
Millenium Limited Edition

Team Notes 'n Other Stuff
12 thru 17, and the 2000 StuporBowl

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thanks, Kevin!

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Season Wrap-up!!!
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...and then there's the REAL Super Bowl, starring The Crows vs. The Large Fellows
Congrats to Baltimore - they made the Giants say "Never More"!

and Stay Tuned for the NEW X F L
For the Finest in Rasslin' Football!

The Bestest:
(note - standings will be updated when the BMSFFL home page is updated)
All ties in standings are decided by the webmaster (me) personally considering such factors as:
which team owner is nicer to me and who disses me!

gold medalfuegos
First Place (StuporBowl Winner)
silver medalwily weasel
Second Place (StuporBowl Runner-Up)
bronze medalangry amoeba
Third Place (playoff contendah)
blue medalflakes
Fourth Place (Anotha contendah)
end of season!
Game Over! Th-th-th-that's all, folks!
The Rest Of The Pack:
hon mentioncrunch
hon mentiondiggity dogs
hon mentionshock
hon mentionlegends of the fall
hon mentionkungfu coders
hon mentionUB rednecks
hon mentionMJ immortals
last place!nighthawks
fuegos are champs!
Now for the Real Vacation!
(Can I put my arms down now?)

This Season's League Stats are Here!
week1     week2     week3     week4     week5     week6     week7     week8     week9     week10     week11     week12     week13     week14     week15     week16

Interview with Na Brown, Philadelphia Eagles Wide Receiver.

Hello, Na, all of us in the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area are anxiously following the Eagles this year. You are all doing better this year than at any time in recent memory. To what do you attribute this success?
Well, we've got a great quarterback in McNabb, and until recently a super running back in Duce Staley. Also, our defensive unit has been living up to it's reputation.
Yes, I have to agree with that. How about yourself personally. This is your first year in the starting lineup.
Well, I couldn't have done it without hard work, perseverance, and the support of my family.
Speaking of your family, isn't Na a bit of an unusual name?
No, not at all. In fact, I have a brother with the same name.
Two Na's in the family?
Yes, that's right - and another one named Sha. Not to mention my sister Boomba.
And my mother and father, Jammah and Oh.
I don't get it...
It's easy to remember us all... Mama Jamah, Daddy Oh, Sis Boombah, Sha, Na, Na.
Uh, thanks for your time...good luck in your next game.

ed note - his name is really pronounced "nay", like a horse

A MovieReview

Some time ago I had the pleasure of seeing Cadillac Man, starring Robin Williams as an Italian-American car sales man (Robin Williams? Italian? Yeah, right!) Anyway, he visited his mom and she served him some "fah-gee-oh-lee" soup. Has anyone here ever had such a soup? Must be a California version of the well known pasta fagiole soup! (pronounced fahg-zhool for you Hollywood types). In the movie, which I only saw a bit of but seemed like a good one, RW and his ex-wife and all the other characters are loud, crude and/or are Italian criminals with that "New Yawk" accent (gee - no stereotype here, right?) I know for a fact at least TWO people from NJ and NY who are NOT load and obnoxious (but then, I also know John). I may have missed the part with the mandatory Mafia connection, but considering the success of The Sopranos, I can guess it! The movie is a comedy, so all these characters are supposed to be funny. Maybe if I saw more of the movie I would have enjoyed it more, but some of us have things to do on the weekend like check the football scores!

CommGuru Speaks!

You may have noticed this little blurb early each week on the web page:
In order to provide the most accurate predictions, the CommGuru needs to take into consideration the latest NFL news, transactions, and injury reports. The predictions for this week's games will be available on Thursday to allow the CommGuru ample time to exercise his supernatural fantasy football powers.

Stupor Bowl Dreamin', or "If wishes were fishes"
(that's what we fishermen say about the one that got away!)

Monday night, Dec 18, 2000. Last chance for the Weasels.

Len Michaels: He makes the catch! He's going all the way! Torry Holt, 75 yard touchdown! And the Rams take the lead!
(that's one TD)
Dan Fouts: Torry Holt beats the secondary and sprints to the goal line!
(that's two TDs)
Len Michaels: Kurt Warner completes to Holt who runs it in for the score - the Rams are still in this game!
(that's three TDs)
Dan Fouts: The ball was thrown perfectly to Holt who caught it on the run and scored.
(that's four TDs)
Dennis Miller: Torry Holt's diary entry: "I am very, very, fast!"

And the Weasels get 45 points from Torry Holt and win the division...

knock, knock, knock (on TV screen)

Dennis Miller: Hey, Keese, wake up! I'M the comedian here, not you. You can't replay Holt's TD 3 times and expect the league to believe it. They're not from Florida, you know; well, at least not most of them...

OK, NOW it's over!!!

ed note - The Weasels and the Rams have something in common - they both lost on that fateful Monday Night. However, the Rams go on to the playoffs anyway by beating New Orleans the following week. And my Baltimore defense that did soooo poorly that week whomped up on the Jets the following week (3 tds - Holy Cow!)

Keese's Fearless Prediction:
As of week 17, I predicted that the SAINTS would win the Super Bowl. I hedged my bet by saying that the RAMS might have a repeat. Of course, should the EAGLES somehow win, I will be very happy.
ed note - they all lost as of 1/7/01 - so much for my predictions, but at least I'm still fearless!

And now, by unpopular demand, returning from years ago, quotes from "the kids":

Kristin's Korner:
Kristin says: Mom and Dad are married "until death they do part", or at least until Cher starts singing good songs!

Kathryn's Kwotes:
Kathryn: Gee, Dad, I wish we had a house by the shore.
Dad: Me, too, but they are too expensive. I would have to win 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' to be able to buy one.
Kathryn: To win that you would have to be dreaming, SO DREAM ON, BUDDY BOY!

Favorite Holiday Songs:
Kristin: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Kathryn: I Farted on Santa Claus' Lap

Ramblin' of the Season

Weeks 12 - 17:

Conspiracy by former Commishes drove Keese crazy
I object to being dissed in "Msg from the Champ"!
Nothing to do now that the season is over!
HOCKEY, you say? - oh, give me a break!
Passing TDs will be worth 4 points this season.
Fumble and Interception return yards won't be counted this year.
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