Events in the IML
TAFKAC speaks: And an angel came down unto me, and she spoke these words of prophecy and blashemy...that a Symbol shall appear in the distance and burn in the sky, that the three brothers shall become one, and that a murder of Crows shall reek havoc upon the land. The angel spoke to me again and said these words, that whosoever joins us will prosper, and that whosoever stands against us shall perish in a river of blood
Miss Ebony on the phone: Hello, hello, is this ACME Exterminator??? Yes, I have a problem, I have Rats in my Rug. You will send somebody over right away? Good!
Has anybody seen the roster of the so called Rough Riders? FREAK SHOW and SOUTHERN OUTLAWS
These are the comments that the IWA censored last cycle: We're 2 live 4 your nonense that other 90's were better suited 4 that biz, back when Dick wuz f***in Liz, b4 soda pop had fizz, don't blame it on yo jock strap full of jizz, mentality so insane, got a tec-9, too and it's called my brain shoot another brother, not today, DEATH BY ENVY IS THE ONLY WAY! Gonna tear shit up yall, that's my style and these are the DAYS OF WILD! Put 'em up
That's is it until next time!!!

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