melon Remixes for Propaganda - 1CD - Excellent

249.                        Papaya remixes for Propaganda - 1 CD - Excellent

250.                        Pineapple remixes for Propaganda -1 CD - Excellent

251.                        Mango Remixes - 1 CD - Excellent

252.                        Kiwi Remixes - 1 CD - Excellent

253.                        The Silent Side of U2 - 1 CD - Excellent

254.                        Camelot Poems - 1 CD –Excellent

255.                        Complete Tour Rarities 1980-1993 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

256.                        Working Tapes – 1 CD – to be reviewed



Def Leppard



1.       Drinking from the lost Musical Oasis - 2 CD - Excellent

2.       One Man Band - 1 CD - to be reviewed

3.       Getcha Rocks Off - 1 CD - to be reviewed

4.       First Strike - 1 CD - Excellent

5.       Raise the Roof - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       Warchild - 1 CD (TAO) - Excellent

7.       Underfire - 1 CD - (TAO) – Excellent

8.       Live in New Castle 1981 (7/18/81) –1 CD – to be reviewed

9.       Debut (2/9/83) 1 CD - to be reviewed

10.    At the Marquee Club (3/9/83) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent- transitions are decent, though not 100% smooth.

11.    Rock till you drop 2 CD - Los Angeles (May 30, 1983) – SBD (A+)

12.    6/4/83 Irvine Meadows, CA - 1 CD - opening for Billy Squier – some track transitions are not smooth

13.    Wasted in Seattle 8/3/83 - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

14.    Quebec 83 – 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)

15.    1/24/84 Tokyo – 1 CD – to be reviewed

16.    1/25/84 Osaka – 2 CD – AUD (B+) miliclick between track 1 and track 2 on both discs.  Rest of track transitions are smooth and continuous.  Monoaudience sound.  Rock of Ages is split between end of d1 and beginning of d2. 

17.    Monsters of Rock Festival (8/16/86 at Donnington) - 1 CD- Excellent

18.    Stockholm 8/23/86) -2 CD – AUD (A/A+)

19.    8/31/87 Sheffield, England - 2 CD - to be reviewed – new copy to be reviewed

20.    Manchester 9/4/87 - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

21.    Hammersmith: London, England (September 8, 1987) - 2 CD - Very Good

22.    Leicester 1987 (9/15/87) - 2 CD - Very Good

23.    10/9/87 Baltimore – 2 CD – to be reviewed

24.    10/18/87 Nassau Coliseum - 2 CD - to be reviewed

25.    Sports Arena (11/20/87 at San Diego) -2 CD - Very Good

26.    Chicago 87 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

27.    Florida 1987 (December 29, 1987) -2 CD - Good/Very Good

28.    Stage Fright - (February 12, 1988 at Denver)- Excellent 2 CD-SBD=A+

29.    Gothenburg, Sweden 1988 (March 5, 1988) - 2 CD - Excellent

30.    Wembley 1988 ( April 11, 1988) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good-AUD-C+/B- recording.  A few of the track transitions have miliclicks, but not all of them.  Minor crackles can be heard from time to time, but no big deal.  Sound is average for the most part, though some parts come through pretty good.

31.    Gods of War (May 21, 1988 at Osaka ) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent -AUD - A/A+ sound.

32.    7/16/88 Alpine Valley - 2 CD – to be reviewed

33.    8/17/88 at Mountain View, California - 2 CD – SBD (A+) – Hysteria has a few hiccups at 5:00. 

34.    9/22/88 Meadowlands, NJ - 2 CD - to be reviewed

35.    9/23/88 Meadowlands, NJ - 2 CD - to be reviewed

36.    In Ontario...In Your Face (Hamilton 10/2/88) - 2 CD - Very Good

37.    10/14/88 Chicago - 2 CD – to be reviewed

38.    Dublin, Ireland 1992 (April 15, 1992) - 2 CD - Good

39.    Music Hall (5/27/92 at Frankfurt, Germany) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+) – on d1, 1 second gap between 7-8.  On track 3, some background clicks (not annoying).  On d2, between 4-5 – 1 second gaps. 

40.    White Lightening (May 30, 1992 Brussels 1992) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

41.    Electric Tiger (Milano, Italy 1992) - 1 CD - Very Good

42.    Rocked Tonight (7/6/92 Amsterdam) - 1 CD - Excellent

43.    Adrenalize, Adelaide (Adelaide, Australia in July 1992) - 1 CD - Excellent

44.    Live at the Sports Arena (9/19/92 at San Diego) - 2 CD - Very Good

45.    Winnipeg 1992 (10/10/92) -2 CD - Very Good

46.    Atlanta 1992 (11/24/92)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-top notch audience recording. Show includes short covers of Nirvana and the Rolling Stones!

47.    Los Angeles 1992 (December 30, 1992 at the Forum, Los Angeles)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-pretty nice sample from the Adrenalize tour. Unfortunately, the whole show was not released by the original issuer. This bootleg consists of 11 songs (probably the first 11 from this concert). The source is either an excellent audience our average soundboard recording.

48.    Hartford 3/27/93 - 2 CD – AUD B/B+

49.    One Step Beyond (May 16, 1993 Paris, France)-2 CD-Very Good

50.    The Circus comes to town (6/6/93 Sheffield, England)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD.-A+ FM broadcast by the BBC.

51.    Live in Hiroshima (June 19, 1993) - 2 CD - Excellent

52.    9/11/93 at Atlanta - 2 CD - Excellent

53.    Unplugged and Unshaved (11/25/95 at Much Music Studios, Canada)- 1 CD-Excellent

54.    Pittsburgh 96 (7/9/96) - 2 CD - Very Good

55.    Switch 1996 (June 17, 1996 at Osaka, Japan)- 2 CD - Excellent-SBD – 2nd copy to be reviewed

56.    Brand New Face-1 CD-(tracks 3-13 are from Seoul, Korea 6/8/96; tracks 2 and 14 are Mountainville, CA 8/31/96)-Excellent-SBD

57.    Mansfield, Massachusetts (July 16, 1996) - 2 CD - Excellent - very tiny clicks in between a few tracks. Sound is excellent.

58.    State University Amp (8/27/96 at San Diego) - 2 CD - Very Good

59.    Winnipeg 9/9/96 - 2 CD - Very Good.

60.    Montreal 1996 (September 15, 1996) - 2 CD - Excellent - first track cuts after 2nd verse - this comes from the master.

61.    Live in Paris 10/20/96 - 2 CD - Excellent

62.    Acoustic in Singapore - 1 CD - Excellent

63.    Buenos Aires 4/19/97 - 2 CD-Excellent

64.    Tulsa '99 - 2 CD - Excellent

65.    Live at the Keyclub 7/9/99 Los Angeles - 1 CD – Excellent

66.    8/7/99 at Duluth, MN – 2 CD – to be reviewed

67.    8/25/99 Detroit, Michigan - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

68.    Bringin Down the Walls of Wonderland (8/25/99) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

69.    Allentown 99 (8/31/99 at Allentown) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+)

70.    Live in Vermont (8/29/99 at Essex Junction, VT) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

71.    Underguard (September 11, 1999 at Allegan, Michigan)-2 CD-Very Good

72.    Corpus Christi, TX 9/15/99 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

73.    Festival Hall (Sept 26, 1999 at Osaka, Japan)-2 CD-Very Good

74.    Wasted 1999 ( 10/2/99) - 2 CD - Excellent

75.    Winter Wonderland (12/9/99 at Denver)-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-nice audience recording and very enjoyable!

76.    Millenium Demolition (12/31/99 at Chicago)- 2 CD – Excellent-AUD-awesome audience recording which is as good as a soundboard.  This bootleg is also under the name Chicago 1999

77.    Assaultive Behavior (1/29/00) - 2 CD - Excellent

78.    Jones Beach 2000 (7/24/00) - 2 CD – Excellent – two versions to be reviewed

79.    Live at Monroe, WA (9/1/00) - 2 CD - Very Good

80.    Live in Red Rocks (September 14, 2000) - 2 CD – Excellent

81.    2/15/00 Rhode Island – 2 CD – jr master – to be reviewed

82.    On the Eighth Day 6/24/02 – 2 CD - to be reviewed

83.    9/21/02 Boston – 2 CD – to be reviewed

84.    11/21/02 Oaka – 2 CD – to be reviewed

85.    11/26/02 Tokyo – 2 CD – to be reviewed

86.    San Francisco 2002 (12/14/02) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

87.    Denver X (12/17/02) –2 CD - to be reviewed

88.    6/9/03 Ft. Wayne, IN – 2 CD – to be reviewed – JJ master.  Used Sony MD recorder w/ Bass roll of @160hz.  Mics are Cardiods. 

89.    6/10/03 Lexington, KY – 2 CD - to be reviewed – JJ master.  Used Sony MD recorder w/ Bass roll of @160hz.  Mics are Cardiods. 

90.    6/12/03 Evansville, IN to be reviewed – 2 CD - JJ master.  Used Sony MD recorder w/ Bass roll of @160hz.  Mics are Cardiods. 

91.    6/13/03 Columbus, OH - to be reviewed – JJ master.  Used Sony MD recorder w/ Bass roll of @160hz.  Mics are Cardiods. 

92.    Let’s Get Rocked Rockford (6/21/03) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

93.    Songs from VH-1 Storytellers - 1 CD - Excellent - 1/4 second gaps between tracks - not a big deal since sound is A+

94.    Westwood One "In Concert" (1980 and 1996 BBC shows) - 2 CD – Excellent



Tom Petty



1.       7/16/78 Boston - 1 CD (pre FM) - to be reviewed

2.       Straight into Darkness 12/4/82 - 2 CD - Excellent

3.       August 6, 1985 at Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles- Excellent

4.       Any way you want it (September 5, 1987 at Jacksonville, FL) - 1 D - to be reviewed

5.       May 18, 1990 - North Carolina - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       Live in Oakland 1991 - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       Lost in a Fog - 1 CD - Live in England, 1992 - Excellent

8.       November 4, 1993 - Gainsville, FL - 1 CD - Excellent

9.       June 10, 1995 at Tuscaloosa, Alabama - 2 CD - Excellent

10.    20 Nights at the Filmore (February 7, 1997 at San Francisco)-3 CD-Excellent-SBD-one of my favorites. The concert lasts for over 3 hours! Petty plays his own songs and covers of other famous songs. Petty reworks a lot of his own songs into more modern versions.

11.    4/12/99 at New York City - 2 CD - to be reviewed

12.    April 23, 1999 Hamburg - 3 CD - to be reviewed

13.    Hamburg Rocks (4/23/99 at Hamburg) -2 CD - Excellent

14.    Feeling Alright (10/7/99 at Chicago) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

15.    5/15/01 at Red Rocks, Denver, CO - 2 CD - Very Good

16.    5/27/01 at Sacramento, CA - 2 CD - Very Good



Bon Jovi



1.       Ultimate Broadcast – Volume 2 (3/3/84 Philadelphia) –1 CD – TAO- Very Good

2.       Ultimate Broadcast – Volume 1 (3/17/84 Cleveland)  -1 CD –Excellent

3.       Document in Japan (4/28/85 Japan) –2 CD - very small miliclicks between tracks

4.       Only for you (Vol 2) 3/19/87 - Excellent

5.       August 14, 1987 Westwood - 1 CD - Excellent - a few static areas

6.       Happy New Year Tokyo (12/31/88) - 1 CD – to be reviewed

7.       Milton Keynes 8/19/89 - 1 CD -  SBD (A+)

8.       Wanted 12/6/89 - 1 CD – Excellent – incomplete:  missing second disc

9.       Concierto 2/6/90 - 1 CD – to be reviewed

10.    Live in Monterrey 2/17/90 - 1 CD – to be reviewed

11.    An evening with Bon Jovi (10/25/92 MTV) - 1 CD-Excellent-SBD-awesome show in which the purpose was to preview material from the "Keep the Faith" album for a small audience. The highlight is an incredible classic rock medley in which they weave in/out of 5 different songs!.

12.    Seattle Survivors (3/25/93) - 1 CD – to be reviewed

13.    Italy 93 (4/6/93) - 2 CD – to be reviewed

14.    Believe (April 9, 1993 at the Ahoy in Rotterdam, Holland)- 2 CD - SBD - Excellent. A strong recording.

15.    Believe 4/9/93) – 2 CD -  to be reviewed

16.    In these arms alive (August 27, 1993 at Zurich Switzerland) - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    Long way from home (Sept 18, 1993 Milton Keynes, England) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD-A+ sound, and great performance.

18.    Bed of Roses 10/10/93 Melbourne - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

19.    December 8, 1994 Boston Christmas Benefit - 1 CD - Excellent - includes a cover of the Rolling Stone's "Let it Bleed" !!!

20.    Seoul Street (5/10/95 at Seoul, Korea) - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

21.    Open all Night (5/16/95) - 2 CD - tiny clicks in between tracks.

22.    This ain't a love song: The First European Gig 1995 (5/27/95 Bremen)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-A+ sound. This was a radio broadcast. Great show and a great performance. Various copies of this boot have different setlists for the songs. My copy has "This ain't a love song" on disc 2 as track 3 after "Rockin All over the world" and closes with "I"ll be there for you".

23.    Roll Your Tapes (6/18/95 Lahr, Germany) - 2 CD - Excellent

24.    Happy Hour (6/25/95 at Wembley Stadium, London) - 2 CD – SBD (A+) D1 mc 2-3, static on t11d1, d2 has clicks on t11, various static)

25.    9/10/95 at Tampa, Florida - 2 CD - Very Good

26.    Now and Forever (Osaka 5/16/96) - 2 CD – AUD (A-)

27.    Yokohama 5/19/96 - 2 CD - Excellent

28.    Good as Gold - Paris 3/22/96 - 1 CD - Excellent

29.    House of Blues 5/4/00 Chicago - 2 CD - AUD - Excellent - A great concert. This is an audience recording, and the sound is excellent. Along with performing all the hits, Bon Jovi throws in a few covers of Janis Joplin's "Bobby McGee" and the Rolling Stones "Jumping Jack Flash". This concert was done before the release of "Crush". As a bonus, the last track on disc 2 is "It's my life" from the David Letterman show.

30.    Breakfast with Bon Jovi-Charlotte (6/23/00)-2 CD-Very Good-AUD-a nice acoustic concert with above-average sound to promote the Crush album. This concert was done in the same format as VH1 Storytellers - the crowd was given a chance to ask lots of questions.

31.    Bonzai (7/18/00 at Fukuoka, Japan)- 2 CD-Excellent-AUD-excellent audience recording.  The sound is as good as a soundboard. 

32.    Diamond Days (7/20/00 at Osaka, Japan) -2 CD - microclicks in between tracks - Very Good

33.    When the Wembley Walls Came Tumbling Down (8/20/00) – 3 CD – to be reviewed

34.    Revealing the Truth (8/27/00) – 2 CD- to be reviewed

35.    Captain Crush's Supershow (Zurich, 8/30/00: Switzerland 2000) - 1 CD- SBD (A+)

36.    Live in Zurich, Switzerland 8/30/00 - 2 CD - (TAO)- Excellent

37.    One Wild Night (8/30/00 at Zurich) - 2 CD – Excellent - miliclicks

38.    Crushing the Globe (9/8/00 at Stockholm) - 2 CD - Very Good

39.    Live on Star 94 Radio, Atlanta 9/19/00- 1 CD – Excellent

40.    Pittsburgh 2000 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

41.    The China Club 2000 (9/20/00) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

42.    Rays of Glory (11/5/00) – 2 CD – AUD (A)

43.    Philadelphia (11/10/00) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed

44.    11/14/00 at Wilkes Barre, PA - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent - track transitions are pretty good, but not 100% perfect.

45.    11/16/00 at New Jersey - 2 CD - Very Good

46.    11/18/00 at Detroit - 2 CD - Very Good - track transitions are close to perfect

47.    11/20/00 All State Arena, Chicago - 2 CD - to be reviewed (unedited soundboard)

48.    11/22/00 at Indianapolis - 2 CD  - Excellent-

49.    A Saturday Night in Cincinati (11/25/00) - 2 CD - (TAO) - Very Good

50.    Crush Down Under (3/24/01 Melbourne) - 2 CD - Excellent-SBD-sourced from FM broadcast with excellent sound.  Please note there are a few glitches (3) on disc 2 which come from the original recording.  SILVER CD

51.    Osaka 3/31/01 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

52.    One Wild Night in San Jose (4/23/01 San Jose) - 2 CD - Excellent

53.    Denver (4/30/01)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD-a top notch audience recording, and definitely worth getting.

54.    Grand Rapids 5/8/01 - 2 CD – Excellent

55.    Atlanta 5/11/01 - 2 CD – to be reviewed

56.    Wild is the Twist (5/31/01 Stockholm) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

57.    Should’ve been recorded in Dublin (6/10/01) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

58.    6/16/01 at Milton Keynes, England - 2 CD - to be reviewed

59.    6/18/01 at McAlpine Stadium, Huddersfield, England - 2 CD - Very Good

60.    Secret Gig (6/25/01) -  1 CD – SBD (A+)

61.    7/9/01 at Minneapolis, MN - 2 CD - to be reviewed

62.    Easy Living (7/16/01 Detroit) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

63.    Heavyweight Champions (7/21/01 Pittsburgh) – 2 CD – AUD (B+)

64.    Welcome Home (7/24/01 Camden) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

65.    One last Wildnight (7/27/01) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

66.    Welcome Home (July 30, 2001 at Giant Stadium)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-video transfer from show that was broadcast on VH1.

67.    In Japan (9/11/02 Tokyo) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed [HEN release]  SILVER CD

68.    Bounce Tour (9/11/02 Tokyo) – 2 CD to be reviewed

69.    Burning the Bush (9/18/02) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed  SILVER CD

70.    Yokohama Acoustic (1/19/03) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

71.    Unplugged and Unseated (1/19/03) – 3 CD – to be reviewed

72.    Going the Distance 2/13/03 Atlanta - 2 CD – to be reviewed

73.    Bounce Tour 2/18/03 Detroit - 2 CD – to be reviewed

74.    Toronto 2/20/03 - 2 CD – to be reviewed

75.    Chicago Party (3/1/03) - 2 CD – to be reviewed

76.    Make me come alive (4/9/03 Los Angeles) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

77.    Frankfurt (5/25/03) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed

78.    Gelsenkirchen (5/30/03) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed

79.    Zurich (6/11/03) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed

80.    Wolverhampton 2003 (6/23/03) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

81.    Manchester 6/26/03 –2  CD – to be reviewed

82.    Dreams Come True (6/28/03 Hyde Park) – 3 CD – to be reviewed

83.    Chicago (7/11/03) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed (Sony ECM 717 > Sony MZ – N707)

84.    Rock Veterans (7/26/03 Philadelphia) – 2 CD – AUD (B-)

85.    VH1 Storytellers -1 CD- Excellent -SBD-excellent copy of the VH1 Storytellers session.  "Bad Medicine" cuts off at the end.

86.    Rarities #1 - 1 CD - Excellent

87.    Rarities #2 - 1 CD - Excellent

88.    Slippery When Wet Outtakes - 1 CD – Excellent

89.    Keep the Faith & New Jersey Outtakes –1 CD - Excellent

90.    Hidden Treasures - 1 CD – Excellent

91.    Another Side: Studio B-Sides  1986-1999 - 1 CD - Excellent

92.    Crush & More:  Studio B-Sides  - 1 CD - Excellent

93.    Slippery When Wet Demos - 1 CD - Excellent

94.    New Jersey Demos -1 CD - Excellent

95.    Acoustic Bon Jovi - 2 CD - Excellent

96.    Covering 'Em - 1 CD - Excellent

97.    Karaoke Songs & More - First 9 tracks are instrumentals, tracks #13-15 are early demos, tracks #16-17 are from 1989 MTV awards- Excellent

98.    Powerstation Demos - 1 CD - Excellent

99.    Christmas Album - 1 CD - Excellent

100.                        Live B-Sides 1984-2001 -9 CD - Excellent



Guns and Roses



1.       Drink till you drop (7/11/86) – 2 CD – AUD (B-)

2.       Greatest Group on Earth (Los Angeles 1987) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

3.       8/24/87 Winnipeg - 1 CD – AUD (B)

4.       Rock and Roll Suicide (9/4/87 San Diego) – 1 CD – AUD (B)

5.       Philadelphia Special 1987 (10/17/87 Allentown, PA) – 1 CD – AUD (A-)

6.       Bad Boys, Great Noize (disc 1 is 12/30/87 soundboard, disc 2 is Noisemakers bootleg which is 6/28/87 soundboard) – 2 CD – SBD (A/A+) – “Knockin on Heaven’s door on disc 1 cuts off before the end of the song. 

7.       Rocket Queen (2/2/88) – 1 CD – SBD (A+)

8.       Slash N Burn - 1 CD - The Ritz, NYC 2/2/88 – to be reviewed

9.       Brutal Bigotry (5/12/88 Osaka) – 1 CD – SBD (A+)

10.    Undisputed [Remastered] (disc 1 is 5/17/88 Montreal and disc 2 is 6/5/88 Shoreline, CA)– 2 CD – AUD (d1: B, d2: B+))

11.    Self Destruct Era (12/7/88 Tokyo)_ 2 CD – SBD (A+)

12.    Grapes of Wrath (12/10/88 Tokyo) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

13.    This is the last Gig  (10/18/89 opening for the Rolling Stones) -2 CD – AUD (A-) – includes the famous Axl rant about “one in a million”.  Perhaps this bootleg is based on Mr. Freezer’s recording?  My copy does not include some of the bonus tracks Jumping Jack Flash demos, but it does have “Salt of the Earth”  performances from 12/19/89 and 12/20/89 (rare).   The sound is very good, and this recording really captures GNR at their peak. 

14.    10/19/89 opening for the Rolling Stones - 1 CD – AUD (B-) – average sound, but great performance.  It must have been tough for the Rolling Stones to follow them.   Small 2 second gap between tracks 10-11; probably to be able to fit tape onto 1 CD.  Rest of track transitions are smooth and continuous. 

15.    10/21/89 opening for the Rolling Stones - 1 CD – AUD (A-/A)

16.    Stoned in LA (10/22/89 - 1 CD – to be reviewed

17.    Rock in Rio (1/20/91) -2 CD –SBD (A) – about 3 seconds of static during “Civil War”, and various points of disc 2 – seems to come from original source. 

18.    New World Order (5/24/91 Alpine Valley, WI) – 2 CD – AUD (B-/B)

19.    Live Illusion 5/29/91 Noblesville, IN - 2 CD – SBD (A)

20.    USA 1991 – 2 CD - SILVER CD

21.    Bad Obsession (6/17/91 Uniondale, NY) - 2 CD – AUD (A-/A)

22.    Revolution Calling (7/29/91 Los Angeles) – 2 CD – AUD (A-/A)

23.    Illusions and Delusions (8/16/91) – 2 CD – SILVER CD

24.    Stockholm Illusion 1991 (8/17/91) - 2 CD - Very Good

25.    GNR rock Wembley (8/31/91) - 2 CD – AUD (B+)

26.    Ilusions on Tour (1/4/92 Biloxi, MS) - 2 CD – AUD (A)

27.    Bonzai! (2/22/92 Tokyo) - 2 CD – SBD (A+)

28.    Hi-Fi Stereo from Oklahoma (4/6/92) -2 CD –SBD (A+)

29.    Bad Obsession (4/6/92 Oklahoma) [Dizzy Disc 005/006]– 2 CD – to be reviewed SILVER CD

30.    Say Your Prayers (6/6/92 Paris) – 2 CD – SBD (A)

31.    6/13/92 at Wembley – 2 CD – to be reviewed

32.    Basel 92 (6/21/92) - 2 CD – to be reviewed

33.    God Bless America (7/17/92) – 2 CD – to be reviewed-unable to locate disc 2

34.    Get in the Ring (1/15/93) - 2 CD – AUD (A/A+) – excellent sound from an audience source.  Includes special guest appearance by Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones! 

35.    Nice Fellas (3/9/93 Hartford) - 2 CD – AUD (A) – about two seconds of static during Mr. Brownstone.  Fault during Patience – try to copy again. 

36.    Message in a bottle (4/3/93 Sacramento) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

37.    Gathering on Stage (6/30/93 Modena, Italy) – 2 CD – AUD (B/B+)

38.    Live in Argentina (7/16/93) – 2 CD – SBD (A+)

39.    Sessions 1987 - 1991 - 4 CD – Excellent  - Disc 1 has miliclicks between tracks.  Disc 4 is perfect, though it is NOT studio sessions (consists of GNR covering other bands).  Have not listened to disc 2 and disc 3. 

40.    .44 Caliber Horticulture Vol 2 - 1 CD - Excellent - Original Version with 8 tracks

41.    .44 Caliber Horticulture Vol 2 - 1 CD - Excellent - Edited Version with 11 tracks

42.    The Ballad Album - 1 CD – Excellent

43.    Unplugged (KTS release) – 1 CD – SBD (A+)  includes acoustic segments of 7/16/93 and 10/30/87 concerts. Excellent sound. 

44.    November Rain – 1 CD – to be reviewed – one of my originals.  SILVER CD






1.       Live it up - 8/2/83 - Excellent

2.       Philadelphia 1984 - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       The Dream (5/15/89 Langraaf, Holland and 6/15/89 Milan) - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Seattle 11/10/89 - 2 CD- Excellent

5.       Mountain Stage Program (April 28, 1991 Charleston, West Virginia) -1 CD - Excellent

6.       Bingo Hand Job - 2 CD 3/19/91 - Excellent-AUD-excellent audience recording of an acoustic show. After the release of Out of Time, REM played 2 secret shows under the name Bingo Hand Job.

7.       Low: Acoustic Italian Show 3/22/91 - 1CD- Very Good/Excellent

8.       Automatically Live - 1 CD - Athen, GA 1992 - Excellent

9.       July 30, 1995 - 2 CD - Good/Very Good-to be reviewed

10.    Eclipse the Moon tonight (11/6/98) - 1 CD - Excellent

11.    Shiny Happy Monsters - 2 CD - 8/13/99 - (a 1 second gap on first two tracks) Excellent

12.    No Central Rain - 1 CD - (Glastonbury Festival 1999) - Excellent

13.    Live BBC 1 Theatre - 1 CD - to be received

14.    Half a world Away - 1 CD - Excellent

15.    Live in Atlanta 8/30/99 - 2 CD- Good - some static at various points

16.    Live in Paris, France - 2 CD - to be received

17.    Rock in Rio III Festival (January 15, 2001) - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD-great show.



David Bowie


1.       The Beckenham Oddity (February 1969)- 1 CD - Excellent

2.       The shadow man - 1 CD - Excellent - Hunk Dory Outtakes

3.       The Rise and Rise of Ziggy Stardust (4 CD) - Excellent-SBD-This boxset is the most complete set of David Bowie's BBC recordings that is available. The majority of the tracks come from unreleased BBC sessions. Recordings are organized chronologically from Dec. 18, 1967 through September 21, 1972.

4.       The Axeman Cometh (4/10/71 and bonus tracks) - 1 CD - Excellent

5.       The Legendary Lost Tapes (London, Trident Studios; Summer 1972)- 1 CD - Excellent

6.       Vampires of Human flesh - 1 CD - Excellent-alternative takes from Scary Monsters album

7.       Starman over the Rainbow (8/19/72) - 2 CD - Very Good

8.       Ziggy Stardust Live 10/20/72 - 1 CD - Excellent

9.       Soul Asylum - NYC Radio City Music Hall 2/15/73 - 2 CD - Very Good

10.    1980 Floorshow (10/18/73 - 10/20/73)- 1 CD - Very Good

11.    Dawn of the Dogs (6/8/74 rehearsals0 - 1 CD - Very Good

12.    Strange Fascination (Los Angeles 9/5/74)- 2 CD - Excellent

13.    Neo Expressionism - 2 CD - Cleveland Public Auditorium 2/28/76 - Good/Very Good

14.    Suffragette City (3/23/76 Uniondale)  - 1 CD - Excellent

15.    Wish upon a star - 1 CD - Los Angeles - 9/2/76 - to be reviewed

16.    Another Stage - Goteberg, Sweden June 4, 1978 - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    Hoping for a little romance (Tokyou 12/12/78) - 1 CD - Excellent

18.    Complete Dallas Rehearsals_ (April 27, 1983 with Stevie Ray Vaughn) - 2 CD- Excellent-SBD-awesome bootleg to have.

19.    Serious Moonlight - 2 CD - Montreal 7/13/83 - Excellent

20.    All time Model (8/5/90) - 2 CD - Excellent

21.    Essential Equipment - 1 CD - Excellent - songs 1-5 are from Los Angeles 6/25/91, songs 6-10 are from Amsterdam 6/24/89

22.    Deranged pigs - 1 CD - Atlanta - 10/9/95 - to be reviewed

23.    Stage 1 - Hurling Disdain (St. Louis 10/11/95 with bonus tracks from London 11/17/95)- 2 CD-Excellent

24.    Open the dog (11/15/95 Wembley) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

25.    My Death (1/22/96 Oslo, Norway) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

26.    Tokyo (June 4, 1996 at Tokyo)-2 CD-Excellent-AUD- either an A+ audience or a very strong soundboard.

27.    Absolutely Outside - Starting Fires (7/10/96) - 2 CD - Excellent

28.    Bridge School Benefit 10/19/96 (Mountain View, CA) - 1 CD - Excellent

29.    Save the Children (Madison Square Garden, NYC 1/9/97) - 2 CD - Excellent

30.    L Dopa 6/11/97 - 2 CD - Very Good

31.    Live in Vienna Arena (6/24/97) - 2 CD - Very Good

32.    20th Century Boy (2/16/99) - 2 CD - Very Good

33.    French Affairs (Paris 10/14/99) - 1 CD - Excellent

34.    The shadow man - 1 CD – Excellent

35.    7/18/02 Montreux – 3 CD – to be reviewed

36.    Another Hot Night in LA (8/13/02) –2 CD – to be reviewed

37.    One Night at the Gorge (8/16/02 Seattle) –2 CD – to be reviewed

38.    Resurrection (10/2/02 at the Hammersmith, London) – 3 CD – to be reviewed




Allman Brothers Band



1.       Stormy Monday 8/26/71 - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       April 7, 1972 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

3.       New Year's Eve (12/31/73) - 4 CD - Excellent

4.       June 11, 1992 - 1 CD - Excellent - acoustic

5.       August 6, 1999 Seattle- 3 CD – Excellent



Bob Dylan



1.       Acetates on the Tracks – 4 CD – to be reviewed

2.       Christiana – 4 CD - to be reviewed

3.       Blue Eyed Boston Boy – 2 CD - to be reviewed

4.       Folk Rogue - 1 CD – Excellent

5.       1965 Revisited - 14 CD - to be reviewed

6.       I was so much younger then - 4 CD - Excellent

7.       Dylan/Cash Sessions - 1 CD - Excellent

8.       Like a Rolling Stone - 1 CD – looking for new copy

9.       Free Wheelin' Bob Dylan Outtakes - 1 CD- Excellent

10.    From the Vaults – 2 CD – to be reviewed

11.    The Genuine Basement Tapes Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)- 5 CD - Excellent

12.    Blood on the tapes - 1 CD - Excellent -upgrade to be reviewed

13.    11/4/61 NYC - 1 CD - Excellent

14.    Folksinger's Choice (3/11/62) -1 CD - Excellent

15.    All Hallows Eve and More, NYC 10/31/64 2 CD - Excellent

16.    Hollywood Bowl 1965 (9/3/65)- 1 CD - Excellent

17.    Electric Black Nite Crash - 2 CD - 9/3/65 at the Hollywood Bowl – should only be one disc

18.    Now's the time for your tears - 5/7/65 Royal Albert Hall, Manchester - 1 CD - Excellent

19.    Genuine Live '66 - 8 CD – looking for clean copy.

20.    Almost went to see Elvis 5/1/70 - 1 CD - Excellent

21.    Jan 6, 1974 at the Spectrum, Philadelphia (early show) - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

22.    Love Songs for America 1/14/74 -2 CD - Excellent

23.    01-31-74 Madison Square Garden NYC,NY - 2 CD - Excellent

24.    Dylan/The Band 1/31/74 - 2 CD - Excellent

25.    We really didn't get it on (2/11/74 Oakland) - 2 CD – SBD (A) – about 30 seconds of background noise during introduction of track 17

26.    Paint the Daytime Black (2/14/74 Inglewood, CA)- 2 CD – SBD (A+)

27.    A Satisfied Man (11/11/75 at Waterbury, CT) - 1 CD - Excellent

28.    Cowboy Angel Blues - 2 CD – (11/21/75 + bonus '75 tracks)-SBD (A+)

29.    Rolling Thunder (12/1/75 and 12/2/75 Toronto) - 8 CD - Excellent

30.    Knight of the Hurricane 12/8/75 MSG - 2 CD – disc two track transitions are not smooth.  New copy to be reviewed

31.    Plymouth Rock – 1 CD – to be reviewed

32.    Highway 49 Revisited (5/1/76) - 1 CD - Excellent

33.    Hold up the fort, Lock up the warehouse (2 CD) - 5/16/76 + other bonus tracks – mililclicks between tracks – new copy to be reviewed

34.    Complete Last Waltz - 4 CD - Excellent

35.    Tall grass and the one's I love - 1 CD - 5/18/76 - Excellent

36.    Ok, I still get stoned (3/16/78) - 1 CD - Excellent

37.    10-12-78 Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto, Ontario - 2 CD - Excellent

38.    Live at the Pitstop (11/10/78 Seattle) -2 CD- Excellent

39.    Contract with the Lord: Parts 1 and 2 (11/16/79 at Warfield, MA) - 2 CD - Excellent

40.    A Bird's Nest in your hair: June 29, 1981 - 2 CD - Very Good

41.    11-10-81 Saenger Performing Arts Center New Orleans,LA - 2 CD – Excellent

42.    Avignon ’81 – 2 CD - to be reviewed

43.    Charlie’s Choice – 1 CD – to be reviewed

44.    6/28/84 Barcelona – 2 CD – to be reviewed

45.    July 10, 1987 with the Grateful Dead in Philadelphia - 1 CD – Excellent

46.    Final Night & More (10/17/87) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

47.    10-19-88 Radio City Music Hall NYC,NY - 2 CD - Excellent

48.    Hunted like a Crocodile (6/10/89 at the Netherlands) -1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

49.    7/20/91 - 1 Cd - to be received

50.    Bob Dylan Tribute Rehearsals (MSG 10/5/92 ) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

51.    Uncut, Uplugged – 2 CD - to be reviewed

52.    11/16/93 Supper Club – 1 CD – to be reviewed

53.    F*** the playlist - 2 CD - 3/30/95 Brixton Academy, London - Excellent

54.    Soul (June 17, 1996 at Tempodrom, Berlin)-2 CD- Excellent

55.    Troubador of the North Country (7/18/96 at the Spectrum: Oslo, Norway) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

56.    San Jose 5/19/98 1CD - Excellent

57.    August 20, 1997 at the Mann Music Center, Philadelphia, PA 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

58.    Tonight I'll be staying hear with you - 2 CD - 12/8/97 Irving Plaza, NYC - Excellent

59.    12/15/98 at the Trocadero in Philadelphia, PA - 1 CD - Excellent - this is a fake

60.    Portland 6/12/99 - 2 CD -Very Good/Excellent

61.    Eugene  (6/14/99) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

62.    06-25-99 PNC Bank Center Holmdel, NJ - 2 CD - Excellent

63.    Ace of Clubs - 5 CD - Excellent

64.    3/10/00 Anaheim, CA - 1 CD - Very good/ Excellent

65.    March 16, 2000 at Santa Cruz - 2 CD - Excellent

66.    April 3, 2000 at Cedar Rapids, Iowa - 2 CD - Excellent

67.    April 4, 2000 at Omaha, Nebraska - 2 CD - Excellent

68.    Helsinki, Finland 5/16/00 2CD - Excellent

69.    Shoreline Amphitheatre 6/24/00 2CD - Very Good/Excellent

70.    House of Blues, Las Vegas 6/27/00 2CD - Very Good/Excellent

71.    10/5/00 Wembley - 2 CD [crystal cat] - Very Good

72.    10/6/00 Wembley - 2 CD [Crystal Cat] - Very Good

73.    Osaka (March 7, 2001) - 2 CD - Excellent - near perfect track transitions

74.    Roadtrip to the Rodeo (10/7/02 Red Bluff, CA) –2  CD – AT831 source - to be reviewed

75.    11/11/02 MSG – 2 CD (schoeps source from taper advocate) – to be reviewed

76.    11/13/02 MSG – 2 CD (schoeps source from taper advocate) – to be reviewed

77.    Rock of Ages - 5 CD – Excellent






1.       Supernatural (11/19/94 at the Academy Theater, New York City)- 1 CD- Excellent-SBD

2.       Shittown (2/15/95 MTV Unplugged + 8 electric live bonus tracks)- Excellent- SBD - This is Live's famous appearance on MTV Unplugged. The bonus tracks are excellent, but I do not know the date and location for them.

3.       MTV Unplugged 2/15/95 (1 CD) - Excellent (with Mathew Sweet Filler)

4.       Rattlesnake (2/8/97 Hollywood) - 1 CD - Excellent

5.       Woodstock (7/23/99) - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       12/2/99 at the Hague, Netherlands - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       Pinkpop Festival (6/12/00 at Laandgraaf, Holland) - 1 CD - Excellent

8.       7/31/00 at Noblesville, IN - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

9.       8/12/00 at Scranton, PA - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent-AUD

10.    9/12/00 at Milwaukee, WI - 1 CD - Excellent-AUD

11.    8/27/01 at Hamburg, Germany - 2 CD - Excellent





1.       Hot Popcorn (Palls Mall, Boston at 4/23/73) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)-excellent sound from WBCN broadcast

2.       Rattlesnake Shake (10/10/73 Cincinnati, OH) - 1 CD – SBD (A-) - good amount of crackles because it was sourced from vinyl, but excellent stereo

3.       10/24/73 Providence, RI Palace Theater - 1 CD – AUD C)

4.       One Way Street (4/14/74 at Detroit) –1 CD –SBD (A+)

5.       Live Bootleg Vol 2 (7/2/74 NYC) –1 CD – Excellent – some miliclicks

6.       My father’s place (7/2/74) – 1 CD – to be reviewed – 2nd copy to be reviewed

7.       10/26/74 McKeesport, PA – 1 CD – AUD(B) – gap between t5-t6-rest of transitions are smooth.

8.       1974 – 1 CD – Excellent (this is the 9/18/75 St. Louis soundboard)-SBD (A+)

9.        4/28/75 at Rochester, NY – 2 CD – AUD (C-) - incomplete

10.    7/26/75 New Orleans, LA – 1 CD – Excellent-AUD- (A) awesome audience recording. 

11.    8/23/75 Cleveland- 1 CD – AUD (B) gaps between 7-8, 10-11 – a few crackles

12.    Mad, Bad and Dangerous (8/29/75 Central Park) 1 CD –SBD (A+) – King Biscuit

13.    9/18/75 St. Louis – 1 CD – Excellent-SBD-same as 1974 bootleg.  Awesome 58 minutes of soundboard.  Tyler's vocals are very upfront and center.  Stereo sound. SBD (A+)

14.    10/15/75 Lakeland, FL – 1 CD – to be reviewed

15.    Live Emotions – 1 CD – to be reviewed

16.    5/17/76 at Miami – 1 CD – AUD (B-)

17.    7/8/76 at Milwaukee – 1 CD – to be reviewed

18.    Stamp (7/15/76 Peoria, IL) – 1 CD – SBD (A) – a transfer of the Vinyl bootleg “Stamp” onto CDR.   Small miliclick between t4-t5 – rest of track transitions are smooth.

19.    7/25/76 at Cleveland – 2 CD – to be reviewed

20.    Offenbach Rocks (10/24/76) – 1 CD – some miliclicks between tracks.  – new copy to be reviewed

21.    10/25/76 Amsterdam, Holland – 1 CD – to be reviewed

22.    10/26/76 at Offenbach, Germany – 1 CD – requested

23.    11/1/76 at Paris, France – 1 CD – AUD (B-/B)

24.    12/2/76 at Detroit- 1 CD - Good

25.    Gigs in the attic (1/31/77 at Tokyo)-2 CD-Very Good/Exellent-AUD-great concert from Aerosmith's first Japanese tour!

26.    2/1/77 at Nagoya, Japan – 1 CD – AUD (B/B+) – 9-10 small gap

27.    2/7/77 at Osaka – 1 CD – AUD (B-/B)

28.    9/29/77 at Cincinnati, OH – 1 CD – AUD (B)

29.    12/10/77 at Toronto – 2 CD – AUD (B-)

30.    12/12/77 Montreal – 2 CD – AUD (C)

31.    California Jam II  (3/18/78) - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – check date

32.    3/23/78 Chicago - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – one second of static during Big Ten Inch and Lord of the Thighs.   Most likely is the same as disc 1 of King’s Chronicles bootleg.

33.    Get your lead out, Mama (3/24/78 at Columbus, OH)- 2 CD – SBD (A+)

34.    3/26/78  at the Tower Theatre, PA-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-this is the complete show and is sourced from a WYSP FM broadcast.  This show has been bootlegged under the title THE ULTIMATE KILLER SHOW  and THE INCREASING KILLER SHOW.  Both of those bootlegs contain incomplete versions of this show.  Just get this instead, and you will have the complete show.

35.    Last True Document (3/26/78) – 2 CD – SBD (A+) – classic show in Philadelphia.  SILVER CD

36.    3/28/78 Boston – 2 CD - Excellent

37.    Texas Jam (7/4/78) - 1 CD – Excellent – 2nd copy to be reviewed

38.    Pontiac Silverdome 1978 - 1 CD - Very Good

39.    7/15/78 Fresno, CA – 1 CD – to be reviewed

40.    8/6/78 East Rutherford, NJ – 2 CD – Good

41.    11/24/78 New York City – 2 CD – AUD (C+)

42.    11/25/78 Philadelphia – 1  CD –  AUD (C+) – Tyler hit in the face 22 minutes into the concert – includes radio report of the concert

43.    12/3/78 Springfield, MA – 2 CD – to be reviewed

44.    12/5/78 Lynn, MA – 1 CD – Very Good

45.    4/8/79 Los Angeles – 2 CD –  AUD (B-) – d2 has a small gap between t5-t6.  Rest of transitions are smooth

46.    Live and Unreleased (6/12/80 Hartford) – 1 CD –to be reviewed

47.    10th Anniversary Show (12/3/80 Boston) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

48.    11/19/82 Portland, Maine – 2 CD – AUD (B+)

49.    1/7/83 Oakland – 2 CD – to be reviewed

50.    2/13/83 East Rutherford, NJ – 2 CD – requested

51.    8/6/83 - 1 CD - Good

52.    2/14/84 at Boston - 2 CD - to be reviewed

53.    6/22/84 at Concord, NH – AUD (B)

54.    7/2/84 at Columbia, MD - 2 CD - Good

55.    7/3/84 at Harrisburg, PA - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

56.    8/5/84 at Worcester, MA - 2 CD - Poor/Fair

57.    8/8/84 at Philadelphia - 2 CD - Good

58.    8/11/84 at Montreal - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

59.    8/22/84 at San Diego - 2 CD - Very Good

60.    8/25/84 at Los Angeles - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

61.    Welcome Back Joe (8/31/84 Oakland) - 2 CD- to be reviewed

62.    12/12/84 at Houston - 2 CD - to be reviewed

63.    12/20/84 at Orlando - 1 CD - Good

64.    12/30/84 at Boston - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

65.    12/31/84 at Boston - 2 CD - Very Good

66.    1/7/85 at Baltimore - 2 CD - Very Good

67.    1/11/85 at Merriville, IN - 2 CD - miliclicks between tracks

68.    1/12/85 at Detroit - 2 CD – AUD (B)

69.    1/15/85 at Lexington, KY - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

70.    9/14/85 at Lynn, MA - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

71.    11/7/85 at Boston - 1 CD - Good - miliclicks between tracks

72.    1986 Tour Rehearsals  (1/13/86 Seattle) - 1 CD – STUDIO and SBD (A+)-[Bondage music] excellent glimpse of Aerosmith rehearsing before the Done With Mirrors tour.  Some tape hiss in the background, but no big deal.

73.    1/24/86 at San Francisco - 2 CD - Very Good

74.    1/27/86 at Fresno - 2 CD - Very Good

75.    2/3/86 at Albuquerque, NM - 1 CD - Good/Very Good

76.    2/20/86 at Dallas - 2 CD - Good - clicks between tracks

77.    3/7/86 at Largo, MD - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

78.    3/8/86 at Philadelphia - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

79.    Classic Live Outtakes (3/12/86) - 1 CD - Excellent

80.    3/12/86 at Worcester, MA - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

81.    3/15/86 at New Haven - 2 CD - to be reviewed

82.    3/16/86 at Springfield, MA - 2 CD - Very Good

83.    3/29/86 at Fort Myers, FL - 2 CD - Good

84.    3/30/86 at Jacksonville - 2 CD - to be reviewed

85.    4/2/86 at Knoxville, TN - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

86.    4/3/86 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

87.    4/4/86 at Charlotte, NC - 2 CD - to be reviewed

88.    4/15/86 at Glen Falls, NY - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

89.    5/1/86 at Binghamton, NY - 2 CD - Very Good

90.    5/2/86 at Erie, PA - 2 CD - Very Good

91.    5/9/86 at Bloomington, MN - 2 CD - Very Good

92.    5/16/86 at Columbus, OH - 2 CD - Very Good

93.    5/17/86 at Indianapolis - 2 CD - Very Good

94.    5/23/86 at Richfield, Ohio - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

95.    5/26/86 at Des Moines, IA - 2 CD - Very Good

96.    5/30/86 at East Troy, Wisconsin - 2 CD - Very Good

97.    8/25/86 at Syracuse - 2 CD - Very Good

98.    Virginia Connection (11/16/87 at Hampton, VA) -1 CD-Excellent

99.    Texas Mudpie (2/15/88) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

100.                        Vacationing at Home (8/25/88 Mansfield, MA) – 2 CD – to be reviewed-2nd copy to be reviewed

101.                        Lord of the Thighs (8/25/88 Mansfield, MA) – 2 CD - – to be reviewed SILVER CD

102.                        Come Together (9/14/88 Costa Mesa, CA) –2 CD - – to be reviewed  SILVER CD

103.                        End of Summernights 9/15/88 Costa Mesa – 2 CD – to be reviewed

104.                        10/25/89 Brussels - 2 CD - to be reviewed

105.                        Flight of the owl (1/19/90 Philadelphia) - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD-excellent FM broadcast from Philadelphia

106.                        Georgia 1990 (5/9/90 Savannah) – 2 CD - to be reviewed

107.                        Lightning Strikes (6/26/90 Boston ) –2  CD - – to be reviewed  SILVER CD

108.                        Complete Unplugged 8/11/90 Acoustic Show - 1 CD - Excellent

109.                        Train kept a Rollin (8/19/90 Donnington, England) - 1 CD - Excellent

110.                        Rock this Way (8/31/90 at Switzerland) -2 CD - Excellent

111.                        Love in an Elevator (8/31/90 Basel) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

112.                        9/20/90 - 1 CD - Excellent - Acoustic Show

113.                        Listen to this Joe (9/20/90 Budokan) – 2 CD – to be reviewed-2nd copy to be reviewed

114.                        Train Kept a Rollin' (Monsters of Rock 1990) - 1 CD - Excellent

115.                        Toxic Graffiti (6/8/93 at Foxboro, MA) -1 CD – Excellent

116.                        Is this Fargo (6/12/93) –2 CD - Very Good-a monoaudience recording?

117.                        Eat the Rich (6/12/93 Fargo) -2 CD - to be reviewed

118.                        Eat the Fuckin Rich (July 15, 1993) - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

119.                        7/4/93 at  Wisconsin (analog master > DAT) – 2 CD – AUD (A+) 

120.                        7/30/93 at Costa Mesa, CA - 2 CD - Very Good

121.                        LA Connection (8/4/93) - 2 CD – possible miliclick between t4-t5 on disc 1 – very tough to hear (may just be clapping).  Rest of track transitions are smooth.

122.                        Pump up the Volume (9/4/93 Jones Beach) - 2 CD – SILVER CD

123.                        Live in Europe (10/31/93 Brussels) -1 CD (TAO)- Excellent

124.                        Hard Nox and Dirty Sox, Skin and Bones  (10/31/93)- 1 CD - Excellent

125.                        Struttin my Stuff (1/21/94 at Rio De Janeiro)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD- The quality of the soundboard is really good, but be aware that there is occasional very minor crackles and minor sound fluctuations - these come from the original tapes.

126.                        Take One Bite (4/27/94 Yokohama) - 2 CD – AUD (A-/A)

127.                        Grip 430 (4/27/94) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

128.                        5/10/94 at Tokyo - 2 CD -Very Good

129.                        5/12/94 at Tokyo - 2 CD - Very Good

130.                        5/16/94 at Tokyo - 2 CD – AUD (B+) 

131.                        5/17/94 at Tokyo - 2 CD -Very Good

132.                        5/29/94 Warsaw, Poland – 2 CD – has gaps between tracks.  

133.                        In Warsaw (5/29/94 Warsaw) –2  CD - to be reviewed

134.                        Out of Control (6/4/94) - 2 CD - Excellent

135.                        Live on the Edge (6/22/94 at Goffert Stadium, Holland)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD- The sound is A+, and an awesome concert- mostly playing the newer songs. be aware that issuer (Cuttle records) omitted "Mama Kin", and also a majority of "Sweet Emotion" was cut by the issuer (my copy is 100% good).

136.                        Woodstock 1994 (8/13/94)-2 CD -Excellent-SBD-the band members of Aerosmith consider this one of their greatest shows. They are absolutely correct-it was an awesome show, and luckily we have a soundboard from this night! Tracks 1-6 on Disc 1 are tracks from MTV unplugged. After that, you get to hear the concert in full.

137.                        Boston 12/6/94 - 2 CD - Excellent

138.                        House on Fire 12/19/94 - 2 CD – Excellent

139.                        The Complete Mama Kin – 2 CD – to be reviewed

140.                        Welcome to Mama Kin – 2 CD – to be reviewed

141.                        The Sweet Taste of... 5/18/97 - 1 CD - Excellent

142.                        6/7/97 at Lyon, France - 2 CD – AUD (A-) – miliclicks between t1-t2 on disc 1, t1-t2 & t7-t8 on disc 2.    Rest of track transitions are smooth. 

143.                        6/11/97 at Paris, France - 2 CD- AUD-(A-)-there are also bonus tracks on disc 2 which are unidentified dates.

144.                        7/9/97 at Darien Lake,NY - 2 CD - to be reviewed

145.                        10/18/97 at Devore, CA - 2 CD - to be reviewed

146.                        10/20/97 at Concord, CA - 2 CD - Very Good

147.                        1/7/98 at Portland, ME - 2 CD – AUD (B+)

148.                        1/15/98 at Philadelphia - 2 CD – AUD (B+)

149.                        3/3/98 at Osaka - 2 CD – AUD  (A-) - miliclicks between t6-t7 on disc 1, t9-t10 on disc 2, and t10-t11 on disc 2.  Rest of track transitions are smooth. 

150.                        3X3 Lives (3/3/98) – 2 CD –to be reviewed

151.                        Live at the Tokyo Dome (3/8/98) - 2 CD – to be reviewed

152.                        3/12/98 at Yokohama, Japan - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

153.                        4/20/98 at Denver - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

154.                        4/27/98 Anchorage, Alaska – 2 CD – to be reviewed

155.                        Armageddon Party (6/29/98 at Cape Canaveral,FL) - 1 CD – SBD (A) – on track 3, very minor surface noise  at various points.  Only 21 minutes long. 

156.                        Kansas City ’98 (8/23/98) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

157.                        Mankato Live (11/7/98 Mankato) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

158.                        12/1/98 at Grand Rapids, MI - 2 CD - Good/Very Good

159.                        4/21/99 at Biloxi, MS - 2 CD - Very Good

160.                        5/7/99 Los Angeles - 2 CD – AUD (A-) some sort of 1 second glitch at beginning of CD – before concert starts.  Part of DTL repeats on disc 2 at beginning.  (Complete DTL is on end of disc 1). 

161.                        5/23/99 at Chicago - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

162.                        6/16/99 at Munich - 2 CD - Very Good

163.                        6/18/99 at Linz, Austria - 2 CD - Very Good-AUD-(B-/B) with unknown Lenny Kravitz audience sourced bonus tracks.

164.                        Profitable Emotion (7/6/99 Lisbon) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

165.                        7/17/99 at Lisbon - 2 CD - to be reviewed

166.                        New Year's Eve in Osaka (12/31/99 at Osaka, Japan)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD-fantastic!

167.                        Nagoya Dome 1/2/00 - 2 CD - Excellent-AUD (A-) – 2 second buzz during ETR.  Slight glitch during “FILISHYK” – all seem to come from original source. 

168.                        Dragon's Edge 1/4/00 - 2 CD (TAO and clicks between tracks!) - Very Good/Excellent

169.                        Tokyo Dome 1/6/00 - 2 CD - Very Good

170.                        Tokyo Dome 1/7/00 - 2 CD - Very Good-upgrade to be reviewed

171.                        Greatest Bootleg (1/6/00 and 1/7/00 Tokyo) – 4 CD – to be reviewed

172.                        3/24/01 Munich Club show - 1 CD - Very Good (some crackles)

173.                        5/26/01 Foxboro, MA - 1 CD -Very Good

174.                        6/12/01 at Holmdel, New Jersey - 2 CD - Very Good

175.                        6/19/01 Orlando - 1 CD - Excellent - SBD (A+)

176.                        6/22/01 Hershey – 2 CD – to be reviewed

177.                        6/26/01 at Mansfield, MA -2 CD-AUD-Very Good/Excellent. Great audience recording and an awesome setlist! The only negative is that Track 3 of disc 1 has a few pops which last for about 4 seconds. If you can get past that, the listener is in for a real treat with this great show.

178.                        6/28/01 at Mansfield, MA-2 CD-Very Good/Excellent-AUD-2nd night at Mansfield which features a very similar setlist. 100% clean recording.

179.                        Chicago 7/5/01-2 CD-Very Good

180.                        East Troy, Wisconsin 7/7/01 - 2 CD - Very Good

181.                        7/13/01 Clarkston, MI - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent-near perfect track transitions, but not 100% smooth.

182.                        7/23/01 Denver - 2 CD (from a master DAT) – Excellent

183.                        8/12/01 Sacremento – 2 CD – unable to copy

184.                        Charlotte 9/9/01 -2 CD – AUD (B/B+)

185.                        9/17/01 Atlanta – 2 CD – to be reviewed

186.                        Orlando 2001 soundboard - 1 CD - requested

187.                        10/23/01 Chicago - 2 CD – AUD (B+) – miliclicks on disc 1 between 2-3, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8.  Track 3 has a skip at 1:55-2:05. 

188.                        10/15/01 Minneapolis - 2 CD - to be reviewed

189.                        10/15/01 Minneapolis – 2 CD – Master DAT > CDR – AUD (B)

190.                        10/19/01 Iowa – 2 CD – Master DAT > CDR – AUD (B)

191.                        Denver 1/5/02- 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

192.                        1/9/02 San Jose – 2 CD – to be reviewed

193.                        1/13/02 Los Angeles – 2 CD – to be reviewed

194.                        1/17/02 San Diego - 2 CD - to be reviewed

195.                        Osaka 1/25/02 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

196.                        Baby Blue (1/25/02 Osaka) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

197.                        Osaka 1/27/02 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

198.                        Sweet Leaf 1/27/02 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]

199.                        Fukuoka 1/29/02 - 2 CD - Very Good

200.                        Mine all Mine 1/31/02 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]

201.                        Tokyo 2/2/02 - 2 CD – requested

202.                        Burning Bright 2/2/02 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]

203.                        Tokyo 2/3/02 soundcheck - 1 CD - Excellent-AUD (A-/A)

204.                        Does it feel you 2/3/02 - 2 CD – to be reviewed [sylph]

205.                        Tokyo 3/2/02 - 2 CD - Very Good

206.                        6/27/02 Tokyo – 2 CD – to be reviewed (taper bumped a few times)

207.                        6/27/02 Tokyo SBD – 2 CD - to be reviewed

208.                        8/25/02 Wantaugh, NY – 2 CD – AUD (A/A+).  D2 has miliclick between t1-t2. 

209.                        9/3/02 Toronto – 2 CD – AUD (A+)- missing Walking the Dog. 

210.                        Camden 9/7/02 ALD – 2 CD – to be reviewed

211.                        10/14/02 Atlanta – 2 CD – to be reviewed

212.                        10/28/02 San Antonio – 2 CD – AUD (A-/A) – excellent recording.   Some track transitions are not smooth, but the miliclicks are very tough to hear.  Most likely, this occurred during the SHN > CDR conversion.

213.                        11/5/02 Chula Vista, CA – 2 CD – AUD (B)

214.                        12/10/02 Minneapolis – 2 CD – AUD (B+)

215.                        8/25/03 Mansfield, MA – 1 CD – tr master

216.                        8/27/03 Mansfield, MA – 1 CD – tr master

217.                        Permanent Outtakes - 2 CD - Excellent

218.                        A bunch of rarities - 1 CD - Excellent

219.                        Another bunch of rarities - 1 CD - Excellent

220.                        Covering 'Em - 1 CD – Excellent

221.                        Kings Chronicle 1-6 – 6 CD – to be reviewed

222.                        Take Your Bra Off  - 1 CD – to be reviewed

223.                        From the Attic of ’75 – 1 CD – same as 9/18/75.  Track transitions are not smooth.




Counting Crows



1.       Carving out their Names - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Face the Promised land (12/2/99 Denver) - 1 CD - Excellent VERY limited edition official live album from 12/2/99 show. Out of print



Elton John



1.       12/24/73 - Hammesmith, Odeon - 1 CD – Excellent

2.       Rocket Man (Vol 1, 2, 3) - 3 CD - Excellent






1.       The Best thing you ever had (4/13/96 at Boston, MA-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-KTS release-was sourced from a radio broadcast.  Excellent bootleg!  The last track is a bonus track from 7/30/95 at Milton Keynes, England. 

2.       April 2, 1998 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium - San Francisco, CA - 2 CD - Excellent

3.       Sept 8, 2000 - Copenhagen Anthem. - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Sept. 16, 2000 Goffertpark, Holland - 2 CD – Excellent



Smashing Pumpkins



1.       Adore Demos - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Chicago 10/23/95 - 1 CD - Very Good

3.       3/16/89, Chicago on WZRD Radio - Excellent

4.       1/8/97- GM Place - Vancouver - 2 CD - Excellent

5.       Exit Mellon Collie - 6/28/97 - 1 CD- Excellent

6.       Shepherds Bush 5/23/98 - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       8/4/98 - Fox Theatre, Atlanta - 2 CD - Excellent

8.       4/14/99 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

9.       2/6/00 - The Edge - Palo Alto, CA - 2 CD - Excellent

10.    5/1/00 at the Electric Factory, Philadelphia (2 CD) - Excellent

11.    Sacred and Profane tour - Soundboard Compilation - May 2000 - 1 CD – Excellent



Jimmy Hendrix



1.       2/4/67 London, England - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent

2.       Sgt. Pepper in Stockholm 9/5/67 - 1 CD - Excellent - includes Jefferson Airplane at the Monterey Pop Festival on 6/17/67 as filler

3.       Paris Blues 1/29/68 - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       2/25/68 at Civic Opera House, Chicago - 1 CD - first show - Excellent

5.       LA Forum 4/30/69 - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       San Diego Night 5/24/69 - 1 CD - Excellent

7.       Berkeley 5/30/70 with rehearsals - 3 CD - Excellent

8.       Atlanta Independence 7/4/70 - 1 CD – Excellent

9.       New York Pop 70 (7/17/70 Randall's Island) - 1 CD - Excellent

10.    For the Queen:  Isle of Wight (Best sources) (8/30/70) - 2 CD - Excellent

11.    Soulful Sessions - 2 CD - Excellent

12.    Woodstock Rehearsals (low gen) - 1 CD – SBD and STUDIO – (A+)

13.    Band of Gypsy Rehearsals (low gen) - 1 CD - Excellent

14.    Message to Universe - 2 CD - Excellent

15.    Electric Lady Mixing Sessions (low gen) - 1 CD - Excellen

16.    The Universe - 1 CD - to be reviewedt



John Mellencamp



1.       My Father’s Place (8/23/79 New York) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

2.       Little Bastard’s Birthday – 1 CD – to be reviewed

3.       Live USA (October 10, 1980) - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Lincoln, Nebraska 1983 - 1 CD - Excellent

5.       Noisy and Violent (Bloomington 1985) - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       Cleveland 7/28/85 - 1 CD - to be reviewed

7.       March 1, 1988 at Los Angeles - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

8.       In the Southern Hemisphere - 1 CD - Excellent - Tracks 1-10: MTV Unplugged; Tracks 11-15: Dallas, TX March 4, 1988

9.       Acoustic Along the Watchtower 1992 - 1 CD - Excellent - MTV Unplugged performance

10.    Lonesome Jubilee Tour (Dallas, Texas March 4, 1988) - 1 CD – Excellent

11.    Overdrive (Boston 1989) - 1 CD – Excellent 

12.    The 4th of July (7/4/92 at Indianapolis, Indiana)- 2 CD-Excellent-SBD This is an excellent A+ soundboard recording, and a great performance by Mellencamp. Not only is this my favorite Mellencamp bootleg, it is one of my favorites in my entire collection. An essential for all rock fans. Bonus tracks are from MTV Unplugged which I have also.

13.    1992 Rehearsals for Whenever We Wanted Tour - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

14.    Eurotour 1992 (Paris) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

15.    September 11, 1993 - 1 CD – Excellent

16.    Wheels are Turning (Chicago 1993) – 1 CD – SBD (A)

17.    8/3/94 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

18.    Strippen Down (Massachusetts 1994) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

19.    Check This Out (Hamburg 1996) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

20.    Like a Rolling Stone (Switzerland 1987) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

21.    Bad to the Bone (Chicago: August 27, 1994) - 1 CD - Very Good

22.    September 6, 1995 at Hamburg, Germany - 1 CD - Excellent

23.    New Year's Eve 1997 (12/31/97 New Orleans) - 1 CD - Excellent - static at various parts

24.    Germany '99 (3/15/99) - 2 CD - to be reviewed

25.    3/18/99 Germany – 1 CD – to be reviewed

26.    6/16/99 at Holmdel, NJ – 2 CD – to be reviewed

27.    12/10/99 at Sunrise, FL – 2 CD – to be reviewed

28.    8/6/01 Red Rocks, Colorado – 2 CD (TAO) - Very Good

29.    9/8/01 Wantaugh, NY at Jones Beach, NYC - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent



Derek and the Dominoes



1.       December 1, 1970 - 2 CD - Very Good

2.       Miami Sessions - 1 CD – Excellent

3.       Layla remastered by Mickboy – 1 CD – to be reviewed



Pete Townshend



1.       4/14/74 at the London Roundhouse - 1 CD - Very Good/Excellent - awesome show!!!

2.       Not so Pure, not so Easy (Brixton Academy, London 1985)- 1 CD - Excellent

3.       11/1/85 - Brixton Pete Complete! - Brixton, U.K. - to be reviewed

4.       11/2/85 - Brixton Pete Complete! II - Brixton, U.K. -  to be reviewed

5.       1/29/86 at Cannes, France - 1 CD - Excellent

6.       7/2/93 - Acoustic Derelict - London, UK - 2 CD - to be reviewed

7.       7/10/93 - Canadian Derelict - Toronto, Canada - 3 CD to be reviewed

8.       7/12/93 - Back Into The Old Groove - New York, NY - 3 CD to be reviewed

9.       7/13/93 - I Suggest You F*** Off - New York, NY - 3 CD to be reviewed

10.    7/13/93 - Rough Boy - New York, NY - 1 CD - to be reviewed

11.    7/15/93 - Tower Theater - Philadelphia, PA. - 2 CD B+ to be reviewed

12.    7/17/93 - Stone Cold Drunk - Chicago, IL - 3 CD to be reviewed

13.    8/2/93 - I Just Play What I Want To Play - Berkeley, CA. - 3 CD to be reviewed

14.    8/3/93 - Do You Know How I Feel - Berkeley, CA. - 3 CD to be reviewed

15.    8/7/93 - Music Must Change - Brooklyn, NY. - 2 CD to be reviewed

16.    8/9/93 - We're Having Technical Difficulties - Mansfiled, MA. - 3 CD  to be reviewed

17.    8/12/93 - We Pray Together Now - Wantagh, NY - 2 CD to be reviewed

18.    Music Must Change (8/7/93 at New York City) - 2 CD - Excellent

19.    Acoustic Magic 4/30/96 at Fillmore - 1 CD - Excellent

20.    5/3/96 NYC 135 min- 2 CD - Excellent

21.    6/14/97 at the HOB, Chicago - 3 CD -Very Good

22.    8/15/98 at Yagur's Farm: Bethel, NY "Woodstock" - 2 CD - Excellent

23.    VH1 Storytellers (3/23/00 London) - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD-an excellent bootleg with A+ sound. This is from the famous VH1 storytellers series. An excellent choice for all fans of Pete and his legendary group, the Who. You get to hear Pete explain the background of various Who classics such as "Won't Get Fooled Again" and "Baba O'Riley". Pete sings great vocals on these new versions of the songs. As a bonus, the last 4 tracks are the encore from the incredible 7/18/96 FM broadcast at Madison Square Garden. I have that selection also in my Who section.

24.    6/23/01 at La Jolla Playhouse:  San Diego, CA - 2 CD - Excellent-this is an audience recording, not Pete's official release of this show.



Talking Heads



1.       Boarding House 1978 , SF, CA - 1 CD - Excellent



Eric Clapton



1.       July 10, 1974 at the Civic Centre: Providence, Rhode Island - 1 CD – Excellent

2.       Atlanta 1974 with Pete Townshend - 1 CD - to be reviewed

3.       7/12/75 Denver (with 7/26/75 St. Louis filler)–2 CD – Excellent

4.       8/16/75 San Diego with Santana – 1 CD –Excellent

5.       Wonderful Tonight (Feb 11, 1978 at Santa Monica, CA) - 2 CD - Excellent

6.       April 27, 1987 at Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2 CD-Excellent

7.       London at Night (1/24/90) -2 CD - Excellent

8.       With the National Orchestra (Royal Albert Hall 2/10/90) - 2 CD – Excellent

9.       6/6/90 with Buddy Guy at the Armory, NYC [rehearsal] –1 CD - Excellent

10.    Play with Fire 2/17/91 - 2 CD - Excellent

11.    7/11/94 Fillmore - 2 CD - Excellent

12.    9/28/94 Blues Rehearsals - 1 CD – Excellent

13.    4/27/97 SBD at MSG – 2 CD – to be reviewed

14.    Wonderful Night (10/27/97) -2 CD - Excellent

15.    April 15, 1998 Philadelphia - 2 CD - Excellent

16.    Tribute to Eric Clapton at MSG with friends (6/30/99) - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    11/24/99 - Yokohama arena - 2 CD - (TAO) Excellent

18.    11/26/99 Yokohama - 2 CD - Excellent

19.    Completely Unplugged - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

20.    Through the Years (Vo1 2 and Vol 3) - 2 CD – Excellent

21.    The Rainbow Concert – 4 CD – to be reviewed



The Clash



1.       6/4/81 - 2 CD - Excellent

George Harrison



1.       Beware of Abkco - 1 CD - Excellent- I have two copies - both have tiny clicks between tracks.

2.       The Making of all things must pass - 3 CD - Excellent

3.       11/22/74 at Fort Worth, TX - 2 CD – Excellent

4.       Mickboy’s Remaster of ATMP - -2 CD – to be reviewed

Jethro Tull



1.       Live at the Seaside! - 10/06/70 - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Thick Brick - Live in Munich 03/13/73 - Excellent- disc exists as 1 continuous track; there are no track breaks between songs.



Bryan Adams

1.       Live in Hollywood - 2/5/85 - 1 CD - Excellent-SBD-track transitions are good, but not 100% smooth.  Sound is A+. 

2.       July 30, 1999 Sweden - 1 Cd - Excellent


The Honeydrippers


April 21, 1981 at the Blue Note Club in Derby, England - 2 CD - Excellent


The Velvet Underground

Caught Between The Twisted Stars (4CD) - Excellent





12/24/75 London at Hammersmith Odeon - 1 CD - Excellent


Motley Crue


1.       Live in Pasadena 1981 – 1 CD – to be reviewed - soundboard

2.       US Festival 5/29/83 - 1 CD – Excellent

3.       Shoot to Kill (3/14/84) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

4.       5/31/84 Boston - 1 CD - to be reviewed

5.       Stoned in LA (8/24/85) – 2 CD –to be reviewed

6.       10/19/85 Toronto – 2 CD – to be reviewed

7.       2/22/86 at Goteburg, Sweden- 1 CD - Excellent

8.       8/8/87 at Providence, Rhode Island - 2 CD -Good-diginoise sprinkled throughout

9.       10/3/87 Phoenix – 2 CD – to be reviewed

10.    10/15/87 Tacoma, WA - 1 CD - to be reviewed

11.    4/4/89 at Boston – 1 CD – to be reviewed (has bonus tracks from LA 89)

12.    Live in Fresno (2/20/90) –2 CD – to be reviewed – soundboard

13.    Seattle Supersonic (2/24/90) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

14.    Sixx Times Cruel (8/25/91 Basel, OH) - 1 CD - to be reviewed

15.    November 17, 1998 Milwaukee-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-this was a FM broadcast. Foul language has been edited out.

16.    7/5/00 Salt Lake City - 1 CD - Excellent

17.    Crucial Crue and Unreleased #1 - 1 CD - Excellent

18.    Crucial Crue and Unreleased #2 - 1 CD – Excellent






1.       Monsters of Rock at Castle Donington, England (8/18/90) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

2.       7 Days Live (August 28, 1993 at London)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD (A+)-excellent concert. Keep in mind that this concert was from the time period in Poison's career when CC Deville left the band.

3.       7/16/00 at Tampa, Florida - 1 CD – Excellent-SBD-A+ sound and great performance.

4.       7/3/01 Chicago - 1 CD -  AUD (B+)

5.       Atlanta (5/26/02) – 1 CD – AUD (A)



Warren Zevon



1.       6/22/76 at Bryn Mawr, PA – 1 CD – to be reviewed

2.       February 27, 1990 - 1 CD – Excellent



Janis Joplin



1.       The Typewriter Tapes (June 25, 1964 San Francisco, CA) - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Summertime (April 1,1969 at Amsterdam, Netherlands) - 1 CD – Excellent

3.       Blowing all my blues away – 4 CD – to be reviewed



Jackson Browne



1.       August 15, 1973 Bryn Mawr, PA - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       All Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA 8/8/80 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

3.       Black and White (Shoreline Amphitheatre:  Mountain View, CA) - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       The Complete Santa Cruz - Remastered Edition (5/18/87) - 2 CD - Excellent

5.       Fountain of Pleasure (11/13/80 at Osaka, Japan) - 2 CD - Excellent

6.       Inner Courtyard Fountain(Montreux July 18, 1982)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-some of the tracks near the end have fade-in/fade-out transitions, but I think that's how the original bootleg was released since the early tracks have excellent track transitions.  The sound is A+.

7.       Hamburg 4/28/93 - 2 CD - Excellent - (maybe correct date is 10/28/93?)

8.       Comes Alive (10/28/93 at Hamburg) - 2 CD - Excellent

9.       Everyman's Alive (Eugene, Oregon 3/3/94) - 2 CD - Excellent

10.    Barricades of Heaven: Tucson (March '96) - 2 CD - Excellent

11.    Paris 11/4/96 - 2 CD - Excellent

12.    Stays in Barcelona (11/22/96 at Barcelona, Spain) - 1 CD - Excellent

13.    9/13/97 at Telluride, Colorado - 2 CD - Excellent

14.    St. Anne's Church (5/5/99) - 2 CD - Very Good

15.    Happy Birthday, Jackson (Berkeley 10/9/97)- 2 CD - Excellent

16.    Topeka 7/11/2000 - 2 CD - Excellent

17.    Mountain Winery, Saratoga, CA 9/5/00 - 3 CD – Excellent

18.    11/16/02 Dallas, TX – 1 CD – MD master CSB > mt770 > cdr > side stage left lower balcony row R – to be reviewed

19.    For Everyfan - 4 CD - Excellent - private compilation of the 2000 tour.


1.       9/26/86 Detroit - 1 CD – AUD – to be reviewed

2.       8/11/87 Tokyo - 1 CD – a few track transitions are not smooth

3.       6/3/89 San Diego - 2 CD - to be reviewed

4.       What a Hit (Little Rock, Arkansas 10/18/91)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-A+ sound, and a good show to have if you like '80s hair band metal.

5.       7/16/00 Tampa - 1 CD - Excellent

Don Henley

1.       An Eagle Out West - 1 CD (Japan 1990) - Excellent

2.       California Desperados - Boston 1992 - 1 CD - Excellent




6/85 at the Ritz in NYC and 5/21/87 at Amsterdam - 1 CD - Excellent


Moscow Peace Festival - 4 CD 8/12/89


Includes sets by Skid Row, Cinderella, the Scorpions, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Gorky Park, Ozzy Osbourne, and an All-Star Jam Finale. A must have if you loved '80s pop metal.


1.       10/27/77 at London – 1 CD – to be reviewed

2.       Living in Hell 10/16/79(Maryland - 1 CD - to be reviewed

3.       Angus Cha Cha 11/2/79 - 2 CD – Excellent-SBD-complete show at the Hammersmith Odeon

4.       Melbourne '81 (February 1981) -2 CD –SBD (A+) – a few minor background pops which are very tough to hear. 

5.       Detroit ’83 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

6.       Texas Jams (10/19/85 and 10/20/85 compilation) –2  CD – Ό second gaps  to be reviewed

7.       Texas ’85 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

8.       Alive in Irvine (8/13/86) - 2 CD – Excellent

9.       Black Money Rules in Sin City (7/7/91) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

10.    No Bull (7/10/96 Madrid -2 CD – Excellent

11.    Stiff Upper Kilts (2/12/00 at Glasgow)  - 2 CD – to be reviewed – Ό second gaps

12.    Steel City Rosie (8/6/00 Pittsburgh) – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Ό second gaps

13.    Phoenix 9/13/00 - 2 CD – Excellent

14.    4/17/01 Sacramento – 2 CD – unable to copy

15.    6/14/01 Munchen, Germany - 2 CD - to be reviewed



1.       Live in Tokyo (June 13, 1988)-2 CD-Excellent-SBD- A great FM broadcast. This concert captures Whitesnake at the peak of the '80s metal era. A crucial bootleg to have for all '80s metal fans.

2.       7/19/88 at Allentown, PA - 1 CD - to be reviewed

3.       7/25/88 at the Hollywood Bowl - 2 CD - to be reviewed

4.       Monsters of Rock (8/18/90) - 2 CD - Excellent- track transitions are pretty good, but not 100% perfect.



Sheryl Crow

1.       Trinity Church Sessions (11/13/88) - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Wembley 2/18/99 - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       Woodstock 99 (7/26/99) - 1 CD - Excellent



The Eagles


1.       Japan 1976 - 2 CD - to be reviewed

2.       Second Night (MTV Rehearsals 4/26/94) -2 CD - Excellent

3.       Giant Stadium 8/24/94 - 3 CD - Excellent


1.       Long Beach, CA 1987 - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Unplugged and Uncensored from the Ritz (New York City 6/27/90 with special guest Don Dokken)-1 CD-Excellent-SBD-great acoustic concert with A+ sound.

3.       9/11/91 at Manchester, England - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – with some bonus radio interview tracks

Lynyrd Skynrd

1.       Whiskey Rock N Rollers & MSG (11/26/73) - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Road Fatigue (9/12/74 at Paris) - 1 CD - Very Good

3.       Knebworth Park (8/21/76) - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Ashbury, New Jersey 7/13/77 - 1 CD - Very Good


Dire Straits

1.       8/16/85 at San Antonio, Texas - 1 CD - Excellent



1.       12/28/83 Sacramento, CA – 1 CD – to be reviewed

2.       California (April 6, 1985 at California) - 1 CD - Very Good

3.       Iowa Jam (5/26/86) – 1 CD – AUD (A)

4.       Hampton, VA (11/16/87) – 1 CD – AUD (C+)  miliclick 2-3, 1-2, only 29 minutes long

5.       Philly '87  - 1 CD-SBD (A/A+).  Some diginoise on opening track “Kiss of Death” and a few flutters at various points, but otherwise sound is excellent with great mix.  On this tour, Dokken was opening for Aerosmith.   Sourced from bootleg video.  Dokken bootlegs are so rare – if you like them, this is a great item.

6.       Live at the Palladium (2/15/88 at Los Angeles) - 1 CD – SBD (A)

7.       Malmo 3/19/88)-1CD – AUD (B-) opening for AC/DC – w/ bonus tracks from AC/DC set

8.       Turn up the action (4/21/88 Yokohama) –1 CD – Excellent-SBD-great monosoundboard!!!

9.       5/31/02 – 1 CD – to be reviewed


 Van Morrison


From Dublin up to Sandy Row (12/17/95) -2 CD - Excellent

5/25/01 - 2 CD - to be reviewed


Keith Richards (various with New Barbarians, Expensive Winos, and others)


1.       Acoustic Rehearsals - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Unknown Dreams - 1 CD (TAO) - Excellent- I think this is supposed to be TAO

3.       4/13/79 Culver City Rehearsals – 1 CD – Mr. Freezer item – to be reviewed

4.       Blind Date Revisited (4/22/79 at Toronto) - 2 CD - Excellent - a full review is listed in my Rolling Stones section.  In the 2nd half of the concert, the rest of the Rolling Stones joined Keith!

5.       Buried Alive (5/5/79 at Largo, MD) - 2 CD - Excellent-I think the transitions are fade-in/fade-out. 

6.       The Drug Dealer Tapes [EV]– 5 CD – to be reviewed

7.       New Barbarians tour Vol 2 – 4 CD – to be reviewed [EV]

8.       Two Stones Alone (5/5/79 Largo, MD?) - 2 CD - Excellent

9.       Live at the LA Forum (5/19/79) - 1 CD –various skips due to a bad burn.  This copy is bad.

10.    Barbaric - Remaster of Live in Oakland (5/20/79) - 2 CD – SBD-(A/A+) monosoundboard.  Miliclick between tracks 1-2 and 7-8 on disc 1; rest of track transitions are perfect.  Most of track transitions on disc 2 are miliclicks.  Minor pop on track 7 at 3:44.  Pretty good show. 

11.    Mick Taylor and Keith Richards (12/28/86 at the Lone Star Cafι, NYC) – 1 CD – to be reviewed – also has 11/20/79 Rockpile, and 11/23/86 at the Ritz with Eric Clapton.

12.    11-29-88 Beacon Theatre, New York City – 1 CD – to be reviewed – Taper Advocate master. 

13.    Stoned Stone (11/7/92 Buenos Aires) - 2 CD - Excellent

14.    Time is on My Side (11/29/92 Cologne, Germany) -2 CD – [Backstage BK release]-SBD (A+)-disc 2 track transitions are almost 100% smooth.  If you listen real closely, you can hear microscopic jumps between tracks (almost impossible to hear – perhaps it was manufactured this way?).   On disc one, most of the track transitions are smooth, though a couple have miliclicks.  This bootleg has excellent sound, and is highly recormmended. 

15.    Rock and Roll Babylon (2/13/93 Boston)- 2 CD – to be reviewed

16.    2-16-93 Tower Theatre, Philadelphia – 2 CD – to be reviewed – Taper Advocate master. 



Roger Daltrey


1.       Summertime Blues (12/8/85 at the Orpheum Theatre:  Boston, MA) -1 CD - Excellent

2.       Join Together with the Band (8/7/94 at Toronto) -2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

3.       Happy 50th Roger (2/24/94 Carnegie Hall, NYC) –3 CD - Excellent

4.       The Fire still burns (9/3/94 at St. Paul, MN) - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

5.       BRS Live at Ridgley Hall (1998) – 1 CD - to be reviewed


The Hooters


  1. Reunion (11/21/01 at the Spectrum, Philadelphia) - 1 CD - Excellent-AUD
  2. Live at the Tower Theatre, Philadelphia 1985 - 1 CD – Excellent
  3. 10/2/87 at the Tower Theatre – 2 CD – to be reviewed
  4. Stockholm 1987 - 1 CD – SBD (A+)
  5. Atlantic City (August 4, 1989) -1 CD - Excellent - miliclicks between tracks-monosound
  6. Freedom Festival (July 4, 1990 at Philadelphia Art Museum steps) - 1 CD- Excellent -
  7. Lich, Germany (September 7, 1993) -1 CD – SBD (A+) – between t2 and t3 – small miliclick – tough to hear
  8. Oldenburg 1993 - 1 CD – B=SBD (A+) – between 9-10, a miliclick. 
  9. Meldorf - 2 CD - Excellent
  10. Where do the Children Go (12/4/90 Ottawa) - 1 CD - to be reviewed
  11. 23 East – 2 CD – to be reviewed


David Lee Roth


Pierre Robert's 20th Anniversery Party (11/21/01 Philadelphia) - 1 CD – Excellent

8/17/02 at Camden, NJ – 1 CD – to be reviewed - soundboard


Jon Bon Jovi


1.       Destination Wembley (8/16/97) – 2 CD –Excellent

2.       Destination Brazil – 1 CD – to be reviewed

3.       B-Sides - 1 CD - Excellent - includes solo B-sides, acoustic B-sides, and acoustic on Rockline 8/13/90.

4.       Live Solo - B-Sides - 1 CD - Excellent


Mick Taylor


1.       10/27/89 - 2 CD - to be reviewed - MI > CD > EAC

2.       3/9/90 at the Paradiso theatre - 2 CD - to be reviewed (Sony 909 mic > Sony D6)

3.       7/20/90 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

4.       7/22/96 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

5.       San Francisco (1/28/00) -2 CD - Excellent


Peter Gabriel


At the Spectrum (7/21/87 Philadelphia) - 2 CD - Excellent


Richie Sambora


1.       B-Sides and More - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Acoustic and Live - 1 CD - Excellent-unable to copy:  Track 21 has skips

3.       San Diego 11/16/91 - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       Stranger In this Town Demos - 1 CD - Excellent


Mick Jagger


  1. Mean Old World - 1 CD – Excellent
  2. Brothers of Sodom – 6 CD – to be reviewed-2nd copy to be reviewed
  3. Webster Hall 1993 – 1 CD – to be reviewed




1.       Don't Look at Me (1983 USA) - 1 CD - Excellent

2.       Shine Like Melbourne (11/4/85) - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       Original Sin (6/27/86 St. Gallen, Switzerland) - 1 CD - Excellent

4.       This is what you need (1988 San Diego) - 1 CD - Excellent


Stone Temple Pilots


1.       Hard to the Core (3/20/93) - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – excellent sound.  Bonus track consist of excellent audience tracks (unknown date), and excellent acoustic tracks (unknown date).

2.       Cleveland 6/30/00 - 2 CD - Very Good/Excellent

3.       Unplugged and more – 1 CD – to be reviewed

4.       VH1 Storytellers – 1 CD – to be reviewed





1.       Bloodsuckers (3/23/94) - 2 CD - Excellent

2.       8/15/93 Chicago - 1 CD - to be reviewed.  Fill in exact name of bootleg

3.       9/19/96 at London – 2 CD – to be reviewed


Sammy Hagar


8/31/97 Red Rocks, Colorado - 2 CD - Excellent


Live Aid  - [1985 at Philadelphia and London] - 11 CD


Sourced from video feed 


Robert Plant


Philadelpia:  May 1988 - 1 CD - to be reviewed

7/27/02 Camden Soundboard – 1 CD – to be reviewed – opening set for the Who

8/3/02 at MSG – 1 CD – to be reviewed:  opening set for the Who.


Great White


1.       12/18/87 at the Marquee (New York City) - 1 CD – SBD (A+)  4-5miliclick, t8 has weird background noise at 4:45

2.       2/2/88 at the Ritz in New York City - 1 CD - Excellent

3.       12/11/89 at London - 1 CD – SBD (A+)

4.       5/31/91 Electric Ladyland Studios, NYC - 1 CD – SBD (A+) – t8-t9 miliclick

5.       Great Zeppelin (12/14/96 at Hollywood, CA) – 2 CD – to be reviewed




MTV Concert - 1 CD - Excellent - performed some time in the late '80s

8/19/88 Hollywood, CA – 1 CD – to be reviewed


The Faces


1.       Peel - 1 CD - to be reviewed

2.       Killer Highlights - 1 CD - to be reviewed

3.       Rhythm and Booze - 1 CD - to be reviewed

4.       Shake, Shudder, Shiver – BBC Radio (3/5/70, 3/19/70, and 3/28/70) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

5.       A rock and roll party with the Faces (10/28/70 Fillmore West, SF) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

6.       Pirate’s World (10/25/70 Miami, FL) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

7.       We better get ourselves Back Home (4/1/73) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

8.       Drunkard Angels (2/20/74) – 2 CD – to be reviewed

9.       Real Good Time (3/7/75) – 1 CD – to be reviewed

10.    The Big Easy (9/23/75 Municipal Auditorium, New Orleans) – 1 CD – to be reviewed


John Entwistle


1.       Rockline Tribute - 1 CD - to be reviewed

2.       11/6/87 at the Bottom Line Club, NYC - 1 CD - to be reviewed

3.       Rough Mixes (7/16/79 at Crystal Studios, Hollywood) – 1 CD – to be reviewed


Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth


1.       6/15/02 Dallas - 2 CD - to be reviewed

2.       Chicago 2002 –2  CD 0- to be reviewed


Britney Fox


10/20/89 Philadelphia soundboard - 1 CD - to be reviewed


Judas Priest


Metal Gods (12/12/82 Memphis, TN) - 1 CD - to be reviewed


Jeff Beck


5/3/75 Boston – 1 CD – to be reviewed – Master > 1st Gen > CDR – given to me by Mr. Freezer






10/28/78 Wembley – 2 CD – to be reviewed


Roger Waters


Complete KAOS (11/13/87 Milwaukee) – 4 CD – to be reviewed


The Goo Goo Dolls


8/14/02 at Camden, NJ – 1 CD – to be reviewed – soundboard


Skid Row


Bonzai 1992 – 2 CD – to be reviewed

Tokyo 1995 – 2 CD – to be reviewed


Joe Gruscheky and the Houserockers


Light of the Day Concert – Stone Pony – Ashbury Park, NJ (11/3/2000) – 2 CD – to be reviewed


White Lion


US tour 1988-1989 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

Marquee, London 1988 – 1 CD – to be reviewed

Paris, France 1989 – 2 CD – to be reviewed