Science Education

Earth Science

Volcano World
     This site is strictly earth science, brimming with volcanoes. It has a Kid's Door to virtual trips.   It also provides starting points for info, movies, pictures, games and more, plus volcano of the week.
Virtual Earthquake Lab
     This site is an interactive computer program designed to provide an introduction to the concepts of how an earthquake epicenter is located and how to determine the Richter Magnitude.
Water Science for Schools
     Developed by U.S. Geological Survey.   Provides information on wide variety of topics related to water plus pictures, data, maps and interactive center.
 Undersea and Oversee.
     Take an on-line voyage around the world to gather the latest information about oceans.   Examine the past, present and future of our oceans.
 Ocean Planet: a Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition.
     This is an electronic online companion to the exhibition contains all the text and most of the panel designs and images of the traveling exhibition..   This site includes a variety of educational materials, a set of lessons and marine science activities.
 Ocean Quest.
      Developed by the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command.   Areas of study include Ocean Floor, Earth – the water planet, Marine Life, Ports of Call, Ocean Resources, Waves and Tides, Currents, Ocean History and Ocean Technology.   Also provides students and teacher resources.
     Developed by Stephanie Shipp, John Anderson and Besse Dawson out of belief that the examination of Antarctica would serve as a neat vehicle to study Earth’s systems.   Areas of study include weather, ice, oceans, global connections and expeditions.   In addition, links to teacher resources and news are available.
 The ABC’s of Plate Tectonics.
     This site was developed by Donald Blanchard to explain the concept of plate tectonics.   Lessons are provided to covered buoyancy and floating continents, sedimentation and continental growth, continental collision, and plate tectonics mechanism.
  Tectonic Plate Motion.
     Developed by NASA’s Space Geodesy Branch 926 this site provides review of satellite laser ranging data collected for last 15 years to monitor motion of earth’s tectonic plates.
 Confronting the Inevitable: the Earthquake Hazard.
     This site focuses on the information collected from the 200,000 earthquakes in Southern California from 1984 to 1994.   This information is then used to develop an extensive database for practical applications.
  The Volcanic Homepage.
     Developed by the Japanese Science and Technology Agency and the National Science Foundation.   This site provides news, current eruptions in Japan, a photo gallery and animations of volcanoes.
 Volcanoes of the World.
     Supported by the Cascades Volcano Observatory of the U. S. Geological Survey this site provides an alphabetical listing of volcanoes around the world.   Information and photos are included about each one.
 Volcanoes Online.
     Learn about plate tectonics and volcanoes, use the database and play games related to them.   Site includes glossary of terms and educators resource links.
 The Nine Planets: a Multimedia Tour of the Solar System.
     Providing an overview of the history, mythology and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system.   Text, images, sounds and movies are available for each page.
Views of the Solar System.
     This site provides a vivid, multimedia tour of the solar system.   The latest space information is combined with information about the history of space exploration, rocketry, early astronauts, space missions and space vehicles, in addition to a vast archive of photos, facts, text, graphics and videos.
Solar System Live.
     This is an interactive Orrery of the Web.   Views of the entire Solar System or inner planets can be set according to your set time and date, viewpoint, observing location, orbital elements to track an asteroid or comet and other parameters. 
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
     Site is divided into four sections for Solar System, Earth, Universe and Technology.   Provides news features, pictures, missions and site directory,
Space Telescope Science Institute.
     Providing an extensive archive of photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope this site includes news, photo gallery, educational resources, and information about the Hubble Space Telescope.
The Weather Unit. 
    Interdisciplinary lesson plans related to weather.   Can be used as template for other topics in science.
Clouds and Precipitation
     This site provides an introduction to a number of cloud classifications, different types of precipitation, and the mechanisms responsible for producing them.   Site is divided into 4 sections: Development, Cloud Types, Precipitation and Acknowledgments.
Module 1: Air Principles.
     This is a unit of study provides a basic overview about air and atmosphere.   Links are provided to other study units related to air quality and condition.
The World-wide Web Virtual Library: Meteorology: Index.
     Provides links to wide variety of other sites related to Meteorology including: weather reports, hurricanes, El Nino, and tornadoes to list a few.
K-12 Science Lesson Plans.
     A wide variety of lesson plans related to Earth science topics divided into 3 grade levels: K-6, 6-9 and 9-12.   Topics included are: glaciers, canyons, El Nino, ocean waves, volcanoes, stars, planets, tide pools, rockets, earth layers, rainforests, and weather.
Teacher Packet #1. 
      Free downloads for lesson plans about “A study of the Earth, part 1 and part 2.”