The Best of John McKay

McKay "Capece is Kaput"

John McKay Bio
Born: July 5, 1923 (Everettsville, WV)
Died: June 10, 2001 (Tampa)
Record at USC: 127-40-8 (1960-75)
National Championships at USC: 4
Record with Bucs: 44-88-1 (1976-84)
Interesting Background
McKayThe town John McKay was born in, Everttsville, West Virginia, no longer exists. When the town’s coal mining industry closed down, the people moved away. McKay went to both the Universities of Purdue and Oregon and was a starting quarterback at both schools. Instead of playing pro ball, he went into coaching and won national championships with the University of Southern California Trojans in 1962, 67, 72 and 74. McKay was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1988.
As the first head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, John McKay suffered through a record twenty-six game losing streak and fans wearing "Throw McKay in the Bay" T-shirts. He also celebrated two division titles and guided the Bucs to an appearance in the NFC Championship Game. What fans may remember most was his wonderful sense of humor.

John McKay was born on July 5, 1923 in Everettsville, West Virginia. He won four national championships in sixteen seasons as the head coach at the University of Southern California and was voted into the College Football Hall of Fame. He was hired as the first Bucs head coach on October 31, 1975 and spent nine seasons at the helm. John McKay died in Tampa on June 10, 2001.

He was always ready with a quip. One of his famous lines came during that first winless season. When asked what he felt of his team's execution, McKay replied "I'm in favor of it." After another defeat he was asked if saw anything good. "I thought we ran onto the field smartly," was his response. There was the time a place kicker claimed that kicking in front of McKay made him nervous. "I plan to attend all the games," was the reply. After another defeat, McKay told his team "Those of you need showers, take them." Here is some more of the best of John McKay.

"The big reason I took the job was to get the cigars."
- October 31, 1975 (Upon becoming the fiirst head coach of the expansion Buccaneers)

"I really don't have a lot of answers for the offense. We just don't seem to have anybody fast and we don't seem to be able to block anybody."
- September 19, 1976 (Following a 23-0 lloss to Houston)

"They were absolutely horrible and that's the best thing I can say. Besides that they were bad. These people are not poorly paid, you know."
- October 31, 1976 (After a 28-19 loss tto Kansas City)

"Namath is still Namath, but I must say that our guys were nice to him. I noticed when they knocked him down, they helped him to his feet. That was gentlemanly. I thought one stood around long enough to get his autograph."
-November 14, 1976 (After a 34-0 loss too the Jets)

"There were times I felt like leaving the stadium and hitchhiking home."
-December 5, 1976 (Following a 42-0 losss at Pittsburgh)

McKay "I'll probably take a little time off and go hide somewhere. We will be back. Maybe not this century, but we will be back and we will be a better football team."
- December 12, 1976 (After the 1976 teamm finished 0-16)

"We played a horse manure game."
- September 18, 1977 (Following a 13-3 lloss at Philadelphia)

"We couldn't score against a strong wind."
- November 6, 1977 (After a 10-0 loss too Los Angeles Rams)

"Our offensive line was horrible. Therefore our strategy was the same. I was betting some of our 6-6, 250 pound linemen would block somebody. That's what they get paid to do."
- November 27, 1977 (Following 17-0 losss to Atlanta)

"I may quarterback the team myself or go to the damn single wing."
- December 4, 1977 (After a 10-0 loss too Chicago gave the team 26 straight defeats)

"I thought it was the greatest victory in the history of the world."
- December 11, 1977 (After Bucs posted tthe team's first victory, 33-14 at New Orleans, after 26 straight defeats)

"I'm going to go home, take a shower and tell myself what a great coach I am. Fifteen more and we'll tie the record for most consecutive wins."
- December 18, 1977 (After Bucs won secoond straight game after 26 consecutive defeats)

"We stunk. We blocked bad, we were terrible on defense and our kicking game made up for it by being absolutely horrible. I saw nothing that delighted me, we ran on the field fairly well."
- November 25, 1979 (After 23-22 loss too Minnesota)

McKay "What we needed was Knute Rockne and he was not here."
- December 9, 1979 (Following 23-7 loss at San Francisco)

"It's not heavy."
- December 29, 1979 (When asked about Riicky Bell carrying the ball a playoff record 38 times)

"We set Monday Night Football back 2,000 years."
- October 6, 1980 (After the team lost iits first appearance on Monday Night Football)

"We almost got rigor mortis watching them move up and down the field."
-November 8, 1981 (After a 25-10 loss too Minnesota)

"We got another heart check and we got a gut check today. We had some funny plays out there. I believe I am oldest coach in this league. I was 29 when the season started."
- January 1, 1983 (After a 26-23 overtimme victory over Chicago)

"The defense played like a good National Football League team. The offense played like Piskey High School. That's in West Virginia, I don't know how to spell it. Here's how you yell it 'Piskey, Piskey.'"
- September 1, 1983 (After a 11-0 loss tto Detroit)

"Jerry's a nice kid. But so's my wife. And she's no quarterback."
- September 11, 1983 (Speaking of QB Jerrry Golsteyn after a 17-10 loss to Chicago)

"It will be good to go on the road. I think the fans have seen enough of us."
- October 23, 1983 (Following a 24-21 looss to the Saints)

"Based on today, none of our players are going to the Hall of Fame. But then again, neither am I."
- November 20, 1983 (After a 27-0 loss tto Chicago)

"Capece is kaput. There will be no more field goals kicked by the Bucs this year, no matter what the score is. I'm tired of being crucified."
- December 19, 1983 (After a poor perforrmance by place kicker Bill Capece in a 12-9 overtime loss to the Packers)

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