Hey welcome to my basketball page. This site is dedicated to giving you info on many different things about basketball like: college, pro, and basketball camps. I will also have a new player of the day every day except on certain days when I will be gone.
The Featured Camp of the week is The Atlantic Cape Basketball camp. This camp is recomended for ages 14-18 boys or girls who are very skilled in basketball. This camp lasts 6 nights and is located in Williamsburg, New Jersey. It is a special camp because scouts from many of the ACC teams will be there watching the camp. The camp is a little pricey but it is worth it. For the people interested in you should ask your coach if it is right for you because like I said it is a very intense camp. For more details or an application got to the link below. Rating(1-10)-9
Anfernee Hardaway Traded to Suns for Manning and others. With Hardaway on the Suns now they are predicted to have an unstoppable backcourt.
Round 1(Top Ten)
1. Chicago
2. Vancouver
3. Charlotte
4. L.A. Clippers
5. Toronto
6. Minnesota (from New Jersey)
7. Washington
8. Cleveland (from Boston)
9. Phoenix (from Dallas)
10. Atlanta (from Golden State)
Air Jordan XII