The BFC Boy's Page

UPDATED Player Profiles Are Now Here!

A couple of photos of the boys!

* Any new pictures will be most welcome. Give to Horse or Dugga
Here are a few funny pictures

Here are a few funny sound files (.wav)

Here's a list of those who are on email:

Daryl Read (Dugga)
Michael Hasset
Dean Knight
Paul Netting
Justin Lalor (Jugga)
Ben Danaher
Brendan Read (Bubba)
Andrew Smith (Horse)
Elliot Dixon
Ross Dennis
Darren Hooper
Damian Tuck
Dave Veldman
Ben Aulich
Tim Garrett
Glen Hassett (Mopsy)
Dave Williamson
Kelvin Glossop
Wes Campbell
Neil Donlan (Donga)
Shane Fisher

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