Welcome to my Guestbook!

Tiffany - 09/19/99 00:26:26

Hey Tammi...oops I mean Christie, I always get you two confused! I absolutely love your web-site, its the best!! I hope that you had a great time on your trip and that you came home without any spider bites on your butt! Find me soon okay, I miss you!!!! Tiffany

tricia - 05/09/99 09:53:45
My Email:shasta34c

finely saw it cool. by the way ur gfriend vanessa was looking for you

MOM - 04/25/99 15:51:29

Great page. You look so cute so does LOU I have to go and clean the house the lookers are coming at 1:30pm

MOM - 12/30/98 06:06:07
My Email:caliroz@dconn.com

Nice homepage little girl. You will do well in the computer field. Talk to you soon, I love you, MOM

Mom - 12/16/98 04:52:13

Your site looks great!

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