Private Ryan
the last great battle of the last great war, the greatest danger
for eight men was"

is one of my favorite movies ever. When deciding what to see,
this was not my first choice, but after about 5 minutes into
it I knew I would enjoy this movie. Although I've never been in
a war, I think that this film truly captures it's essence, with
it's gory and graphic violence. The film is set in normany during
world War II and is directed by Steven Speilberg. It is about
a squadron of men that must find a soldier because his three
brothers were killed in combat and the army wants to send him
home, so his family name can carry on. The opening war sequence
that depicts the invasion ofOmaha beach is one of the bloodiest
and most graphic I've ever seen in a movie. It truly illustrates
the saying, "War is hell." And the rest of the movie
doesn't disappoint. This film is truly worthy of an oscar for
best picture as well as best actor, best supporting actor, best
special effects, best sound effects and so on. In my book, this
movie gets 2 big thumbs up and four out of four stars.

Paul's Stuff