
Millenium Limited Edition

Team Notes 'n Other Stuff
0 (preseason issue)

arena football
The latest breaking news from BMSFFL Central

Text scroll Java applet courtesy of Kevin Swan -
thanks, Kevin!

for more info, please go to the BMSFFL home page
BMSFFL 2000 Draft:
6:00 pm, August 28, 2000
Official start of the NFL season:
1:00 pm, September 3, 2000

arena football

The Bestest:
(note - standings will be updated when the BMSFFL home page is updated)
All ties in standings are decided by the webmaster (me) personally considering such factors as:
which team owner is nicer to me, who bribes me the most, or the price of eggs in China!
note - preseason standings are somewhat arbitrary, so DON'T COMPLAIN (I mean, like, it's only preseason, man!)

gold medalfuegos
First Place (highest scoring division leader)
silver medalimmortals
Second Place (second highest scoring division leader)
bronze medalfeeney flakes
Third Place (lowest scoring division leader)
blue medalwily weasels
Current Wild Card (highest scoring second place team)
funny picture 1
Draft Day Dining Delight - Donuts!
The Also-Rans:
hon mentionlegends of the fall
hon mentionnighthawks
hon mentionshock
hon mentiondiggity dogs
hon mentiongerbils
hon mentionUB rednecks
hon mentioncrunch
last place!kung fu coders
funny picture 2
How Frank spent his summer vacation

Ramblin' of the week

Off-Season Adventures - or, What I've Been Up To Lately:
  1. Get a Job, ya bum! - As you may know, my "career change" is actually a fancy name for job hunting. Well, I have an new job finally and I'm a "government employee" (no, I'm NOT a census taker or a crazed postal worker). Goodbye mainframe COBOL, hello Microsoft etc! Maybe making all these fancy-dancy web pages will finally get me somewhere...
  2. Everybody into the pool! - I'm putting an above-ground pool up in our back yard; with luck I'll have it done by the first frost!
  3. Leave it to Hollywood - Thanks to the Drew Carey show, my kids now know the word "bastard". When I was a kid, I just knew it was a bad word until I saw the movie Tom Jones, and then I knew the real meaning (it means the guy who takes your fave draft pick just before your turn)!
  4. Shocked by Culture (nonsensical ramblings of an embittered unemployed programmer) - So thanks to Kevin my eyes have been opened. First there was the news story about programmers not getting web jobs if they are in their 30s or 40s (only 7.5% according to the newscast). Then Kevin is trying to act 20-something by taunting me! Then I start noticing the commercials for Rogaine which I used to laugh at!!! It just so happens that the wife and I went to a Princeton concert last week. I'm not sure whether I felt young or old. The audience was full of 50 year olds (a few), people in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and, I daresay, 90s. We were undoubtedly the youngest ones there, although I didn't feel so young. After the concert, which was excellent by the way, I had to brush off the smell of the Princeton "old money" so we went to Moondoggie's coffee house to see the hip college crowd. Actually I think they were all studying for finals this week. Now what the hell does this have to do with the league. Well exactly this: no matter how old you are there's always someone younger to watch out for. John Elway still has the Vortex football contract, at least until Dan Marino decides which merchandizing scheme he will follow. And, after all, there's the famous E-trade commercial where the athletes are in the retirement home. Quick, how many of you can name them all? (answers to follow in future edition) And, of course, experience often counts for more than youth unless your name is Kurt Warner or Edgerrin James. Now have any of you seen the Sprint Worldcom commercial - Kevin and all you gen-xers look out: there is now generation D who have "grown up with computers. Using a computer to them is as natural as drafting a football team using envelopes (sounds like Csaba last year, except he's of the pepsi generation like me). I think on my next job search I shall put on earrings (my daughters have the stick-on ones, do you think that would be too weird?), grow a goatee, put on headphones and throw some buzzwords around). For example, "yeah, I know DreamWeaver (that's the song by Gary Wright) and Cold Fusion (that's what they're working on at the Sarnoff Labs), but I need some pre-IPO stock options if you want me to do this gig"
  5. Grumpy Old Men - You know you're getting old when you go to the supermarket and start humming the tunes (well, hey, they were hits of the 80's!)
  6. Rites of Way - Those of you pedestrians who walk in front of cars at the mall because you have the right of way - please remember that as you look up at my car bumper over your face!

blah de blah de blah de blah!
Passing TDs will be worth 4 points this season.
Fumble and Interception return yards won't be counted this year.
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