BFCPlayer Profiles

Ben Aulich

Height:175 cm
Weight:74 kg
Nick Name: Aulsa
MaritalStatus: Right Hand
Occupation:Accountant / Lawyer / Try Hard Porn Star
Sponsors: Epilady
Car: Anything Bags can get for me
Favourite Food: Penishot dogs
FavouriteMusic: Celine Dion
Favourite Night Spot: Heaven
FavouriteHoliday: SouthEast Asian Sex Tour
FavouriteTV Show: Money
How Do You Relax?: Giving myself a golden shower
HowWould You Spend $10,000?: Penis enlargement
WhoIs Your Idol?: BoyGeorge

Symon Bat-a-lot

Height:185 cm
Weight:84 kg
Nick Name: BatHers
MaritalStatus: MGirlfriend, although romanticallylinked to Dave Mair, Rod Cowie
Matty Kimball and John Harper
Occupation:Lawn care specialist
Sponsors: Badenoch Real Estate
Car: Ride on lawn mower
Favourite Food: BigHarrison dogs
FavouriteMusic: Backstreet Boys
Favourite Night Spot: I've never been out
FavouriteHoliday: CanturfFactory
FavouriteTV Show: Better Homes and Gardens
How Do You Relax?: by getting 16 out of 20
HowWould You Spend $10,000?: New lawn mower
WhoIs Your Idol?: Don Burke

Adam Bloom

Height:175 cm
Weight: 84 kg
Nick Name: Clickity Clicks, Bloomy, Stumpy, Dancing Yoda
MaritalStatus: Bax ter the wall, Some chick from struggletown and Penny wise
Occupation: Porno film preserver
Sponsors: Collingwood
Car: 1919 Commodore
Favourite Food: Ricky Dolliver dogs
FavouriteMusic: Chisel
Favourite Night Spot: The Bin
FavouriteHoliday: Netto's Rusty Sheriff's badge
FavouriteTV Show: The racing show
How Do You Relax?: By getting pissed and going to PJ's at 4pm and dancing with chicks who don't know me
HowWould You Spend $10,000?: On Count Chivas to win the Melbourne Cup
WhoIs Your Idol?: Shane Dye

Ben Braod

Height: 188 cm
Weight: 104kg
Age: 20
Nick Name: GeelongHandbagger
Marital Status: Married to Playstation
Occupation: Professional Footballer
Sponsors: Mars
Car: Brown and white 2 tone Sigma
Favourite Food: Mars Bars
Favourite Music: SirMix a Lot, I like big butts
Favourite Night Spot:Workies
Favourite Holiday Destination:Mars (because that's where they make Mars Bars)
Favourite TV Show: Peter Russell Clark
How Do You Relax?: Counting my money
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Life time gym membership
Who Is Your Idol?:Plugger

Wes Campbell

Height: 168 cm
Weight: 66kg
Age: 14
Nick Name: Soupy(As in Campbells)
Marital Status: Betweenfat chicks
Occupation: Student
Sponsors: Campbell?sSoup
Car: Mini
Favourite Food: TinyTeddy?s
Favourite Music: SpiceGirls
Favourite Night Spot:Jammo Inn
Favourite Holiday Destination:Nowra
Favourite TV Show: Commercials
How Do You Relax?: ChessClub
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Buy a right foot
Who Is Your Idol?: Rowdy

Ben Danaher

Height: 180 cm
Weight: 90kg
Age: 23
Nick Name: Benny
Marital Status: AsGood As Married
Occupation: Fitter& Turner (I fit it in and it turns out like shit)
Sponsors: Repco
Car: Torana
Favourite Food: Pussy
Favourite Music: 60?s
Favourite Night Spot:Sails
Favourite Holiday Destination:Summernats
Favourite TV Show: BeverlyHills 90210
How Do You Relax?: Nottraining
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Fixing up my Torana
Who Is Your Idol?: BrandonWalsh

Cameron Day

Height: 185 cm
Weight: 284kg
Age: 21
Nick Name: D-Tour
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Lawn Mower
Sponsors: Jenny Craig
Car: Mitsubishi Fagna
Favourite Food: Anythingthat makes a paper packet go see through
Favourite Music: Porno lyrics
Favourite Night Spot: Roaming the streets of Giralang
Favourite Holiday Destination:Geelong Fat Farm
Favourite TV Show: Dickman and Throbin
How Do You Relax?: Eating, masturbating and spewing in cabs
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Lyposuction
Who Is Your Idol?:Jerry Maguire

Ross Dennis

Height: 93 cm
Weight: 45kg
Age: 20
Nick Name: Rossy
Marital Status: I'vegot a tat
Occupation: Midget
Sponsors: Musashi growth hormones
Car: Camira
Favourite Food: I've got a tat
Favourite Music: Angels
Favourite Night Spot:Blind Beggars (The Corner)
Favourite Holiday Destination:Kings Cross
Favourite TV Show: Burke'sBackyard
How Do You Relax?: Dyingmy hair
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New friend for my panther
Who Is Your Idol?:Ben Aulich

Elliot Dixon

Height:182 cm
Weight: 32kg
Age: 18
Nick Name: Beaker
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Yowani half way hut manager
Sponsors: Crammer's hair gel
Car: Volvo
Favourite Food: Vegetarian
Favourite Music: Steps
Favourite Night Spot: Emergency Ward
Favourite Holiday Destination: Anywhere away from the sun
Favourite TV Show: Star Trek
How Do You Relax?: Writing not funny e-mails
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Fix up the Volvo
Who Is Your Idol?: Monty Burns

Neal Donlan

Height: 178 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Age: 20
Nick Name:Don-da-linga
Marital Status: Internet bride
Occupation: What's a Job
Sponsors: Forty Winks
Car: Mitsubishi Lancer
Favourite Food: McDonalds
Favourite Music: The door bell
Favourite Night Spot: Timmy's Butt
Favourite Holiday Destination: Bed
Favourite TV Show: SexLife (Anything with donga?s)
How Do You Relax?:Playing with my donga
How Would You Spend$10,000?: a new modem
Who Is Your Idol?: Capt Snooze

Adam Garrett

Height: 179 cm
Weight: 85kg
Age:24 going on 43
Nick Name: Carrots,Carp eye, Creaky, Craigie-Lover
Marital Status:Live in girlfriend (Married to Craigie)
Occupation: Sparky
Sponsors: AinslieFootball Club
Car:Falcon S with bullbar!
Favourite Food:Baguley muff pie
Favourite Music:"Danni" Minogue
Favourite Night Spot:Lone Knee Inn
Favourite Holiday Destination:Knee Reconstruction Surgery
Favourite TV Show: GoodMedicine (the knee special)
How Do You Relax?: Knee Rehabilitation
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New Knee
Who Is Your Idol?: TonyLiberatore

Timothy Garrett

Height: 175 cm
Weight: 80kg (52 kg when shaved)
Nick Name: Tootsie
Marital Status: Seeing my twin sister
Occupation: Deepfry operator
Sponsors: McDonalds
Car: Lancer (when mum's away)
Favourite Food: McDonalds
Favourite Song: Despite my age i'm still on minimum wage
Favourite Night Spot: Advanced Hair
Favourite Holiday Destination:Bonny Doon
Favourite TV Show: Golden Girls
How Do You Relax?:Boweling (That's not a spelling mistake!)
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Nose job for my girlfriend
Who Is Your Idol?: TassieVan Dieman

Kelvin Glossop

Height:183 cm
Weight: 80kg
Age: Ageless
Nick Name: Kel
Marital Status: I  wish
Occupation: Cabinboy
Sponsors:Kelvinator frost free fridge?s
Car: Dato
Favourite Food: Spaghetti
Favourite Music: My own
Favourite Night Spot: I have occasionally been spotted at PJ's
Favourite Holiday Destination: Queensland
Favourite TV Show: Beverly Hills 90210
How Do You Relax?: With my 2-string guitar
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New guitar
Who Is Your Idol?:Luke Perry

Glen Hassett

Height: 120 cm
Weight: 72kg
Age: 38
Nick Name: Mopsy, Modra
Marital Status: Johnny G's wife, sister
Occupation: Pube
Sponsors: Thumbs-R-Us
Car: Motorbike
Favourite Food: Amber Sandwiches
Favourite Music: Any drug song
Favourite Night Spot:Yacht club
Favourite Holiday Destination:Batemans Bay
Favourite TV Show: Bold and the Beautiful
How Do You Relax?: Beat the skins (foreskins)
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New drum kit
Who Is Your Idol?: Bert Newton

Michael Hassett

Height: 150 cm
Weight: 75kg
Nick Name: Simba(what the??)
Marital Status:?
Occupation:Butt cleaner
Sponsors: Elastoplast
Car:Motor bike
Favourite Food:KFC
Favourite Music:Hanson
Favourite Night Spot: Seasons Sports Bar
Favourite Holiday Destination: Anywhere with Willo
Favourite TV Show: Neighbours
How Do You Relax?:Shooting load
How Would You Spend$10,000?: On a new nick name
Who Is Your Idol?: John Harper

Darren Hooper

Height: 178 cm
Weight: 82kg
Age: 50
Nick Name: Carl, Grandpa
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Taxdodger
Sponsors: McDonalds Kids Wear
Car:Motor bike
Favourite Food: Wife?sfish
Favourite Music:1930?s
Favourite Night Spot: Bowl?s Club
Favourite Holiday Destination: Florida
Favourite TV Show: Kingswood Country
How Do You Relax?: With my 14 kids
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Buy a Tarago
Who Is Your Idol?: Tucky

Dean Knight

Height: 160 cm
Weight:80 kg
Age:20 something
Nick Name:Knighty
Marital Status: Mrs Palmer
Occupation: Window Starer
Sponsors:ACT Smash Repair
Car: Written off
Favourite Food:Lamingtons
Favourite Music: Crash Test Dummies
Favourite Night Spot: Club X
Favourite Holiday Destination: Albury
Favourite TV Show: World?s Worst Drivers
How Do You Relax?: Hangingout with Danny Baguely
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New Car
Who Is Your Idol?:Grubby

Justin Lalor

Height:175 cm
Weight: 45kg
Age: 23
Nick Name: Jugga
Marital Status: On a leash
Occupation: Tourismguru
Sponsors: Sinex
Car: Commodore
Favourite Food:Snot
Favourite Music: Culture Club
Favourite Night Spot: Moes Cavern
Favourite Holiday Destination: Nana?s beach house
Favourite TV Show: Business Sunday
How Do You Relax?:Picking my nose
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Rhinoplasty
Who Is Your Idol?: Bill Lawry

Neil Mardling

Height: 188 cm
Weight: 84kg
Age: 28(physical) 13 (mental)
Nick Name: Stinger,Gilligan
Marital Status: Liveswith ex-girlfriends parents
Occupation: NorthbourneAve. windscreen wiper
Sponsors: Florey Medical Center
Car: RedFalcon
Favourite Food: Stench Pit Sambos
Favourite Music: Neil Diamond
Favourite Night Spot: Ex-girlfriends parents place
Favourite Holiday Destination:Monaro Windows Factory
Favourite TV Show:Windscreens O'Brien comercial
How Do You Relax?:Passing Time
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New windscreen wiper
Who Is Your Idol?: Anyone who gets more than $60 a week pocket money

Brett Matheson

Height: 188 cm
Weight: 84Kg 70 Kg when I shave my neck and cut my hair
Age: 26
Nick Name: Matho, Mafro, Matlock Expressway,
Marital Status: Tina
Occupation: Geek
Sponsors: Stefan Hair Studios
Car: Magna
Favourite Food: Mathelated Spirits
Favourite Music: Johnny Cash
Favourite Night Spot: Downstairs Pandora's
Favourite Holiday Destination: Where ever Tina isn't
Favourite TV Show: This is Your life
How Do You Relax?: By fluffing up my hair
How Would You Spend$10,000?: A wig
Who Is Your Idol?: Matlock

Paul Netting

Height: 150 cm
Weight: 105kg
Age: 25
Nick Name: Netto
Marital Status: Virgin
Occupation: Housesitter
Sponsors: Subway
Car: Beige Commodore
Favourite Food: Anything but subway
Favourite Music: Simply Red
Favourite Night Spot:Red Room
Favourite Holiday Destination:Red Sea
Favourite TV Show: Drew Carey
How Do You Relax?: Eating  my beanbag, having sword fights with myself in the mirror
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Get my first root
Who Is Your Idol?:Mick Seck

Brendan Read

Height: 170cm
Weight: 110kg
Nick Name: Blubba / Condor
Marital Status: Single, but I don't mind gobbling on a knob
Occupation: Light Bulb Analyst
Sponsors: Cadbury?s
Car: Ute
Favourite Food: Everything
Favourite Music: WREngineering song
Favourite Night Spot: Not the toilet
Favourite Holiday Destination: Anywhere you can get nude
Favourite TV Show: FatAlbert
How Do You Relax?: Puttinga hot dog in my butt
How Would You Spend$10,000?: More hot dogs
Who Is Your Idol?: Blackburn Rover

Daryl Read

Height: 150 cm
Weight: I want to be bigger but i'm only 65kg's
Age: 24 in the shade
Nick Name: Dagwood Dick Sucker, Jeppo Junior, Stitch Face
Marital Status: Married to Wendy One Testie Burger
Occupation: Professional Nerd
Sponsors: WANK Computers
Car: Half a Lancer "That I don't get to Drive"
Favourite Food: Dick Sambo
Favourite Music: Newton
Favourite Night Spot:Computer Lab
Favourite Holiday Destination:Library
Favourite TV Show: Beyond2000
How Do You Relax?: Reading Encyclopedia
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Nut transplant
Who Is Your Idol?: A Unicorn

Andrew Smith

Height: 190cm
Weight:92 kg
Age: 22
Nick Name:Horse
Marital Status: I'm in demand
Occupation: Professional Lawn Mower
Sponsors: Nike, Adidas, Reebok
Car: Yellow Laser
Favourite Food: Dim Sims
Favourite Music:Tokyo Ghet to (much) Pussy
Favourite Night Spot: Vagina
Favourite Holiday Destination: Melbourne
Favourite TV Show: Simpsons
How Do You Relax?: Bustin Skulls
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Buying Bubba's girlfriend a newface
Who Is Your Idol?: Peter Daicos

Damian Tuck

Height: 177 cm
Weight: 90kg
Age: 42
Nick Name: Truckster, Shut down
Marital Status: Married
Occupation:Minister?s lacky
Sponsors: Huggies
Car: Toyota Commodore
Favourite Food: Placenta
Favourite Music: Wiggles
Favourite Night Spot: Bingo Hall on a Tuesday night
Favourite Holiday Destination: Corowa
Favourite TV Show: Horny House Wives
How Do You Relax?: Stealing babies milk
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Knee transplant
Who Is Your Idol?: TimWatson (Father of the Year)

David Veldman

Height: 173 cm
Weight: 70kg
Age: 19
Nick Name: Velcro
Marital Status: Many chicks
Occupation: Cleaning Rod Cowie's butt hair
Sponsors: Pricilla?shair dyes
Car: Pushbike
Favourite Food: Bananas
Favourite Music: The Monkeys
Favourite Night Spot: UC Bar
Favourite Holiday Destination:Venice Beach L.A.
Favourite TV Show:Heartbreak High
How Do You Relax?: Pickingup fat chicks
How Would You Spend$10,000?: Some hair dye
Who Is Your Idol?: Rod Cowie

Bernie Williams

Height: 169cm
Weight: 70kg
Age: 23
Nick Name: Bern his arse off, Bern mother, Berrrrrt, Quick Jaw
Marital Status: Rossy Davil's ex
Occupation: Light Bulb changer
Sponsors: WWF
Car: Blue Commodore
Favourite Food: Rowdy turd burgers
Favourite Music: Johnny Young
Favourite Night Spot: Gutter
Favourite Holiday Destination: 24hr Lock up
Favourite TV Show: A Team
How Do You Relax?: By wedging myself between Sails and a cement brick
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New Van for Trevor
Who Is Your Idol?: Hulk Hogan


John Williams

Height: 142cm
Weight: 45kg
Age: Is 25, looks 45
Nick Name: Rowdy, Stink Fist, Rudy, Tugboat, Cannon Ball, Wizard, Ablett, Fuck Head
Marital Status: Anna a leash
Occupation: Beer (knob) puller
Sponsors: Advanced Hair
Car: Bit Busy
Favourite Food: Cable Burgers
Favourite Music: Kiyle Minouge
Favourite Night Spot: Netto's (Bum)
Favourite Holiday Destination: Wanksville
Favourite TV Show: Austin Powers II
How Do You Relax?: By getting pissed, going to Wests, pretending to throw some sticks at Buses and watching porno's with Wendy
How Would You Spend$10,000?: On 1000 Ginga Pornos
Who Is Your Idol?: Greg (Diesel) Williams

David Williamson

Height: 169cm
Weight: 100kg
Age: 30 something
Nick Name: Willo
Marital Status: Girlfriend
Occupation: Proffesional Carlton supporter
Sponsors: Babyco bibs (for my dribbling)
Car: Gemini
Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite Music: Mozart
Favourite Night Spot: Pot Belly
Favourite Holiday Destination:Ulladulla
Favourite TV Show: Talking Footy
How Do You Relax?: Drinking and dribbling
How Would You Spend$10,000?: New Carlton scarf
Who Is Your Idol?: Greg (Diesel) Williams